def test_attr_encrypt(topology_st, create_backend): """Test adding/removing encrypted attrs :id: 887429d5-b9be-4e48-b8ca-691e7437abca :setup: Standalone instance :steps: 1. Add encrypted attr 2. Verify it succeeded 3. Delete encrypted attr 4. Verity it was removed :expectedresults: 1. Success 2. Success 3. Success 4. Success """ sys.stdout = io.StringIO() args = FakeArgs() = BE_NAME args.be_name = BE_NAME args.suffix = False args.nsslapd_suffix = SUFFIX args.json = False args.just_names = False args.list = False args.add_attr = None args.del_attr = None # Add an encrytped attr args.add_attr = ['description'] backend_attr_encrypt(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) args.add_attr = None check_output("added encrypted attribute") # Verify it worked args.list = True backend_attr_encrypt(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) args.list = False check_output("cn: description") # Delete encrypted attr args.del_attr = ['description'] backend_attr_encrypt(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) args.del_attr = None check_output("deleted encrypted attribute") # Verify it worked args.list = True backend_attr_encrypt(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) args.list = False check_output("cn: description", missing=True)
def fin(): sys.stdout = io.StringIO() args = FakeArgs() = BE_NAME args.be_name = BE_NAME args.suffix = SUFFIX args.skip_subsuffixes = False args.json = False # Delete backend backend_delete(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args, warn=False) check_output("successfully deleted") # Verify it's removed args.suffix = False backend_list(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("backendroot", missing=True)
def test_import_export(topology_st): BE_NAME = 'userRoot' EXCLUDE_SUFFIX = "ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com" LDIF_NAME = "test_import_export.ldif" LDIF_PATH = os.path.join(topology_st.standalone.ds_paths.ldif_dir, LDIF_NAME) topology_st.logcap = LogCapture() args = FakeArgs() # Export the backend args.be_names = [BE_NAME] args.ldif = LDIF_NAME args.use_id2entry = None args.encrypted = None args.min_base64 = None args.no_dump_uniq_id = None args.replication = None args.not_folded = None args.no_seq_num = None args.include_suffixes = None args.exclude_suffixes = [EXCLUDE_SUFFIX] backend_export(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args) # Verify export worked assert os.path.exists(LDIF_PATH) with open(LDIF_PATH, 'r') as ldif: for line in ldif: assert not line.endswith("%s\n" % EXCLUDE_SUFFIX) # Import the backend args.be_name = BE_NAME args.ldifs = [LDIF_NAME] args.chunks_size = None args.encrypted = None args.gen_uniq_id = None args.only_core = None args.include_suffixes = None args.exclude_suffixes = None backend_import(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args) os.remove(LDIF_PATH)
def create_backend(topology_st, request): """Create backend "dc=backend,dc=test" / backendRoot """ sys.stdout = io.StringIO() args = FakeArgs() = BE_NAME args.be_name = BE_NAME args.suffix = False args.nsslapd_suffix = SUFFIX args.skip_subsuffixes = False args.json = False args.parent_suffix = False args.create_entries = True args.suffix = SUFFIX backend_create(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("The database was successfully created") def fin(): sys.stdout = io.StringIO() args = FakeArgs() = BE_NAME args.be_name = BE_NAME args.suffix = SUFFIX args.skip_subsuffixes = False args.json = False # Delete backend backend_delete(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args, warn=False) check_output("successfully deleted") # Verify it's removed args.suffix = False backend_list(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("backendroot", missing=True) request.addfinalizer(fin)
def test_import_warning(topology_st): """Import ldif file with skipped entries to generate a warning message :id: 66f9275b-11b4-4718-b401-18fa6011b362 :setup: Standalone Instance :steps: 1. Create LDIF file with skipped entries 2. Import the LDIF file with backend import 3. Check the topology logs 4. Check errors log :expectedresults: 1. Success 2. Success 3. Result message should contain warning code 4. Errors log should contain skipped entry message """ standalone = topology_st.standalone message = 'The import task has finished successfully, with warning code 8, check the logs for more detail' args = FakeArgs() args.be_name = 'userRoot' args.ldifs = [create_example_ldif(topology_st)] args.chunks_size = None args.encrypted = False args.gen_uniq_id = None args.only_core = False args.include_suffixes = 'dc=example,dc=com' args.exclude_suffixes = None'Import the LDIF file') backend_import(standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology_st.logcap.log, args)'Check logs for a warning message') assert topology_st.logcap.contains(message) assert standalone.ds_error_log.match( '.*Skipping entry "uid=demo,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" which has no parent.*' )
def test_backend_cli(topology_st, create_backend): """Test creating, listing, getting, and deleting a backend (and subsuffix) :id: 800f432a-52ab-4661-ac66-a2bdd9b984d7 :setup: Standalone instance :steps: 1. List backends 2. Get backend by suffix 3. Get backend by DN 4. Add subsuffix 5. Verify subsuffix 6. Modify subsuffix 7. Delete subsuffix 8. Verify subsuffix is removed 9. Modify backend 10. Verify modify worked 11. Test monitor works :expectedresults: 1. Success 2. Success 3. Success 4. Success 5. Success 6. Success 7. Success 8. Success 9. Success 10. Success 11. Success """ topology_st.logcap = LogCapture() sys.stdout = io.StringIO() args = FakeArgs() = BE_NAME args.be_name = BE_NAME args.suffix = False args.nsslapd_suffix = SUFFIX args.skip_subsuffixes = False args.json = False args.parent_suffix = False args.create_entries = True # List backend backend_list(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args) check_output(SUFFIX) # Get backend by by name args.selector = BE_NAME backend_get(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args) check_output(BE_NAME) # Get