def SearchNode(objItem, strSearchText): """Return True if strSearchText is found in objItem Note: objItem may have a special function that returns its content""" if 'PageContents' in objItem.objectIds(): varContents = objItem.PageContents.__call__(objItem) strContents = ToUnicode(varContents) if strSearchText.lower() in strContents.lower(): return (True, objItem.title, OneMapItem(objItem)) return (False, '', '')
def BuildRichTextAreaControl(dictElement, dictData, blnFieldsActive): # strLabel = BuildLabel(dictElement['Label']) strLabel = dictElement["Label"] strName = dictElement['Name'] strValue = "" if dictData: if strName in dictData.keys(): strValue = dictData[strName] if dictElement.has_key('Comments'): strComments = dictElement['Comments'] strComments = """<br><label> </label>%s""" % strComments else: strComments = "" if dictElement.has_key("Width"): strWidth = "rte1.width=%s;" % dictElement["Width"] else: strWidth = "" if dictElement.has_key("Height"): strHeight = "rte1.height=%s;" % dictElement["Height"] else: strHeight = "" if not blnFieldsActive: strReadOnly = "rte1.readOnly = true" else: strReadOnly = "" # print "0:", strValue strValue = ToUnicode(strValue) # print "1:", strValue strValue = strValue.replace("\n", " \n") strValue = re.escape(strValue) # print "2:", strValue # strValue = strValue.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') # print "3:", strValue strValue = encode_for_xml(strValue) # print "4:", strValue return """ <p>%s</p> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> //Usage: initRTE(imagesPath, includesPath, cssFile, genXHTML, encHTML) initRTE("/images/RTE/", "/js/", "", false); //--> </script> <noscript><p><b>Javascript must be enabled to use this form.</b></p></noscript> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- //build new richTextEditor var rte1 = new richTextEditor('%s'); // rte1.html = unescape(''); rte1.html = '%s'; //enable all commands for demo rte1.cmdFormatBlock = true; rte1.cmdFontName = true; rte1.cmdFontSize = true; rte1.cmdIncreaseFontSize = true; rte1.cmdDecreaseFontSize = true; rte1.cmdBold = true; rte1.cmdItalic = true; rte1.cmdUnderline = true; rte1.cmdStrikethrough = true; rte1.cmdSuperscript = true; rte1.cmdSubscript = true; rte1.cmdJustifyLeft = true; rte1.cmdJustifyCenter = true; rte1.cmdJustifyRight = true; rte1.cmdJustifyFull = true; rte1.cmdInsertHorizontalRule = true; rte1.cmdInsertOrderedList = true; rte1.cmdInsertUnorderedList = true; rte1.cmdOutdent = true; rte1.cmdIndent = true; rte1.cmdForeColor = true; rte1.cmdHiliteColor = true; rte1.cmdInsertLink = true; rte1.cmdInsertImage = true; rte1.cmdInsertSpecialChars = true; rte1.cmdInsertTable = true; rte1.cmdSpellcheck = true; rte1.cmdCut = true; rte1.cmdCopy = true; rte1.cmdPaste = true; rte1.cmdUndo = true; rte1.cmdRedo = true; rte1.cmdRemoveFormat = true; rte1.cmdUnlink = true; rte1.toggleSrc = false; %s %s %s; //--> </script> %s""" % (strLabel, strName, strValue, strWidth, strHeight, strReadOnly, strComments)