Пример #1
    def menu_monitor_status():
        status_list = []
        appid_list = dao_wxservice.get_all_auth_appid()  # 全部授权公众号appid
        had_own_menu = []  # 含有我方配置的公众号appid
        for appid in appid_list:
            menu_info_cfg = None
            if appid in lib_config.HOS_CONFIG_DICT:
                menu_info_cfg = lib_config.HOS_CONFIG_DICT[appid].get(
            if menu_info_cfg:
                if isinstance(menu_info_cfg, dict):
                    menu_info_cfg = [menu_info_cfg]
                for menu_info in menu_info_cfg:
                    button_name = menu_info.get("name") or ''
                    button_position = menu_info.get("position") or []
                    button_info = menu_info.get("button") or {}

                    # 获取当前各个公众号的菜单表
                    wechat_oap = WeChat_OAP("third_part_platform", appid)
                    menu_data_currect = wechat_oap.get_menu()
                    menu_data_currect_self = wechat_oap.get_cur_self_menu()

                    # 取出当前公众号配置的按钮名称, 查看是否存在于当前菜单表中
                    if button_name in json.dumps(
                            menu_data_currect, ensure_ascii=False
                    ) or (button_name in json.dumps(menu_data_currect_self,
                          and "pages/diagnose/diagnose" not in json.dumps(
                              menu_data_currect_self, ensure_ascii=False)):
                        # WechatOffAccPlatformMonitor.make_wrarning(menu_data_currect, "test")
                        status_list.append({"appid": appid, "status": 0})
                        recovery_data = {
                            "app_id": appid,
                            "data": {
                                "action": "replace",
                                "sub_data": button_info,
                                "pos": button_position,
                            "多个按钮时,不可以直接使用one_click_recovery进行恢复,只能一个按钮dict对应一个位置list一一恢复. 以及需要删除curl命令中的单引号转义符",
                            f"""curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{json.dumps(recovery_data, ensure_ascii=False)}' https://wx.zuasdhakqcheg.com/wx_service/create_menu"""

        return status_list
Пример #2
def send_template_msg():
    log_info('', request)
    wrapped = None
    inputs = {}
        inputs = request.get_json()
    except ValueError as e:
        log_error("error parasing input", e)
    if inputs:
        log_info("POST INPUT", inputs)
        app_id = inputs.get("app_id")  # 组织部落在微信处的appid
        data = inputs.get("data")  # 模板数据
        wechat_oap = WeChat_OAP("third_part_platform", app_id)

        msg_data = wechat_oap.send_template_msg(data)
        if msg_data.get("status"):
            wrapped = {
                "status": msg_data.get("status"),
                "message": msg_data.get("msg"),
            wrapped = {
                "status": 0,
                "message": "请求成功",
    if not wrapped:
        wrapped = {
            "status": 1,
            "message": "请求失败",
    log_info("WRAPPED", wrapped)
    resp = make_response(jsonify(wrapped))
    return resp
Пример #3
class TMClient(TEST_ZYClient):
    # 同煤
    def __init__(self, appid):
        global HOS_CONFIG_DICT
        self.appid = appid
        self.config_data = HOS_CONFIG_DICT.get(appid)
        self.subscribe_txt = self.config_data.get("subscribe_txt") or ''
        self.subscribe_txt = ''
        self.save_user_info = self.config_data.get("save_user_info") or 1
        self.subscribe_news = self.config_data.get("subscribe_news") or '1'
        self.nickname = self.config_data.get("nickname") or "她们的题目不会做总组织部落"
        self.template_data = self.config_data.get("Get_This_Guy")
        self.wechat_oap = WeChat_OAP("third_part_platform", appid)

    def Get_This_Guy(self, data):
        # 获取用药指导, 发送模板消息
        rsp = {"sign": 0, "msg": ""}
        touser = data.get("FromUserName")
        referrer = self.get_user_info({"Data": {"open_id": touser}}).get("qr_scene_str") or ''
        template_data = {
            "touser": touser,
            "template_id": "OxZYTHqvncGX-2O3s7c9h4vaiYlE2TovQGgohUPgWdI",
            "url": "",
            "miniprogram": {
                format(self.nickname, touser, referrer)
            "data": {
                "first": {
                    "value": "获取用药指导报告"
                "keyword1": {
                    "value": "{}".format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
                "keyword2": {
                    "value": "同煤集团总组织部落,处方用药指导报告",
                    "color": "#ff8828"
                "keyword3": {
                    "value": ""
                "remark": {
                    "value": "请遵循用药指导,科学用药,祝您早日康复!"
        custom_msg = {"touser": touser, "msgtype": "text", "text": {"content": "点击下方通知,查看你的用药指导"}}
        msg_data = self.wechat_oap.send_template_msg(template_data)
        rsp["msg"] = msg_data.get("msg")
        if not msg_data.get("status"):
            rsp["sign"] = 1
            track_Get_This_Guy("wx_Get_This_Guy_count", self.appid, touser)
        if not rsp:
            log_error("wx_event: {}", str(rsp))
        return rsp
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, appid):
     global HOS_CONFIG_DICT
     self.appid = appid
     self.config_data = HOS_CONFIG_DICT.get(appid)
     self.subscribe_txt = self.config_data.get("subscribe_txt") or ''
     self.subscribe_txt = ''
     self.save_user_info = self.config_data.get("save_user_info") or 1
     self.subscribe_news = self.config_data.get("subscribe_news") or '1'
     self.nickname = self.config_data.get("nickname") or "她们的题目不会做总组织部落"
     self.template_data = self.config_data.get("Get_This_Guy")
     self.wechat_oap = WeChat_OAP("third_part_platform", appid)
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, appid):
     global HOS_CONFIG_DICT
     self.appid = appid
     self.config_data = HOS_CONFIG_DICT.get(appid)
     self.nickname = self.config_data.get("nickname") or "九年义务教育组织部落"
     self.subscribe_txt = self.config_data.get(
         "subscribe_txt") or """欢迎关注济南市儿童组织部落公众号,点击下方菜单栏"就诊服务" 绑定就诊卡可在线"预约挂号" "充值缴费" "查询报告"、"组织部落信息" "接收用药指导"。 """
     self.subscribe_news = self.config_data.get("subscribe_news") or ''
     self.wechat_oap = WeChat_OAP("third_part_platform", appid)
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, appid):
     global HOS_CONFIG_DICT
     self.appid = appid
     self.config_data = HOS_CONFIG_DICT.get(appid)
     self.nickname = self.config_data.get("nickname") or "海北玄武大殿"
     self.subscribe_txt = self.config_data.get("subscribe_txt") or ''
     self.subscribe_news = self.config_data.get("subscribe_news") or ''
     self.mini_card_title = self.config_data.get("mini_card_title") or self.nickname + "就诊用药指导"
     self.Get_This_Guy_values = self.config_data.get("Get_This_Guy") or {}
     self.wechat_oap = WeChat_OAP("third_part_platform", appid)
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, appid):
     global HOS_CONFIG_DICT
     self.appid = appid
     self.config_data = HOS_CONFIG_DICT.get(appid)
     self.subscribe_txt = self.config_data.get("subscribe_txt") or ''
     self.subscribe_news = self.config_data.get("subscribe_news") or ''
     self.nickname = self.config_data.get("nickname") or "文化保护组织部落"
     self.mini_card_title = self.config_data.get("mini_card_title") or self.nickname + "就诊用药指导"
     self.thumb_media_id = self.config_data.get("thumb_media_id") or "E447A0J974ZwYpSKGzZrqs91nQHjDFD1Dx2PjiFdh4E"
     self.wechat_oap = WeChat_OAP("third_part_platform", appid)
Пример #8
def send_log(msg, err=False):
        if config.DEBUG_LOG.get("switch"):
            if (config.DEBUG_LOG.get("log_key")
                    and config.DEBUG_LOG.get("log_key") in msg) or err:
                wechat_oap = WeChat_OAP("third_part_platform",
                                        config.DEBUG_LOG.get("appid") or '')
                if len(msg) > 2048:
                    msg = msg[:2048]
                data = {
                    "touser": config.DEBUG_LOG.get("touser") or '',
                    "msgtype": "text",
                    "text": {
                        "content": msg

