Пример #1
def main(args):
    imm = immlib.Debugger()
    if not args:
        return usage(imm)
    if len(args) != 2:
        return usage(imm)

    addr = int(args[0], 16)
    size = int(args[1], 16)

    dt = libdatatype.DataTypes(imm)
    mem = imm.readMemory(addr, size)
    if not mem:
        return "Error: Couldn't read anything at address: 0x%08x" % addr

    ret = dt.Discover(mem, addr, what='all')
    imm.log("Found: %d data types" % len(ret))

    for obj in ret:
        t = "obj: %d" % obj.size
        if obj.data:
            msg = obj.Print()
            imm.log("obj: %s: %s %d" % (obj.name, msg, obj.getSize()),

    return "Found: %d data types" % len(ret)
Пример #2
def main(args):
    imm          = immlib.Debugger()
    if not args:
        return usage(imm)

    exclude = []
    address = None

        opts, argo = getopt.getopt(args, "a:x:")
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        return "Wrong Argument (Check Log Window)"

    for o,a in opts:
        if o == '-a':
            address = int( a, 16 )
        elif o == '-x':
            x_list = a.split(',')
            for x_addr in x_list:
                    exclude.append(int(x_addr, 16))
                except ValueError:
                    return "Invalid exclude value %s" % str(x_addr)
            return "Invalid option %s" % o

    if address is None:
        return "You must specify an address (-a)"

    page         = imm.getMemoryPageByAddress( address )

    if not page:
        return "Failed to grab Memory Page, wrong addres: 0x%08x" % address

    addr   = page.getBaseAddress()
    mem    = imm.readMemory( page.getBaseAddress(), page.getSize() )
    ndx    = INDEXER    
    fn_ptr = []
    # Discovering Function Pointers
    dt     = libdatatype.DataTypes( imm )
    ret    = dt.Discover( mem, addr, what = 'pointers' )
    if ret:
        for obj in ret: 
            if obj.isFunctionPointer() and obj.address not in exclude:
                # Writing a dword that would make the Function Pointer crash on AV
                #  and later we will identify on our AV Hook
                imm.log( "Modifying: 0x%08x" % obj.address )
                imm.writeLong( obj.address, ndx )
                ndx    += 1
                fn_ptr.append( obj )

        hook = FunctionTriggeredHook( fn_ptr )
        hook.add( "modptr_%08x" % addr )
        return "Hooking on %d Functions" % len( fn_ptr )
        return "No Function pointers found on the page of 0x%08x" % address
Пример #3
    def run(self, regs):
        imm = immlib.Debugger()
        called = imm.getKnowledge("heap_%08x" %  self.retaddr)
        (ahook, fhook) = imm.getKnowledge("end_%08x" % self.retaddr) 
        win      = imm.createTable("Function Sniffing", ["Address", "Data"] )
        memleak  = {}
        freelist = {}   
        win.Log("Dumping the Heap Flow")
        if called:
            for res in called:
                if res[0] == 1:
                    type, callstack, heap, flag, size, ret = res
                    memleak[ ret ] = (callstack, heap, flag, size, ret)    
                    win.Log("Alloc(0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x) -> 0x%08x" %\
                            ( heap, flag, size, ret ), address = callstack )
                elif res[0] == 0:
                    type, callstack, heap, flag, size = res
                    if memleak.has_key( size):
                        del memleak[ size ]
                        freelist[ size ] = (callstack, heap, flag, size)

                    win.Log("Free (0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x)" %\
                            ( heap, flag, size ), address = callstack )
        win.Log("Chunk freed but not allocated on this heap flow")          
        pheap = PHeap( imm )
        dt = libdatatype.DataTypes(imm)

        for a in freelist.keys():
            (callstack, heap, flag, base) = freelist[a]
            win.Log("Free (0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x)" %\
                    ( heap, flag, base ), address = callstack )

        win.Log("Memleak detected")                 
        for a in memleak.keys():   
            (callstack, heap, flag, size, ret) = memleak[a]
            win.Log("Alloc(0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x) -> 0x%08x" %\
                            ( heap, flag, size, ret ), address = callstack )

            chk = pheap.getChunks( ret - 8, 1)[0]
            chk.printchunk( uselog = win.Log, dt = dt )
        imm.log("Funsniff finished, check the newly created window")        
Пример #4
    def run(self, regs):
        imm = immlib.Debugger()

        accumulator = 0
        second = 0
        func = '+'
        # Calculate the Chunk Address based on the Expression
        for value in self.Expression:
            if value in self.Functions.keys():
                func = value
                if type(value) == type(0):
                    second = value
                elif regs.has_key(value.upper()):
                    second = regs[value.upper()]
                elif value[0] == '[' and value[-1] == ']' and regs.has_key(
                    second = imm.readLong(regs[value[1:-1].upper()])

                accumulator = self.Functions[func](accumulator, second)
        imm.Log("> Hit Hook 0x%08x, checking chunk: 0x%08x" %
                (self.address, accumulator),
        imm.Log("=" * 47)

        pheap = PHeap(imm, self.heap)
        plookaddr = 0
        if self.heap:
            plookaddr = pheap.Lookaside
        hlook = None
        if plookaddr:
            hlook = PHeapLookaside(imm, plookaddr)
        dt = None
        if self.discover:
            dt = libdatatype.DataTypes(imm)
        pheap = PHeap(imm)
        for chk in pheap.getChunks(accumulator, self.nchunks):
            if chk.size < 0x7F and hlook:
                l = hlook[chk.size]
                if not l.isEmpty():
                    if chk.addr + 8 in l.getList():
                        imm.Log("- LOOKASIDE -")
            chk.printchunk(uselog=imm.Log, dt=dt)
        imm.Log("=-" * 0x23 + "=")
Пример #5
def main(args):
    imm = immlib.Debugger()
    heap = 0x0
    discover = None

    if not args:
        return "Wrong args (Check the Log Window)"
        opts, argo = getopt.getopt(args, "h:d")
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        return "Bad heap argument %s" % args[0]

    for o,a in opts:
        if o == "-h":
                heap = int(a, 16)
            except ValueError, msg:
                self.InfoLine("Invalid heap address: %s" % a)
                return 0
	elif o == '-d':
            discover = libdatatype.DataTypes(imm)		
Пример #6
                return "Incorrect filter size : %s" % a

        elif o == "-s":
            save = True
        elif o == "-r":
            restore = True
        elif o == "-f":
            freelist = True
        elif o == "-c":
            chunksflags = True
        elif o == "-k":
            chunkdisplay = SHOWCHUNK_FULL
        elif o == "-n":
            opennewwindow = True
        elif o == "-d":
            discover = libdatatype.DataTypes(imm)
        elif o == '-l':
            LFH = True
        elif o == '-u':
            userblock = True
        elif o == '-z':
            lfhchunk = True
        elif o == '-q':
            showf = False

    if heap and (heap in imm.getHeapsAddress()):
        tag = "heap_%08x" % heap

        if not opennewwindow:
            window = imm.getKnowledge(tag)
            if window and not window.isValidHandle():