per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.8, allow_growth=True, ) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess: global_step = slim.create_global_step() ## data image, ih, iw, gt_boxes, gt_masks, num_instances, img_id = \'./data/coco/records/coco_train2014_00000-of-00040.tfrecord') with tf.control_dependencies([image, gt_boxes, gt_masks]): image, gt_boxes, gt_masks = coco_preprocess.preprocess_image( image, gt_boxes, gt_masks, is_training=True) ## network with slim.arg_scope(resnet_v1.resnet_arg_scope(weight_decay=0.0001)): logits, end_points = resnet50(image, 1000, is_training=False) end_points['inputs'] = image for x in sorted(end_points.keys()): print(x, end_points[x].name, end_points[x].shape) pyramid = pyramid_network.build_pyramid('resnet50', end_points) # for p in pyramid: # print (p, pyramid[p]) summaries = set(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES)) for p in pyramid: summaries.add(tf.summary.histogram('pyramid/hist/' + p, pyramid[p])) summaries.add(
def deeplabv3(inputs, num_classes, layer_depth=50, is_training=True): scope = 'resnet{}'.format(layer_depth) with tf.variable_scope(scope, [inputs]) as sc: end_points_collection = + '_end_points' with slim.arg_scope(resnet_arg_scope()): with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d, bottleneck], outputs_collections=end_points_collection): with slim.arg_scope([slim.batch_norm], is_training=is_training): net = inputs net = resnet_utils.conv2d_same(net, 64, 7, stride=2, scope='conv1') net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], stride=2, scope='pool1') with tf.variable_scope('block1', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 64 for i in range(2): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1) with tf.variable_scope('unit_3', values=[net]): net = bottleneck(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=2) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, net) with tf.variable_scope('block2', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 128 for i in range(3): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1) with tf.variable_scope('unit_4', values=[net]): net = bottleneck(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=2) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, net) with tf.variable_scope('block3', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 256 num_units = 6 if layer_depth == 101: num_units = 23 elif layer_depth == 152: num_units = 36 for i in range(num_units): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, net) with tf.variable_scope('block4', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 512 for i in range(3): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1, rate=2) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, net) with tf.variable_scope('block5', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 512 for i in range(3): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck_hdc( net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1, rate=4) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, net) with tf.variable_scope('block6', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 512 for i in range(3): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck_hdc( net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1, rate=8) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, net) with tf.variable_scope('block7', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 512 for i in range(3): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck_hdc( net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1, rate=16) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, net) with tf.variable_scope('aspp', [net]) as sc: aspp_list = [] branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [1, 1], stride=1, scope='1x1conv') branch_1 = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, branch_1) aspp_list.append(branch_1) for i in range(3): branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [3, 3], stride=1, rate=6 * (i + 1), scope='rate{}'.format( 6 * (i + 1))) branch_2 = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, branch_2) aspp_list.append(branch_2) aspp = tf.add_n(aspp_list) aspp = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, aspp) with tf.variable_scope('img_pool', [net]) as sc: """Image Pooling See ParseNet: Looking Wider to See Better """ pooled = tf.reduce_mean(net, [1, 2], name='avg_pool', keep_dims=True) pooled = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, pooled) pooled = slim.conv2d(pooled, 256, [1, 1], stride=1, scope='1x1conv') pooled = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, pooled) pooled = tf.image.resize_bilinear( pooled, tf.shape(net)[1:3]) pooled = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, pooled) with tf.variable_scope('fusion', [aspp, pooled]) as sc: net = tf.concat([aspp, pooled], 3) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, net) net = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [1, 1], stride=1, scope='1x1conv') net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, net) net = slim.conv2d(net, num_classes, [1, 1], stride=1, activation_fn=None, scope='logits') net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, net) end_points = slim.utils.convert_collection_to_dict( end_points_collection) return net, end_points
