def   analyze():
  patternDistance = PatternDistanceAnalyzer()
  slider = ConcursoExt()
  last_concurso = slider.get_last_concurso()
  repeats_dict = Dict2()
  for nDoConc in range(START_AT_N_CONC, last_concurso.nDoConc+1):
    concurso = slider.get_concurso_by_nDoConc(nDoConc)
    contrajogos_as_dezenas_list = last_concurso.get_contrajogos_as_dezenas_list_down_to_depth(depth=4, inclusive=True)
    if contrajogos_as_dezenas_list == None:
    #print concurso.nDoConc,, concurso.get_dezenas(), contrajogos_as_dezenas_list 
    repeats_array = jogos_functions.get_array_n_repeats_with_m_previous_games(concurso.get_dezenas(), contrajogos_as_dezenas_list)
    token = ''.join(map(str, repeats_array))
  tokens_and_quants = repeats_dict.items()
  tokens_and_quants.sort(key = lambda x : x[1])
  for token_and_quant in tokens_and_quants:
    token = token_and_quant[0]
    quant = token_and_quant[1]
    pattern = rightFillToNSpaces(token, 3)
    zquant  = leftFillToNSpaces(str(quant), 3)
    print pattern, ':', zquant 
Пример #2
def filter_in_those_within_n_repeats_with_m_previous_games(jogo_as_dezenas, contrajogos, compare_repeat_list):
  Suppose the following "small" game history:
    ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
    ( 7, 8, 9,10,11,12)
  Now we ask how many repeats there are for the game:
    ( 1, 7,13,19,25,26)
  One can see that 1, 7 and 13 happened in the "small" game history above, so there are 3 repeats
  Because these repeats are single, ie, they do not repeat more times in history, the repeat information comes in positional, ie,
  it's [3], 3 inside a list.
  The second element in such a list informs that its value should be applied for a double repeat.
    Example: [3, 1] means: allow up to 3 single repeats and 1 double repeat
             (a double repeat is a dozen that happens twice in the game history considered, ie, through contrajogos). 
  Double repeats are not contemplated here because the coincides_history filter above encompasses 
  repeats_array = jogos_functions.get_array_n_repeats_with_m_previous_games(jogo_as_dezenas, contrajogos)
  # repeats_array is not planned to return as None, but it can be returned empty
  if len(repeats_array) == 0:
    return False
  bool_array_result = map(swlambda.is_equal, repeats_array, compare_repeat_list)
  if False in bool_array_result:
    return False
  # This means: all elements in bool_array_result are True, jogo_as_dezenas passed the filter
  return True