async def minesweeper(self, ctx: commands.Context, length: int = 6, width: int = 6, mines: int = 7): global analytics analytics["minesweeper"] += 1 extra.update_analytics(analytics) if length * width > 196: await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( title="Error", description="Board too large. Try something smaller.")) return if mines >= (length * width): mines = (length * width) - 1 gridstr = minespy.generategrid(length, width, mines) while "0" in gridstr or "1" in gridstr or "2" in gridstr or "3" in gridstr or "4" in gridstr or "5" in gridstr or "6" in gridstr or "7" in gridstr or "7" in gridstr or "B" in gridstr: # stole this from stackoverflow gridstr = gridstr.replace("0", "||:zero:||") gridstr = gridstr.replace("1", "||:one:||") gridstr = gridstr.replace("2", "||:two:||") gridstr = gridstr.replace("3", "||:three:||") gridstr = gridstr.replace("4", "||:four:||") gridstr = gridstr.replace("5", "||:five:||") gridstr = gridstr.replace("6", "||:six:||") gridstr = gridstr.replace("7", "||:seven:||") gridstr = gridstr.replace("8", "||:eight:||") gridstr = gridstr.replace("B", "||:boom:||") gridstr = extra.replacenth( gridstr, "||:zero:||", ":zero:", random.randint(0, gridstr.count("||:zero:||"))) embed = discord.Embed(title=f"{length}x{width} with {mines} mines", description=gridstr) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def rps(self, ctx: commands.Context, member): global analytics analytics["rps"] += 1 extra.update_analytics(analytics) otherguy = ctx.message.mentions[0] if == None: await if otherguy.dm_channel == None: await otherguy.create_dm() authormsg = await "Rock, paper, or scissors?") otherguymsg = await otherguy.dm_channel.send( "Rock, paper, or scissors?") for i in u"\U0001f5ff\U0001f4f0\u2702": # rock/paper/scissors await authormsg.add_reaction(i) await otherguymsg.add_reaction(i) def check(reaction, user): return ( == or == and (reaction.message == authormsg or reaction.message == otherguymsg) players = [] winner = None while len(players) < 2: try: reaction, user = await"reaction_add", timeout=60.0, check=check) except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Game closed due to inactivity.") return stop = False for i in players: if user in i: stop = True if stop: continue players.append([reaction, user]) if str(players[0][0].emoji) == u"\U0001f5ff" and str( players[1][0].emoji) == u"\U0001f4f0": # rock < paper winner = players[1][1].name elif str(players[0][0].emoji) == u"\U0001f4f0" and str( players[1][0].emoji) == u"\U0001f5ff": # paper > rock winner = players[0][1].name elif str(players[0][0].emoji) == u"\u2702" and str( players[1][0].emoji) == u"\U0001f4f0": # paper < scissors winner = players[0][1].name elif str(players[0][0].emoji) == u"\U0001f4f0" and str( players[1][0].emoji) == u"\u2702": # scissors > paper winner = players[1][1].name elif str(players[0][0].emoji) == u"\u2702" and str( players[1][0].emoji) == u"\U0001f5ff": # scissors < rock winner = players[1][1].name elif str(players[0][0].emoji) == u"\U0001f5ff" and str( players[1][0].emoji) == u"\u2702": # rock > scissors winner = players[0][1].name else: description = f"{players[0][0].emoji} v {players[1][0].emoji}\n\nIts a tie!" if winner != None: description = f"{players[0][0].emoji} v {players[1][0].emoji}\n\n{winner} wins!" title = f"{players[0][1].name} v {players[1][1].name}" game_embed = discord.Embed(title=title, description=description) await ctx.send(embed=game_embed) await otherguy.dm_channel.send(embed=game_embed) await
