Пример #1
 def CheckOrderList(self, uaid, OrderTicket):
     # 返回查询的列表的所有订单
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                 sql = "SELECT * FROM proxy_order WHERE uaid=%s AND orderid in %s" % (
                     uaid, OrderTicket)
                 yield cursor.execute(sql)
                 datas = cursor.fetchall()
                 return datas
             except Exception as err:
                 yield conn.rollback()
                     "[ProxyOrderModel:CheckOrderList:SELECT]: %s" % err)
                     "[ProxyOrderModel:CheckOrderList:SELECT]: %s" % sql)
                 return []
Пример #2
 def editPost(self, news_dist):
     # 修改博文
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                 up_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                 sql2 = "update posts set `post_title` = %s, `post_status`=%s, `post_excerpt`=%s,`post_content`=%s," \
                        "`post_modified`=%s WHERE post_id = %s"
                 # print(sql2 % (news_dist['post_title'], news_dist['post_status'], news_dist['post_excerpt'],
                 #                              news_dist['post_content'], up_date, int(news_dist['post_id'])))
                 yield cursor.execute(sql2, (news_dist['post_title'], news_dist['post_status'], news_dist['post_excerpt'],
                                              news_dist['post_content'], up_date, int(news_dist['post_id'])))
                 yield conn.commit()
                 return True
             except Exception as err:
                 yield conn.rollback()
                 logger.error("[PostsModel:editPost] %s" % err)
                 return False
Пример #3
 def delSeperateList(self, fid):
     # 删除表中的相关的所有订单
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                 sql = "DELETE FROM seperate_arr WHERE fid=%s" % (fid, )
                 yi = yield cursor.execute(sql)
                 datas = cursor.fetchall()
                 # print("delSeperateList:yi:", yi)
                 # print("delSeperateList:", datas)
                 return datas
             except Exception as err:
                 yield conn.rollback()
                     "[SeperateModel:delSeperateList:SELECT]: %s" % err)
                     "[SeperateModel:delSeperateList:SELECT]: %s" % sql)
                 return []
Пример #4
 def findFollowid(self, strComment, uaid):
     # 根据备注查找订单的跟单ID
     import re
     par = "([0-9]+)"
     arr1 = re.compile(par).findall(strComment)
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             sql = "SELECT tid,followid FROM trader WHERE uaid=%s AND orderid=%s" % (uaid, int(arr1[0]))
             # print(sql)
             yield cursor.execute(sql)
             datas = cursor.fetchone()
             if datas:
                 if datas['followid'] == 0:
                     return datas['tid']
                     return datas['followid']
                 return 0
Пример #5
 def getCs_info_List(self, uid, csid, start, length):
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             # sql0 = "SELECT count(*) as num FROM cs WHERE csid=%s and cs_status=1"
             # # print(sql)
             # yield cursor.execute(sql0, uid)
             # datas2 = cursor.fetchone()
             sql = "SELECT users.uname,cs.uid,cs.csid,cs.cs_id,cs.cs_name,cs.cs_text,cs.utime " \
                   "FROM cs INNER JOIN users ON cs.uid = users.uid " \
                   "WHERE cs.csid=%s and cs.cs_status=1 ORDER BY cs.cs_id ASC "
             # print(sql)
             yield cursor.execute(sql, (csid, ))
             datas = cursor.fetchall()
             if len(datas) > 0:
                 # datas.append({"allnum": datas2['num']})
                 return datas
                 return []
Пример #6
 def add_proxy_info(self, web_uid, uname="", iban=""):
     # 增加信息
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             try:  #
                 if uname == "":
                     sql = "INSERT INTO proxy_users(uid,grade_id) VALUES(%s,%s)"
                     yield cursor.execute(sql % (web_uid, 3))
                     sql = "INSERT INTO proxy_users(uid,uname,iban,grade_id) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s)"
                     yield cursor.execute(sql, (web_uid, uname, iban, 3))
                 yield conn.commit()
                 return True
             except Exception as err:
                 yield conn.rollback()
                     "[ProxyOrderModel:add_proxy_info:INSERT]: %s" % err)
                 return False
Пример #7
 def getMaterInfo(self, masterid, pid):
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             sql = "SELECT product_info.piname,product.pname_cn,product.pname_en,p_order.oid,p_order.uaid," \
                   "p_order.otype,p_order.amount,p_order.amount_less,p_order.amount_cny,p_order.onum,p_order.strattime, " \
                   "p_order.trade_status,p_order.endtime,product_info.info10,product_info.info11,product_info.info12 " \
                   "FROM p_order " \
