def setUp(self): fn = os.path.join('schema', 'exp.jadn') # Load experimental OpenC2 schema schema = jadn_load(fn) sa = jadn_analyze(schema) if sa['undefined']: print('Warning - undefined:', sa['undefined']) = Codec(schema, verbose_rec=True, verbose_str=True)
def setUp(self): fn = os.path.join('schema', 'oc2ls-csdpr02-slpf_merged.jadn') schema = jadn_load(fn) sa = jadn_analyze(schema) if sa['undefined']: print('Warning - undefined:', sa['undefined']) = Codec(schema, verbose_rec=True, verbose_str=True)
def _merge_imports(info, files): base_schema = jadn_load(info['source']) for nsid, module in info['imports']: imp = [i for i in files.values() if i['module'] == module] patches = [i['patch'] for i in imp] print(' ', nsid, module, patches) if len(imp) > 1: raise ValueError('More than one matching import:', nsid, module, patches) elif len(imp) < 1: raise ValueError('Missing import:', nsid, module) else: imported_schema = jadn_load(imp[0]['source']) base_schema = jadn_merge(base_schema, imported_schema, nsid) joinchar = '.' if '+' in base_schema['meta']['patch'] else '+' base_schema['meta']['patch'] += joinchar + 'merged' del base_schema['meta']['imports'] jadn_dump(base_schema, info['dest'])
def merge(idir): def _merge_imports(info, files): base_schema = jadn_load(info['source']) for nsid, module in info['imports']: imp = [i for i in files.values() if i['module'] == module] patches = [i['patch'] for i in imp] print(' ', nsid, module, patches) if len(imp) > 1: raise ValueError('More than one matching import:', nsid, module, patches) elif len(imp) < 1: raise ValueError('Missing import:', nsid, module) else: imported_schema = jadn_load(imp[0]['source']) base_schema = jadn_merge(base_schema, imported_schema, nsid) joinchar = '.' if '+' in base_schema['meta']['patch'] else '+' base_schema['meta']['patch'] += joinchar + 'merged' del base_schema['meta']['imports'] jadn_dump(base_schema, info['dest']) def _meta(schema, item): return schema['meta'][item] if item in schema['meta'] else '' cdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('__file__')) # Current directory odir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join( cdir, '..', 'schema_out')) # Put generated schemas outside of the repo print('Merging imported schemas from', os.path.realpath(idir), 'to', odir) files = {} for fn in (f[0] for f in (os.path.splitext(i) for i in os.listdir(idir)) if f[1] == '.jadn'): source = os.path.join(idir, fn) + '.jadn' dest = os.path.join(odir, fn) + '_merged.jadn' schema = jadn_load(source) id = _meta(schema, 'module') + '/' + _meta(schema, 'patch') if id in files: raise ValueError('Duplicate schema IDs:', id, source, files['id']['source']) else: files.update({ id: { 'source': source, 'dest': dest, 'id': id, 'module': _meta(schema, 'module'), 'patch': _meta(schema, 'patch'), 'imports': _meta(schema, 'imports'), 'exports': _meta(schema, 'exports'), } }) for k, v in files.items(): if v['imports']: print(k, 'imports', v['imports']) try: _merge_imports(v, files) except ValueError as e: print(' ##', v['source'], e.args)
from libs.jadn import jadn_load, jadn_dump, jadn_analyze, jadn_strip from libs.convert.w_jas import jas_dump from libs.convert.w_table import table_dump if __name__ == '__main__': cdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('__file__')) # Current directory idir = 'schema' odir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cdir, '..', 'schema_out')) # Put generated schemas outside of the repo print('Translating schemas from', os.path.realpath(idir), 'to', odir) for fn in (f[0] for f in (os.path.splitext(i) for i in os.listdir(idir)) if f[1] == '.jadn'): print('**', fn) source = os.path.join(idir, fn) + '.jadn' dest = os.path.join(odir, fn) + '_gen' # Prettyprint JADN, strip comments, and convert to other formats schema = jadn_load(source) sa = jadn_analyze(schema) patch = ', ' + schema['meta']['patch'] if 'patch' in schema['meta'] else '' exports = ', '.join(schema['meta']['exports']) if 'exports' in schema['meta'] else '' sa.update({'module': schema['meta']['module'] + patch, 'exports': exports}) print('\n'.join([' ' + k + ': ' + str(sa[k]) for k in ('module', 'exports', 'unreferenced', 'undefined', 'cycles')])) jadn_dump(jadn_strip(schema), dest + '_strip.jadn', strip=True) jadn_dump(schema, dest + '.jadn') jas_dump(schema, dest + '.jas') table_dump(schema, dest + '.md', source, form='markdown') table_dump(schema, dest + '.html', source, form='html')