async def tictactoe(self, ctx: commands.Context, member, save=None): global analytics analytics["tictactoe"] += 1 extra.update_analytics(analytics) valid_t_movements = [ "w", "a", "s", "d", "wa", "wd", "sa", "sd", ".", "q", "aw", "dw", "as", "sd" ] opponent = ctx.message.mentions[0] await ctx.send( f"playing tic tac toe with {opponent.display_name if != 775408192242974726 else 'an AI'}" ) if save is not None: base = base64.b64decode(save.encode()).decode("utf-8").split("|") g = base[0] moves = int(base[1]) else: g = tttpy.generategrid() moves = 1 gs = g gs = gs.replace("X", ":regional_indicator_x:") gs = gs.replace("O", ":zero:") for i in gs: if str(i) in "123456789": gs = gs.replace(i, ":blue_square:") title = f"Tic Tac Toe: *{}*:regional_indicator_x: vs {opponent.display_name}:zero:" if moves % 2 == 1 else f"Connect 4: {}:regional_indicator_x: vs *{opponent.display_name}*:zero:" msgembed = discord.Embed(title=title) msgembed.description = gs savestate = base64.b64encode(f"{g}|{moves}".encode()).decode("utf-8") msgembed.set_footer(text=savestate) bmsg = await ctx.send(embed=msgembed) def check(message): user = return ( (user == opponent if moves % 2 == 0 else user == and (message.content in valid_t_movements or message.content)) or message.content in ["q", "r"] while moves <= 9: try: m = await"message", timeout=60.0, check=check) except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Game closed due to inactivity.") return c = m.content.lower() if c in ["as", "ds", "aw", "dw"]: c = c[::-1] og = g char = "X" if moves % 2 == 1 else "O" if c == "q": await ctx.send("Game closed.") return if c == "r": title = f"Tic Tac Toe: *{}*:regional_indicator_x: vs {opponent.display_name}:zero:" if moves % 2 == 1 else f"Connect 4: {}:regional_indicator_x: vs *{opponent.display_name}*:zero:" msgembed = discord.Embed(title=title) msgembed.description = gs bmsg = await ctx.send(embed=msgembed) savestate = base64.b64encode( f"{g}|{moves}".encode()).decode("utf-8") msgembed.set_footer(text=savestate) continue if c == "wa": g = g.replace("1", char) elif c == "w": g = g.replace("2", char) elif c == "wd": g = g.replace("3", char) elif c == "a": g = g.replace("4", char) elif c == ".": g = g.replace("5", char) elif c == "d": g = g.replace("6", char) elif c == "sa": g = g.replace("7", char) elif c == "s": g = g.replace("8", char) elif c == "sd": g = g.replace("9", char) else: continue if og != g: moves += 1 try: await m.delete() except discord.Forbidden: pass gs = g gs = gs.replace("X", ":regional_indicator_x:") gs = gs.replace("O", ":zero:") for i in gs: if str(i) in "123456789": gs = gs.replace(i, ":blue_square:") title = f"Tic Tac Toe: *{}*:regional_indicator_x: vs {opponent.display_name}:zero:" if moves % 2 == 1 else f"Connect 4: {}:regional_indicator_x: vs *{opponent.display_name}*:zero:" msgembed = discord.Embed(title=title) msgembed.description = gs savestate = base64.b64encode( f"{g}|{moves}".encode()).decode("utf-8") msgembed.set_footer(text=savestate) await bmsg.edit(embed=msgembed) glist = [] for i in g.split("\n"): if i == "": continue gltmp = [] for j in i: gltmp.append(j) glist.append(gltmp) if tttpy.checkWin(glist): winner = if moves % 2 == 0 else opponent.display_name await ctx.send(f"{winner} has won!") return elif moves > 9: await ctx.send("Nobody won, the game is tied.") return