backend by DN args.dn = 'cn=backendRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config' backend_get_dn(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args) check_output(BE_NAME) # Add subsuffix args.parent_suffix = SUFFIX args.suffix = SUB_SUFFIX args.be_name = SUB_BE_NAME backend_create(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args) check_output("The database was successfully created") # Verify subsuffix args.suffix = False backend_list(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args) check_output(SUB_SUFFIX) # Modify subsuffix args.enable = False args.disable = False args.add_referral = False args.del_referral = False args.cache_size = False args.cache_memsize = False args.dncache_memsize = False args.enable_readonly = True # Setting nsslapd-readonly to "on" args.disable_readonly = False backend_set(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args) check_output("successfully updated") # Verify modified worked args.selector = SUB_BE_NAME backend_get(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args) check_output("nsslapd-readonly: on") # Delete subsuffix args.suffix = SUB_SUFFIX backend_delete(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args, warn=False) check_output("successfully deleted") # Verify it is deleted args.suffix = False backend_list(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args) check_output(SUB_BE_NAME, missing=True) # Modify backend (use same args from subsuffix modify) args.be_name = BE_NAME backend_set(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args) check_output("successfully updated") # Verify modified worked args.selector = BE_NAME backend_get(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args) check_output("nsslapd-readonly: on") # Run database monitor args.suffix = SUFFIX get_monitor(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args) check_output("entrycachetries")
def test_vlv(topology_st, create_backend): """Test creating, listing, getting, and deleting vlv's :id: 800f432a-52ab-4661-ac66-a2bdd9b984d790 :setup: Standalone instance :steps: 1. Add VLV search and index entries 2. Verify they are created 3. Edit VLV search and verify change 4. Create additional VLV indexes 5. Verity new indedxes were created 6. Remove VLV indexes 7. Verify indexes were removed 8. Reindex VLV :expectedresults: 1. Success 2. Success 3. Success 4. Success 5. Success 6. Success 7. Success 8. Success """ sys.stdout = io.StringIO() args = FakeArgs() = BE_NAME args.be_name = BE_NAME args.suffix = False args.nsslapd_suffix = SUFFIX args.json = False = "myVLVSearch" args.index_name = "myVLVIndex" args.search_base = SUFFIX args.search_scope = '2' args.search_filter = "cn=*" args.parent_name = args.index = False args.reindex = False args.sort = "cn sn" args.just_names = False # Create vlv search backend_create_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("created new VLV Search entry") # Verify search is present backend_get_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("VLV Search:") # Create VLV index under vlvSearch backend_create_vlv_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("created new VLV index entry") # Verify index is present backend_get_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("VLV Index:") # Edit VLV Search args.search_base = None args.search_scope = '0' args.search_filter = None args.sort = None backend_edit_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("updated VLV search entry") # Verify edit was successful backend_get_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("vlvscope: 0") # List vlv searches backend_list_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("vlvbase: " + SUFFIX) # Add another index args.index_name = "my2ndVLVIndex" args.sort = "uid givenname" backend_create_vlv_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("created new VLV index entry") # Verify new index was created backend_get_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("vlvsort: uid givenname") # Reindex VLV backend_reindex_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("reindexed VLV indexes") time.sleep(2) # Delete VLV search and indexes backend_del_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("deleted VLV search and its indexes") # List vlv searches/indexes backend_list_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("")
def test_indexes(topology_st, create_backend): """Test creating, listing, getting, and deleting an index :id: 800f432a-52ab-4661-ac66-a2bdd9b984d78 :setup: Standalone instance :steps: 1. Add index (description) 2. Verify index was added 3. Modify index (Add type) 4. Verify index was modified 5. Modify index (Delete type) 6. Verify index was modified 7. Modify index (Add MR) 8. Verify index was modified 9. Modify index (Delete MR) 10. Verify index was modified 11. Reindex index 12. Remove index 13. Verify index was removed :expectedresults: 1. Success 2. Success 3. Success 4. Success 5. Success 6. Success 7. Success 8. Success 9. Success 10. Success 11. Success 12. Success 13. Success """ sys.stdout = io.StringIO() args = FakeArgs() = BE_NAME args.be_name = BE_NAME args.suffix = False args.nsslapd_suffix = SUFFIX args.attr = 'description' args.index_type = 'eq' args.matching_rule = None args.reindex = False args.json = False args.just_names = False args.add_type = None args.del_type = None args.add_mr = None args.del_mr = None # Add an index backend_add_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("added index") # List indexes backend_list_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("cn: description") # Modify index (Add type) args.add_type = ['sub'] backend_set_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) args.add_type = None check_output("successfully updated") # Verify type was added args.attr = ['description'] backend_get_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("nsindextype: sub") # Remove index type sub args.attr = 'description' args.del_type = ['sub'] backend_set_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) args.del_type = None check_output("successfully