Пример #1
def S(p1, a):
	b = int(10 ** numLen(p1))
	x, _ = extendedGCD(a, b)
	x *= p1
	# y *= p1
	t = x // b
	x -= t * b
	# y += t * a
	return a * x
Пример #2
def S(p1, a):
    b = int(10**numLen(p1))
    x, _ = extendedGCD(a, b)
    x *= p1
    # y *= p1
    t = x // b
    x -= t * b
    # y += t * a
    return a * x
Пример #3
def main(file):
    # trick: for every anagram (word1, word2) calculate the character swaps
    # required to turn word2 into word1 then perform those swaps on a square
    # number of the same length as word1 and see if the resulting number is
    # a square. Only caveat is that the eligible square numbers must have
    # at most one of each digit

    with open(file, 'r') as f:
        words = f.read().replace('"', '').split(',')

    # group the words into lists of anagrams
    anagrams = dict()
    for word in words:
        anagrams.setdefault(''.join(sorted(word)), []).append(word)

    # group the anagram lists by the length of the word
    anagramsByLen = dict()
    for k, v in anagrams.items():
        if len(v) > 1:
            anagramsByLen.setdefault(len(k), []).append(v)

    # create eligible squares and group them by length
    squaresByLen = dict()
    for n in count(4):
        sq = n * n
        key = numLen(sq)
        if key not in anagramsByLen:
        if key == len(set(digits(sq))):  # no repeated digits
            squaresByLen.setdefault(key, []).append(sq)

    def results():
        for k in squaresByLen:
            squares = squaresByLen[k]
            for words in anagramsByLen[k]:
                for word1, word2 in combinations(words, 2):
                    sw = list(swaps(word1, word2))
                    for sq in squares:
                        n = num(apply(digits(sq), sw))
                        if n in squares:
                            yield max(n, sq)

    return max(results())
Пример #4
def main():
    goodLast = lambda n: pandigital(n % 10**9)
    goodFirst = lambda n: pandigital(n // 10**(numLen(n) - 9))
    good = lambda n: n > 123456789 and goodLast(n) and goodFirst(n)
    return next(k for k, n in enumerate(fibonaccis()) if good(n))
Пример #5
def dsum(n):
    n = pow(Decimal(n), Decimal('0.5'))
    n *= pow(10, 100 - numLen(int(n)))
    n = int(n)
    return sum(digits(n))
Пример #6
def main(limit):
	return next(n for n, f in enumerate(fibonaccis()) if numLen(f) >= limit)
Пример #7
def main(lim):
    return sum(numLen(n) > numLen(d) for n, d in islice(convergents2(), lim))
Пример #8
def main(lim):
	return sum(numLen(n) > numLen(d) for n, d in islice(convergents2(), lim))
Пример #9
def main():
	goodLast = lambda n: pandigital(n % 10 ** 9)
	goodFirst = lambda n: pandigital(n // 10 ** (numLen(n) - 9))
	good = lambda n: n > 123456789 and goodLast(n) and goodFirst(n)
	return next(k for k, n in enumerate(fibonaccis()) if good(n))
Пример #10
def main():
	# 10 ^ e has e + 1 digits, so max base is 9
	# 9 ^ 22 has 21 digits, so 21 is the max exp
	return sum(numLen(pow(b, e)) == e for e in range(1, 22) for b in range(1, 10))
Пример #11
def main():
    # 10 ^ e has e + 1 digits, so max base is 9
    # 9 ^ 22 has 21 digits, so 21 is the max exp
    return sum(
        numLen(pow(b, e)) == e for e in range(1, 22) for b in range(1, 10))
Пример #12
def dsum(n):
	n = pow(Decimal(n), Decimal('0.5'))
	n *= pow(10, 100 - numLen(int(n)))
	n = int(n)
	return sum(digits(n))
Пример #13
def concat(a, b):
	return a * pow(10, numLen(b)) + b
Пример #14
def concat(a, b):
    return a * pow(10, numLen(b)) + b