def deeplabv3(inputs, num_classes, depth=50, aspp=True, reuse=None, is_training=True): """DeepLabV3 Args: inputs: A tensor of size [batch, height, width, channels]. depth: The number of layers of the ResNet. aspp: Whether to use ASPP module, if True, will use 4 blocks with multi_grid=(1,2,4), if False, will use 7 blocks with multi_grid=(1,2,1). reuse: Whether or not the network and its variables should be reused. To be able to reuse 'scope' must be given. Returns: net: A rank-4 tensor of size [batch, height_out, width_out, channels_out]. end_points: A dictionary from components of the network to the corresponding activation. """ if aspp: multi_grid = (1,2,4) else: multi_grid = (1,2,1) scope ='resnet{}'.format(depth) with tf.variable_scope(scope, [inputs], reuse=reuse) as sc: end_points_collection = + '_end_points' with slim.arg_scope(resnet_arg_scope(weight_decay=args.weight_decay, batch_norm_decay=args.bn_weight_decay)): with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d, bottleneck, bottleneck_hdc], outputs_collections=end_points_collection): with slim.arg_scope([slim.batch_norm], is_training=is_training): net = inputs net = resnet_utils.conv2d_same(net, 64, 7, stride=2, scope='conv1') net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], stride=2, scope='pool1') with tf.variable_scope('block1', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 64 for i in range(2): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1) with tf.variable_scope('unit_3', values=[net]): net = bottleneck(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=2) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, net) with tf.variable_scope('block2', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 128 for i in range(3): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1) with tf.variable_scope('unit_4', values=[net]): net = bottleneck(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=2) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, net) with tf.variable_scope('block3', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 256 num_units = 6 if depth == 101: num_units = 23 elif depth == 152: num_units = 36 for i in range(num_units): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, net) with tf.variable_scope('block4', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 512 for i in range(3): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck_hdc(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1, rate=2, multi_grid=multi_grid) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, net) if aspp: with tf.variable_scope('aspp', [net]) as sc: aspp_list = [] branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [1,1], stride=1, scope='1x1conv') branch_1 = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs( end_points_collection,, branch_1) aspp_list.append(branch_1) for i in range(3): branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [3,3], stride=1, rate=6*(i+1), scope='rate{}'.format(6*(i+1))) branch_2 = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, branch_2) aspp_list.append(branch_2) aspp = tf.add_n(aspp_list) aspp = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, aspp) with tf.variable_scope('img_pool', [net]) as sc: """Image Pooling See ParseNet: Looking Wider to See Better """ pooled = tf.reduce_mean(net, [1, 2], name='avg_pool', keep_dims=True) pooled = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, pooled) pooled = slim.conv2d(pooled, 256, [1,1], stride=1, scope='1x1conv') pooled = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, pooled) pooled = tf.image.resize_bilinear(pooled, tf.shape(net)[1:3]) pooled = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, pooled) with tf.variable_scope('fusion', [aspp, pooled]) as sc: net = tf.concat([aspp, pooled], 3) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, net) net = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [1,1], stride=1, scope='1x1conv') net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, net) else: with tf.variable_scope('block5', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 512 for i in range(3): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck_hdc(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1, rate=4) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, net) with tf.variable_scope('block6', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 512 for i in range(3): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck_hdc(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1, rate=8) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, net) with tf.variable_scope('block7', [net]) as sc: base_depth = 512 for i in range(3): with tf.variable_scope('unit_%d' % (i + 1), values=[net]): net = bottleneck_hdc(net, depth=base_depth * 4, depth_bottleneck=base_depth, stride=1, rate=16) net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, net) net = slim.conv2d(net, num_classes, [1,1], stride=1, activation_fn=None, normalizer_fn=None, scope='logits') net = slim.utils.collect_named_outputs(end_points_collection,, net) end_points = slim.utils.convert_collection_to_dict( end_points_collection) return net, end_points
with tf.Graph().as_default(): gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.8, allow_growth=True, ) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess: global_step = slim.create_global_step() ## data image, ih, iw, gt_boxes, gt_masks, num_instances, img_id = \'./data/coco/records/coco_train2014_00000-of-00040.tfrecord') image, gt_boxes, gt_masks = coco_preprocess.preprocess_image(image, gt_boxes, gt_masks, is_training=True) ## network with slim.arg_scope(resnet_v1.resnet_arg_scope()): logits, end_points = resnet50(image, 1000, is_training=False) end_points['inputs'] = image for x in sorted(end_points.keys()): print (x, end_points[x].name, end_points[x].shape) pyramid = pyramid_network.build_pyramid('resnet50', end_points) # for p in pyramid: # print (p, pyramid[p]) summaries = set(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES)) for p in pyramid: summaries.add(tf.summary.histogram('pyramid/hist/' + p, pyramid[p])) summaries.add(tf.summary.scalar('pyramid/means/'+ p, tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(pyramid[p]))))