def init_keys(): keys = [ # Switch between windows in current stack pane Key([mod], "j", lazy.layout.down()), Key([mod], "k", lazy.layout.up()), # Move windows in current stack Key([mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_down()), Key([mod, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), # Switch through the different layouts Key([mod, "control"], "j", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod, "control"], "k", lazy.prev_layout()), # Maximize / minimize current window Key([mod], "m", lazy.window.toggle_maximize()), # Normalize all windows by restoring the default size ratios Key([mod], "n", lazy.layout.normalize()), # Toggle floating Key([mod, "shift"], "t", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), Key([mod, "shift"], "s", show_shortcuts), # Move current window between different groups Key([mod, "shift"], "h", window_to_previous_group()), Key([mod, "shift"], "l", window_to_next_group()), # Grow size of current window (XmonadTall) Key([mod, "control"], "h", lazy.layout.shrink(), lazy.layout.decrease_nmaster()), # Shrink size of current window (XmonadTall) Key([mod, "control"], "l", lazy.layout.grow(), lazy.layout.increase_nmaster()), # Start the configured terminal Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn(myterm)), # Kill active window Key([mod], "w", lazy.window.kill()), # Restart qtile / reload configuration Key([mod, "control"], "r", lazy.restart()), # Quit qtile Key([mod, "control"], "q", lazy.shutdown()), # Run a command; will open an input-field Key([mod], "r", lazy.spawncmd()), ] return keys
# on_focus_lost_hide=True) ]), ] keys = [ # Layout hotkeys Key([mod, "control"], "h", lazy.layout.shrink_main()), Key([mod, "control"], "l", lazy.layout.grow_main()), Key([mod, "control"], "j", lazy.layout.down()), Key([mod, "control"], "k", lazy.layout.up()), Key([mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_down()), Key([mod, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), #Key([mod], "grave", lazy.screen.next_group(skip_empty=True)), #Key([mod], "Tab", lazy.screen.prev_group(skip_empty=True)), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below Key([mod], "m", lazy.prev_layout()), Key([mod, "shift"], "m", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod], "w", lazy.window.kill()), Key([mod], "space", lazy.function(lambda qtile: qtile.cmd_hide_show_bar())), Key([mod, 'control'], "m", lazy.function(change_abstract_window_state, state=5)), Key([mod, 'control'], "n", lazy.window.resize_floating(0, 69)), Key([mod, 'shift'], "n", lazy.window.move_floating(-1, -69)), # Lazy functions do not capture variables so passing lambda instead. Key([mod, 'control'], "w", lazy.function(lambda qtile: toggle_work_hours_widget( work_start_time, work_hours_widget))), # Key([mod, "control"], "r", lazy.restart()), #Key([mod, "control"], "q", lazy.function(shutdown)),
Key([mod], "c", lazy.spawn("code")), Key([mod], "s", lazy.spawn("spotify")), Key([mod], "n", lazy.spawn("nautilus")), Key([mod], "d", lazy.spawn("discord")), Key([mod, "shift" ], "w", lazy.spawn("libreoffice --writer")), Key([mod],"v",lazy.spawn("virtualbox")), Key([mod], "r", lazy.spawn("rofi -show drun")), Key([],"Print", lazy.spawn("xfce4-screenshooter")), #Random notifications Key([mod], "F5", lazy.spawn("/home/anyel/.config/qtile/scripts/")), Key([mod], "F6", lazy.spawn("notify-send -u 'low' '" +"%c") + "'")), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below Key([mod], "q", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod], "Tab", lazy.prev_layout()), Key([mod], "w", lazy.window.kill()), #Control-commands Key([mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.rotate()), Key([mod, "control"], "r", lazy.restart()), Key([mod, "control"], "q", lazy.shutdown()), Key([mod,"control"],"Escape",lazy.spawn("systemctl poweroff")), Key([mod,"control"],"s",lazy.spawn("systemctl suspend")), #Monitor commands: Key([mod], "0", lazy.next_screen() ), Key([mod], "apostrophe",switch_screens() ), # Sound Key([], "XF86AudioMute", lazy.spawn("amixer -q set Master toggle")),
Key([mod, 'control'], 'space', lazy.layout.rotate()), # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack. # Split = all windows displayed. # Unsplit = 1 window displayed, like Max layout, but still with # multiple stack panes. Key([mod, 'shift'], 'Return', lazy.layout.toggle_split()), # Open a terminal. Key([mod], 'Return', lazy.spawn(_hso.terminal())), # Screen lock. Key([mod], 'Escape', lazy.spawn('dm-tool lock')), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below. Key([mod, 'shift'], 'Tab', lazy.prev_layout()), Key([mod], 'Tab', lazy.next_layout()), # Move between groups. Key([mod], 'grave', lazy.screen.prev_group()), Key([mod], 'BackSpace', lazy.screen.next_group()), Key([mod, 'shift'], 'grave', lazy.screen.toggle_group()), Key([mod], 'w', lazy.window.kill()), Key([mod, 'control'], 'r', lazy.restart()), Key([mod, 'control'], 'q', lazy.shutdown()), Key([mod], 'r', lazy.spawncmd()), ]
Key([], 'XF86Launch1', lazy.spawn('xlock')), Key([], 'XF86AudioMute', lazy.spawn('amixer -D pulse set Master toggle')), #Key([], 'XF86AudioMicMute', lazy.spawn('amixer -D pulse set Master toggle')), Key([], 'XF86AudioRaiseVolume', lazy.spawn('amixer -c 0 -q set Master 2dB+')), Key([], 'XF86AudioLowerVolume', lazy.spawn('amixer -c 0 -q set Master 2dB-')), # Switch groups Key([], 'XF86Back', lazy.screen.prev_group(skip_managed=True, )), Key([], 'XF86Forward', lazy.screen.next_group(skip_managed=True, )), Key([mod], 'XF86Back', lazy.screen.prev_group(skip_managed=True, )), Key([mod], 'XF86Forward', lazy.screen.next_group(skip_managed=True, )), Key([mod], 'Left', lazy.screen.prev_group(skip_managed=True, )), Key([mod], 'Right', lazy.screen.next_group(skip_managed=True, )), Key([mod], 'Escape', lazy.screen.togglegroup()), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below Key([mod], 'space', lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod, 'shift'], 'space', lazy.prev_layout()), #'... Key([mod, 'shift'], 'c', lazy.window.kill()), # qtile maintenence Key([mod, 'shift'], 'e', lazy.spawn('gvim {}'.format(__file__))), Key([mod, 'shift'], 'r', lazy.restart()), # default is control! ;) Key([mod, 'shift'], 'q', lazy.shutdown()), Key([mod], 'r', lazy.spawncmd()), Key([mod], 'f', lazy.window.toggle_floating()), Key([mod], 'm', lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), Key([mod], 'n', lazy.window.toggle_minimize()), #Key( [mod, 'shift'], '2', lazy.to_screen(1),, ] # create groups groups = [Group(i) for i in '1234567890']
def init_keys(self): """""" keys = [ # Qtile commands Key([mod, "control"], "r", lazy.restart()), Key([mod, "control"], "q", lazy.shutdown()), Key([mod, "control"], "t", self.change_theme), # Switch between windows in current stack pane Key([mod], "k", lazy.layout.down()), Key([mod], "j", lazy.layout.up()), # Move windows up or down in current stack Key([mod, "control"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_down()), Key([mod, "control"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), # Resize panels Key([mod], "o", lazy.layout.shrink()), Key([mod], "p", lazy.layout.grow()), # Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack Key([mod], "Right",, Key([mod], "Left", lazy.layout.previous()), # # Swap panes of split stack # Key([mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.rotate()), # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack. # Split = all windows displayed # Unsplit = 1 window displayed, like Max layout, but still with # multiple stack panes # Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.layout.toggle_split()), # Terminal Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn(TERMINAL)), # Toggle between different layouts # Key([mod], "space", lazy.nextlayout()), Key([mod, "shift"], "Right", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod, "shift"], "Left", lazy.prev_layout()), # Close window Key([mod, "shift"], "w", lazy.window.kill()), # Launch comands Key([mod], "r", lazy.spawncmd()), Key([mod], "space", lazy.spawncmd()), # Maximize window