                   "INNER JOIN product_info ON p_order.piid = product_info.piid " \
                   "INNER JOIN product ON product_info.pid = product.pid " \
                   "WHERE p_order.uaid = %s AND product_info.pid = %s AND p_order.endtime > now() AND p_order.otype = 1"
             # logger.debug(sql % (masterid, pid))
             yield cursor.execute(sql, (masterid, pid))
             datas = cursor.fetchall()
             MaterInfo = {}
             MaterInfo['mater_max_num'] = 0  # 可用跟单账户数量
             MaterInfo['endtime'] = None  # 到期时间
             MaterInfo['position_maxnum'] = 0  # info10持仓最大限制
             MaterInfo['spsl'] = "0"  # info11止损止盈
             MaterInfo['reverse'] = "0"  # info11反向平仓
             if len(datas) > 0:
                 # print(datas)
                 for data in datas:
                     if data['strattime'] <= datetime.datetime.strptime(
                                 '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'):
                         MaterInfo['mater_max_num'] = MaterInfo[
                             'mater_max_num'] + data['onum']
                         if MaterInfo['endtime'] == None:
                             MaterInfo['endtime'] = data['endtime']
                             if data['endtime'] > MaterInfo['endtime']:
                                 MaterInfo['endtime'] = data['endtime']
                         if int(data['info10']
                                ) > MaterInfo['position_maxnum']:
                             MaterInfo['position_maxnum'] = int(
                         if data['info11'] == "1":
                             MaterInfo['spsl'] = "1"
                         if data['info12'] == "1":
                             MaterInfo['reverse'] = "1"
     logger.debug("MaterInfo%s" % MaterInfo)
     return MaterInfo
Пример #8
 def getTags(self, tags_list):
     # 已经有的标签
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             if len(tags_list) == 1:
             sql = "select pt_id,pt_name_cn from posts_terms where `pt_name_cn` in %s"
             # print(sql)
             yield cursor.execute(sql, (tuple(tags_list),))
             rows = cursor.fetchall()
             rows2 = []
             if "fxcns" in tags_list:
                 for pt in rows:
                     if pt['pt_name_cn'] != "fxcns":
                 return rows2
                 return rows
Пример #9
 def AddOrder(self, uaid, orderid, proname, num, t_type, stime, sprice,
              etime, eprice, sl, tp, commission, swap, profit, maxprofit,
              minprofit, comment, magic, followid):
     # 增加订单
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             sql = "INSERT INTO trader(uaid,orderid,proname,num,t_type,stime,sprice,etime,eprice,sl,tp,commission,swap,profit,maxprofit,minprofit,comment,magic,followid) VALUES(%s,%s,'%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,'%s',%s,%s)"
             try:  # print(sql)
                 yield cursor.execute(
                     sql %
                     (uaid, orderid, proname, num, t_type, stime, sprice,
                      etime, eprice, sl, tp, commission, swap, profit,
                      maxprofit, minprofit, comment, magic, followid))
                 yield conn.commit()
                 return True
             except Exception as err:
                 yield conn.rollback()
                 logger.error("[OrderModel:AddOrder:INSERT]: %s" % err)
                 return False
Пример #10
 def getProxySettlementAllCount(self, uid):
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                 yield cursor.callproc('count_proxy_settlement',
                                       (uid, "@out_proxy_profit",
                                        "@out_profit", "@out_amount"))
                 yield cursor.execute(
                     "select @out_proxy_profit, @out_profit, @out_amount;")
                 # for result in cursor.stored_results():
                 #     print(result.fetchall())
                 row = cursor.fetchone()
                 return row['@out_proxy_profit'], row['@out_profit'], row[
             except Exception as err:
                     "[ProxyOrderModel:getProxySettlementAllCount:update]: %s"
                     % err)
                 return -1, -1, -1
Пример #11
 def AddMailAccount(self, umail):
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             # users['ptname']db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
             sql = "SELECT uid,email FROM users WHERE email=%s and emailflag=1"
                 up_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime(
                     '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                 sql3 = "INSERT INTO users(email,emailflag,vipid,starttime,flag) VALUES('%s', %s, %s, '%s', %s)"
                 yield cursor.execute(sql3 % (umail, 1, 1, up_date, 1))
                 uid = conn.insert_id()
                 # logger.info(sql2)
                 yield conn.commit()