async def connectfour(self, ctx: commands.Context, member, save=None): tiles_list = themes[random.choice(list(themes))] global analytics analytics["connectfour"] += 1 extra.update_analytics(analytics) valid_c_movements = [str(i) for i in range(1, 8)] valid_c_movements.append("q") valid_c_movements.append("r") opponent = ctx.message.mentions[0] with open("c4layouts.json", "r") as c4layoutsfile: c4layouts = json.loads( await ctx.send(f"playing connect 4 with {opponent.display_name}") if (save in c4layouts): save = c4layouts[save] if save is not None: base = base64.b64decode(save.encode()).decode("utf-8").split("|") g = json.loads(base[0].replace("'", '"')) moves = int(base[1]) else: g = [" \n" for _ in range(7)] moves = 1 base = None if base is not None: pass gridstr = "".join(g[::-1]) theme = random.choice(list(themes)) tiles_list = dict(themes[theme]) nums_list = "".join(tiles_list["nums"]) gridstr += nums_list tiles_list.pop("nums") for tile in tiles_list: gridstr = gridstr.replace(tile, tiles_list[tile]) title = f"Connect 4: *{}*{tiles_list['X']} vs {opponent.display_name}{tiles_list['O']}" if moves % 2 == 1 else f"Connect 4: {}{tiles_list['X']} vs *{opponent.display_name}*{tiles_list['O']}" if len(gridstr) > 2048: await ctx.send("The grid is too big!") return msgembed = discord.Embed(title=title) msgembed.description = gridstr savestate = base64.b64encode( f"{json.dumps(g)}|{moves}".encode()).decode("utf-8") msgembed.set_footer(text=savestate) bmsg = await ctx.send(embed=msgembed) while moves <= 42: def check(message): user = return ((user == opponent if moves % 2 == 0 else user == and (message.content in valid_c_movements or message.content)) or ( message.content in ["q", "r"] and (user == opponent or user == m = await"message", timeout=None, check=check) c = m.content if c not in valid_c_movements: continue if c == "q": await ctx.send("game ended") return elif c == "r": title = f"Connect 4: *{}*{tiles_list['X']} vs {opponent.display_name}{tiles_list['O']}" if moves % 2 == 1 else f"Connect 4: {}{tiles_list['X']} vs *{opponent.display_name}*{tiles_list['O']}" msgembed = discord.Embed(title=title) msgembed.description = gridstr savestate = base64.b64encode( f"{json.dumps(g)}|{moves}".encode()).decode("utf-8") msgembed.set_footer(text=savestate) bmsg = await ctx.send(embed=msgembed) continue bg = list(g) if c in "1234567": for y in g: # and not (y == g[0] and y[int(c) - 1] in ["X","O"]) if not y[int(c) - 1] == " ": continue t = list(y) t[int(c) - 1] = "X" if moves % 2 == 1 else "O" g[g.index(y)] = "".join(t) break moves += 1 if bg != g else 0 else: continue gridstr = "".join(g[::-1]) for tile in tiles_list: gridstr = gridstr.replace(tile, tiles_list[tile]) gridstr += nums_list title = f"Connect 4: *{}*{tiles_list['X']} vs {opponent.display_name}{tiles_list['O']}" if moves % 2 == 1 else f"Connect 4: {}{tiles_list['X']} vs *{opponent.display_name}*{tiles_list['O']}" msgembed = discord.Embed(title=title) msgembed.description = gridstr savestate = base64.b64encode( f"{json.dumps(g)}|{moves}".encode()).decode("utf-8") msgembed.set_footer(text=savestate) await bmsg.edit(embed=msgembed) await m.delete() glist = [] for i in g: if i == "\n": continue gltmp = [] for j in i: gltmp.append(j) glist.append(gltmp) if c4py.check_win(glist, "X") or c4py.check_win(glist, "O"): winner = if moves % 2 == 0 else opponent.display_name await ctx.send(f"{winner} has won!") return elif moves > 42: await ctx.send( "Nobody won, the game is tied. How did you manage to do that in connect 4?" ) return
async def coinflip(ctx): global analytics analytics["coinflip"] += 1 extra.update_analytics(analytics) await ctx.send( f"It landed on {'heads' if random.choice([0,1]) == 0 else 'tails'}!")