Пример #1
 def setUp(self):
     self.libFM = LibFM('2b3268cef9e10b81c4359cd03b4e6373', 
     #for generating not-found errors
     self.fake_user = '******'
     self.fake_artist = 'wdehgehrhrhrh'
     #see http://www.last.fm/api/desktopauth for how to generate your own sk
     self.libFM.session_key = None
def sample_exp():
    # making data from origin format to libfm format
    #db = Database('movielens', 718, 8928, 'ratings.csv', 'movies.attr')
    db = Database('amazon', 1000, 5000, 'cands_book.rating', 'cands_book.item')
    libfm = LibFM()

    # step 1: classification to predict interest
    db.dump_libfm_data('train_step1.libfm', 'test_step1.libfm', add_negative=True, binary=True)
    libfm.run('c', 'train_step1.libfm', 'test_step1.libfm', 'pred.libfm', iter_num=1)
    step1_pred_list = db.load_pred_list('pred.libfm', 'c')
    # TODO: merge accuracy accessing into libfm.py and call it here

    # step 2: regression to predict possible rating
    db.dump_libfm_data('train_step2.libfm', 'test_step2.libfm', add_negative=False, binary=False)
    libfm.run('r', 'train_step1.libfm', 'test_step1.libfm', 'pred.libfm', iter_num=1)
    step2_pred_list = db.load_pred_list('pred.libfm', 'r')
Пример #3
import json

from libfm import LibFM
from libfm import LibFMError

# create a handler instance with API key and application secret
lib_fm = LibFM('9b763a9a320e5719c1c9851fc7d71850',

def get_artist_info(artist):

    info = lib_fm.read('artist.getInfo', artist=artist)
    bio = info["artist"]["bio"]
    name = info["artist"]["name"]
    tags = info["artist"]["tags"]
    image = info["artist"]["image"]
    similar = info["artist"]["similar"]

    taglist = list()
    for tag in tags["tag"]:
    #print taglist

    print json.dumps(taglist)

    artist_list = list()
    for artist in similar["artist"]:

    print json.dumps(artist_list)
Пример #4
class TestLibFM(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.libFM = LibFM('2b3268cef9e10b81c4359cd03b4e6373', 
        #for generating not-found errors
        self.fake_user = '******'
        self.fake_artist = 'wdehgehrhrhrh'
        #see http://www.last.fm/api/desktopauth for how to generate your own sk
        self.libFM.session_key = None

    def session(method):
        """Skip methods that require authentication when sk is not hardcoded"""
        def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if self.libFM.session_key != None:
                return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper
    def test_named_parameters(self):
        response = self.libFM.read('user.getRecentTracks', limit=5, user='******')
        self.assertTrue('recenttracks' in response,
                        'Named parameters should work on generated methods')

    def test_no_parameters(self):
        """Making sure methods w/o parameters work fine"""
        response = self.libFM.read('geo.getMetroWeeklyChartlist')
        self.assertTrue('weeklychartlist' in response, 'Error in method w/o \

    def test_response_error_handling(self):
        """Checking exceptions raised from error codes"""
        self.assertRaises(LibFMError, self.libFM.read, 'user.getShouts',

    def test_write_method(self):
        response = self.libFM.write('artist.addTags', artist='Pearl Jam',
        if 'status' in response:
            if response['status'] == 'ok':
        self.assertTrue(False, 'Method failed to write')
    def test_xml_eq_json_normal_response(self):
        """Check if XML and JSON responses are seamless"""
        xml_response = self.libFM.read('artist.getTopFans', artist='Pearl Jam')
        self.libFM.force_xml_responses = True
        json_response = self.libFM.read('artist.getTopFans',
                                        artist='Pearl Jam')
        self.assertEqual(xml_response, json_response, 
                         'XML and JSON requests produce different results')
    def test_xml_eq_json_error_response(self):
        """Check if error containing XML and JSON responses are seamless"""
            self.libFM.read('artist.getTopTracks', artist=self.fake_artist)
            self.fail('Call of artist.getTopTracks with fake artist name %s \
                should have raised an error.' % self.fake_artist)
        except LibFMError, xml_error:
            self.libFM.force_xml_responses = True
                self.libFM.read('artist.getTopTracks', artist=self.fake_artist)
                self.fail('Call of artist.getTopTracks with fake artist name \
                    %s should have raised an error.' % self.fake_artist)
            except LibFMError, json_error:
                self.assertEqual(xml_error, json_error, 
                            'XML and JSON responses raise different errors')
#from Count import count_words_at_url
from random import randint

import spotipy
from libfm import LibFM
import pymysql as sql

spotify = spotipy.Spotify()
lib_fm = LibFM('9b763a9a320e5719c1c9851fc7d71850',
lib_fm.create_mobile_session('weixc1234', 'wxc16888')

db = sql.connect(host='cs4111.cnjryr7wwjlv.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
cursor = db.cursor()

tags_list = list()
test Spotify API and down the data using APIs


def get_artist_id_by_name(name):
    results = spotify.search(q='artist:' + name, type='artist')
    return results["artists"]["items"][0]["uri"]

Пример #6
from libfm import LibFM
from libfm import LibFMError

# create a handler instance with API key and application secret
lib_fm = LibFM('api key...', 'application secret...')

    lib_fm.create_mobile_session('username...', 'password...')

    # simple read
    info = lib_fm.read('artist.getInfo', artist='Pink Floyd')
    print info['artist']['url']
    for tag in info['artist']['tags']['tag']:
        print tag['name']

    # simple write
    lib_fm.write('artist.addTags', artist='Black Sabbath',
                 tags='metal, classic rock')
except LibFMError, err:
    print err