                 return uid
             except Exception as err:
                 yield conn.rollback()
                     "[SwissquoteModel:AddMailAccount:INSERT]: %s" % err)
                 return None
Пример #12
 def UpOrder(self, uaid, orderid, proname, num, t_type, stime, sprice,
             etime, eprice, sl, tp, commission, swap, profit, maxprofit,
             minprofit, comment, magic, followid):
     # 修改订单
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             sql = "update trader set proname='%s',num=%s,t_type=%s,stime=%s,sprice=%s,etime=%s,eprice=%s,sl=%s,tp=%s,commission=%s,swap=%s,profit=%s,maxprofit=%s,minprofit=%s,comment='%s',magic=%s WHERE uaid=%s AND orderid=%s"
             try:  # print(sql)
                 yield cursor.execute(
                     sql %
                     (proname, num, t_type, stime, sprice, etime, eprice,
                      sl, tp, commission, swap, profit, maxprofit,
                      minprofit, comment, magic, uaid, orderid))
                 yield conn.commit()
                 return True
             except Exception as err:
                 yield conn.rollback()
                 logger.error("[OrderModel:UpOrder:update]: %s" % err)
                 return False
Пример #13
 def setMaterAuthorize(self, followid, uaid, follow_flag):
     if uaid != None and followid != None:
         with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
             with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                 sql = "update follow set follow_flag = %s WHERE followid = %s AND uaid=%s" % (
                     follow_flag, followid, uaid)
                 # print(sql)
                     yield cursor.execute(sql)
                     yield conn.commit()
                     return True
                 except Exception as err:
                     yield conn.rollback()
                         "[master_model:setMaterAuthorize:update]: %s" %
                     return False
         return False
Пример #14
 def CheckOrderList(self, uaid, OrderTicket):
     # 返回查询的列表的所有订单
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                 sql = "SELECT uaid,etime,sl,tp,orderid,num FROM trader WHERE uaid=%s AND orderid in %s" % (
                     uaid, OrderTicket)
                 yield cursor.execute(sql)
                 datas = cursor.fetchall()
                 if datas != None:
                     return datas
                     return None
             except Exception as err:
                 yield conn.rollback()
                 logger.error("[OrderModel:CheckOrderList:SELECT]: %s" %
                 logger.error("[OrderModel:CheckOrderList:SELECT]: %s" %
                 return False
Пример #15
 def CheckUserAccount(self, account, a_code):
     # 查账号存在与否
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             sql = "SELECT allname, soft_id FROM users_account WHERE pt_id=20 AND account=%s" % (
                 account, )
             # print(sql)
             yield cursor.execute(sql)
             datas = cursor.fetchone()
             if datas != None:
                 datas['allname'] = datas['allname'].strip()
                 datas['allname'] = datas['allname'].replace(" ", "")
                 a_code = a_code.strip()
                 a_code = a_code.replace(" ", "")
                 if a_code == datas['allname']:
                     return True, datas['soft_id']
                     return False, 0
                 return False, 0
Пример #16
 def findProxyGradePrice(self, accountTuple):
     # 查找等级价格
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             # print(accountTuple)
             sql = "SELECT account,grade_price FROM proxy_account_price WHERE account in %s" % (
                 accountTuple, )
             # print(sql)
             yield cursor.execute(sql)
             datas = cursor.fetchall()
             grade_price = []
             for account in accountTuple:
                 flag = 0
                 for data in datas:
                     if account == data['account']:
                         flag = 1
                 if flag == 0:
             return grade_price
Пример #17
 def getProxySettlementCount(self, uid, page_main=None):
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             # print(page_main.get('time_type'))
             the_stime, the_etime = yield self.getStime(
             sql = "FROM proxy_settlement WHERE uid = %s " % (uid, )
             if page_main['time_type'].find("last") >= 0:
                 sql = sql + " AND stime >= %s AND stime < %s " % (
                     the_stime, the_etime)
                 sql = sql + " AND stime >= %s " % the_stime
             sql5 = "SELECT  Count(*) AS all_count,Sum(amount) AS all_profit " + sql
             yield cursor.execute(sql5)
             datas = cursor.fetchall()
             # print(datas)
             if len(datas) > 0:
                 # datas.append({"allnum": len(datas2)})
                 return datas