Key([mod, "shift"], "Up", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), # Full screen Key([mod], "f", lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), Key([mod], "h", self.turn_off_monitor), # Multimedia Key([], "XF86AudioMute", lazy.spawn(VOLUME_MUTE)), Key([], "XF86AudioLowerVolume", lazy.spawn(VOLUME_DOWN)), Key([], "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", lazy.spawn(VOLUME_UP)), Key([], "XF86MonBrightnessDown", lazy.spawn(BRIGHTNESS_DOWN)), Key([], "XF86MonBrightnessUp", lazy.spawn(BRIGHTNESS_UP)), Key([], "XF86AudioNext", lazy.spawn(AUDIO_NEXT)), Key([], "XF86AudioPrev", lazy.spawn(AUDIO_PREV)), Key([], "XF86AudioPlay", lazy.spawn(AUDIO_PLAY)), # Move window between groups Key([mod, "control", "shift"], "Left", self.window_to_prev_group), Key([mod, "control", "shift"], "Right", self.window_to_next_group), # Change window focus Key([mod, "control"], "Left", self.to_prev_group), Key([mod, "control"], "Right", self.to_next_group), # Change wallpaper #Key([mod], "y", self.change_wallpaper), #Key([mod, "shift", "control"], "l", lazy.layout.grow_right()), #Key([mod, "shift"], "l", lazy.layout.shuffle_right()), #Key([mod, "shift", "control"], "h", lazy.layout.grow_left()), #Key([mod, "shift"], "h", lazy.layout.shuffle_left()), #Key([mod], "s", lazy.layout.toggle_split()), ] return keys
def init_const_keys(): """For layMan key-switcher (WIP): non-layout, consistent keys""" keys = [ # Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack Key([mod], "Tab",, Key([mod, shift], 'Tab', lazy.layout.previous()), # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack. # Split = all windows displayed # Unsplit = 1 window displayed, like Max layout, but still with # multiple stack panes Key([mod], 'w', lazy.window.toggle_minimize()), Key([mod, shift], 'w', lazy.window.toggle_minimize()), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below Key([mod], "space", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod, shift], "space", lazy.prev_layout()), Key([mod, shift], "q", lazy.restart()), Key([mod, ctrl], "q", lazy.shutdown()), Key([mod, shift], "semicolon", lazy.spawncmd()), Key([mod], "p", lazy.spawn('rofi -show drun')), # Scrotter Key([mod, shift], 'a', lazy.spawn([ 'scrot', '-q', '100', '%Y%m%d.%H%M:%S_qtile.png', '-e', 'mv $f ~/Screenshots/', ])), Key([mod, shift], 'u', lazy.spawn([ 'scrot', '-ubq', '100', '%Y%m%d.%H%M:%S_window.png', '-e', 'mv $f ~/Screenshots', ])), # TODO: grab mouse for this Key([mod, shift], 's', lazy.spawn([ 'scrot', '-sq', '100', '%Y%m%d.%H%M:%S_selection.png', '-e', 'mv $f ~/Screenshots', ])), # Window Ops Key([mod], "x", lazy.window.kill()), Key([mod], "t", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), Key([mod, shift], "e", lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), Key([mod], "semicolon", lazy.spawn(TERMUX)), #movement Key([mod], "g", lazy.togroup()), Key([mod], "slash", lazy.findwindow()), # Sound and Mpd Key([], "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", lazy.spawn("amixer sset Master 5%+")), Key([], "XF86AudioLowerVolume", lazy.spawn("amixer sset Master 5%-")), Key([], "XF86AudioMute", lazy.spawn("amixer sset Master toggle")), Key( [], "XF86AudioNext", # lazy.function(lambda q: fipc_jango("next"))), lazy.spawn("mpc next")), Key( [], "XF86AudioPrev", # lazy.function(lambda q: fipc_jango("prev"))), lazy.spawn("mpc prev")), # No mute key @notebook Key([shift], "XF86AudioMute"), # Key([], "F12", lazy.function(SwapGroup('h4x'))), #qtile-examples/roger/ # Key(['shift'], "F12", lazy.function(to_urgent)), #qtile-examples/roger/ ] keys.extend(init_groups_keys()) return keys
def init_keys(self): # Key alias mod = "mod4" alt = "mod1" altgr = "mod5" return [ # On root Key([mod, altgr], "Insert", lazy.restart()), # Restart Qtile Key([mod, altgr], "Delete", lazy.shutdown()), # Shutdown Qtile Key([mod, altgr], "p", lazy.spawncmd()), # Launch Qtile prompt # On window Key([mod], "Home", lazy.window.bring_to_front()), # Bring window to front Key([mod], "End",[""].toscreen()), # Go to minimized windows gruop Key([mod, "shift"], "End", lazy.window.togroup("")), # Move to minimized windows group Key([mod, "control"], "End", lazy.window.togroup(""), lazy. group[""].toscreen()), # Move with to minimized windows group # Key([mod, alt], "End", # lazy.window.toggle_minimize()), # Toogle minimize Key([mod], "j", lazy.layout.down()), # Switch to next window Key([mod], "k", lazy.layout.up()), # Switch to previous window Key([mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_down() ), # Move windows down in current stack Key([mod, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), # Move windows up in current stack Key([mod, "control"], "j", lazy.layout.client_to_previous() ), # Move window to previous stack side Key([mod, "control"], "k", lazy.layout.client_to_next() ), # Move window to next stack side Key([alt], "Tab",, # Switch focus to other window Key([alt, "shift"], "Tab",, # Switch focus to other window Key([mod, altgr], "Tab",, lazy.window.bring_to_front() ), # Switch focus to other window + front Key([mod, altgr, "shift"], "Tab",, lazy.window.bring_to_front() ), # Switch focus to other window + front Key([mod], "w", lazy.window.kill()), # Kill active window Key([mod, alt], "w", lazy.spawn("xkill")), # Terminate program Key([mod, "shift"], "w", Function.kill_all_windows_minus_current() ), # Kill all windows except current Key([mod, "control"], "w", Function.kill_all_windows()), # Kill all windows Key([mod, "control"], "Return", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), # Toggle floating # On layout Key([mod], "backslash", lazy.layout.swap_main() ), # Swap current window to main pane (Xmonad) Key([mod], "m",, # Move focus to another stack (Stack) Key([mod], "h", lazy.layout.shrink()), # Shrink size of window (Xmonad) Key([mod], "l", lazy.layout.grow()), # Grow size of window (Xmonad) Key( [mod, "shift"], "h", # lazy.layout.decrease_nmaster(), # Decrease number in master pane (Tile) lazy.layout.shrink_main() ), # Shrink size of main window (Xmonad) Key( [mod, "shift"], "l", # lazy.layout.increase_nmaster(), # Increase number in master pane (Tile) lazy.layout.grow_main()), # Grow size of main window (Xmonad) Key([mod, "shift"], "n", lazy.layout.normalize() ), # Restore all windows to default size ratios Key([mod, "shift"], "m", lazy.layout.maximize() ), # Toggle a window between min and max sizes Key( [mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.rotate(), # Swap panes of split stack (Stack) lazy.layout.flip()), # Switch side main pane occupies (Xmonad) Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.layout.toggle_split() ), # Toggle between split and unsplit (Stack) Key([mod], "Up", lazy.prev_layout()), # Toggle through layouts Key([mod], "Down", lazy.next_layout()), # Toggle through layouts # On group Key([mod], "z", lazy.screen.togglegroup()), # Move to previous visited group Key([mod, "shift"], "i", lazy.next_urgent()), # Move to next urgent group Key([mod], "Left", lazy.screen.prev_group()), # Move to previous group Key([mod], "Right", lazy.screen.next_group()), # Move to next group Key([mod, "shift"], "Left", Function.window_to_prev_group() ), # Move window to previous group Key([mod, "shift"], "Right", Function.window_to_next_group()), # Move window to next group Key([mod, "control"], "Left", Function.window_to_prev_group(), lazy.screen.prev_group() ), # Move with window to previous group Key([mod, "control"], "Right", Function.window_to_next_group(), lazy.screen.next_group()), # Move with window to next group # On screen Key([mod], "Page_Up", lazy.prev_screen()), # Switch to previous screen Key([mod], "Page_Down", lazy.next_screen()), # Switch to next screen Key([mod, "shift"], "Page_Up", Function.window_to_prev_screen() ), # Move window to previous screen Key([mod, "shift"], "Page_Down", Function.window_to_next_screen() ), # Move window to next screen Key([mod, "control"], "Page_Up", Function.swap_prev_screen()), # Swap active groups on screens Key([mod, "control"], "Page_Down", Function.swap_next_screen()), # Swap active groups on screens # On bar Key([mod, alt], "slash", lazy.hide_show_bar("all")), # Toggle all screen bars # Key([mod, "shift"], "slash", # lazy.hide_show_bar("top")), # Toggle top screen bar # Key([mod, "control"], "slash", # lazy.hide_show_bar("bottom")) # Toggle bottom screen bar ]
