Пример #1
def main():
    usage = (
        'usage: %prog --maf=file.maf --referenceGenome=A --comparisonGenome=B --chrNames=c0,c1,... --chrLengths=N1,N2,... --outDir=path/to/dir/\n\n'
        '%prog takes in a maf filename ( --maf ), a reference genome name as\n'
        'it appears in the maf ( --referenceGenome ), a genome name to compare against\n'
        '( --comparisonGenome ), a paired list of chromosome names ( --chrNames comma\n'
        'separated ) and chromosome lengths ( --chrLengths comma separated ) and a path\n'
        'to a directory where the maf pickles will be written ( --outDir ), one pickle\n'
        'per chromosome.')
    data = Data()
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    checkOptions(options, parser, data)

    readMaf(options, data)
    switchToPositiveStrandCoordinates(options, data)

    for c in data.chroms:
        data.mafBlocksByChrom[c].sort(key=lambda x: x.refStart, reverse=False)
    trimDups(options, data)
    if options.verify:
        verifyDistinct(options, data)

    convertDataToWiggle(options, data)
    recordCoverage(options, data)

    if options.verify:
        verifyStacks(options, data)
        verifyElements(options, data)
        verifyLengths(options, data)

    packData(data.mafWigDict, options.filename, options)
Пример #2
def main():
   usage = ( 'usage: %prog [options]\n\n'
             '%prog takes in a reference genome name ( --referenceGenome ),\n'
             'optionally a directory where annotation wig pickles are stored ( --annotPickleDir [optional] ),\n'
             'a directory where maf wig pickles are stored ( --mafPickleDir ), a paired set of chromosome names\n'
             '( --chrNames comma separated ) and chromosome lengths ( --chrLengths comma separated ) and \n'
             'then various other options specifed below to draw a figure.')
   data = Data()
   parser = OptionParser( usage=usage )
   initOptions( parser )
   las.initOptions( parser )
   lpt.initOptions( parser )
   options, args = parser.parse_args()
   checkOptions( options, parser, data )
   las.checkOptions( options, parser )
   lpt.checkOptions( options, parser )
   loadAnnots( options, data )
   loadMafs( options, data )

   normalizeData( options, data )
   transformData( options, data )

   figHeight = ( data.numberOfMafs + len( data.annotationOrder ) + 0.5 ) / 4.0
   fig, pdf = lpt.initImage( 8.0, figHeight, options, data )
   axDict = establishAxes( fig, options, data )
   labelAxes( fig, axDict, options, data )
   drawAnnotations( axDict, options, data )
   drawMafs( axDict, options, data )
   drawLegend( options, data )

   setAxisLimits( axDict, options, data )
   lpt.writeImage( fig, pdf, options )
Пример #3
def main():
    usage = ('usage: %prog [options] --dir=path/to/dir/\n\n'
             '%prog takes in a copy statistics file\n'
             'and creates an image file.')
    data = Data()
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    checkOptions(args, options, parser)
    las.checkOptions(options, parser)
    lpt.checkOptions(options, parser)
    if not options.outputRanks:
        fig, pdf = lpt.initImage(8.0, 10.0, options, data)

    stats = readFiles(options)
    sortedOrder = sorted(stats.values(),
                         key=lambda x: x.sumLower,

    if options.outputRanks:
        rankings(sortedOrder, options, data)

    axDict = establishAxes(fig, options, data)
    drawData(axDict, sortedOrder, options, data)
    drawLegend(options, data)
    drawAxisLabels(axDict, stats, options, data)
    setAxisLimits(axDict, options, data)

    lpt.writeImage(fig, pdf, options)
Пример #4
def main():
    usage = (
        'usage: %prog --key=KEY file1.maf.pickle file2.maf.pickle ...\n\n'
        '%prog takes a valid key ( --key ) and one or more maf wiggle pickle(s)\n'
        'and then pulls out all the counts stored in the numpy array for the key.'
    data = Data()
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    checkOptions(args, options, parser, data)

    loadPickles(args, options, data)
Пример #5
def main():
    usage = (
        'usage: %prog --gff=file.gff --outDir=path/to/dir/ --chrLengths=N1,N2,... --chrNames=A,B,...\n\n'
        '%prog takes in a gff file ( --gff ), an output directory ( --outDir ), and\n'
        'pairs of chromosome names ( --chrNames comma separated ) and chromosome \n'
        'lengths ( --chrLengths comma separated ) and returns one annotation wig\n'
        'pickle per chromosome in the output directory.')
    data = Data()
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    checkOptions(options, parser, data)
    readGff(options, data)
    for c in data.chrNames:
        data.gffRecordsByChrom[c].sort(key=lambda x: x.start, reverse=False)
    convertDataToWiggle(options, data)

    packData(data.annotWigDict, options.filename, options)
Пример #6
def main():
    usage = (
        '%prog --dir=path/to/dir --mode=[scaffPaths|contigs|contigPaths|blocks|contamination] [options]\n\n'
        '%prog takes an aggregate directory ( --dir ) and a mode \n'
        '( --mode ) and then produces a pretty picture.')
    data = Data()
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    checkOptions(options, parser)
    lpt.checkOptions(options, parser)

    readFiles(options, data)
    lpt.initImage(7.0, 8.0, options, data)
    establishAxis(options, data)

    drawPlots(options, data)

    lpt.writeImage(options, data)
Пример #7
def main():
    usage = (
        '%prog --file=file.txt --mode=[scaffPaths|contigs|contigPaths|blocks|contamination] [options]\n\n'
        '%prog takes an aggregate text file ( --file ) and a mode \n'
        '( --mode ) and then produces a pretty picture.')
    data = Data()
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    checkOptions(options, parser)
    lpt.checkOptions(options, parser)
    fig, pdf = lpt.initImage(8.0, 10.0, options, data)
    axDict = establishAxes(fig, options, data)

    data.valuesDict = readFile(options.file, options)
    data.xData = data.valuesDict['columnLength']

    if options.mode != 'contamination':
        data.valuesDict = normalizeDataNormalMode(data.valuesDict, options,
        normalizeDataContaminationMode(options, data)

    setAxisLimits(axDict['main'], axDict['crazy'], axDict['blowUp'],
                  data.xData, options, data)
    drawData(axDict['main'], axDict['crazy'], axDict['blowUp'], data.xData,
             data.valuesDict, options, data)
    drawLegend(options, data)
    drawAxisLabels(fig, options, data)

    setAxisLimits(axDict['main'], axDict['crazy'], axDict['blowUp'],
                  data.xData, options, data)

    establishTicks(axDict['main'], axDict['crazy'], axDict['blowUp'], options,
    lpt.writeImage(fig, pdf, options)
Пример #8
def main():
    usage = ('usage: %prog [options] file1.xml\n\n'
             '%prog takes in a copy number statistics file\n'
             'and creates an image file.')
    data = Data()
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    checkOptions(args, options, parser)
    lpt.checkOptions(options, parser)
    fig, pdf = lpt.initImage(11.0, 3.25, options, data)

    storedCategories = readFiles(options)

    establishGlobalMinMax(storedCategories, options, data)
    axDict = establishAxes(fig, storedCategories, options, data)

    drawData(axDict, storedCategories, options, data)
    drawLegend(options, data)
    drawAxisLabels(axDict, storedCategories, options, data)
    setAxisLimits(axDict, options, data)

    lpt.writeImage(fig, pdf, options)