    return 1
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, appid):
     global HOS_CONFIG_DICT
     self.appid = appid
     self.config_data = HOS_CONFIG_DICT.get(appid)
     self.nickname = self.config_data.get("nickname") or "这样才好"
     self.mini_card_title = self.config_data.get("mini_card_title") or self.nickname + "就诊用药指导"
     self.Get_This_Guy_values = self.config_data.get("Get_This_Guy") or {
     self.thumb_media_id = self.config_data.get("thumb_media_id") or "Qtz6eIuA6ES21K7LJWEZqN77koFShIDkp10vsI_u2J8"
     self.subscribe_txt = self.config_data.get("subscribe_txt") or '您好'
     self.subscribe_news = self.config_data.get("subscribe_news") or '1'
     self.save_user_info = 0
     self.wechat_oap = WeChat_OAP("third_part_platform", appid)
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, appid):
     global HOS_CONFIG_DICT
     self.appid = appid
     self.config_data = HOS_CONFIG_DICT.get(appid)
     self.nickname = self.config_data.get("nickname") or "还能再来一次组织部落"
     self.subscribe_txt = self.config_data.get("subscribe_txt") or ''
     self.subscribe_news = self.config_data.get("subscribe_news") or ''
     self.Get_This_Guy_values = self.config_data.get("Get_This_Guy") or {
     self.wechat_oap = WeChat_OAP("third_part_platform", appid)
Пример #11
 def __init__(self, appid):
     global HOS_CONFIG_DICT
     self.appid = appid
     self.config_data = HOS_CONFIG_DICT.get(appid)
     self.nickname = self.config_data.get("nickname") or "平冈山武松打虎"
     self.subscribe_txt = self.config_data.get("subscribe_txt") or ''
     self.subscribe_news = self.config_data.get("subscribe_news") or ''
     self.mini_card_title = self.config_data.get("mini_card_title") or self.nickname + "就诊用药指导"
     self.Get_This_Guy_values = self.config_data.get("Get_This_Guy") or {
     self.wechat_oap = WeChat_OAP("third_part_platform", appid)
Пример #12
 def __init__(self, appid):
     global HOS_CONFIG_DICT
     self.appid = appid
     self.config_data = HOS_CONFIG_DICT.get(appid)
     self.nickname = self.config_data.get("nickname") or "重庆火锅冷吃兔组织部落"
     self.subscribe_txt = self.config_data.get("subscribe_txt") or ''
     self.subscribe_news = self.config_data.get("subscribe_news") or ''
     self.mini_card_title = self.config_data.get("mini_card_title") or self.nickname + "就诊用药指导"
     self.Get_This_Guy_values = self.config_data.get("Get_This_Guy") or {
     self.wechat_oap = WeChat_OAP("third_part_platform", appid)
Пример #13
class TEST_ZYClient(object):

    def __init__(self, appid):
        global HOS_CONFIG_DICT
        self.appid = appid
        self.config_data = HOS_CONFIG_DICT.get(appid)
        self.nickname = self.config_data.get("nickname") or "这样才好"
        self.mini_card_title = self.config_data.get("mini_card_title") or self.nickname + "就诊用药指导"
        self.Get_This_Guy_values = self.config_data.get("Get_This_Guy") or {
        self.thumb_media_id = self.config_data.get("thumb_media_id") or "Qtz6eIuA6ES21K7LJWEZqN77koFShIDkp10vsI_u2J8"
        self.subscribe_txt = self.config_data.get("subscribe_txt") or '您好'
        self.subscribe_news = self.config_data.get("subscribe_news") or '1'
        self.save_user_info = 0
        self.wechat_oap = WeChat_OAP("third_part_platform", appid)

    def do_some(self, data: dict) -> dict:
        nonce = data.get("nonce")
        event_type = data.get("Event") or ''
        event_key = data.get("EventKey") or ''
        worker_key = event_key or event_type
        if "Get_This_Guy" in worker_key:
            worker_key = "Get_This_Guy"
        worker = self.get_worker(worker_key) or self.get_worker(self.sorter(worker_key, event_type))
        rsp = {"sign": 0, "msg": ""}
        err = False
        if not worker:
            rsp["msg"] = "不支持此功能"
            if self.nickname == "这样才好" and event_key and event_type != "view_miniprogram":
                err = True
            no_worker_log = {"hos_name": self.nickname, "event_type": event_type, "event_key": event_key, "data": data, "nonce": nonce}
            send_log(f'do_some|no_worker|{no_worker_log}', err=err)
            # 处理事件
            rsp = worker(data)
            worker_rsp_log = {"nonce": nonce, "worker_name": worker.__name__, "data": data, "rsp": rsp}
        return rsp

    def sorter(self, str_eventkey, event_type):

        new_worker_key = str_eventkey
        if "wys_" in str_eventkey:
            # 医务端,获取医师信息,发送小程序模板消息
            new_worker_key = "Medical_Matter"
        elif event_type in ("subscribe", "unsubscribe", "SCAN"):
            # 保证关注事件/取关事件被执行
            # 关注后重新扫描关注二维码
            new_worker_key = event_type + "_Re"
        return new_worker_key

    def get_worker(self, event_key):
        # 类型对照
        worker = None
        event_dict = {
            "Crt_Menu": self.create_menu,
            "Get_Menu": self.get_menu,
            "Get_Menu_QrCode": self.Get_This_Guy_qrcode,
            "Scan_Wait_Tem": self.scan_wait_tem,
            "Send_Mini_Card": self.send_mini_card,
            "Get_This_Guy": self.Get_This_Guy,
            "qrscene_Get_This_Guy": self.Get_This_Guy,
            "Get_My_Info": self.get_my_info,
            "qrscene_Get_My_Info": self.get_my_info,
            "subscribe": self.do_subscribe,
            "unsubscribe": self.do_unsubscribe,
            "subscribe_Re": self.do_subscribe,
            "unsubscribe_Re": self.do_unsubscribe,
            "Get_Signature": self.get_signature,
            "Get_User_Info": self.get_user_info,
            "Medical_Matter": self.medical_matter,
            "SCAN_Re": self.subscribe_scan,
        worker = event_dict.get(event_key)
        return worker

    def get_signature(self, data):
        """生成 signature LP预问诊相关"""
        rsp = {"sign": 0, "msg": ""}
        para = data.get("Data") or {}
        url = para.get("url") or ''
        jsapi_ticket = self.wechat_oap.get_jsapi_ticket()
        signature = self.wechat_oap.get_signature(jsapi_ticket, url)
        if signature:
            rsp["sign"] = 1
            rsp = {"ret": signature, **rsp}
            rsp["msg"] = "generate signature error."
        return rsp

    def do_unsubscribe(self, data):
        rsp = {"sign": 1, "msg": ''}
        open_id = data["FromUserName"]
        if "save_user_info" in self.__dict__:
            # 更改该用户状态为0
            update_num = dao_wxservice.update_user_base_info_status_by_openid(self.appid, open_id, {
                "status": 0,
                "subscribe": 0
            if not update_num:
                failed_data = {"appid": self.appid, "openid": open_id, "update_data": {"status": 0, "subscribe": 0}}
                rsp["sign"] = 0
                rsp["msg"] = "do_unsubscribe|update_error"
        return rsp

