Пример #1
async def test_simple_two_nodes():
    node_a = await new_node(transport_opt=[str(LISTEN_MADDR)])
    node_b = await new_node(transport_opt=[str(LISTEN_MADDR)])

    await node_a.get_network().listen(LISTEN_MADDR)
    await node_b.get_network().listen(LISTEN_MADDR)

    supported_protocols = [FLOODSUB_PROTOCOL_ID]
    topic = "my_topic"
    data = b"some data"

    floodsub_a = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
    pubsub_a = Pubsub(node_a, floodsub_a, ID(b"a" * 32))
    floodsub_b = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
    pubsub_b = Pubsub(node_b, floodsub_b, ID(b"b" * 32))

    await connect(node_a, node_b)
    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    sub_b = await pubsub_b.subscribe(topic)
    # Sleep to let a know of b's subscription
    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    await pubsub_a.publish(topic, data)

    res_b = await sub_b.get()

    # Check that the msg received by node_b is the same
    # as the message sent by node_a
    assert ID(res_b.from_id) == node_a.get_id()
    assert res_b.data == data
    assert res_b.topicIDs == [topic]

    # Success, terminate pending tasks.
    await cleanup()
Пример #2
async def test_lru_cache_two_nodes(monkeypatch):
    # two nodes with cache_size of 4
    # `node_a` send the following messages to node_b
    message_indices = [1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1]
    # `node_b` should only receive the following
    expected_received_indices = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1]

    node_a = await new_node(transport_opt=[str(LISTEN_MADDR)])
    node_b = await new_node(transport_opt=[str(LISTEN_MADDR)])

    await node_a.get_network().listen(LISTEN_MADDR)
    await node_b.get_network().listen(LISTEN_MADDR)

    supported_protocols = SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS
    topic = "my_topic"

    # Mock `get_msg_id` to make us easier to manipulate `msg_id` by `data`.
    def get_msg_id(msg):
        # Originally it is `(msg.seqno, msg.from_id)`
        return (msg.data, msg.from_id)
    import libp2p.pubsub.pubsub
    monkeypatch.setattr(libp2p.pubsub.pubsub, "get_msg_id", get_msg_id)

    # Initialize Pubsub with a cache_size of 4
    cache_size = 4
    floodsub_a = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
    pubsub_a = Pubsub(node_a, floodsub_a, ID(b"a" * 32), cache_size)

    floodsub_b = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
    pubsub_b = Pubsub(node_b, floodsub_b, ID(b"b" * 32), cache_size)

    await connect(node_a, node_b)
    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    sub_b = await pubsub_b.subscribe(topic)
    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    def _make_testing_data(i: int) -> bytes:
        num_int_bytes = 4
        if i >= 2**(num_int_bytes * 8):
            raise ValueError("integer is too large to be serialized")
        return b"data" + i.to_bytes(num_int_bytes, "big")

    for index in message_indices:
        await pubsub_a.publish(topic, _make_testing_data(index))
    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    for index in expected_received_indices:
        res_b = await sub_b.get()
        assert res_b.data == _make_testing_data(index)
    assert sub_b.empty()

    # Success, terminate pending tasks.
    await cleanup()
Пример #3
async def test_simple_three_nodes():
    # Want to pass message from A -> B -> C
    node_a = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"])
    node_b = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"])
    node_c = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"])

    await node_a.get_network().listen(multiaddr.Multiaddr("/ip4/"))
    await node_b.get_network().listen(multiaddr.Multiaddr("/ip4/"))
    await node_c.get_network().listen(multiaddr.Multiaddr("/ip4/"))

    supported_protocols = ["/floodsub/1.0.0"]

    floodsub_a = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
    pubsub_a = Pubsub(node_a, floodsub_a, "a")
    floodsub_b = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
    pubsub_b = Pubsub(node_b, floodsub_b, "b")
    floodsub_c = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
    pubsub_c = Pubsub(node_c, floodsub_c, "c")

    await connect(node_a, node_b)
    await connect(node_b, node_c)

    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
    qb = await pubsub_b.subscribe("my_topic")
    qc = await pubsub_c.subscribe("my_topic")
    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    node_a_id = str(node_a.get_id())

    msg = MessageTalk(node_a_id, node_a_id, ["my_topic"], "some data", generate_message_id())

    await floodsub_a.publish(node_a.get_id(), msg.to_str())

    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
    res_b = await qb.get()
    res_c = await qc.get()

    # Check that the msg received by node_b is the same
    # as the message sent by node_a
    assert res_b == msg.to_str()

    # res_c should match original msg but with b as sender
    node_b_id = str(node_b.get_id())
    msg.from_id = node_b_id

    assert res_c == msg.to_str()

    # Success, terminate pending tasks.
    await cleanup()
Пример #4
async def test_simple_two_nodes():
    node_a = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"])
    node_b = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"])

    await node_a.get_network().listen(
    await node_b.get_network().listen(

    supported_protocols = ["/floodsub/1.0.0"]

    floodsub_a = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
    pubsub_a = Pubsub(node_a, floodsub_a, "a")
    floodsub_b = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
    pubsub_b = Pubsub(node_b, floodsub_b, "b")

    await connect(node_a, node_b)

    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
    qb = await pubsub_b.subscribe("my_topic")

    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    node_a_id = str(node_a.get_id())

    next_msg_id_func = message_id_generator(0)
    msg = generate_RPC_packet(node_a_id, ["my_topic"], "some data",
    await floodsub_a.publish(node_a_id, msg.SerializeToString())
    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    res_b = await qb.get()

    # Check that the msg received by node_b is the same
    # as the message sent by node_a
    assert res_b.SerializeToString() == msg.publish[0].SerializeToString()

    # Success, terminate pending tasks.
    await cleanup()
Пример #5
    async def create(cls):
        Create a new DummyAccountNode and attach a libp2p node, a floodsub, and a pubsub
        instance to this new node

        We use create as this serves as a factory function and allows us
        to use async await, unlike the init function
        self = DummyAccountNode()

        libp2p_node = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"])
        await libp2p_node.get_network().listen(multiaddr.Multiaddr("/ip4/"))

        self.libp2p_node = libp2p_node

        self.floodsub = FloodSub(SUPPORTED_PUBSUB_PROTOCOLS)
        self.pubsub = Pubsub(self.libp2p_node, self.floodsub, "a")
        return self
Пример #6
 async def create(cls):
     host = await new_node()
     floodsub = FloodSub(SUPPORTED_PUBSUB_PROTOCOLS)
     pubsub = Pubsub(host, floodsub, "test")
     return cls(host, pubsub)
Пример #7
async def test_lru_cache_two_nodes():
    # two nodes with cache_size of 4
    # node_a send the following messages to node_b
    # [1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1]
    # node_b should only receive the following
    # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1]
    node_a = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"])
    node_b = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"])

    await node_a.get_network().listen(
    await node_b.get_network().listen(

    supported_protocols = ["/floodsub/1.0.0"]

    # initialize PubSub with a cache_size of 4
    floodsub_a = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
    pubsub_a = Pubsub(node_a, floodsub_a, "a", 4)
    floodsub_b = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
    pubsub_b = Pubsub(node_b, floodsub_b, "b", 4)

    await connect(node_a, node_b)

    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
    qb = await pubsub_b.subscribe("my_topic")

    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    node_a_id = str(node_a.get_id())

    # initialize message_id_generator
    # store first message
    next_msg_id_func = message_id_generator(0)
    first_message = generate_RPC_packet(node_a_id, ["my_topic"], "some data 1",

    await floodsub_a.publish(node_a_id, first_message.SerializeToString())
    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    messages = [first_message]
    # for the next 5 messages
    for i in range(2, 6):
        # write first message
        await floodsub_a.publish(node_a_id, first_message.SerializeToString())
        await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

        # generate and write next message
        msg = generate_RPC_packet(node_a_id, ["my_topic"],
                                  "some data " + str(i), next_msg_id_func())

        await floodsub_a.publish(node_a_id, msg.SerializeToString())
        await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    # write first message again
    await floodsub_a.publish(node_a_id, first_message.SerializeToString())
    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    # check the first five messages in queue
    # should only see 1 first_message
    for i in range(5):
        # Check that the msg received by node_b is the same
        # as the message sent by node_a
        res_b = await qb.get()
        assert res_b.SerializeToString(
        ) == messages[i].publish[0].SerializeToString()

    # the 6th message should be first_message
    res_b = await qb.get()
    assert res_b.SerializeToString(
    ) == first_message.publish[0].SerializeToString()
    assert qb.empty()

