Пример #1
def parse_compile_commands_json(logfile, parseLogOptions):
    logfile: is a compile command json

    output_path = parseLogOptions.output_path
    if output_path is not None:
            os.path.join(output_path, compiler_includes_dump_file))
            os.path.join(output_path, compiler_target_dump_file))

    actions = []
    filtered_build_actions = {}

    data = json.load(logfile)

    compiler_includes = {}
    compiler_target = {}

    counter = 0
    for entry in data:
        sourcefile = entry['file']

        if not os.path.isabs(sourcefile):
            # Newest versions of intercept-build can create the 'file' in the
            # JSON Compilation Database as a relative path.
            sourcefile = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(entry['directory']),

        lang = option_parser.get_language(sourcefile[sourcefile.rfind('.'):])

        if not lang:

        action = build_action.BuildAction(counter)
        if 'command' in entry:
            command = entry['command']

            # Old versions of intercept-build (confirmed to those shipping
            # with upstream clang-5.0) do escapes in another way:
            # -DVARIABLE="a b" becomes -DVARIABLE=\"a b\" in the output.
            # This would be messed up later on by options_parser, so need a
            # fix here. (Should be removed once we are sure noone uses this
            # intercept-build anymore!)
            if r'\"' in command:
                command = command.replace(r'\"', '"')
        elif 'arguments' in entry:
            # Newest versions of intercept-build create an argument vector
            # instead of a command string.
            command = ' '.join(entry['arguments'])
            raise KeyError("No valid 'command' or 'arguments' entry found!")
        results = option_parser.parse_options(command)

        action.original_command = command

        # If the original include directory could not be found
        # in the filesystem, it is possible that it was provided
        # relative to the working directory in the compile json.
        compile_opts = results.compile_opts
        for i, opt in enumerate(compile_opts):
            if opt.startswith('-I'):
                inc_dir = opt[2:].strip()
                if not os.path.isdir(inc_dir):
                    compile_opts[i] = '-I' + \
                        os.path.join(entry['directory'], inc_dir)

        action.analyzer_options = compile_opts

        action.lang = results.lang
        action.target = results.arch
        action.output = results.output

        add_compiler_defaults = True

        # With gcc-toolchain a non default compiler toolchain can be set.
        # Clang will search for include paths and libraries based on the
        # gcc-toolchain parameter.
        # Detecting extra include paths from the host compiler could
        # conflict with this.

        # For example if the compiler in the compile command is clang
        # and gcc-toolchain is set we will get the include paths
        # for clang and not for the compiler set in gcc-toolchain.
        # This can cause missing headers during the analysis.

        toolchain = gcc_toolchain.toolchain_in_args(action.analyzer_options)
        if toolchain:
            add_compiler_defaults = False

        # Store the compiler built in include paths and defines.
        if add_compiler_defaults and results.compiler:
            if not (results.compiler in compiler_includes):
                # Fetch defaults from the compiler,
                # make sure we use the correct architecture.
                extra_opts = []
                for regex in COMPILE_OPTS_FWD_TO_DEFAULTS_GETTER:
                    pattern = re.compile(regex)
                    for comp_opt in action.analyzer_options:
                        if re.match(pattern, comp_opt):

                compiler_includes[results.compiler] = \
                    get_compiler_includes(parseLogOptions, results.compiler,
                                          results.lang, results.compile_opts,

            if not (results.compiler in compiler_target):
                compiler_target[results.compiler] = \
                    get_compiler_target(parseLogOptions, results.compiler)

            action.compiler_includes = compiler_includes[results.compiler]
            action.target = compiler_target[results.compiler]

        if results.action != option_parser.ActionType.COMPILE:
            action.skip = True

