def get_logs(self): cfg = configs() """ Rebuilding model while loading the status dictionary """ # NOTE: L.R. has been set to the last L.R. in the latest training round self.arch, self.num_layers, self.layers,, self.decay_rate = ( self.optimum['Arch'], self.optimum['Num layers'], self.optimum['Layer objs'], self.optimum['Learning rate'], self.optimum['L.R. decay']) self.model_type = cfg["MODEL"]["TYPE"] self.weights_decay = cfg["SOLVER"]["WEIGHT_DECAY"] if arguments().FIT: mode = "FIT" elif arguments().TRAIN: mode = "TRAIN" # If loaded model has never been trained, # then set L.R. as base lr. if not self.optimum['Trained']: = cfg[mode]["BASE_LR"] self.optimum['Loss'] = self.loss = float("inf") # Constant params if arguments().FIT or arguments().TRAIN: self.lr_policy = cfg[mode]["LR_POLICY"] self.decay_rate = cfg[mode]["DECAY_RATE"] self.epochs = cfg[mode]["EPOCHS"] # For all model working modes [self.weights, self.biases] = (self.optimum['Weights'], self.optimum['Biases']) # Set layer weights and biases (for fprop) i = 0 for layer in self.layers: if layer.LayerName == 'Linear': layer.w = self.optimum['Weights'][i] layer.b = self.optimum['Biases'][i] i += 1
def setup_hardware(): global dtype dtype = torch.FloatTensor args = arguments() use_gpu = using_gpu() if use_gpu: # Want GPU if (-1 < args.GPU_ID < torch.cuda.device_count() ) and torch.cuda.is_available(): # GPU_ID exists & available # Subject to change torch.cuda.set_device(args.GPU_ID) print('\nUSING GPU: %d' % torch.cuda.current_device()) print( colored( 'Check the GPU being used via "nvidia-smi" to avoid trouble mate!', 'red')) dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor else: # GPU_ID doesn't/isn't exist/available print("Selected GPU %d is NOT available." % args.GPU_ID) use_gpu = False print('\nUSING CPU.') dtype = torch.FloatTensor else: # Want CPU print('\nUSING CPU.') dtype = torch.FloatTensor
def set_hyper_parameters(config_file, model): global cfg args = arguments() with open(config_file, 'r') as f: cfg = yaml.load(f) model.model_type += cfg["MODEL"]["TYPE"] model.weights_decay = cfg["SOLVER"]["WEIGHT_DECAY"] model.reg = cfg["SOLVER"]["REG"] if args.FIT: model.data_set = cfg["FIT"]["DATASET"] = cfg["FIT"]["BASE_LR"] model.lr_policy += cfg["FIT"]["LR_POLICY"] model.decay_rate = cfg["FIT"]["DECAY_RATE"] model.epochs = cfg["FIT"]["EPOCHS"] elif args.TRAIN: model.data_set = cfg["TRAIN"]["DATASET"] = cfg["TRAIN"]["BASE_LR"] model.lr_policy += cfg["TRAIN"]["LR_POLICY"] model.decay_rate = cfg["TRAIN"]["DECAY_RATE"] model.epochs = cfg["TRAIN"]["EPOCHS"] if args.TEST: model.data_set = cfg["TEST"]["DATASET"] if args.INFER: model.data_set = cfg["TEST"]["DATASET"] return
def test(model, fitting_loader=None): """ Evaluate model results on test/train set """ global images, ground_truths args = arguments() print("\n+++++++ TESTING +++++++\n") model.show_log(test=True) # Get data test_dataset = dset.CIFAR10(directory='data', download=True, test=True) # If fitting is done, get # the correct dataset to be tested if fitting_loader is None: test_loader = dset.data_loader(, batch_size=dset.CIFAR10.test_size, shuffled=False) else: test_loader = fitting_loader # In case test set is divided in batches for images, ground_truths in test_loader: if using_gpu(): images = images.cuda() model.test(images, ground_truths) # Clear cache if using GPU (Unsure of effectiveness) if using_gpu(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Convert tensor --> numpy ndarray ground_truths = torch.from_numpy(np.array(ground_truths)) # Print testing loss & accuracy print(colored('\n# Testing Loss:', 'red'), end="") print('[%.4f]' % model.loss) model.test_acc = model.optimum['TestAcc'] = \ (torch.mean((model.predictions == ground_truths).float()) * 100) # Testing accuracy print(colored('\nTesting accuracy:', 'green'), end="") print(" = %.2f %%" % model.test_acc) # Tested model status if args.TRAIN: model.tested = True model.show_log(curr_status=True) model.set_logs() # Saving fitted model if args.SAVE: save_model(args.SAVE, model) else: f = raw_input('Do you want to save the model? (y)es/(n)o: ').lower() if f.lower() == 'y' or f.lower() == 'yes': save_model('model.pkl', model) else: print('Not saving model.')