Key([mod, "control"], "Up", lazy.layout.grow()), Key([mod, "control"], "Down", lazy.layout.shrink()), # n deixa do tamanho original, e m maimiza o foco Key([mod], 'n', lazy.layout.normalize()), Key([mod, "shift"], "n", lazy.layout.reset()), Key([mod], "m", lazy.layout.maximize()), #shift+m muda para o layout max, e volta ao original Key([mod, "shift"], "m", fullwm), Key([mod], 't', lazy.window.toggle_floating()), #espaço vai para proximo layout #shift vai para o modo fullscreen,diferente do m, ele tira a barra e é full screen total(muda no navegador #por exemplo) #control volta para o layout anterior Key([mod], "space", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), Key([mod, "control"], "space", lazy.prev_layout()), #b some com a barra de cima e de baixo Key([mod], "b", lazy.hide_show_bar("top")), Key([mod], "b", lazy.hide_show_bar("bottom")), #comandos Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn("terminator")), Key([mod], "f", lazy.spawn("firefox")), Key([mod], "Print", lazy.spawn("scrot -e 'mv $f ~/pictures/screenshots/'")), Key([mod], "q", lazy.window.kill()), Key([mod, "control"], "r", lazy.restart()), Key([mod, "control"], "q", lazy.shutdown()), #lança o launcher Key([mod], "d", lazy.spawn(
Key([super_key], "h", lazy.layout.left()), Key([super_key], "l", lazy.layout.right()), Key([super_key], "j", lazy.layout.up()), Key([super_key], "k", lazy.layout.down()), Key([super_key, "shift"], "h", lazy.layout.swap_left()), Key([super_key, "shift"], "l", lazy.layout.swap_right()), Key([super_key, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_down()), Key([super_key, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), Key([super_key], "i", lazy.layout.grow()), Key([super_key], "m", lazy.layout.shrink()), Key([super_key], "n", lazy.layout.normalize()), Key([super_key], "o", lazy.layout.maximize()), Key([super_key, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.flip()), # layouts Key([super_key], "Down", lazy.prev_layout()), Key([super_key], "Up", lazy.next_layout()), # window handling Key([alt_key], "F4", lazy.window.kill()), Key([super_key], "x", lazy.window.kill()), Key([super_key], "w", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), Key([super_key], "m", lazy.layout.maximize()), # ~ Audio Key([], "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", lazy.function(media_raise_volume)), Key([super_key], "equal", lazy.function(media_raise_volume)), Key([], "XF86AudioLowerVolume", lazy.function(media_lower_volume)), Key([super_key], "minus", lazy.function(media_lower_volume)), Key([], "XF86AudioMute", lazy.spawn("amixer -D pulse set Master toggle")), Key([], "XF86AudioPlay", lazy.function(media_playpause)),
######################### # SUPER + SHIFT KEYS # ######################### Key([mod, "shift"], "m", lazy.spawn( "dmenu_run -i -nb '#191919' -nf \ '#fea63c' -sb '#fea63c' -sf \ '#191919' -fn 'NotoMonoRegular:bold:pixelsize=14'")), Key([mod, "shift"], "q", lazy.shutdown()), Key([mod, "shift"], "r", lazy.restart()), Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.spawn('thunar')), Key([mod, "shift"], "Down", lazy.layout.shuffle_down(), desc="sas"), Key([mod, "shift"], "Up", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), Key([mod, "shift"], "Left", lazy.layout.shuffle_left()), Key([mod, "shift"], "Right", lazy.layout.shuffle_right()), Key([mod], "Tab", lazy.next_layout(), desc="next layout."), Key([mod], "space", lazy.prev_layout(), desc="previous layout."), ######################### # CONTROL + ALT KEYS # ######################### Key(["mod1", "control"], "a", lazy.spawn('atom'), desc="Open atom."), Key(["mod1", "control"], "b", lazy.spawn('thunar'), desc="Open thunar."), Key(["mod1", "control"], "c", lazy.spawn('Catfish'), desc="Open catfish."), Key(["mod1", "control"], "e", lazy.spawn('evolution'), desc="Open evolution."), Key(["mod1", "control"], "f", lazy.spawn('firefox'), desc="Open firefox."), Key(["mod1", "control"], "g", lazy.spawn( 'chromium -no-default-browser-check'), desc="Open chromium no default check."), Key(["mod1", "control"], "i", lazy.spawn('nitrogen'), desc="Open nitrogen."), Key(["mod1", "control"], "k", lazy.spawn('slimlock'),
layouts = [ layout.MonadTall(**layout_theme), layout.MonadWide(**layout_theme), layout.Max(**layout_theme), layout.Tile(**layout_theme), ] floating_layout = layout.Floating(**layout_theme) # ==================================================== # Known functions # ==================================================== registered_functions = { # Group Functions 'next_layout': lazy.next_layout(), 'prev_layout': lazy.prev_layout(), 'next_window':, 'prev_window':, 'next_group': lazy.screen.next_group(), 'prev_group': lazy.screen.prev_group(), 'toggle_group': lazy.screen.toggle_group(), # Window Functions 'window_kill': lazy.window.kill(), 'toggle_floating': lazy.window.toggle_floating(), 'toggle_fullscreen': lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen(), 'toggle_maximize': lazy.window.toggle_maximize(), 'toggle_minimize': lazy.window.toggle_minimize(), # Layout Functions 'layout_next':, 'layout_prev': lazy.layout.previous(), 'layout_down': lazy.layout.down(),
def init_keys(): return [ # Fixed Screen # Key([mod], "comma", # lazy.to_screen(2)), # Keyboard focus screen 3 # Key([mod], "period", # lazy.to_screen(0)), # Keyboard focus screen 1 # Key([mod], "semicolon", # lazy.to_screen(1)), # Keyboard focus screen 2 # Dinamic screen # Key([mod], "Page_Up", # lazy.next_screen()), # Switch to another screen # Key([mod], "Page_Down", # lazy.prev_screen()), # Switch to another screen # Misc Key([mod, "control"], "Insert", lazy.restart()), # Restart Qtile Key([mod, "control"], "Delete", lazy.shutdown()), # Shutdown Qtile Key([mod, "shift"], "p", lazy.spawncmd()), # Launch Qtile prompt Key([mod], "b", lazy.spawn("light-locker-command -l")), # Lock screen # Rofi Launcher Key([mod], "q", lazy.spawn("rofi -show")), Key([mod, alt], "space", lazy.spawn("rofi -show drun")), # Window control Key([mod], "Home", lazy.window.bring_to_front()), # Bring window to front Key([mod], "End", minimize_window()), # Toogle minimize Key([mod, "shift"], "End",["M"].toscreen()), # Go to minimized windows gruop Key([mod], "k", lazy.layout.down()), # Switch to next window Key([mod], "j", lazy.layout.up()), # Switch to previous window Key([mod, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_down()), # Move windows down in current stack Key([mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), # Move windows up in current stack Key([mod, "control"], "k", lazy.layout.client_to_next() ), # Move window to previous stack side Key([mod, "control"], "j", lazy.layout.client_to_previous() ), # Move window to next stack side Key([alt], "Tab",, # Switch focus to other window Key([alt, "shift"], "Tab",, # Switch focus to other window Key([mod], "w", lazy.window.kill()), # Kill active window Key([mod, alt], "w", lazy.spawn("xkill")), # Terminate program Key([mod, "shift"], "w", kill_all_windows_except_current() ), # Kill all windows except current Key([mod, "control"], "w", kill_all_windows()), # Kill all windows # Layout control Key([mod], "space",, # Move focus to another stack (Stack) Key([mod], "backslash", lazy.layout.swap_main()), # Swap current window to main pane Key([mod], "l", lazy.layout.grow()), # Grow size of window (Xmonad) Key([mod, "shift"], "l", lazy.layout.grow_main()), # Grow size of main window (Xmonad) Key([mod], "h", lazy.layout.shrink()), # Shrink size of window (Xmonad) Key([mod, "shift"], "h", lazy.layout.shrink_main()), # Shrink size of main window (Xmonad) Key([mod, "shift"], "n", lazy.layout.normalize() ), # Restore all windows to default size ratios Key([mod, "shift"], "m", lazy.layout.maximize() ), # Toggle a window between min and max sizes Key( [mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.rotate(), # Swap panes of split stack (Stack) lazy.layout.flip()), # Switch side main pane occupies (Xmonad) Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.layout.toggle_split() ), # Toggle between split and unsplit (Stack) # Cycle layouts Key([mod], "Down", lazy.next_layout()), # Toggle through layouts Key([mod], "Up", lazy.prev_layout()), # Toggle through layouts # Layout related Key([mod, "control"], "Return", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), # Toggle floating # On group and screen Key([mod], "Right", lazy.screen.next_group()), # Move to right group Key([mod], "Left", lazy.screen.prev_group()), # Move to left group Key([mod], "z", lazy.screen.togglegroup()), # Move to previous visited group Key([mod, "shift"], "Right", window_to_next_group()), # Move window to right workspace Key([mod, "shift"], "Left", window_to_prev_group()), # Move window to left workspace Key([mod, "control"], "Right", window_to_next_group(), lazy.screen.next_group()), # Move window to right workspace Key([mod, "control"], "Left", window_to_prev_group(), lazy.screen.prev_group()), # Move window to left workspace Key([mod, "shift"], "i", lazy.next_urgent()), # Move to next urgent group # General # Return Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn(defTerm)), # Open terminal Key([mod, alt], "Return", lazy.spawn(fbkTerm)), # Open program terminal # Function Key([mod], "F6", lazy.spawn("systemctl start org.cups.cupsd.service")), Key([mod], "F7", lazy.spawn("systemctl stop org.cups.cupsd.service")), Key([mod], "F8", lazy.spawn("nmcli radio wifi on")), Key([mod], "F9", lazy.spawn("nmcli radio wifi off")), Key([mod], "F10", lazy.spawn("systemctl restart NetworkManager")), Key([mod, "control"], "F11", lazy.spawn("cmus-remote -u")), Key([mod, "control"], "F12", lazy.spawn("cmus-remote -s")), Key([mod, "shift"], "F11", lazy.spawn("cmus-remote -v -5%")), Key([mod, "shift"], "F12", lazy.spawn("cmus-remote -v +5%")), # QWERT Key([mod, "shift"], "t", lazy.spawn(pgmTerm + " -e htop")), Key([mod], "e", lazy.spawn("subl3")), Key([mod], "r", lazy.spawn(pgmTerm + " -e ranger")), Key([mod], "t", lazy.spawn("xfce4-taskmanager")), Key([mod], "y", lazy.spawn(pgmTerm + " -e mpsyt")), Key([mod], "i", lazy.spawn(pgmTerm + " -e irssi")), Key([mod], "o", lazy.spawn("libreoffice")), Key([mod], "p", lazy.spawn("arandr")), # ASDFG Key([mod, "shift"], "a", lazy.spawn("chromium")), Key([mod], "a", lazy.spawn("firefox-developer-edition")), Key([mod], "s", lazy.spawn("pavucontrol")), Key([mod], "d", lazy.spawn("xlinks")), Key([mod], "f", lazy.spawn("thunar")), Key([mod], "g", lazy.spawn("geany")), # ZXCVB Key([mod], "x", lazy.spawn("pamac-manager")), Key([mod], "c", lazy.spawn(pgmTerm + " -e cmus")), Key([mod], "v", lazy.spawn("VirtualBox")), Key([mod], "n", lazy.spawn("nm-connection-editor")), Key([], prnt, lazy.spawn("xfce4-screenshooter")) ]
from libqtile.dgroups import simple_key_binder import widgets mod = "mod4" keys = [ # Switch between windows in current stack pane Key([mod], "k", lazy.layout.down()), Key([mod], "j", lazy.layout.up()), Key([mod], "f", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), Key([mod], "m", lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), # Move windows up or down in current stack Key([mod, "control"], "k", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod, "control"], "j", lazy.prev_layout()), # Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack Key([mod], "space",, # Swap panes of split stack Key([mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.rotate()), # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack. # Split = all windows displayed # Unsplit = 1 window displayed, like Max layout, but still with # multiple stack panes Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.layout.toggle_split()), Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn("urxvt")), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below
# Swap panes of split stack Key([MOD, 'shift'], 'space', lazy.layout.rotate()), # Toggle floating Key([MOD], "t", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack. # Split = all windows displayed # Unsplit = 1 window displayed, like Max layout, but still with # multiple stack panes Key([MOD, 'shift'], 'Return', lazy.layout.toggle_split()), Key([MOD], 'Return', lazy.spawn('st')), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below Key([MOD], 'Tab', lazy.next_layout()), Key([MOD, 'shift'], 'Tab', lazy.prev_layout()), # Key([MOD], '-', lazy.layout.increase_ratio()), # Key([MOD], '=', lazy.layout.decrease_ratio()), Key([MOD], 'w', lazy.window.kill()), # Lock screen Key([MOD], 'l', lazy.spawn('lockscreen')), Key([MOD, 'control'], 'r', lazy.restart()), Key([MOD, 'control'], 'q', lazy.shutdown()), Key([MOD], 'p', lazy.spawncmd()), # Launch applications Key([MOD], 'c', lazy.spawn('code')), Key([MOD], 'f', lazy.spawn('firefox')), Key([MOD], 'g', lazy.spawn('google-chrome')), Key([MOD], 'm', lazy.spawn('spotify')),
def init_const_keys(): """For layMan key-switcher (WIP): non-layout, consistent keys""" keys = [ # Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack Key([mod], "Tab",, Key([mod, shift], 'Tab', lazy.layout.previous()), # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack. # Split = all windows displayed # Unsplit = 1 window displayed, like Max layout, but still with # multiple stack panes Key([mod], 'w', lazy.window.toggle_minimize()), Key([mod, shift], 'w', lazy.window.toggle_minimize()), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below Key([mod], "space", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod, shift], "space", lazy.prev_layout()), Key([mod, shift], "q", lazy.restart()), Key([mod, ctrl], "q", lazy.shutdown()), Key([mod, shift], "semicolon", lazy.spawncmd()), # Scrotter Key([mod, shift], 'a', lazy.spawn([ 'scrot', '-q', '100', '%Y%m%d.%H%M:%S_qtile.png', '-e', 'mv $f ~/Screenshots/', ])), Key([mod, shift], 'u', lazy.spawn([ 'scrot', '-ubq', '100', '%Y%m%d.%H%M:%S_window.png', '-e', 'mv $f ~/Screenshots', ])), # TODO: grab mouse for this Key([mod, shift], 's', lazy.spawn([ 'scrot', '-sq', '100', '%Y%m%d.%H%M:%S_selection.png', '-e', 'mv $f ~/Screenshots', ])), # Window Ops Key([mod], "x", lazy.window.kill()), Key([mod], "t", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), Key([mod, shift], "e", lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), Key([mod], "semicolon", lazy.spawn(TERMUX)), #movement Key([mod], "g", lazy.togroup()), Key([mod], "slash", lazy.findwindow()), # Sound and Mpd Key([], "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", lazy.spawn("amixer sset Master 5%+")), Key([], "XF86AudioLowerVolume", lazy.spawn("amixer sset Master 5%-")), Key([], "XF86AudioMute", lazy.spawn("amixer sset Master toggle")), Key([], "XF86AudioNext", # lazy.function(lambda q: fipc_jango("next"))), lazy.spawn("mpc next")), Key([], "XF86AudioPrev", # lazy.function(lambda q: fipc_jango("prev"))), lazy.spawn("mpc prev")), # No mute key @notebook Key([shift], "XF86AudioMute"), # Key([], "F12", lazy.function(SwapGroup('h4x'))), #qtile-examples/roger/ # Key(['shift'], "F12", lazy.function(to_urgent)), #qtile-examples/roger/ ] keys.extend(init_groups_keys()) return keys
def start_once(): home = os.path.expanduser('~')[home + '/.config/qtile/']) keys = [ # The essentials Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn(myTerm), desc='Launches My Terminal'), Key([mod], "d", lazy.spawn("dmenu_run -p 'Run: '"), desc='Dmenu Run Launcher'), Key([mod], "Tab", lazy.next_layout(), desc='Toggle through layouts'), Key([mod, "shift"], "Tab", lazy.prev_layout(), desc='Toggle through layouts'), Key([mod, "shift"], "q", lazy.window.kill(), desc='Kill active window'), Key([mod, "shift"], "r", lazy.restart(), desc='Restart Qtile'), Key([mod, "shift"], "e", lazy.shutdown(), desc='Shutdown Qtile'), # Window controls Key([mod], "k", lazy.layout.down(), desc='Move focus down in current stack pane'), Key([mod], "j", lazy.layout.up(), desc='Move focus up in current stack pane'), Key([mod, "shift"], "k",