                 return []
Пример #18
 def getProxyCount2(self, uid, page_main=None):
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             # print(page_main.get('time_type'))
             the_stime, the_etime = yield self.getStime(
             sql = "FROM proxy_account INNER JOIN proxy_order ON proxy_account.account = proxy_order.account " \
                   "WHERE proxy_account.uid = %s AND proxy_account.verify = 2  AND proxy_order.flag =1 AND proxy_account.account = %s " % (uid, page_main.get('account'))
             if page_main['time_type'].find("last") >= 0:
                 sql = sql + " AND proxy_order.stime >= %s AND proxy_order.stime < %s " % (
                     the_stime, the_etime)
                 sql = sql + " AND proxy_order.stime >= %s " % the_stime
             sql5 = "SELECT  Count(*) AS all_count,Sum(proxy_order.proxy_profit) AS all_profit " + sql
             yield cursor.execute(sql5)
             datas = cursor.fetchall()
             if len(datas) > 0:
                 # datas.append({"allnum": len(datas2)})
                 return datas
                 return []
Пример #19
    def getPostsList(self, page_main=None):
        with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
            with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                # users['ptname']db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
                # print("search:", page_main.get('search'))
                from_str = """FROM posts_type
                        INNER JOIN posts_type_relationship ON posts_type.posts_type_id = posts_type_relationship.posts_type_id
                        INNER JOIN posts ON posts_type_relationship.post_id = posts.post_id
                        INNER JOIN users ON posts.uid = users.uid"""
                sql = ""
                # from_str +
                if page_main.get('prc_type') != None and page_main.get('prc_type') != 0 and page_main.get('prc_type') != "None":
                    sql = " WHERE posts_type.posts_type_id = %s" % page_main.get('prc_type')

                if page_main != None and page_main.get('search') != "0" and page_main.get('search') != "":
                    search = "%" + page_main.get('search') + "%"
                    if sql == "":
                        sql = " WHERE posts.post_title like '%s'" % search
                        sql = sql + " AND posts.post_title like '%s'" % search
                sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(*) as allnum " + from_str + sql
                # print(sql2)
                yield cursor.execute(sql2)
                allnum = cursor.fetchone()
                if allnum['allnum'] > 0:
                    start = 0 if page_main.get('start') == None else page_main.get('start')
                    length = 10 if page_main.get('length') == None else page_main.get('length')
                    sql3 = "SELECT posts_type.posts_type_name_cn,posts.post_id,posts.post_date,posts.post_status,posts.post_modified,users.uname,posts.post_title," \
                           "posts.post_id,posts_type.posts_type_id,posts.read_count " + from_str + sql + " ORDER BY posts.post_modified DESC limit %s, %s" % (int(start), int(length))
                    # print(sql3)
                    yield cursor.execute(sql3)
                    datas = cursor.fetchall()
                    if len(datas) > 0:
                        # print(datas)
                        return datas
                        return []
                    return []
Пример #20
 def setOrderTwo(self, Odata, uid, pid, followid):
     # 提交支付订单
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                 from models.public.headers_model import Headers_Models
                 H = Headers_Models()
                 # 生成个订单号
                 OrderNo = H.getOrderNo()
                 yield cursor.callproc('setOrderTwo', (followid, uid, pid, Odata['piid'], Odata['PaymentTypes'], Odata['cnh'],
                                                       Odata['fx_num'], Odata['daytype'], Odata['datetype'], OrderNo,"@out_mflag"))
                 yield cursor.execute("select @out_mflag;")
                 # for result in cursor.stored_results():
                 #     print(result.fetchall())
                 row = cursor.fetchone()
                 if row != None:
                     return row['@out_mflag'], OrderNo
                     return -6
             except Exception as err:
                 self.logger.error("[AccountsModel:setOrderTwo:]: %s" % err)
                 return -6
Пример #21
 def CheckOrder(self, uaid, orderid, CloseT, OrderStopLoss, OrderTakeProfit):
     # 查订单存在与否
     edit_flag = 0
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             sql = "SELECT uaid,etime,sl,tp FROM trader WHERE uaid=%s AND orderid=%s" % (uaid, orderid)
             # print(sql)
             yield cursor.execute(sql)
             datas = cursor.fetchone()
             if datas != None:
                 if CloseT != datas['etime']:
                     edit_flag = 1
                 if OrderStopLoss != datas['sl']:
                     edit_flag = 1
                 if OrderTakeProfit != datas['tp']:
                     edit_flag = 1
                 return None
             if edit_flag == 0:
                 return True
                 return False
Пример #22
 def checkMaterFollow(self, followid, uaid):
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             # users['ptname']db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
             sql = "SELECT uaid,follow_flag,followid,f_flag FROM follow WHERE followid = %s AND uaid = %s"
             # logger.info(sql)
             yield cursor.execute(sql % (followid, uaid))
             datas = cursor.fetchone()
             if datas == None:
                     up_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime(
                         '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                     sql2 = "INSERT INTO follow(uaid,follow_flag,followid,f_flag,update_time) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s,'%s')" % (
                         uaid, 0, followid, 1, up_date)
                     # logger.info(sql2)
                     yield cursor.execute(sql2)
                     yield conn.commit()
                 except Exception as err:
                     yield conn.rollback()
                         "[master_model:checkMaterFollow:INSERT]: %s" % err)
                     return False
     return True
Пример #23
    def editPAVerify2(self, account):
        # 更改账号的返佣状态
        p_flag = yield self.CheckProxyOrder(account)
        if p_flag == True:
            verify_flag = 2
            verify_flag = 1
        with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
            with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                sql = "update proxy_account set verify=%s WHERE account=%s"
                    yield cursor.execute(sql % (verify_flag, account))
                    yield conn.commit()
                    if p_flag == True:
                        return 5
                        return 1

                except Exception as err:
                    yield conn.rollback()
                    logging.error("[ProxyOrderModel:editPAVerify:update]: %s" %
                    return -1
Пример #24
    def getProxyOrderCountListAll(self, page_main=None):
        with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
            with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                # print(page_main.get('time_type'))
                the_stime, the_etime = yield self.getStime(

                sql = "FROM proxy_users INNER JOIN proxy_account ON proxy_users.uid = proxy_account.uid INNER JOIN proxy_order ON proxy_account.account = proxy_order.account " \
                      "WHERE proxy_account.verify = 2 AND proxy_order.flag =1 "
                if page_main.get('search') != "0" and page_main.get(
                        'search') != "":
                    search = "%" + page_main.get('search') + "%"
                    sql = sql + " AND proxy_users.uname like '" + search + "' "
                if page_main['time_type'].find("last") >= 0:
                    sql = sql + " AND proxy_order.stime >= %s AND proxy_order.stime < %s " % (
                        the_stime, the_etime)
                    sql = sql + " AND proxy_order.stime >= %s " % the_stime
                sql2 = "SELECT proxy_users.uid " + sql + " GROUP BY proxy_users.uid "
                # print(sql2)
                yield cursor.execute(sql2)
                datas2 = cursor.fetchall()
                start = 0 if page_main.get('start') == None else page_main.get(
                length = 10 if page_main.get(
                    'length') == None else page_main.get('length')
                sql3 = "SELECT Count(*) AS t_count,proxy_users.uid,proxy_users.uname,Sum(proxy_order.profit) AS to_profit,Sum(proxy_order.proxy_profit) AS sum_profit "
                sql3 = sql3 + sql + "GROUP BY proxy_users.uid ORDER BY sum_profit DESC limit %s, %s" % (
                    int(start), int(length))
                # print(sql3)
                yield cursor.execute(sql3)
                datas = cursor.fetchall()
                if len(datas) > 0:
                    datas.append({"allnum": len(datas2)})
                    return datas
                    return []
Пример #25
 def setStrategyOpenFlag(self, page_main=None):
     if page_main == None:
         return []
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                 if int(page_main['fx_flag']) == 0:
                     page_main['fx_flag'] = 1
                     page_main['fx_flag'] = 0
                 sql = "update predict_stratepy SET open_flag = %s WHERE strategy_id = %s AND symbol_name = %s"
                 yield cursor.execute(sql, (int(
                     page_main['fx_flag']), int(page_main['strategy_id']),
                 yield conn.commit()
                 if page_main['fx_flag'] == 1:
                     return 1
                     return 0
             except Exception as err:
                 yield conn.rollback()
                     "[StrategyModel:setStrategyOpenFlag] %s" % err)
                 return 9
Пример #26
 def getStrategySymbolMa(self, page_main=None):
     if page_main == None:
         return []
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             # users['ptname']db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
             sql = "SELECT predict_date AS g_date, straregy_cumsum FROM predict WHERE strategy_id = %s AND symbol_name = %s ORDER BY predict_date DESC  limit 800"
             yield cursor.execute(
                 sql, (page_main['strategy_id'], page_main['symbol_name']))
             datas = cursor.fetchall()
             # print(datas)
             if len(datas) > 0:
                 datas = pd.DataFrame(list(reversed(datas)))
                 for timeperiod_ in self.time_period:
                     datas['sg_ma' + str(timeperiod_)] = datas[
                 datas['g_date'] = datas['g_date'].apply(
                     lambda x: str(x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H')))
                 datas_columns = list(datas.columns)
                 return json.loads(
                     datas.to_json(orient='records')), datas_columns
                 return [], []
Пример #27
    def getPayOrderList(self, page_main=None):
        with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
            with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                # users['ptname']db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
                if page_main == None or page_main.get('fx_id') == 9:
                    sql = " FROM p_order INNER JOIN product_info ON p_order.piid = product_info.piid INNER JOIN users ON p_order.uid = users.uid INNER JOIN users_account ON p_order.uaid = users_account.uaid WHERE p_order.pid=%s" % (config.PID,)
                    # search = "%" + page_main.get('search') + "%"
                    sql = " FROM p_order INNER JOIN product_info ON p_order.piid = product_info.piid INNER JOIN users ON p_order.uid = users.uid INNER JOIN users_account ON p_order.uaid = users_account.uaid WHERE p_order.pid=%s AND otype = %s" % (config.PID, page_main.get('fx_id'))
                if page_main != None and page_main.get('search') != "0" and page_main.get('search') != "":
                    search = "%" + page_main.get('search') + "%"
                    if sql == "":
                        sql = " WHERE p_order.order_no like '%s' OR users.email  like '%s' OR users_account.account like '%s' " % (search, search, search)
                        sql = sql + " AND p_order.order_no like '%s' OR users.email  like '%s' OR users_account.account like '%s' " % (search, search, search)

                sql2 = "SELECT product_info.piname " + sql
                # print(sql2)
                yield cursor.execute(sql2)
                datas2 = cursor.fetchall()
                start = 0 if page_main.get('start') == None else page_main.get('start')
                length = 10 if page_main.get('length') == None else page_main.get('length')
                sql3 = "SELECT product_info.piname,product_info.info2,product_info.info3,p_order.onum,p_order.otime," \
                       "p_order.amount_cny,p_order.amount,p_order.otype,product_info.info1,p_order.strattime," \
                       "p_order.endtime,p_order.order_no,p_order.date_num,p_order.payment_type,p_order.potype," \
                       "p_order.oid,users.email,users_account.account "\
                       + sql + " ORDER BY p_order.oid DESC limit %s, %s" % (int(start), int(length))
                yield cursor.execute(sql3)
                datas = cursor.fetchall()
                if len(datas) > 0:
                    datas.append({"allnum": len(datas2)})
                # print(datas)
                    return datas
                    return []
Пример #28
 def addProxyAccount(self, web_uid, account, a_code):
     # 新增账号
     with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
         with conn.cursor() as cursor:
             u_flag, soft_id = yield self.CheckUserAccount(account, a_code)
             if u_flag == True:
                 p_flag = yield self.CheckProxyAccount(account)
                 if p_flag == False:
                     sql = "INSERT INTO proxy_account(uid,account,verify,soft_id) VALUES(%s,%s,1,%s)"
                     try:  # print(sql)
                         yield cursor.execute(sql %
                                              (web_uid, account, soft_id))
                         yield conn.commit()
                         return 5
                     except Exception as err:
                         yield conn.rollback()
                             "[ProxyOrderModel:addProxyAccount:INSERT]: %s"
                             % err)
                         return -1
                     return -2
                 return -3