def create_model(): """ Build the net & model """ args = arguments() # Define the network print('\n' + '+' * 20, '\nBuilding net & model\n' + '+' * 20) model = nnc.ModelNN() set_hyper_parameters(args.CFG, model) model.add(nnc.LinearLayer(32 * 32 * 3, 2048)) model.add(nnc.Activation('ReLU')) model.add(nnc.LinearLayer(2048, 512)) model.add(nnc.Activation('ReLU')) model.add(nnc.LinearLayer(512, 128)) model.add(nnc.Activation('ReLU')) model.add(nnc.LinearLayer(128, 10)) model.add(nnc.CeCriterion('Softmax')) return model
def fit(model=None): args = arguments() if model is None: model = create.create_model() print("\n+++++ FITTING +++++\n") model.show_log(arch=True, fit=True) # Get data train_dataset = CIFAR10(directory='data', download=True, train=True) # Optimizer/Scheduler optimizer = Optimize(model) # SGD print("\n# Stochastic gradient descent #") print("Learning rate: %.4f\n" % # Get one batch from the dataset fitting_loader = data_loader(, batch_size=CIFAR10.batch_size, model_testing=True) # Epochs for epoch in range(model.epochs): print('Epoch: [%d/%d]' % (epoch + 1, model.epochs), end=" ") for images, labels in fitting_loader: if using_gpu(): images = images.cuda() model.train(images, labels) # Clear cache if using GPU (Unsure of effectiveness) if using_gpu(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Print fitting loss print(colored('# Fitting test Loss:', 'red'), end="") print('[%.4f] @ L.R: %.9f' % (model.loss, model.loss_history.append(model.loss) optimizer.time_decay(epoch, 0.0005) optimizer.set_optim_param(epoch) # model.plot_loss('Fitting loss') # Model status model.fitted = True model.show_log(curr_status=True) model.set_logs() # Saving fitted model if args.SAVE: save_model(args.SAVE, model) else: f = raw_input('Do you want to save the model? (y)es/(n)o: ').lower() if f.lower() == 'y' or f.lower() == 'yes': save_model('model.pkl', model) else: print('Not saving model.') return [model, fitting_loader]
def main(): # Parse arguments provided parse_arg() args = arguments() # Setup GPU or CPU setup_hardware() global model # Load or create new ? if best_model_selection(replace=True) elif args.LOAD: print('\nWorking with loaded model.') if args.FIT: model = load_model(args.LOAD) print('Fitting net for loaded model') model, fitting_loader = fit(model) if args.TEST: print('Testing model fitting:') test(model, fitting_loader) if args.INFER: print('Inference model fitting:') inferences(model) args.FIT = False elif args.TRAIN: model = load_model(args.LOAD) print('Training net for loaded model') model = train(model) if args.TEST: print('Testing trained model:') test(model) if args.INFER: print('Inference trained model:') inferences(model) args.TRAIN = False elif args.TEST: model = load_model(args.LOAD) print('Testing net for loaded model') test(model) elif args.INFER: model = load_model(args.LOAD) print('Testing net for loaded model') inferences(model) elif args.NEW: print('\nWorking with new model.') if args.FIT: print('Fitting net for new model') model, fitting_loader = fit() if args.TEST: print('Testing model fitting:') test(model, fitting_loader) if args.INFER: print('Inference model fitting:') inferences(model) args.FIT = False elif args.TRAIN: print('Training net for new model') model = train() if args.TEST: print('Testing trained model:') test(model) if args.INFER: print('Inference trained model:') inferences(model) args.TRAIN = False # Final goodbye print('\n' + '-' * 7 + '\nExiting\n' + '-' * 7) # Clear cache if using GPU (Unsure of effectiveness) if using_gpu(): torch.cuda.empty_cache()
