Пример #1
def main():
    # Save prediction into a file named 'prediction.obj' or the given argument
    pred_file_name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'prediction.obj'

    num_imgs = int(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 1
    img_file = sys.argv[3]

    # load images
    demo_imgs = load_demo_images(num_imgs, img_file)

    # Define a network and a solver. Solver provides a wrapper for the test function.
    my_net = My_ResidualGRUNet(batch=1)  # instantiate a network
    my_net.load('my_3DR2N2/weights.npy')  # load downloaded weights
    solver = Solver(my_net)  # instantiate a solver

    # Run the network
    voxel_prediction, _ = solver.test_output(demo_imgs)

    # Save the prediction to a mesh file).
    voxel2obj(pred_file_name, voxel_prediction[0, :, 1, :, :] > 0.4)

    if shutil.which('meshlab') is not None:
        call(['meshlab', pred_file_name])
            'Meshlab not found: please use visualization of your choice to view %s'
            % pred_file_name)
Пример #2
def main():
    '''Main demo function'''
    # Save prediction into a file named 'prediction.obj' or the given argument
    pred_file_name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'prediction.obj'

    # load images
    demo_imgs = load_demo_images()

    # Download and load pretrained weights

    # Use the default network model
    NetClass = load_model('ResidualGRUNet')

    # Define a network and a solver. Solver provides a wrapper for the test function.
    net = NetClass(compute_grad=False)  # instantiate a network
    net.load(DEFAULT_WEIGHTS)  # load downloaded weights
    solver = Solver(net)  # instantiate a solver

    # Run the network
    voxel_prediction, _ = solver.test_output(demo_imgs)

    # Save the prediction to an OBJ file (mesh file).
              voxel_prediction[0, :, 1, :, :] > cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH)

    # Use meshlab or other mesh viewers to visualize the prediction.
    # For Ubuntu>=14.04, you can install meshlab using
    # `sudo apt-get install meshlab`
    if cmd_exists('meshlab'):
        call(['meshlab', pred_file_name])
            'Meshlab not found: please use visualization of your choice to view %s'
            % pred_file_name)
Пример #3
def pred_show_3D_model(imgs_dir, solver):
    assert (os.path.isdir(imgs_dir))

    for taken_time in os.listdir(imgs_dir):
        taken_time = os.path.join(imgs_dir, taken_time)
        if os.path.isdir(taken_time):
            imgs = load_imgs(taken_time)
            vox_pred, _ = solver.test_output(imgs)
            #save the voxel prediction to an OBJ file
            obj_fn = os.path.join(taken_time, "prediction.obj")
            vox_pred_thresholded = vox_pred[0, :,
                                            1, :, :] > cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH
            #save obj file
            voxel2obj(obj_fn, vox_pred_thresholded)
Пример #4
def image_to_model(name):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        imagedata = []
        for imagefile in request.files.values():
    if len(imagedata) == 0:
        return jsonify({'message': 'No Image Found.'})
    voxel_prediction, _ = SOLVER.test_output(process_image(imagedata))
    voxel_obj_name = 'img/' + name + '.obj'
    voxel2obj(voxel_obj_name, voxel_prediction[0, :, 1, :, :] > cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH)
    response = make_response(send_from_directory(ROOT_PATH,voxel_obj_name))
    response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=test.obj"
    return response
Пример #5
def demo(args):
    ''' Evaluate the network '''

    # Make a network and load weights
    NetworkClass = load_model(cfg.CONST.NETWORK_CLASS)
    print('Network definition: \n')
    net = NetworkClass(compute_grad=False)
    solver = Solver(net)

    # set up testing data process. We make only one prefetching process. The
    # process will return one batch at a time.
    queue = Queue(cfg.QUEUE_SIZE)
    data_pair = category_model_id_pair(dataset_portion=cfg.TEST.DATASET_PORTION)
    processes = make_data_processes(queue, data_pair, 1, repeat=False, train=False)
    num_data = len(processes[0].data_paths)
    num_batch = int(num_data / args.batch_size)