    def do_subscribe(self, data):
        open_id = data["FromUserName"]
        rsp = {"sign": 1, "msg": ''}
        if "save_user_info" in self.__dict__:
            # 存储用户基本信息
            # 1 获取
            user_base_info = self.get_user_info({"Data": {"open_id": open_id}})
            if user_base_info["sign"]:
                # 2 存储
                user_base_info["wechat_appid"] = self.appid
                    f"save_user_info in self.__dict__ after get user_base_info is {user_base_info} and sign is {user_base_info['sign']}"
                insert_id = dao_wxservice.save_user_base_info(user_base_info)
                if not insert_id:
                    send_log(f"SAVE USER_INFO ERROR|{user_base_info}")

        # 关注事件回复
        if self.subscribe_txt:
            # 关注回复文字(客服消息 和直接回复两种模式,在微信方,都只能当作一次响应。为了图文,只好干掉客服消息回复,全部由直接回复)
            # c_data = {"touser": open_id, "msgtype": "text", "text": {"content": self.subscribe_txt}}
            # rsp_data = self.wechat_oap.send_custom_msg(c_data)
            # if rsp_data.json().get("errcode"):
            rsp = {"sign": 1, "msg": self.subscribe_txt, "reply_txt": 1}
        if self.subscribe_news:
            # 关注回复图文(优先于文字,所以非if:else, 而是覆盖| 或许可以给回复文字加个异步)
            rsp = {"sign": 1, "msg": '', "reply_news": 1}
        return rsp

    def subscribe_scan(self, data):
        rsp = {"sign": 1, "msg": ''}
        if "save_user_info" in self.__dict__:
            # 刷新存储有用户基本信息中的,关注来源
            open_id = data["FromUserName"]
            qr_scene_str = data["EventKey"]
            update_data = {"subscribe_scene": "ADD_SCENE_QR_CODE", "qr_scene_str": qr_scene_str}

            had_this_guy = dao_wxservice.get_user_base_info(self.appid, {"openid": open_id or ''})
            if had_this_guy:
                update_num = dao_wxservice.update_user_base_info_subScene_qrStr_by_openid(
                    self.appid, open_id, update_data)
                update_num = 0
            if not update_num and not had_this_guy:
                user_base_info = self.get_user_info({"Data": {"open_id": open_id}}, use_api=True)
                if user_base_info["sign"]:
                    user_base_info["wechat_appid"] = self.appid
                    insert_id = dao_wxservice.save_user_base_info(user_base_info)
                    if not insert_id:
                        failed_data = {"appid": self.appid, "openid": open_id, "update_data": update_data}
                        rsp["sign"] = 0
                        rsp["msg"] = "subscribe_scan|update_error"
        return rsp