def inferences(model, fitting_loader=None, all_exp=False): """ Display model results i.e. predictions on test/train set """ args = arguments() global images, ground_truths print("\n+++++++ INFERENCE +++++++\n") model.show_log(infer=True) # Get data test_dataset = dset.CIFAR10(directory='data', download=True, test=True) # If fitting is done, get # the correct dataset to be infered if fitting_loader is None: infer_loader = dset.data_loader(, batch_size=dset.CIFAR10.test_size, shuffled=False) else: infer_loader = fitting_loader print("Test accuracy:", model.optimum['TestAcc'], '%') # In case test set is divided in batches for images, ground_truths in infer_loader: if using_gpu(): images = images.cuda() model.test(images, ground_truths) if using_gpu(): images = images.cuda() model.test(images, ground_truths) # Clear cache if using GPU (Unsure of effectiveness) if using_gpu(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() ground_truths = torch.from_numpy(np.array(ground_truths)) # Print out (text) inferences if all_exp: for example in range(dset.CIFAR10.test_size): print( "Ground truth: (%d) %s || Predicition: (%d) %s || Confidence: %.2f %" % (ground_truths[example], dset.CIFAR10.classes[int( ground_truths[example])], int(model.predictions[example]), dset.CIFAR10.classes[int(model.predictions[example])], model.output[-1][example] * 100)) else: # Convert from tensor --> numpy to reshape images = images.cpu() images = \ (images.numpy().reshape(dset.CIFAR10.test_size, 3, 32, 32).transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).astype("uint8")) while True: example = input("Which test example?: ") print("(0-%d)" % len(images)) if example < 0 or example >= dset.CIFAR10.test_size: print("Out of test set bounds.") break # Print ground truths & predictions print('Ground truth: (%d) %s' % (int(ground_truths[example]), dset.CIFAR10.classes[int( ground_truths[example])])) # Using matplotlib to display images imshow(images[example]) xlabel( str(int(model.predictions[example])) + ' : ' + dset.CIFAR10.classes[int(model.predictions[example])]) ylabel('Confidence: ' + str(format(model.output[-1][example] * 100, '.2f')) + '%') show() # Model status model.infered = True model.show_log(curr_status=True) model.set_logs() # Saving inferenced model if args.SAVE: save_model('model.pkl', model) else: f = raw_input('Do you want to save the model? (y)es/(n)o: ').lower() if f.lower() == 'y' or f.lower() == 'yes': save_model('model.pkl', model) else: print('Not saving model.')
def train(model=None): args = arguments() if model is None: model = create.create_model() print("\n+++++ TRAINING +++++\n") model.show_log(arch=True, train=True) # Get data train_dataset = dset.CIFAR10(directory='data', download=True, train=True) # Data augmentation train_dataset = Transforms( dataset=train_dataset, lr_flip=True, rotate90=True, times=1) # Size after augmentation print("Training set size:", len(, "images.") # Optimizer/Scheduler optimizer = nnc.Optimize(model) # SGD print("\n# Stochastic gradient descent #") print("Learning rate: %.4f\n" % # Epochs for epoch in range(model.epochs): print('Epoch: [%d/%d]' % (epoch + 1, model.epochs), end=" ") # Prepare batches from whole dataset train_loader = dset.data_loader(, batch_size=dset.CIFAR10.batch_size, shuffled=True) # Iterate over batches for images, labels in train_loader: if using_gpu(): images = images.cuda() # Training round model.train(images, labels) # Clear cache if using GPU (Unsure of effectiveness) if using_gpu(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Print training loss print(colored('# Training Loss:', 'red'), end=" ") print('[%.4f] @ L.R: %.4f' % (model.loss, model.loss_history.append(model.loss) optimizer.time_decay(epoch, model.decay_rate) optimizer.set_optim_param(epoch) # model.plot_loss('Training loss') # Model status model.trained = True model.show_log(curr_status=True) model.set_logs() # Saving fitted model if args.SAVE: save_model(args.SAVE, model) else: f = raw_input("Do you want to save the model? (y)es/(n)o: ").lower() if f.lower() == 'y' or f.lower() == 'yes': save_model('model.pkl', model) else: print('Not saving model.') return model