Пример #1
    notify_mins = "0"

    do_it = False    
    action_if_playing = False
    action = ""
    warn = -1
    action_number = 0
    # Load the rules
    # This can delay for up to 3 minutes if there's no network available
    rules = rules(True)
    # Check the keymaps for this add-on are intact
    if fixKeymaps():
        xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(addon_name, "The keymap had been renamed.  This has been reverted to the correct name, but you must restart for the keymap to take effect.") 
    while not monitor.abortRequested():
        t = now()

        # This copes with endPlayback not being called properly (for whatever reason)
        if player.isStillPlaying() and not player.isPlaying():
            player.runPlaybackEnded("main loop")
        if playback_timer > 0 and t > playback_timer:
            infoTrace("service.py", "Stopping play back.  Duration is " + str(playback_duration_minutes) + " minutes, time limit is " + str(playback_time))
        # Sleep Checking
Пример #2
action = sys.argv[1]

debugTrace("-- Entered mapkey.py with parameter " + action + " --")

cycle_key = ""
info_key = ""

map_name = getKeyMapsFileName()
xml_start = '<keymap><global><keyboard>\n'
xml_key = '<key id="#KEY">runscript(#PATH#COMMAND)</key>\n'
xml_end = '</keyboard></global></keymap>\n'
cycle_command = "cycle.py"
info_command = "infopopup.py"

# Fix the keymap if it's been renamed by the Keymap addon

# Determine if there's an existing map that needs to be updated
if xbmcvfs.exists(getKeyMapsPath(map_name)):
    path = getKeyMapsPath(map_name)
        debugTrace("Writing the map file to " + path)
        map_file = open(path, 'r')
        lines = map_file.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            if cycle_command in line:
                i1 = line.index("key id=\"") + 8
                i2 = line.index("\"", i1)
                cycle_key = line[i1:i2]
                debugTrace("Found cycle key " + cycle_key)
Пример #3
action = sys.argv[1]

debugTrace("-- Entered mapkey.py with parameter " + action + " --")

cycle_key = ""
info_key = ""

map_name = getKeyMapsFileName()
xml_start = '<keymap><global><keyboard>\n'
xml_key = '<key id="#KEY">runscript(#PATH#COMMAND)</key>\n'
xml_end = '</keyboard></global></keymap>\n'
cycle_command = "cycle.py"
info_command = "infopopup.py"

# Fix the keymap if it's been renamed by the Keymap addon

# Determine if there's an existing map that needs to be updated
if xbmcvfs.exists(getKeyMapsPath(map_name)):
    path = getKeyMapsPath(map_name)    
        debugTrace("Writing the map file to " + path)
        map_file = open(path, 'r')
        lines = map_file.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            if cycle_command in line:
                i1 = line.index("key id=\"") + 8
                i2 = line.index("\"", i1)
                cycle_key = line[i1:i2]
                debugTrace("Found cycle key " + cycle_key)