Key('M-S-<Left>', window_to_prev_group()), Key('M-S-<Right>', window_to_next_group()), Key('M-C-<space>', lazy.window.toggle_floating()), Key('M-s', lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), # Programs Key('M-a', lazy.spawn(TERMINAL)), Key('M-f', lazy.spawn('firefox')), Key('M-t', lazy.spawn('nautilus --no-desktop')), Key('M-e', lazy.spawn('emacsclient -c')), # Layouts Key('M-<space>', lazy.next_layout()), Key('M-S-<space>', lazy.prev_layout()), Key('M-h', lazy.layout.decrease_ratio()), Key('M-l', lazy.layout.increase_ratio()), # Qtile Key('M-C-r', lazy.restart()), Key('M-C-q', lazy.shutdown()), Key('M-r', lazy.spawn('rofi -show run')), ] groups = [Group(i) for i in '1234567890'] for i in groups: keys += [ Key('M-%s' %,[].toscreen()), Key('M-S-%s' %, lazy.window.togroup(,
def init_keys(): return [ # Fixed Screen # Key([mod], "comma", # lazy.to_screen(2)), # Keyboard focus screen 3 # Key([mod], "period", # lazy.to_screen(0)), # Keyboard focus screen 1 # Key([mod], "semicolon", # lazy.to_screen(1)), # Keyboard focus screen 2 # Dinamic screen # Key([mod], "Page_Up", # lazy.next_screen()), # Switch to another screen # Key([mod], "Page_Down", # lazy.prev_screen()), # Switch to another screen # Misc Key([mod, "control"], "Insert", lazy.restart()), # Restart Qtile Key([mod, "control"], "Delete", lazy.shutdown()), # Shutdown Qtile Key([mod, "shift"], "p", lazy.spawncmd()), # Launch Qtile prompt Key([mod], "b", lazy.spawn("light-locker-command -l")), # Lock screen # Rofi Launcher Key([mod], "q", lazy.spawn("rofi -show")), Key([mod, alt], "space", lazy.spawn("rofi -show drun")), # Window control Key([mod], "Home", lazy.window.bring_to_front()), # Bring window to front Key([mod], "End", minimize_window()), # Toogle minimize Key([mod, "shift"], "End",["M"].toscreen()), # Go to minimized windows gruop Key([mod], "k", lazy.layout.down()), # Switch to next window Key([mod], "j", lazy.layout.up()), # Switch to previous window Key([mod, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_down()), # Move windows down in current stack Key([mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), # Move windows up in current stack Key([mod, "control"], "k", lazy.layout.client_to_next()), # Move window to previous stack side Key([mod, "control"], "j", lazy.layout.client_to_previous()), # Move window to next stack side Key([alt], "Tab",, # Switch focus to other window Key([alt, "shift"], "Tab",, # Switch focus to other window Key([mod], "w", lazy.window.kill()), # Kill active window Key([mod, alt], "w", lazy.spawn("xkill")), # Terminate program Key([mod, "shift"], "w", kill_all_windows_except_current()), # Kill all windows except current Key([mod, "control"], "w", kill_all_windows()), # Kill all windows # Layout control Key([mod], "space",, # Move focus to another stack (Stack) Key([mod], "backslash", lazy.layout.swap_main()), # Swap current window to main pane Key([mod], "l", lazy.layout.grow()), # Grow size of window (Xmonad) Key([mod, "shift"], "l", lazy.layout.grow_main()), # Grow size of main window (Xmonad) Key([mod], "h", lazy.layout.shrink()), # Shrink size of window (Xmonad) Key([mod, "shift"], "h", lazy.layout.shrink_main()), # Shrink size of main window (Xmonad) Key([mod, "shift"], "n", lazy.layout.normalize()), # Restore all windows to default size ratios Key([mod, "shift"], "m", lazy.layout.maximize()), # Toggle a window between min and max sizes Key([mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.rotate(), # Swap panes of split stack (Stack) lazy.layout.flip()), # Switch side main pane occupies (Xmonad) Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.layout.toggle_split()), # Toggle between split and unsplit (Stack) # Cycle layouts Key([mod], "Down", lazy.next_layout()), # Toggle through layouts Key([mod], "Up", lazy.prev_layout()), # Toggle through layouts # Layout related Key([mod, "control"], "Return", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), # Toggle floating # On group and screen Key([mod], "Right", lazy.screen.next_group()), # Move to right group Key([mod], "Left", lazy.screen.prev_group()), # Move to left group Key([mod], "z", lazy.screen.togglegroup()), # Move to previous visited group Key([mod, "shift"], "Right", window_to_next_group()), # Move window to right workspace Key([mod, "shift"], "Left", window_to_prev_group()), # Move window to left workspace Key([mod, "control"], "Right", window_to_next_group(), lazy.screen.next_group()), # Move window to right workspace Key([mod, "control"], "Left", window_to_prev_group(), lazy.screen.prev_group()), # Move window to left workspace Key([mod, "shift"], "i", lazy.next_urgent()), # Move to next urgent group # General # Return Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn(defTerm)), # Open terminal Key([mod, alt], "Return", lazy.spawn(fbkTerm)), # Open program terminal # Function Key([mod], "F6", lazy.spawn("systemctl start org.cups.cupsd.service")), Key([mod], "F7", lazy.spawn("systemctl stop org.cups.cupsd.service")), Key([mod], "F8", lazy.spawn("nmcli radio wifi on")), Key([mod], "F9", lazy.spawn("nmcli radio wifi off")), Key([mod], "F10", lazy.spawn("systemctl restart NetworkManager")), Key([mod, "control"], "F11", lazy.spawn("cmus-remote -u")), Key([mod, "control"], "F12", lazy.spawn("cmus-remote -s")), Key([mod, "shift"], "F11", lazy.spawn("cmus-remote -v -5%")), Key([mod, "shift"], "F12", lazy.spawn("cmus-remote -v +5%")), # QWERT Key([mod, "shift"], "t", lazy.spawn(pgmTerm + " -e htop")), Key([mod], "e", lazy.spawn("subl3")), Key([mod], "r", lazy.spawn(pgmTerm + " -e ranger")), Key([mod], "t", lazy.spawn("xfce4-taskmanager")), Key([mod], "y", lazy.spawn(pgmTerm + " -e mpsyt")), Key([mod], "i", lazy.spawn(pgmTerm + " -e irssi")), Key([mod], "o", lazy.spawn("libreoffice")), Key([mod], "p", lazy.spawn("arandr")), # ASDFG Key([mod, "shift"], "a", lazy.spawn("chromium")), Key([mod], "a", lazy.spawn("firefox-developer-edition")), Key([mod], "s", lazy.spawn("pavucontrol")), Key([mod], "d", lazy.spawn("xlinks")), Key([mod], "f", lazy.spawn("thunar")), Key([mod], "g", lazy.spawn("geany")), # ZXCVB Key([mod], "x", lazy.spawn("pamac-manager")), Key([mod], "c", lazy.spawn(pgmTerm + " -e cmus")), Key([mod], "v", lazy.spawn("VirtualBox")), Key([mod], "n", lazy.spawn("nm-connection-editor")), Key([], prnt, lazy.spawn("xfce4-screenshooter")) ]
# Key([mod, 'shift'], 'j', lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), # Key([mod, 'shift'], 'k', lazy.layout.shuffle_down()), # Key([mod, 'shift'], 'g', lazy.layout.grow()), # Key([mod, 'shift'], 's', lazy.layout.shrink()), # Key([mod, 'shift'], 'n', lazy.layout.normalize()), # Key([mod, 'shift'], 'm', lazy.layout.maximize()), # Key([mod, 'shift'], 'space', lazy.layout.flip()), # Switch groups Key([mod], 'Left', lazy.screen.prev_group()), Key([mod], 'Right', lazy.screen.next_group()), # Key([mod], '`', lazy.screen.next_group()), # Cycle layouts Key([mod], 'Up', lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod], 'Down', lazy.prev_layout()), # Change window focus Key([mod], 'Tab',, Key([mod, 'shift'], 'Tab', lazy.layout.previous()), # Switch focus to other screens Key([mod], 'h', lazy.to_screen(0)), # left Key([mod], 'l', lazy.to_screen(1)), # right # Commands: Application Launchers Key([mod], 'space', lazy.spawn(Commands.dmenu)), Key([mod], 'n', lazy.spawn(Commands.browser)), Key([mod], 'm', lazy.spawn(Commands.mail)), Key([mod], 'e', lazy.spawn(Commands.file_manager)), Key([mod], 'Return', lazy.spawn(Commands.terminal)),
def init_keys(self): terminal = guess_terminal() # Key alias mod = "mod4" modalt = "mod1" altgr = "mod5" return [ # On root Key([mod, "shift"], "r", lazy.restart()), # Restart Qtile Key([mod, "shift"], "q", lazy.shutdown()), # Shutdown Qtile # Key([modalt], "r", lazy.spawncmd()), # Launch Qtile prompt # On window # Key([mod], "Home", # lazy.window.bring_to_front()), # Bring window to front # Key([mod], "End", #[""].toscreen()), # Go to minimized windows gruop # Key([mod, "shift"], "End", # lazy.window.togroup("")), # Move to minimized windows group # Key([mod, "control"], "End", # lazy.window.togroup(""), #[""].toscreen()), # Move with to minimized windows group # Key([mod, alt], "End", # lazy.window.toggle_minimize()), # Toogle