    def medical_matter(self, data):
        rsp = {"sign": 0, "msg": ""}
        event = data.get("Event") or ''
        touser = data.get("FromUserName")
        event_key = data.get("EventKey") or ''
        event_key_list = event_key.split("wys_")
        if event == "subscribe":
            # 将捕获的`subscribe`事件, 手动执行
        if len(event_key_list) == 2 and ((event == "SCAN" and event_key_list[0] == '') or
                                         (event == "subscribe" and event_key_list[0] == "qrscene_")):
            doctor_info = helper_api.get_doctor_info(event_key_list[1]) or ''
            doctor_name = ''
            if doctor_info:
                doctor_name = doctor_info["doctor"]["name"]
                doctor_info = f'{doctor_info["doctor"]["hospital"]} {doctor_info["doctor"]["title"]} {doctor_name}'
            base_info = dao_wxservice.get_user_base_info(self.appid, {"openid": touser})
            union_id = base_info.get("unionid") if base_info.get("nickname") else ''
            patient_info = helper_api.get_patient_info(union_id) or {}
            if patient_info:
                patient_info = patient_info["patient"]
            wys_values = copy.deepcopy(self.config_data.get("Medical_Matter"))
            if wys_values:
                date_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
                patient_name = patient_info.get("name") or base_info.get("nickname") or ''
                qpath = "https://z1.fit/x?pid={doctor_id}&into_function=disease_management&get_phone=1".format(
                qpath = urllib.request.quote(qpath)
                template_data = {
                    "touser": touser,
                    "template_id": wys_values.get("template_id"),
                    "url": "",
                    "miniprogram": {
                        "appid": "wxacd37ff25cd2ed6a",
                        "pagepath": wys_values.get("pagepath").format(q=qpath),
                    "data": {
                        "first": {
                            "value": wys_values.get("first")
                        "keyword1": {
                            "value": wys_values["keyword1"].format(doctor_info=doctor_info)
                        "keyword2": {
                            "value": wys_values["keyword2"].format(patient_name=patient_name),
                        "keyword3": {
                            "value": wys_values["keyword3"].format(doctor_name=doctor_name)
                        "keyword4": {
                            "value": wys_values["keyword4"].format(date_time=date_time)
                        "remark": {
                            "value": wys_values.get("remark")
            msg_data = self.wechat_oap.send_template_msg(template_data)
            rsp["sign"] = 1
            rsp["msg"] = "不支持此功能"
        return rsp

    def scan_wait_tem(self, data):
        # 处理二维码扫描事件
        rsp = {"sign": 0, "msg": ""}
        scan_code_info = data.get("ScanCodeInfo")
        scan_type = scan_code_info.get("ScanType") or ''
        scan_result = scan_code_info.get("ScanResult") or ''
        touser = data.get("FromUserName")
        if scan_result and scan_type == "qrcode" and "?" in scan_result and "=" in scan_result:
                _a, para = scan_result.split("?")
                para_name, para_ = para.split("=")
                params = {
                    "fpid": para_,
                    "app_id": "5d21e7dw",
                resp = helper_api.get_WH_para(params)
                # 请求flask, 获取参数。 拼接链接,发送小程序卡片
                if "result" in resp:
                    data_send = {
                        "touser": touser,
                        "wx_url": resp["result"].get("wx_url"),
                    rsp_send = self.send_mini_card(data_send)
                    rsp["sign"] = 1
                    rsp["msg"] = "request emr/fpid: error. params: {}".format(str(params))
        if not rsp.get("sign"):
            rsp["sign"] = 2  # 反馈提示语
            rsp["msg"] = "您好,请扫描组织部落收据单上的二维码,获取用药指导."
        return rsp

    def send_mini_card(self, data):
        rsp = {"sign": 0, "msg": ''}

        if "touser" in data.keys():
            c_data = {
                "touser": data.get("touser"),
                "msgtype": "miniprogrampage",
                "miniprogrampage": {
                    "title": self.mini_card_title,
                    "appid": "wxacd37ff25cd2ed6a",
                    "pagepath": data.get("wx_url"),
                    "thumb_media_id": self.thumb_media_id,
        elif "Data" in data.keys():
            c_data = {
                "touser": data["Data"].get("open_id"),
                "msgtype": "miniprogrampage",
                "miniprogrampage": {
                    "title": data["Data"].get("title"),
                    "appid": "wxacd37ff25cd2ed6a",
                    "pagepath": data["Data"].get("pagepath"),
                    "thumb_media_id": data["Data"].get("thumb_media_id"),
        rsp_data = self.wechat_oap.send_custom_msg(c_data)
        rsp["sign"] = 1
        return rsp