updated") # Verify type was removed args.attr = ['description'] backend_get_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("nsindextype: sub", missing=True) # Modify index (add MR) args.attr = 'description' args.add_mr = [''] backend_set_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) args.add_mr = None check_output("successfully updated") # Verify MR was added args.attr = ['description'] backend_get_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("nsmatchingrule:") # Modify index (delete MR) args.attr = 'description' args.del_mr = [''] backend_set_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) args.del_mr = None check_output("successfully updated") # Verify MR was added args.attr = ['description'] backend_get_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("nsmatchingrule:", missing=True) # Reindex index backend_reindex(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("reindexed database") time.sleep(2) # Delete index backend_del_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("deleted index") # Verify index was removed backend_list_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args) check_output("cn: description", missing=True)
def test_user_modify(topology): be_args = FakeArgs() be_args.be_name = 'userRoot' be_args.suffix = DEFAULT_SUFFIX be_args.parent_suffix = None be_args.create_entries = False backend_create(topology.standalone, None, topology.logcap.log, be_args) # And add the skeleton objects. init_args = FakeArgs() init_args.version = INSTALL_LATEST_CONFIG initialise(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, init_args) # Check that our modify parser works. Modify statements are such as: # "add:attr:value". Replace is the exception as "replace:attr:old:new" # Check bad syntax modify_args = FakeArgs() modify_args.selector = "demo_user" modify_args.changes = ["tnaohtnsuahtnsouhtns"] with pytest.raises(ValueError): modify(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, modify_args) modify_args.changes = ["add:attr:"] with pytest.raises(ValueError): modify(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, modify_args) modify_args.changes = ["add:attr"] with pytest.raises(ValueError): modify(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, modify_args) modify_args.changes = ["replace::"] with pytest.raises(ValueError): modify(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, modify_args) modify_args.changes = ["replace:attr::new"] with pytest.raises(ValueError): modify(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, modify_args) modify_args.changes = ["delete:attr:old:new"] with pytest.raises(ValueError): modify(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, modify_args) # Check that even a single bad value causes error modify_args.changes = ["add:description:goodvalue", "add:attr:"] with pytest.raises(ValueError): modify(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, modify_args) # check good syntax modify_args.changes = ["add:description:testvalue"] modify(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, modify_args) modify_args.changes = ["replace:description:newvalue"] modify(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, modify_args) modify_args.changes = ["delete:description:newvalue"] modify(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, modify_args) modify_args.changes = ["add:description:testvalue"] modify(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, modify_args) modify_args.changes = ["delete:description:"] modify(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, modify_args) # check mixed type, with multiple actions modify_args.changes = ["add:objectclass:nsMemberOf", "add:description:anothervalue"] modify(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, modify_args)
def test_user_tasks(topology): be_args = FakeArgs() be_args.be_name = 'userRoot' be_args.suffix = DEFAULT_SUFFIX be_args.parent_suffix = None be_args.create_entries = False backend_create(topology.standalone, None, topology.logcap.log, be_args) # And add the skeleton objects. init_args = FakeArgs() init_args.version = INSTALL_LATEST_CONFIG initialise(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, init_args) # First check that our test user isn't there: topology.logcap.flush() u_args = FakeArgs() u_args.selector = 'testuser' u_args.json = False with pytest.raises(ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT): get(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, u_args) # Create the user topology.logcap.flush() u_args.uid = 'testuser' # = 'testuser' = 'Test User' u_args.displayName = 'Test User' u_args.homeDirectory = '/home/testuser' u_args.uidNumber = '5000' u_args.gidNumber = '5000' create(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, u_args) assert (topology.logcap.contains("Successfully created testuser")) # Assert they exist topology.logcap.flush() get(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, u_args) assert (topology.logcap.contains( 'dn: uid=testuser,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com')) # Reset the password # Lock the account, check status topology.logcap.flush() lock(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, u_args) assert (topology.logcap.contains('locked')) topology.logcap.flush() status(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, u_args) assert (topology.logcap.contains('locked: True')) # Unlock check status topology.logcap.flush() unlock(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, u_args) assert (topology.logcap.contains('unlocked')) topology.logcap.flush() status(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, u_args) assert (topology.logcap.contains('locked: False')) # Enroll a dummy cert # Enroll a dummy sshkey # Delete it topology.logcap.flush() u_args.dn = 'uid=testuser,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com' delete(topology.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology.logcap.log, u_args, warn=False) assert (topology.logcap.contains( 'Successfully deleted uid=testuser,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'))