    # Get all test data
    batch_idx = 0
    for batch_img, batch_voxel in get_while_running(processes[0], queue):
        if batch_idx == num_batch:

        pred, loss, activations = solver.test_output(batch_img, batch_voxel)

        if (batch_idx < args.exportNum):
            # Save the prediction to an OBJ file (mesh file).
            print('saving {}/{}'.format(batch_idx, args.exportNum - 1))
            voxel2obj('out/prediction_{}b_{}.obj'.format(args.batch_size, batch_idx),
                      pred[0, :, 1, :, :] > cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH)

        batch_idx += 1

    if args.file:
        # Use meshlab or other mesh viewers to visualize the prediction.
        # For Ubuntu>=14.04, you can install meshlab using
        # `sudo apt-get install meshlab`
        if cmd_exists('meshlab'):
            call(['meshlab', 'obj/{}.obj'.format(args.file)])
            print('Meshlab not found: please use visualization of your choice to view %s' %
Пример #6
def render():
    # Save prediction into a file named 'prediction.obj' or the given argument
    pred_file_name = sys.argv[1] if len(
        sys.argv) > 1 else 'voxel/prediction.obj'

    demo_imgs, files = load_demo_images()
    NetClass = load_model('ResidualGRUNet')

    net = NetClass(compute_grad=False)  # instantiate a network
    net.load(DEFAULT_WEIGHTS)  # load downloaded weights
    solver = Solver(net)  # instantiate a solver

    voxel_prediction, _ = solver.test_output(demo_imgs)

    # Save the prediction to an OBJ file (mesh file).
              voxel_prediction[0, :, 1, :, :] > cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH)

    return files, pred_file_name
Пример #7
def main():
    '''Main demo function'''
    # Save prediction into a file named 'prediction.obj' or the given argument
    global pred_file_name, demo_imgs
    if not cfg.TEST.MULTITEST or pred_file_name == '':
        pred_file_name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'prediction.obj'

    # Download and load pretrained weights

    # Use the default network model
    NetClass = load_model(MODEL_NAME)

    # print(NetClass)

    # Define a network and a solver. Solver provides a wrapper for the test function.
    net = NetClass()  # instantiate a network
    solver = Solver(net)  # instantiate a solver

    solver.load(DEFAULT_WEIGHTS)  # load pretrained weights
    # solver.graph_view(demo_imgs)
    # return
    # Run the network
    voxel_prediction, _ = solver.test_output(demo_imgs)
    # Save the prediction to an OBJ file (mesh file).
    # (self.batch_size, 2, n_vox, n_vox, n_vox)
    # print(type(voxel_prediction[0, :, 1, :, :].data.numpy()))
    # print(cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH)
    voxel2obj(pred_file_name, voxel_prediction[0, 1, :, :, :].data.numpy() >
              cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH)  # modified

    # Use meshlab or other mesh viewers to visualize the prediction.
    # For Ubuntu>=14.04, you can install meshlab using
    # `sudo apt-get install meshlab`
    print('writing voxel to %s' % (pred_file_name))
    if cfg.TEST.CALL_MESHLAB:  #需要打开meshlab
        if cmd_exists('meshlab'):
            call(['meshlab', pred_file_name])
                'Meshlab not found: please use visualization of your choice to view %s'
                % pred_file_name)
Пример #8
def main():
    '''Main demo function'''

    # load images
    input_folder_name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'in_demo'
    imgs = load_input_images(input_folder_name)

    # get output file name from command line argument
    output_file_name = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 'demo.obj'

    # use the default network model
    NetClass = load_model('ResidualGRUNet')
    net = NetClass(compute_grad=False)
    solver = Solver(net)