Пример #29
    def getStrategyCount(self, page_main=None):
        # 返回统计数据
        with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
            with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                if page_main == None:
                    return []
                H = Headers_Models()
                the_year = yield H.getMktime("theYear")
                the_month = yield H.getMktime("theMonth")
                the_week = yield H.getMktime("theWeek")

                # 持仓统计
                sql = "SELECT Sum(trader.num) as out_position_num,Sum(trader.swap) as out_position_swap,Sum(trader.commission) as out_position_comm,Sum(trader.profit) as out_position_profit,COUNT(*) as out_position_order_num FROM trader WHERE t_type < 2 AND uaid = " + str(
                    page_main['uaid']) + " AND etime = 0"
                yield cursor.execute(sql)
                data = cursor.fetchone()
                # 今天
                sql2 = "SELECT Sum(trader.swap) as out_swap_today,Sum(trader.commission) as out_comm_today,Sum(trader.profit) as out_profit_today FROM trader WHERE t_type < 2 AND uaid = " + str(
                ) + " AND etime > unix_timestamp(curdate())"
                yield cursor.execute(sql2)
                data2 = cursor.fetchone()
                # 当周
                sql3 = "SELECT Sum(trader.swap) as out_swap_week,Sum(trader.commission) as out_comm_week,Sum(trader.profit) as out_profit_week FROM trader WHERE t_type < 2 AND uaid = " + str(
                    page_main['uaid']) + " AND etime > " + str(the_week)
                yield cursor.execute(sql3)
                data3 = cursor.fetchone()
                # 当月
                sql4 = "SELECT Sum(trader.swap) as out_swap_month,Sum(trader.commission) as out_comm_month,Sum(trader.profit) as out_profit_month FROM trader WHERE t_type < 2 AND uaid = " + str(
                    page_main['uaid']) + " AND etime > " + str(the_month)
                yield cursor.execute(sql4)
                data4 = cursor.fetchone()
                # 当年
                sql5 = "SELECT Sum(trader.swap) as out_swap_year,Sum(trader.commission) as out_comm_year,Sum(trader.profit) as out_profit_year FROM trader WHERE t_type < 2 AND uaid = " + str(
                    page_main['uaid']) + " AND etime > " + str(the_year)
                yield cursor.execute(sql5)
                data5 = cursor.fetchone()
                # 全部
                sql6 = "SELECT Sum(trader.swap) as out_swap_all,Sum(trader.commission) as out_comm_all,Sum(trader.profit) as out_profit_all FROM trader WHERE t_type < 2 AND uaid = " + str(
                    page_main['uaid']) + " AND etime > 0"
                yield cursor.execute(sql6)
                data6 = cursor.fetchone()
                # 统计资金
                sql7 = "SELECT balance as out_balance, credit as out_credit, quity as out_quity, profit as out_profit FROM users_account WHERE uaid = " + str(
                yield cursor.execute(sql7)
                data7 = cursor.fetchone()
                # 格式化
                data = yield self.getDictValue(data)
                data2 = yield self.getDictValue(data2)
                data3 = yield self.getDictValue(data3)
                data4 = yield self.getDictValue(data4)
                data5 = yield self.getDictValue(data5)
                data6 = yield self.getDictValue(data6)
                # 计算
                    data7['out_position_profit'] = data[
                        'out_position_swap'] + data[
                            'out_position_comm'] + data['out_position_profit']
                    data7['out_today'] = data2['out_swap_today'] + data2[
                        'out_comm_today'] + data2['out_profit_today']
                    data7['out_week'] = data3['out_swap_week'] + data3[
                        'out_comm_week'] + data3['out_profit_week']
                    data7['out_month'] = data4['out_swap_month'] + data4[
                        'out_comm_month'] + data4['out_profit_month']
                    data7['out_year'] = data5['out_swap_year'] + data5[
                        'out_comm_year'] + data5['out_profit_year']
                    data7['out_all'] = data6['out_swap_all'] + data6[
                        'out_comm_all'] + data6['out_profit_all']
                    data7['out_position_num'] = data['out_position_num']
                    data7['out_position_order_num'] = data[
                    data7['out_position_profit'] = 0
                    data7['out_today'] = 0
                    data7['out_week'] = 0
                    data7['out_month'] = 0
                    data7['out_year'] = 0
                    data7['out_all'] = 0
                    data7['out_position_num'] = 0
                    data7['out_position_order_num'] = 0
        return data7
Пример #30
    def getOrderCount(self, page_main=None):
        if page_main == None:
            return []
        with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
            with conn.cursor() as cursor:
                    if page_main == None:
                        the_etime = 0
                        from models.public.headers_model import Headers_Models
                        H = Headers_Models()
                        if page_main['time_type'] == "the_year":
                            the_stime = yield H.getMktime("theYear")
                            select_sql = " DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(etime), '%Y%m') as group_time "
                        elif page_main['time_type'] == "the_month":
                            the_stime = yield H.getMktime("theMonth")
                            select_sql = " DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(etime), '%Y%m%d') as group_time "
                        elif page_main['time_type'] == "the_week":
                            the_stime = yield H.getMktime("theWeek")
                            select_sql = " DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(etime), '%Y%m%d') as group_time "
                        elif page_main['time_type'] == "last_month":
                            the_stime = yield H.getMktime("lastMonthOne")
                            the_etime = yield H.getMktime("lastMonth")
                            select_sql = " DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(etime), '%Y%m%d') as group_time "
                        elif page_main['time_type'] == "last_year":
                            the_stime = yield H.getMktime("lastYearOne")
                            the_etime = yield H.getMktime("lastYear")
                            select_sql = " DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(etime), '%Y%m') as group_time "
                        elif page_main['time_type'] == "recent_week":
                            the_stime = int(time.time()) - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
                            select_sql = " DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(etime), '%Y%m%d') as group_time "
                        elif page_main['time_type'] == "recent_month":
                            the_stime = int(time.time()) - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
                            select_sql = " DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(etime), '%Y%m%d') as group_time "
                        elif page_main['time_type'] == "recent_month3":
                            the_stime = int(time.time()) - 60 * 60 * 24 * 90
                            select_sql = " DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(etime), '%Y%m%d') as group_time "
                        elif page_main['time_type'] == "recent_month6":
                            the_stime = int(time.time()) - 60 * 60 * 24 * 180
                            select_sql = " DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(etime), '%Y%m%d') as group_time "
                        elif page_main['time_type'] == "recent_year":
                            the_stime = int(time.time()) - 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
                            select_sql = " DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(etime), '%Y%m') as group_time "
                            the_stime = 0
                            select_sql = " DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(etime), '%Y%m') as group_time "
                    sql = "FROM trader WHERE uaid = %s AND etime > 0 " % page_main[

                    if page_main['time_type'].find("last") >= 0:
                        sql = sql + " AND etime >= %s AND etime < %s " % (
                            the_stime, the_etime)
                        sql = sql + " AND etime >= %s " % the_stime
                    sql2 = "SELECT uaid, " + select_sql + sql + " GROUP BY group_time "
                    # print(sql2)
                    yield cursor.execute(sql2)
                    datas2 = cursor.fetchall()
                    start = 0 if page_main.get(
                        'start') == None else page_main.get('start')
                    length = 10 if page_main.get(
                        'length') == None else page_main.get('length')
                    sql3 = "SELECT " + select_sql + ", Count(*) AS t_count,Sum(trader.num) AS t_num,Sum(trader.profit) AS t_profit,Sum(trader.swap) AS t_swap," \
                           "Sum(trader.commission) AS t_comm "
                    sql3 = sql3 + sql + " GROUP BY group_time ORDER BY group_time DESC limit %s, %s" % (
                        int(start), int(length))
                    # print(sql3)
                    yield cursor.execute(sql3)
                    datas = cursor.fetchall()
                    if len(datas) > 0:
                        datas.append({"allnum": len(datas2)})
                        return datas
                        return []
                except Exception as err:
                    yield conn.rollback()
                    self.logger.error("[StrategyModel:getOrderCount] %s" % err)
                    return []