#/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import re, Queue, json from threading import Thread from libs.core.common import logging, runtime from libs.core.common import print_color from libs.core.network import get from libs.core.network import tPing log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class tThread(Thread): def __init__(self, queue, jsons): Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.jsons = jsons def run(self): from libs.core.network import get while not self.queue.empty(): path = self.queue.get() try: code, content = get('dns.aizhan.com', path) self.jsons += json.loads(content) except: continue def output(target): if hasattr(target, 'iscdn') and not target.iscdn and target.f_domain:
#/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import re from libs.core.common import logging,runtime from libs.core.common import print_color from libs.core.network import get,head log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def output(target): print_color('Test server exploit %s...'%target.ip, 2) paths = ['/robots.txt/.php', '/robots.txt/1.php'] if 'server' in target.header: server = target.header['server'].lower() if 'nginx' in server: target.server = 'Nginx' print_color('Test server nginx Parsing Vulnerabilities',2) domain = '%s:%d' % (target.f_domain, target.port) if target.f_domain else '%s:%d' % (target.ip, target.port) code,content = get(domain, '/') match = re.search(r'src="(http.+?\.jpg)"', content) if match: paths.append('%s/.php' % match.group(1)) paths.append('%s/1.php' % match.group(1)) for p in paths: