Пример #1
				"emailNotification"]).upper() == "TRUE")

			# email notification works only if smtp is activated
			if (updateEmailNotification is True
				and smtpActivated is False):
				raise ValueError("Update check can not have email "
					+ "notification activated when smtp is not activated.")

		# parse all alerts
		for item in configRoot.find("alerts").iterfind("alert"):

			alert = RaspberryPiGPIOAlert()

			# get gpio pin settings
			alert.gpioPin = int(item.find("gpio").attrib["gpioPin"])
			if int(item.find("gpio").attrib["gpioPinStateNormal"]) == 1:
				alert.gpioPinStateNormal = GPIO.HIGH
				alert.gpioPinStateNormal = GPIO.LOW
			if int(item.find("gpio").attrib["gpioPinStateTriggered"]) == 1:
				alert.gpioPinStateTriggered = GPIO.HIGH
				alert.gpioPinStateTriggered = GPIO.LOW

			# these options are needed by the server to
			# differentiate between the registered alerts
			alert.id = int(item.find("general").attrib["id"])
			alert.description = str(item.find("general").attrib["description"])

			alert.alertLevels = list()
Пример #2
                    "general").attrib["emailNotification"]).upper() == "TRUE")

            # email notification works only if smtp is activated
            if (updateEmailNotification is True and smtpActivated is False):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Update check can not have email " +
                    "notification activated when smtp is not activated.")

        # parse all alerts
        for item in configRoot.find("alerts").iterfind("alert"):

            alert = RaspberryPiGPIOAlert()

            # get gpio pin settings
            alert.gpioPin = int(item.find("gpio").attrib["gpioPin"])
            if int(item.find("gpio").attrib["gpioPinStateNormal"]) == 1:
                alert.gpioPinStateNormal = GPIO.HIGH
                alert.gpioPinStateNormal = GPIO.LOW
            if int(item.find("gpio").attrib["gpioPinStateTriggered"]) == 1:
                alert.gpioPinStateTriggered = GPIO.HIGH
                alert.gpioPinStateTriggered = GPIO.LOW

            # these options are needed by the server to
            # differentiate between the registered alerts
            alert.id = int(item.find("general").attrib["id"])
            alert.description = str(item.find("general").attrib["description"])

            alert.alertLevels = list()
Пример #3
			smtpToAddr = config.get("smtp", "toAddr")

		# parse all alerts
		for section in config.sections():
			if section.find("alert") != -1:
				alert = RaspberryPiGPIOAlert()

				# these options are needed for the by the server to
				# differentiate between the registered alerts
				alert.id = config.getint(section, "id")
				alert.description = config.get(section, "description")
				alert.alertLevels = map(int,
					config.get(section, "alertLevels").split(","))

				# get gpio pin settings
				alert.gpioPin = config.getint(section, "gpioPin")
				if config.getint(section, "gpioPinStateNormal") == 1:
					alert.gpioPinStateNormal = GPIO.HIGH
					alert.gpioPinStateNormal = GPIO.LOW
				if config.getint(section, "gpioPinStateTriggered") == 1:
					alert.gpioPinStateTriggered = GPIO.HIGH
					alert.gpioPinStateTriggered = GPIO.LOW

				# register alert levels globally (only once)
				for alertLevel in alert.alertLevels:
					if not alertLevel in globalData.alertLevels:

				# check if description is empty