minimize Key([mod], "h", lazy.layout.left()), # Switch to window on left Key([mod], "l", lazy.layout.right()), # Switch to window on right Key([mod], "j", lazy.layout.down()), # Switch to window below Key([mod], "k", lazy.layout.up()), # Switch to window above Key([mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_down() ), # Move windows down in current stack Key([mod, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), # Move windows up in current stack Key([mod, "shift"], "h", lazy.layout.swap_left()), # Move window to the left Key([mod, "shift"], "l", lazy.layout.swap_right()), # Move window to the right # Key([mod, "control"], "j", # lazy.layout.client_to_previous()), # Move window to previous stack side # Key([mod, "control"], "k", # lazy.layout.client_to_next()), # Move window to next stack side # Key([mod], "Tab", #, # Switch focus to other window # Key([mod, "shift"], "Tab", #, # Switch focus to other window # Key([mod, altgr], "Tab", #, # lazy.window.bring_to_front()), # Switch focus to other window + front # Key([mod, altgr, "shift"], "Tab", #, # lazy.window.bring_to_front()), # Switch focus to other window + front Key([mod], "q", lazy.window.kill()), # Kill active window # Key([mod, alt], "w", # lazy.spawn("xkill")), # Terminate program # Key([mod, "shift"], "w", # Function.kill_all_windows_minus_current()), # Kill all windows except current # Key([mod, "control"], "w", # Function.kill_all_windows()), # Kill all windows Key([mod], "f", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), # Toggle floating Key([mod, "shift"], "f", lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), # Toggle fullscreen # On layout Key([mod], "m", lazy.layout.swap_main() ), # Swap current window to main pane (Xmonad) # Key([mod], "m", #, # Move focus to another stack (Stack) Key([mod, "control", "shift"], "h", lazy.layout.shrink()), # Shrink size of window (Xmonad) Key([mod, "control", "shift"], "l", lazy.layout.grow()), # Grow size of window (Xmonad) Key([mod], "n", lazy.layout.normalize() ), # Restore all windows to default size ratios Key([mod], "m", lazy.layout.maximize() ), # Toggle a window between min and max sizes # Key([mod, "shift"], "space", # lazy.layout.rotate(), # Swap panes of split stack (Stack) # lazy.layout.flip()), # Switch side main pane occupies (Xmonad) # Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", # lazy.layout.toggle_split()), # Toggle between split and unsplit (Stack) Key([mod], "Tab", lazy.prev_layout()), # Toggle through layouts Key([mod, "shift"], "Tab", lazy.next_layout()), # Toggle through layouts # On group # Key([mod], "z", # lazy.screen.togglegroup()), # Move to previous visited group # Key([mod, "shift"], "i", # lazy.next_urgent()), # Move to next urgent group # Key([mod], "Left", # lazy.screen.prev_group()), # Move to previous group # Key([mod], "Right", # lazy.screen.next_group()), # Move to next group # Key([mod, "shift"], "Left", # Function.window_to_prev_group()), # Move window to previous group # Key([mod, "shift"], "Right", # Function.window_to_next_group()), # Move window to next group # Key([mod, "control"], "Left", # Function.window_to_prev_group(), # lazy.screen.prev_group()), # Move with window to previous group # Key([mod, "control"], "Right", # Function.window_to_next_group(), # lazy.screen.next_group()), # Move with window to next group # On screen # Key([modalt], "1", # lazy.to_screen(0)), # Switch to screen 0 # Key([modalt], "2", # lazy.to_screen(2)), # Switch to screen 2 # Key([modalt], "3", # lazy.to_screen(1)), # Switch to screen 1 # Key([modalt], "h", # lazy.to_screen(0)), # Switch to screen 0 # Key([modalt], "k", # lazy.to_screen(0)), # Switch to screen 0 # Key([modalt], "j", # lazy.to_screen(1)), # Switch to screen 1 # Key([modalt], "l", # lazy.to_screen(2)), # Switch to screen 2 # Hardware keys Key([], "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", lazy.spawn("amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%+")), # Volume up Key([], "XF86AudioLowerVolume", lazy.spawn("amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%-")), # Volume down Key([], "XF86AudioMute", lazy.spawn("amixer -c 0 -q set Master toggle")), # Volume mute Key( [], "XF86MonBrightnessUp", # Brightness up lazy.spawn("brightnessctl set 5%+")), Key( [], "XF86MonBrightnessDown", # Brightness down lazy.spawn("brightnessctl set 5%-")), # Launchers Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn(terminal)), Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.spawn(terminal + " -e tmux new-session -A -s 'Default'")), Key([ mod, ], "r", lazy.spawn(terminal + " -e ranger")), Key([mod], "e", lazy.spawn("emacs")), Key([mod], "space", lazy.spawn(expanduser("~/.config/rofi/scripts/launcher"))), Key([mod], "0", lazy.spawn(expanduser("~/.config/rofi/scripts/powermenu"))), Key([mod, "shift"], "w", lazy.spawn(expanduser("~/.config/rofi/scripts/windows"))), Key([mod, "shift"], "0", lazy.spawn(expanduser("~/.config/rofi/scripts/calc"))), Key([mod, "shift"], "n", lazy.spawn( expanduser( "~/.config/rofi/scripts/networkmanager-dmenu"))), Key([mod, "shift"], "c", lazy.spawn(expanduser("~/.config/rofi/scripts/clipmenu"))), Key([mod, "shift"], "b", lazy.spawn(expanduser("~/.config/rofi/scripts/bwmenu"))), Key([mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.spawn(expanduser("~/.config/rofi/scripts/filebrowser"))), Key([modalt, "shift"], "s", lazy.spawn("gnome-screenshot --interactive")), ]
layouts = [ layout.MonadTall(**layout_theme), layout.MonadWide(**layout_theme), layout.Max(**layout_theme), layout.Tile(**layout_theme), ] # floating_layout = layout.Floating(**layout_theme) # ==================================================== # Known functions # ==================================================== registered_functions = { # Group Functions "next_layout": lazy.next_layout(), "prev_layout": lazy.prev_layout(), "next_window":, "prev_window":, "next_group": lazy.screen.next_group(), "prev_group": lazy.screen.prev_group(), "toggle_group": lazy.screen.toggle_group(), # Window Functions "window_kill": lazy.window.kill(), "toggle_floating": lazy.window.toggle_floating(), "toggle_fullscreen": lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen(), "toggle_maximize": lazy.window.toggle_maximize(), "toggle_minimize": lazy.window.toggle_minimize(), # Layout Functions "layout_next":, "layout_prev": lazy.layout.previous(), "layout_down": lazy.layout.down(),
Key([mod], 'k', lazy.layout.down()), # Key([mod, 'shift'], 'j', lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), # Key([mod, 'shift'], 'k', lazy.layout.shuffle_down()), # Key([mod, 'shift'], 'g', lazy.layout.grow()), # Key([mod, 'shift'], 's', lazy.layout.shrink()), # Key([mod, 'shift'], 'n', lazy.layout.normalize()), # Key([mod, 'shift'], 'm', lazy.layout.maximize()), # Key([mod, 'shift'], 'space', lazy.layout.flip()), # Switch groups # Key([mod], 'Left', lazy.screen.prev_group()), # Key([mod], 'Right', lazy.screen.next_group()), # Cycle layouts Key([mod], 'h', lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod], 'l', lazy.prev_layout()), # Change window focus Key([mod], 'Tab',, Key([mod, 'shift'], 'Tab', lazy.next_layout()), # Switch focus to other screens #Key([mod], 'h', lazy.to_screen(0)), # left #Key([mod], 'l', lazy.to_screen(1)), # right # Commands: Application Launchers Key([mod], 'space', lazy.spawn(Commands.dmenu)), Key([mod, 'control'], 'c', lazy.spawn(Commands.browser)), Key([mod, 'control'], 'o', lazy.spawn(Commands.opera)), Key([mod, 'control'], 's', lazy.spawn(, #Key([mod, 'control'], 'x', lazy.spawn(Commands.xfterm)),
def init_screens(): return [ Screen(top=bar.Bar(widgets=init_widgets_screen2(), size=26, opacity=0.8)), Screen(top=bar.Bar(widgets=init_widgets_screen1(), size=26, opacity=0.8)), ] screens = init_screens() # MOUSE CONFIGURATION mouse = [ Drag([mod], "Button1", lazy.window.set_position_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_position()), Click([mod], "Button2", lazy.window.toggle_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_size()), # Click([mod], "Button3", lazy.window.bring_to_front()), Click([mod], "Button8", lazy.prev_layout()), Click([mod], "Button9", lazy.next_layout()) ] dgroups_key_binder = None dgroups_app_rules = [] main = None @hook.subscribe.startup_once def start_once(): home = os.path.expanduser('~')[home + '/.config/qtile/scripts/'])