    # Success, terminate pending tasks.
    await cleanup()
Пример #8
async def perform_test_from_obj(obj):
    Perform a floodsub test from a test obj.
    test obj are composed as follows:
        "supported_protocols": ["supported/protocol/1.0.0",...],
        "adj_list": {
            "node1": ["neighbor1_of_node1", "neighbor2_of_node1", ...],
            "node2": ["neighbor1_of_node2", "neighbor2_of_node2", ...],
        "topic_map": {
            "topic1": ["node1_subscribed_to_topic1", "node2_subscribed_to_topic1", ...]
        "messages": [
                "topics": ["topic1_for_message", "topic2_for_message", ...],
                "data": "some contents of the message (newlines are not supported)",
                "node_id": "message sender node id"
    NOTE: In adj_list, for any neighbors A and B, only list B as a neighbor of A
    or B as a neighbor of A once. Do NOT list both A: ["B"] and B:["A"] as the behavior
    is undefined (even if it may work)

    # Step 1) Create graph
    adj_list = obj["adj_list"]
    node_map = {}
    floodsub_map = {}
    pubsub_map = {}

    supported_protocols = obj["supported_protocols"]

    tasks_connect = []
    for start_node_id in adj_list:
        # Create node if node does not yet exist
        if start_node_id not in node_map:
            node = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"])
            await node.get_network().listen(

            node_map[start_node_id] = node

            floodsub = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
            floodsub_map[start_node_id] = floodsub
            pubsub = Pubsub(node, floodsub, start_node_id)
            pubsub_map[start_node_id] = pubsub

        # For each neighbor of start_node, create if does not yet exist,
        # then connect start_node to neighbor
        for neighbor_id in adj_list[start_node_id]:
            # Create neighbor if neighbor does not yet exist
            if neighbor_id not in node_map:
                neighbor_node = await new_node(
                await neighbor_node.get_network().listen(

                node_map[neighbor_id] = neighbor_node

                floodsub = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
                floodsub_map[neighbor_id] = floodsub
                pubsub = Pubsub(neighbor_node, floodsub, neighbor_id)
                pubsub_map[neighbor_id] = pubsub

            # Connect node and neighbor
            # await connect(node_map[start_node_id], node_map[neighbor_id])
                    connect(node_map[start_node_id], node_map[neighbor_id])))
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks_connect)

    # Allow time for graph creation before continuing
    # await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    # Step 2) Subscribe to topics
    queues_map = {}
    topic_map = obj["topic_map"]

    tasks_topic = []
    tasks_topic_data = []
    for topic in topic_map:
        for node_id in topic_map[topic]:
            # Subscribe node to topic
            q = await pubsub_map[node_id].subscribe(topic)

            # Create topic-queue map for node_id if one does not yet exist
            if node_id not in queues_map:
                queues_map[node_id] = {}

            # Store queue in topic-queue map for node
            queues_map[node_id][topic] = q
            tasks_topic_data.append((node_id, topic))

    # Gather is like Promise.all
    responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks_topic, return_exceptions=True)
    for i in range(len(responses) - 1):
        q = responses[i]
        node_id, topic = tasks_topic_data[i]
        if node_id not in queues_map:
            queues_map[node_id] = {}

        # Store queue in topic-queue map for node
        queues_map[node_id][topic] = q

    # Allow time for subscribing before continuing
    # await asyncio.sleep(0.01)

    # Step 3) Publish messages
    topics_in_msgs_ordered = []
    messages = obj["messages"]
    tasks_publish = []
    next_msg_id_func = message_id_generator(0)

    for msg in messages:
        topics = msg["topics"]

        data = msg["data"]
        node_id = msg["node_id"]

        # Get actual id for sender node (not the id from the test obj)
        actual_node_id = str(node_map[node_id].get_id())

        # Create correctly formatted message
        msg_talk = generate_RPC_packet(actual_node_id, topics, data,

        # Publish message
        # await floodsub_map[node_id].publish(actual_node_id, msg_talk.to_str())
            actual_node_id, msg_talk.SerializeToString())))

        # For each topic in topics, add topic, msg_talk tuple to ordered test list
        # TODO: Update message sender to be correct message sender before
        # adding msg_talk to this list
        for topic in topics:
            topics_in_msgs_ordered.append((topic, msg_talk))

    # Allow time for publishing before continuing
    # await asyncio.sleep(0.4)
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks_publish)

    # Step 4) Check that all messages were received correctly.
    # TODO: Check message sender too
    for i in range(len(topics_in_msgs_ordered)):
        topic, actual_msg = topics_in_msgs_ordered[i]

        # Look at each node in each topic
        for node_id in topic_map[topic]:
            # Get message from subscription queue
            msg_on_node_str = await queues_map[node_id][topic].get()
            assert actual_msg.publish[0].SerializeToString(
            ) == msg_on_node_str.SerializeToString()

    # Success, terminate pending tasks.
    await cleanup()