        # TODO: Check arch.
        action.directory = entry['directory']
        action.sources = sourcefile
        # Filter out duplicate compilation commands.
        unique_key = action.cmp_key
        if filtered_build_actions.get(unique_key) is None:
            filtered_build_actions[unique_key] = action

        del action
        counter += 1

    for _, ba in filtered_build_actions.items():
    return actions
Пример #2
def parse_compile_commands_json(logfile, add_compiler_defaults=False):
    import json
    LOG.debug('parse_compile_commands_json: ' + str(add_compiler_defaults))

    actions = []
    filtered_build_actions = {}

    data = json.load(logfile)

    compiler_defines = {}
    compiler_includes = {}

    counter = 0
    for entry in data:
        sourcefile = entry['file']

        if not os.path.isabs(sourcefile):
            # Newest versions of intercept-build can create the 'file' in the
            # JSON Compilation Database as a relative path.
            sourcefile = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(entry['directory']),

        lang = option_parser.get_language(sourcefile[sourcefile.rfind('.'):])

        if not lang:

        action = build_action.BuildAction(counter)
        if 'command' in entry:
            command = entry['command']

            # Old versions of intercept-build (confirmed to those shipping
            # with upstream clang-5.0) do escapes in another way:
            # -DVARIABLE="a b" becomes -DVARIABLE=\"a b\" in the output.
            # This would be messed up later on by options_parser, so need a
            # fix here. (Should be removed once we are sure noone uses this
            # intercept-build anymore!)
            if r'\"' in command:
                command = command.replace(r'\"', '"')
        elif 'arguments' in entry:
            # Newest versions of intercept-build create an argument vector
            # instead of a command string.
            command = ' '.join(entry['arguments'])
            raise KeyError("No valid 'command' or 'arguments' entry found!")
        results = option_parser.parse_options(command)

        action.original_command = command
        action.analyzer_options = results.compile_opts

        action.lang = results.lang
        action.target = results.arch

        # Store the compiler built in include paths and defines.
        if add_compiler_defaults and results.compiler:
            if not (results.compiler in compiler_defines):
                # Fetch defaults from the compiler,
                # make sure we use the correct architecture.
                extra_opts = []
                for regex in COMPILE_OPTS_FWD_TO_DEFAULTS_GETTER:
                    pattern = re.compile(regex)
                    for comp_opt in action.analyzer_options:
                        if re.match(pattern, comp_opt):

                compiler_defines[results.compiler] = \
                    get_compiler_defines(results.compiler, extra_opts)
                compiler_includes[results.compiler] = \
                    get_compiler_includes(results.compiler, extra_opts)
            action.compiler_defines = compiler_defines[results.compiler]
            action.compiler_includes = compiler_includes[results.compiler]

        if results.action == option_parser.ActionType.COMPILE or \
           results.action == option_parser.ActionType.LINK:
            action.skip = False

        # TODO: Check arch.
        action.directory = entry['directory']
        action.sources = sourcefile
        # Filter out duplicate compilation commands.
        unique_key = action.cmp_key
        if filtered_build_actions.get(unique_key) is None:
            filtered_build_actions[unique_key] = action

        del action
        counter += 1

    for ba_hash, ba in filtered_build_actions.items():

    return actions
Пример #3
def parse_compile_commands_json(logfile, add_compiler_defaults=False):
    import json
    LOG.debug('parse_compile_commands_json: ' + str(add_compiler_defaults))

    actions = []
    filtered_build_actions = {}

    data = json.load(logfile)

    compiler_defines = {}
    compiler_includes = {}

    counter = 0
    for entry in data:
        sourcefile = entry['file']
        lang = option_parser.get_language(sourcefile[sourcefile.rfind('.'):])

        if not lang:

        action = build_action.BuildAction(counter)

        command = entry['command']
        results = option_parser.parse_options(command)

        action.original_command = command
        action.analyzer_options = results.compile_opts
        action.lang = results.lang
        action.target = results.arch

        # store the compiler built in include paths
        # and defines
        if add_compiler_defaults and results.compiler:
            if not (results.compiler in compiler_defines):
                compiler_defines[results.compiler] = \
                compiler_includes[results.compiler] = \
            action.compiler_defines = compiler_defines[results.compiler]
            action.compiler_includes = compiler_includes[results.compiler]

        if results.action == option_parser.ActionType.COMPILE or \
           results.action == option_parser.ActionType.LINK:
            action.skip = False

        # TODO: check arch.
        action.directory = entry['directory']
        action.sources = sourcefile
        # Filter out duplicate compilation commands.
        unique_key = action.cmp_key
        if filtered_build_actions.get(unique_key) is None:
            filtered_build_actions[unique_key] = action

        del action
        counter += 1

    for ba_hash, ba in filtered_build_actions.items():

    return actions