Пример #1
    def do_backup_file(self, folder, name):
        log.trace("do_backup_file", folder, name)
        path = os.path.join(folder, name)
        if self.dry_run:
            print("F - %s" % utils.escape(path))

        #    Add it to the tar
            #    What's the encoding on the file?
            upath = utils.path_to_unicode(path)
            uname = utils.path_to_unicode(name)
            ufolder = utils.path_to_unicode(folder)
            #    Due to issues with encoding... I'll open the file myself and pass to tar
            with open(path, "rb") as f:
                info = self.tarfile.gettarinfo(arcname=upath, fileobj=f)
                self.tarfile.addfile(info, f)
            #self.tarfile.addfile(name=path, recursive=False)

            mod_time = self.get_file_time_str(path)
            size = os.path.getsize(path)
            type = 'F'
            self.db.fs_saved(upath, mod_time, size, type)
            self.nfiles += 1

            #    Save the entry in the LOF
            self.lof_record(ufolder, uname, "F", mod_time, size)

        except Exception as e:
            #    If the exception is in the store - we crash and burn
            #    as we cannot save
            if self.store_thread.error:
                raise self.store_thread.error

            #    Otherwise log it and keep going...
            msg = "Unable to backup %s: %s" % (path, str(e))
Пример #2
def recover_run(config, db, backup, store, run):
    #    Grab the LOF
    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        #    Create encrypted and clear pathnames
        lof_remote = os.path.join(backup.name, run, const.LOFFile)
        lof_remote_enc = os.path.join(backup.name, run, const.LOFFile + const.EncryptionSuffix)
        #    Look at the remote site - is it encrypted or not?
        if store.exists(lof_remote):
            src = lof_remote
            encrypted = False
        elif store.exists(lof_remote_enc):
            src = lof_remote_enc
            encrypted = True
            raise Exception(_("Backup '{backup}' run '{run}' is corrupt").format(backup=backup.name, run=run))

        #    Get the LOF file
        store.copy_from(src, tmp_dir)
        lof_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, const.LOFFile)
        #    Decrypt if required.
        if encrypted:
            decrypt_file(config.data_passphrase, lof_file + const.EncryptionSuffix, lof_file)

        #    Now we open and walk through the ZIP file.
        lof = gzip.GzipFile(lof_file, "rb")
        folder = ""
        nfiles = 0 # the config file
        nfolders = 0
        file_sizes = 0
        while True:
            #    Get the next line, and remove the CR
            line = lof.readline()
            if line is None or line == "":
            if line[-1:] == '\n':
                line = line[:-1]
            log.debug("Next Line", line)
            if line == "":
                #    New folder on the next line
                line = lof.readline()
                if line is None or line == "":
                if line[-1:] == '\n':
                    line = line[:-1]
                folder = utils.unescape(line)
                nfolders += 1
                parts = line.split(",")
                type = parts[0]
                name = utils.unescape(parts[1])
                path = os.path.join(folder, name)
                path = utils.path_to_unicode(path)
                if type == "F" or type == "D":
                    mod_time = parts[2]
                    size = parts[3]
                    db.fs_saved(path, mod_time, size, type)
                    if type == 'F':
                        nfiles += 1
                        file_sizes += int(size)
                elif type == 'X':
                    raise Exception(_("Corrupt type in file list"))
        #    To calculate the amount of size, we need to see how big the data files are.
        run_dir = os.path.join(backup.name, run)
        size = 0
        log.debug("Checking files sizes")
        files = store.list(run_dir)
        for file in files:
            size += store.size(os.path.join(run_dir, file))

    log.trace("Completed recover run: ", size, file_sizes, nfiles, nfolders)
    return size, file_sizes, nfiles, nfolders
Пример #3
    def recursive_backup_folder(self, root):
        Backup a folder and all its sub-folders.
        This routine REQUIRES an absolute path.
        @param folder:
        log.trace("recursive_backup_folder", root)
        #    Before we interact with the FS - convert to utf-8
        root = root.encode('utf-8')
        if len(root) == 0:
            raise Exception(_("Backup_folder called on empty folder name"))
        if root[0] != "/":
            raise Exception(_("Backup_folder requires absolute paths"))
        for folder, local_folders, local_files in os.walk(root):
            #    Lets get everything to unicode
#            local_folders = self.list_to_unicode(local_folders)
#            local_files = self.list_to_unicode(local_files)
            log.debug("os.walk", folder, local_folders, local_files)
            #    First: Check if this is specifically excluded
            if self.check_exclusion(folder):
                log.info("Excluding Dir:", folder)

            log.info("Backing up folder: %s" % folder)

#            local_files.sort()
#            local_folders.sort()

            #    Get the data on this folder from the db
            db_files = self.db.list_dir(folder)
            log.debug("Backing up folder", folder)
            log.debug("local files:", local_files)
            log.debug("local folders:", local_folders)
            log.debug("DB files:", db_files)

            for local_file in local_files:
                    local_path = os.path.join(folder, local_file)
                    if self.check_backup(local_path, local_file, db_files):
                        self.do_backup_file(folder, local_file)
                except StoreFullException as e:
                    raise e
                except Exception as e:
                    log.warn("Skipping file %s: %s" % (local_file, str(e)))

            #    Convert to unicode for checks below...
            local_folders = self.list_to_unicode(local_folders)
            local_files = self.list_to_unicode(local_files)
            #    Have backed up all the local files. Now look for DB files
            #    that exist, but are not local (i.e. they have been deleted)
            #    Make sure we are only looking for 'F' and 'D' (ignore 'X')
            for db_file in db_files.itervalues():
                    uname = utils.path_to_unicode(db_file.name)
                    if db_file.type in ['D', 'F'] and not uname in local_files and not uname in local_folders:
                        self.do_backup_deleted(folder, db_file.name)
                except Exception as e:
                    log.warn("Ignoring exception logging deleted file %s: %s" % (db_file.name, e))

            for local_folder in local_folders:
                    local_path = os.path.join(folder, local_folder)
                    if self.check_backup(local_path, local_folder, db_files):
                        self.do_backup_folder(folder, local_folder)
                except Exception as e:
                    log.warn("Ignoring exception backing up folder %s: %s" % (local_path, e))

#            #    At the completion of a folder - we update the DB storage usage
            if not self.dry_run:
                self.bytes, self.hash = self.store_thread.get_hash()
                self.db.update_run_stats(self.bytes, self.nfiles, self.nfolders, self.backup.include_packages, self.hash)
Пример #4
 def list_to_unicode(self, l):
     return [utils.path_to_unicode(p) for p in l]