Пример #1
def convetBBoxtoMapillary(geohash):
    Converts a geohash into a string  representing the bounding box coordinates in this order:
            geohash (string):Geohash whose bounding box we want to obtain e.g. u0qj9

            (string): bounding box  coordinates string in format West,South,East,North
    gh_bbox = gh.bbox(geohash)
    return str(gh_bbox["w"])+","+str(gh_bbox["s"])+","+str(gh_bbox["e"])+","+str(gh_bbox["n"])
def geohash_to_polygons(ghashes):
    Converts a list of geohashes to a shapely polygon.
    polygons = []
    for ghash in ghashes:
        # bbox returns a tuple of lat, lon pairs which essentially is (y, x) in cartesian plane.
        # Converting it into (x, y) before passing to shapely.
        bounds = [ele[::-1] for ele in gh.bbox(ghash, coordinates=True)]

    return polygons
def getMapillaryBbox(geohash):
    Converts a geohash into a string  representing the bounding box coordinates in this order:
            geohash (string):Geohash whose bounding box we want to obtain e.g. u0qj9

            (dict): a bounding box as a dictionary
    gh_bbox = gh.bbox(geohash)
    return {
        "west": gh_bbox["w"],
        "south": gh_bbox["s"],
        "east": gh_bbox["e"],
        "north": gh_bbox["n"]