([], "XF86AudioLowerVolume", lazy.spawn("pamixer --decrease 5")), ([], "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", lazy.spawn("pamixer --increase 5")), ([], "XF86AudioMute", lazy.spawn("pamixer --toggle-mute")), (["shift"], "F12", lazy.spawn("pamixer --decrease 5")), (["shift"], "F11", lazy.spawn("pamixer --increase 5")), ([], "Print", lazy.spawn("flameshot gui")), # Scratchpad toggles # ("M-<slash>",['scratchpad'].dropdown_toggle('term')), # ("M-S-<slash>",['scratchpad'].dropdown_toggle('ipython')), ## ("M-<slash>", lazy.window.function(to_scratchpad)), ## ("M-S-<slash>", lazy.function(show_scratchpad)), ## .: Layout / Focus Manipulation :. # ([MOD], "f", lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), # Toggle between the available layouts. ([MOD], "Tab", lazy.next_layout()), ([MOD, "shift"], "Tab", lazy.prev_layout()), # Close the current window: NO WARNING! ([MOD], "w", lazy.window.kill()), ## .: Sys + Utils :. # # Restart qtile in place and pull in config changes (check config before # doing this with `check-qtile-conf` script to avoid crashes) ([MOD, "control"], "r", lazy.restart()), # Shut down qtile. ([MOD, "control"], "Escape", lazy.shutdown()), ([MOD, "control"], "l", lazy.spawn("betterlockscreen --off 15 -t 'LOCKED' -l")), ([MOD], "space", lazy.function(toggle_klayout)) # ([MOD,"shift"],"Delete", lazy.spawn(script(""))), ] ]
Key([mod], "i", lazy.layout.grow()), Key([mod], "m", lazy.layout.shrink()), Key([mod], "l", lazy.layout.grow_main()), Key([mod], "h", lazy.layout.shrink_main()), # Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack # SUPER + KEYS Key([mod], "v", lazy.cmd_swap_main()), Key([mod], "e", lazy.spawn('thunar')), Key([mod], "r", lazy.spawn("alacritty -e ranger")), Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn("alacritty")), Key([mod], "f", lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below Key([mod], "space", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.prev_layout()), Key([mod], "q", lazy.window.kill()), Key([mod, "shift"], "r", lazy.restart()), Key([mod, "shift"], "minus", lazy.shutdown()), Key([mod, "shift"], "period", lazy.spawn("shutdown_confirmation_qtile poweroff")), Key([mod, "shift"], "comma", lazy.spawn("shutdown_confirmation_qtile reboot")), # SPECIALL KEYS Key([], "F1", lazy.spawn("ChangeWallpaper")), # MULTIMEDIA KEYS # INCREASE/DECREASE BRIGHTNESS Key([], "XF86MonBrightnessUp", lazy.spawn("xbacklight -inc 5")),
#Key([], 'XF86AudioMicMute', lazy.spawn('amixer -D pulse set Master toggle')), Key([], 'XF86AudioRaiseVolume', lazy.spawn('amixer -c 0 -q set Master 2dB+')), Key([], 'XF86AudioLowerVolume', lazy.spawn('amixer -c 0 -q set Master 2dB-')), # Switch groups Key([], 'XF86Back', lazy.screen.prev_group(skip_managed=True, )), Key([], 'XF86Forward', lazy.screen.next_group(skip_managed=True, )), Key([mod], 'XF86Back', lazy.screen.prev_group(skip_managed=True, )), Key([mod], 'XF86Forward', lazy.screen.next_group(skip_managed=True, )), Key([mod], 'Left', lazy.screen.prev_group(skip_managed=True, )), Key([mod], 'Right', lazy.screen.next_group(skip_managed=True, )), Key([mod], 'Escape', lazy.screen.togglegroup()), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below Key([mod], 'space', lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod, 'shift'], 'space', lazy.prev_layout()), #'... Key([mod, 'shift'], 'c', lazy.window.kill()), # qtile maintenence Key([mod, 'shift'], 'e', lazy.spawn('gvim {}'.format(__file__))), Key([mod, 'shift'], 'r', lazy.restart()), # default is control! ;) Key([mod, 'shift'], 'q', lazy.shutdown()), Key([mod], 'r', lazy.spawncmd()), Key([mod], 'f', lazy.window.toggle_floating()), Key([mod], 'm', lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), Key([mod], 'n', lazy.window.toggle_minimize()), #Key( [mod, 'shift'], '2', lazy.to_screen(1),, ] # create groups groups = [Group(i) for i in '1234567890']
# Unsplit = 1 window displayed, like Max layout, but still with # multiple stack panes Key( [mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.layout.toggle_split() ), Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn("konsole")), # Screen rotation Key([mod], "Left", lazy.spawn("xrandr --output VGA-1 --rotation left")), Key([mod], "Up", lazy.spawn("xrandr --output VGA-1 --rotation normal")), Key([mod], "Right", lazy.spawn("xrandr --output VGA-1 --rotation right")), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below Key([mod], "Tab", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod, "shift"], "Tab", lazy.prev_layout()), # Focus screen Key([mod], "1", lazy.to_screen(1)), Key([mod], "2", lazy.to_screen(0)), # Window and qtile management Key([mod, "shift"], "c", lazy.window.kill()), Key([mod, "control"], "r", lazy.restart()), Key([mod, "control"], "q", lazy.shutdown()), Key([mod], "r", lazy.spawncmd()), ] #Keys to map to groups
Key([mod, "control"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), Key([mod], "comma", lazy.layout.grow()), Key([mod], "period", lazy.layout.shrink()), # Swap panes of split stack Key([mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.rotate()), # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack. # Split = all windows displayed # Unsplit = 1 window displayed, like Max layout, but still with # multiple stack panes Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.layout.toggle_split()), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below Key([mod], "space", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod, 'shift'], "space", lazy.prev_layout()), Key([mod, 'shift'], "c", lazy.window.kill()), Key([mod], "m", lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), Key([mod], "8", lazy.window.down_opacity()), Key([mod], "9", lazy.window.up_opacity()), Key([mod, "control"], "r", lazy.restart()), Key([mod, "shift"], "q", lazy.shutdown()), ] MyGroup = namedtuple('MyGroup', ['name', 'key', 'layout', 'matches']) mygroups = [ MyGroup( '🇦', 'a', 'floating', [Match(wm_class=['KeePass2', '', '', 'Thunar'])]), MyGroup('🇧', 's', 'max', [Match(wm_class=['Zathura', 'Qemu-system-x86_64', 'GoldenDict'])]),
def init_keys(): keys = [ Key( [mod], "Return", lazy.spawn(myTerm) # Open terminal ), Key( [mod], "Tab", lazy.next_layout() # Toggle through layouts ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "Tab", lazy.prev_layout() # Toggle through layouts ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "q", lazy.window.kill() # Kill active window ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "r", lazy.restart() # Restart Qtile ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "e", lazy.shutdown() # Shutdown Qtile ), Key( [mod], "w", lazy.to_screen(2) # Keyboard focus screen(0) ), Key( [mod], "e", lazy.to_screen(0) # Keyboard focus screen(1) ), Key( [mod], "r", lazy.to_screen(1) # Keyboard focus screen(2) ), Key( [mod, "control"], "k", lazy.layout.section_up() # Move up a section in treetab ), Key( [mod, "control"], "j", lazy.layout.section_down() # Move down a section in treetab ), ### Window controls Key( [mod], "j", lazy.layout.down() # Switch between windows in current stack pane ), Key( [mod], "k", lazy.layout.up() # Switch between windows in current stack pane ), Key( [mod], "l", lazy.layout.right() # Move windows down in current stack ), Key( [mod], "h", lazy.layout.left() # Move windows down in current stack ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_down() # Move windows down in current stack ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_up() # Move windows up in current stack ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "l", lazy.layout.right() # Move windows down in current stack ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "h", lazy.layout.left() # Move windows down in current stack ), Key( [mod], "Up", lazy.layout.grow() # Grow size of current window (XmonadTall) ), Key( [mod], "Down", lazy.layout.shrink() # Shrink