    def Get_This_Guy(self, data):
        # 获取用药指导, 发送模板消息
        rsp = {"sign": 0, "msg": ""}
        touser = data.get("FromUserName")
        pagepath = self.Get_This_Guy_values.get("pagepath")
        had_user_info = "save_user_info" in self.__dict__
        referrer = ''
        format_dict = {
            "hos_name": self.nickname,
            "open_id": touser,
        if had_user_info and "referrer" in pagepath:
            referrer = self.get_user_info({"Data": {"open_id": touser}}).get("qr_scene_str")
            format_dict["referrer"] = referrer or ''
        pagepath = pagepath.format(**format_dict)
        template_data = {
            "touser": touser,
            "template_id": self.Get_This_Guy_values.get("template_id"),
            "url": "",
            "miniprogram": {
                "appid": "wxacd37ff25cd2ed6a",
                "pagepath": pagepath,
            "data": {
                "first": {
                    "value": self.Get_This_Guy_values.get("value")
                "keyword1": {
                    "value": "{}".format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
                "keyword2": {
                    "value": self.Get_This_Guy_values.get("keyword2"),
                    "color": "#ff8828"
                "keyword3": {
                    "value": ""
                "remark": {
                    "value": self.Get_This_Guy_values.get("remark")
        custom_msg = {"touser": touser, "msgtype": "text", "text": {"content": "点击下方通知,查看你的用药指导"}}
        msg_data = self.wechat_oap.send_template_msg(template_data)
        rsp["msg"] = msg_data.get("msg")
        if not msg_data.get("status"):
            rsp["sign"] = 1
            track_Get_This_Guy("wx_Get_This_Guy_count", self.appid, touser)
        return rsp

    def get_menu(self, data=None):
        rsp = {"sign": 0, "msg": ""}
        params = data.get("Data")
        if params:
            msg_data = self.wechat_oap.get_cur_self_menu()
            msg_data = self.wechat_oap.get_menu()
        if not msg_data.get("status"):
            rsp["sign"] = 1
            del msg_data["status"]
            rsp = {**msg_data, **rsp}
            rsp["msg"] = msg_data["msg"]
        return rsp

    def get_user_info(self, data=None, use_api=False):
        rsp = {"sign": 0, "msg": ""}
        params = data.get("Data")
        if "save_user_info" in self.__dict__ and not use_api:
            # 存储有信息则以数据库为准
            msg_data = dao_wxservice.get_user_base_info(self.appid, {"openid": params.get("open_id") or ''})
            if not msg_data:
                msg_data = self.wechat_oap.get_user_s_info(params.get("open_id") or '')
            msg_data = self.wechat_oap.get_user_s_info(params.get("open_id") or '')
        if msg_data.get("nickname"):
            rsp["sign"] = 1
            rsp = {**msg_data, **rsp}
            rsp["msg"] = msg_data.get("errmsg") or ''
        return rsp

    def create_menu(self, data):
        menu_dict = data.get("Data")
        rsp = {"sign": 0, "msg": ""}
        if not menu_dict:
            rsp["msg"] = "miss menu data"
            fail, msg_data = self.wechat_oap.create_menu(menu_dict)
            rsp["msg"] = msg_data.get("msg")
            if not msg_data.get("status"):
                rsp["sign"] = 1
        return rsp

    def Get_This_Guy_qrcode(self, data) -> dict:
        qrcode_url_dict = {"sign": 0, "msg": ""}
        data = data.get("Data")
        scene_str = data.get("scene_str") or ''
        qrcode_url_dict = self.wechat_oap.Get_This_Guy_qrcode(scene_str)
        return qrcode_url_dict

    def get_my_info(self, data) -> dict:
        rsp = {"sign": 0, "msg": "Get_My_Info"}
        open_id = data.get("FromUserName")
        user_s_info = self.wechat_oap.get_user_s_info(open_id)
        rsp["sign"] = 1
        rsp["info"] = "subscribe: {}, nickname: {}, openid: {}".format(
            user_s_info.get("subscribe") or '',
            user_s_info.get("nickname") or '',
            user_s_info.get("openid") or '')
        c_data = {"touser": open_id, "msgtype": "text", "text": {"content": rsp["info"]}}
        rsp_data = self.wechat_oap.send_custom_msg(c_data)
        return rsp