    # run the network
    voxel_prediction, _ = solver.test_output(imgs)

    # save the prediction to an OBJ (mesh) file
              voxel_prediction[0, :, 1, :, :] > cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH)
Пример #9
def main():
    '''Main demo function'''
    # Save prediction into a file named 'prediction.obj' or the given argument
    pred_file_name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'prediction.obj'

    # load images
    demo_imgs = load_demo_images()

    # Use the default network model
    NetClass = load_model('ResidualGRUNet')

    # Define a network and a solver. Solver provides a wrapper for the test function.
    net = NetClass()  # instantiate a network
    if torch.cuda.is_available():


    solver = Solver(net)  # instantiate a solver

    # Run the network
    voxel_prediction, _ = solver.test_output(demo_imgs)
    voxel_prediction = voxel_prediction.detach().cpu().numpy()

    # Save the prediction to an OBJ file (mesh file).
    voxel2obj(pred_file_name, voxel_prediction[0, 1] > cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH)

    # Use meshlab or other mesh viewers to visualize the prediction.
    # For Ubuntu>=14.04, you can install meshlab using
    # `sudo apt-get install meshlab`
    if cmd_exists('meshlab'):
        call(['meshlab', pred_file_name])
            'Meshlab not found: please use visualization of your choice to view %s'
            % pred_file_name)
Пример #10
def test_net():
    ''' Evaluate the network '''
    # Make result directory and the result file.
    result_dir = os.path.join(cfg.DIR.OUT_PATH, cfg.TEST.EXP_NAME)
    if not os.path.exists(result_dir):
    result_fn = os.path.join(result_dir, 'result.mat')

    print("Exp file will be written to: " + result_fn)

    # Make a network and load weights
    NetworkClass = load_model(cfg.CONST.NETWORK_CLASS)
    print('Network definition: \n')
    net = NetworkClass(compute_grad=False)
    solver = Solver(net)

    # set constants
    batch_size = cfg.CONST.BATCH_SIZE

    # set up testing data process. We make only one prefetching process. The
    # process will return one batch at a time.
    queue = Queue(cfg.QUEUE_SIZE)
    data_pair = category_model_id_pair(dataset_portion=cfg.TEST.DATASET_PORTION)
    processes = make_data_processes(queue, data_pair, 1, repeat=False, train=False)
    num_data = len(processes[0].data_paths)
    num_batch = int(num_data / batch_size)

    # prepare result container
    results = {'cost': np.zeros(num_batch),
               'mAP': np.zeros((num_batch, batch_size))}
    # Save results for various thresholds
    for thresh in cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH:
        results[str(thresh)] = np.zeros((num_batch, batch_size, 5))

    # Get all test data
    batch_idx = 0
    for batch_img, batch_voxel in get_while_running(processes[0], queue):
        if batch_idx == num_batch:

        pred, loss, activations = solver.test_output(batch_img, batch_voxel)

        if(batch_idx < cfg.TEST.EXPORT_NUM):
            # Save the prediction to an OBJ file (mesh file).
            voxel2obj('out/prediction{}.obj'.format(batch_idx), pred[0, :, 1, :, :] > cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH)

        for j in range(batch_size):
            # Save IoU per thresh
            for i, thresh in enumerate(cfg.TEST.VOXEL_THRESH):
                r = evaluate_voxel_prediction(pred[j, ...], batch_voxel[j, ...], thresh)
                results[str(thresh)][batch_idx, j, :] = r

            # Compute AP
            precision = sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score(
                batch_voxel[j, :, 1].flatten(), pred[j, :, 1].flatten())

            results['mAP'][batch_idx, j] = precision

        # record result for the batch
        results['cost'][batch_idx] = float(loss)
        print('%d/%d, costs: %f, mAP: %f' %
                (batch_idx, num_batch, loss, np.mean(results['mAP'][batch_idx])))
        batch_idx += 1

    print('Total loss: %f' % np.mean(results['cost']))
    print('Total mAP: %f' % np.mean(results['mAP']))

    sio.savemat(result_fn, results)