size of current window (XmonadTall) ), Key( [mod], "i", lazy.layout.increase_nmaster( ) # Increase number in master pane (Tile) ), Key( [mod], "d", lazy.layout.decrease_nmaster( ) # Decrease number in master pane (Tile) ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "Left", # Move window to workspace to the left window_to_prev_group), Key( [mod, "shift"], "Right", # Move window to workspace to the right window_to_next_group), Key( [mod], "n", lazy.layout.normalize( ) # Restore all windows to default size ratios ), Key( [mod], "m", lazy.layout.maximize( ) # Toggle a window between minimum and maximum sizes ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.window.toggle_floating() # Toggle floating ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.layout.flip( ) # Switch which side main pane occupies (XmonadTall) ), ### Stack controls Key( [mod], "space", # Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack ), Key( [mod, "control"], "Return", lazy.layout.toggle_split( ) # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack ), ### Rofi Run Launcher Key([mod], "x", lazy.spawn("rofi -show combi")), ### Dmenu Run Launcher Key([mod], "p", lazy.spawn( "dmenu_run -fn 'UbuntuMono Nerd Font:size=10' -h 20 -nb '#191d2e' -nf '#a7a7a7' -sb '#404354' -sf '#d8dee9' -p 'dmenu:'" )), ### My applications launched with HYPER + KEY Key(["mod3"], "space", lazy.spawn("pcmanfm")), Key(["mod3"], "n", lazy.spawn(myTerm + " -e newsboat")), Key(["mod3"], "t", lazy.spawn(myTerm + " -e tuir")), Key(["mod3"], "e", lazy.spawn(myTerm + " -e neomutt")), Key(["mod3"], "m", lazy.spawn(myTerm + " -e mocp")), Key(["mod3"], "w", lazy.spawn(myTerm + " -e weechat")), Key(["mod3"], "a", lazy.spawn(myTerm + " -e pulsemixer")), ] return keys
("M-C-S-i", lazy.spawn("python3.7 -m qtconsole")), ("M-C-r", lazy.spawn(TERMINAL + ' -e "ranger"')), ("M-C-t", lazy.spawn("thunar")), ("M-C-w", lazy.spawn(TERMINAL + ' -e "weechat"')), # Scratchpad toggles ("M-<slash>",['scratchpad'].dropdown_toggle('term')), ("M-S-<slash>",['scratchpad'].dropdown_toggle('ipython')), # ("M-<slash>", lazy.window.function(to_scratchpad)), # ("M-S-<slash>", lazy.function(show_scratchpad)), # .: Layout / Focus Manipulation :. # ("M-f", lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), # Toggle between the available layouts. ("M-<grave>", lazy.next_layout()), ("A-<grave>", lazy.prev_layout()), # Switch focus between two screens ("M-<bracketleft>", lazy.to_screen(0)), ("M-<bracketright>", lazy.to_screen(1)), # Move the focused group to one of the screens and follow it ("M-S-<bracketleft>", switch_screens(0), lazy.to_screen(0)), ("M-S-<bracketright>", switch_screens(1), lazy.to_screen(1)), # Toggle between the two most recently used groups # TODO :: Write my own version of this that has the same # screen preserving behaviour ("M-<Tab>", lazy.screen.next_group()), ("M-S-<Tab>", lazy.screen.prev_group()), # Close the current window: NO WARNING! ("A-<F4>", lazy.window.kill()), ("A-<Tab>",, ("A-S-<Tab>", lazy.layout.prev()),
("M-S-w", lazy.spawn("rofi -show window")), # Open Programs ("M-<Return>", lazy.spawn("alacritty")), ("M-S-<Return>", lazy.spawn("alacritty -e vifm")), ("M-b", lazy.spawn("brave")), ("M-d", lazy.spawn("discord")), ("M-e", lazy.spawn("emacs")), ("M-g", lazy.spawn("lutris")), # ------ System + Utils ------- # # Resart qtile ("M-S-r", lazy.restart()), # Quit qtile ("M-S-q", lazy.shutdown()), # Switch between layouts ("M-<Tab>", lazy.next_layout()), ("M-S-<Tab>", lazy.prev_layout()), # Screenshot ("M-s", lazy.spawn("flameshot gui")), # Gamemode ("M-S-g", lazy.spawn('toggle_gamemode')), #Manage computer audio ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", lazy.spawn("pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -2%")), ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", lazy.spawn("pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +2%")), ("<XF86AudioMute>", lazy.spawn("pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle")), ] ]
######################### # SUPER + SHIFT KEYS # ######################### Key([mod, "shift"], "m", lazy.spawn( "dmenu_run -i -nb '#191919' -nf '#fea63c' -sb '#fea63c' -sf '#191919' -fn 'NotoMonoRegular:bold:pixelsize=14'" )), Key([mod, "shift"], "q", lazy.shutdown()), Key([mod, "shift"], "r", lazy.restart()), Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.spawn('thunar')), Key([mod, "shift"], "Down", lazy.layout.shuffle_down()), Key([mod, "shift"], "Up", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), Key([mod, "shift"], "Left", lazy.layout.shuffle_left()), Key([mod, "shift"], "Right", lazy.layout.shuffle_right()), Key([mod], "Tab", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod], "space", lazy.prev_layout()), ######################### # CONTROL + ALT KEYS # ######################### Key(["mod1", "control"], "a", lazy.spawn('atom')), Key(["mod1", "control"], "b", lazy.spawn('thunar')), Key(["mod1", "control"], "c", lazy.spawn('Catfish')), Key(["mod1", "control"], "e", lazy.spawn('evolution')), Key(["mod1", "control"], "f", lazy.spawn('firefox')), Key(["mod1", "control"], "g", lazy.spawn('chromium -no-default-browser-check')), Key(["mod1", "control"], "i", lazy.spawn('nitrogen')), Key(["mod1", "control"], "k", lazy.spawn('slimlock')), Key(["mod1", "control"], "m", lazy.spawn('xfce4-settings-manager')), Key(["mod1", "control"], "o", lazy.spawn('~/.config/bspwm/scripts/')),
Key( [mod], "j", lazy.layout.up() ), Key([mod], "f", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), Key([mod], "m", lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen()), # Move windows up or down in current stack Key( [mod, "control"], "k", lazy.next_layout() ), Key( [mod, "control"], "j", lazy.prev_layout() ), # Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack Key( [mod], "space", ), # Swap panes of split stack Key( [mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.rotate() ), # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack.
([mod], "l", lazy.layout.right()), # Change window sizes (MonadTall) ([mod, "shift"], "l", lazy.layout.grow()), ([mod, "shift"], "h", lazy.layout.shrink()), # Toggle floating ([mod, "shift"], "f", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), # Move windows up or down in current stack ([mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_down()), ([mod, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below ([mod], "Tab", lazy.next_layout()), ([mod, "shift"], "Tab", lazy.prev_layout()), # Kill window ([mod], "q", lazy.window.kill()), # Switch focus of monitors ([mod], "period", lazy.next_screen()), ([mod], "comma", lazy.prev_screen()), # Restart Qtile ([mod], "r", lazy.restart()), ([mod, "control"], "q", lazy.shutdown()), # ------------ App Configs ------------ # Menu
Key([mod], "space",, # Swap panes of split stack Key([mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.rotate()), # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack. # Split = all windows displayed # Unsplit = 1 window displayed, like Max layout, but still with # multiple stack panes Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.layout.toggle_split()), #Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn("gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=qtile")), Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn(myAltTerm)), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below Key([mod], "Tab", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod, 'shift'], 'Tab', lazy.prev_layout()), Key([mod], "w", lazy.window.kill()), Key([mod, "control"], "r", lazy.restart()), Key([mod, "control"], "q", lazy.shutdown()), Key([mod], "r", lazy.spawncmd()), ## CUSTOM KEYS # Identify keys using the command: # xbindkeys -k #Key(["control", "shift"], "t", lazy.spawn("gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=qtile")), Key(["control", "shift"], "t", lazy.spawn(myTerm)), Key([mod], "t", lazy.spawn(myAltTerm)), Key(["control", "shift"], "w", lazy.spawn(myChrome)), #Key(["control", "shift"], "m", lazy.spawn(myAltChrome)), Key([mod], "b", lazy.spawn(myAltChrome)),