Пример #1
    def ifidscheck(self, port):
        Looks to see what ifids are available on that port
        saves the results in self.UUIDfound and self.namedpipe
        returns a list of the ifids possible to find on this port
        can be called in any of the thousands of threads we start up
        returns False when we did not find it
        if self.done:
            #no need to check this port
            self.log("Not checking port %d since we're already done" % port)
            return False
        ifidsscan = self.engine.getModuleExploit("ifids")
        ifidsscan.port = port
        done = False
        if port in [139, 445]:
            #run a loop
            self.log("Running ifids on all named pipes")
            for pipe in allnamedpipes:
                #can't do this because other threads are setting self.done!
                #if self.done:
                #    self.log("Found our UUID on named pipe %s"%pipe)
                #    return ifidsscan.result
                ifidsscan.namedpipe = pipe
                result = ifidsscan.result
                if result and self.UUID:
                    for interface in result:
                        if unicode(interface[2]) == assert_unicode(self.UUID):
                            #we don't check the IFID's version
                            #we found it!
                            self.UUIDfound = port
                            self.namedpipe = pipe
                            self.done = 1
                            return result
            #just run once
        result = ifidsscan.result

        if result and self.UUID:
            for interface in result:
                if unicode(interface[2]) == assert_unicode(self.UUID):
                    #we don't check the IFID's version
                    self.UUIDfound = port
                    self.done = 1
                    return result
                    #we found it!

            self.log("Did not find UUID %s in that ifids list" % self.UUID)
        return False
Пример #2
    def cd(self, directory):
        Change working directory.
        Changes directory on the remote system by checking
        to see that that directory exists and then modifying our
        local copy of the directory. The server itself does not
        save state as to our current directory. That's only stored
        here on the client.

        if not directory:
            self.log('No directory to cd into')

        directory = assert_unicode(directory)

        if directory == u'..':
            self.cwd = u'\\' + u'\\'.join(self.cwd.split(u'\\')[:-1])
        elif directory != u'.':
                if directory[0] != u'\\':
                    new_dir = (self.cwd + u'\\' + directory).replace(
                        u'\\\\', u'\\')
                    new_dir = directory
                self.cwd = new_dir
            except SMBClientException, ex:
                self.log("Error: %s" % ex)
                self.log("Didn't change directory")
                return 0
Пример #3
    def vfs_stat(self, path):
        Do a stat operation on path.
        Return tuple with results.
        path = assert_unicode(path)

        if path == u'':
            retstat = (0, 0, {"is_dir": False})
            return retstat  # failed!

        if path in [u"/", u"\\"]:
            return (0, 0, {"is_dir": True})

        # Fix path to be universal
        path = path.replace(u'/', u'\\')
        ret = []

        self.log(u'vfs_stat: path is %s' % path)

            ret = self.shell.smbobj.query_information(path)
        except SMBQueryInformationException:

        if ret == []:
            retstat = (0, 0, {"is_dir": False})
            isexe = False
            if len(path) > 4:
                isexe = path[-4:].lower() == u".exe"
            retstat = (ret[0], ret[1], {"is_dir": ret[2], "is_exe": isexe})

        return retstat
Пример #4
    def mkdir(self, directory):
        Make directory

        if not directory:
            self.log('No directory given to mkdir!')

        directory = assert_unicode(directory)

        if directory[0] != u'\\':
            directory = (self.cwd + u'\\' + directory).replace(u'\\\\', u'\\')

        except SMBClientException:
            return 0

        return 1
Пример #5
    def vfs_dir(self, path=u''):
        path = assert_unicode(path)
        path = path.replace(u'/', u'\\')  # Fix path to be universal
        res = self.shell.smbobj.dir(filename=path + u'\\*')
        out = []

        self.log(u'vfs_dir: path is %s' % path)

        for i in res:
            name = i['FileName']
            if name not in (u".", u".."):
                is_dir = True if i[
                    'ExtFileAttributes'] & ATTR_DIRECTORY else False
                is_exe = False
                if len(name) > 4:
                    is_exe = name[-4:].lower() == u'.exe'
                    (name, i['EndOfFile'],
                     self.shell.smb_nt_64bit_time(i['LastChangeTime']), {
                         "is_dir": is_dir,
                         "is_exe": is_exe
        return out
Пример #6
    def searchifids(self):
        "generate our connectionList from ifids list"
        self.connectionList = []
        ret = self.exploitnodes("dcedump")[0]

        if ret == None:
            ret = []

        for result in ret:
            #search through the list of results
            if result.isUUID(self.UUID) and result.isRemote():
                #found an endpoint for our UUID
                self.connectionList += [result.getendpoint(self.host)]

        if self.connectionList != []:
            self.log("Found a remote endpoint in dcedump, using that...")
            self.log("Endpoint found: %s" % self.connectionList)
            return self.connectionList

        #knowledge primitive
        ifidsknown = self.target.get_knowledge("ifids", None)
        if ifidsknown == None:
            if self.engine:
                if self.portscan:
                    # rather large portscan
                    ranges = [(130, 2048)]
                    #some very small range of ports to scan
                    ranges = [(135, 140), (445, 446), (1025, 1030)]
                portscanner = self.engine.getModuleExploit("portscan")
                allports = []
                self.log("MSRPC Exploit scanning: %s" % (ranges))
                for r in ranges:
                    allports += range(r[0], r[1])
                portscanner.argsDict["mode"] = "Custom Range"
                portscanner.argsDict["allports"] = allports
                portscanner.argsDict["postscan"] = "ifids"
                portscanner.argsDict["UUID"] = self.UUID
                ret = portscanner.run()
                if portscanner.UUIDfound:
                    #we found our ifid!
                    port = int(portscanner.UUIDfound)
                    self.log("Found our UUID on port %d" % port)
                    if portscanner.namedpipe:  #named pipe ports
                        self.log("Using named pipe %s" % portscanner.namedpipe)
                        self.connectionList += [
                            "ncacn_np:%s[%s]" %
                            (self.host, portscanner.namedpipe)
                        self.connectionList += [
                            "ncacn_ip_tcp:%s[%d]" % (self.host, port)

                return self.connectionList

                #if ifidsknown in [None,[]]:
                #    return []
                return []

        #get list from that
        ifidslist = ifidsknown.known
        for item in ifidslist:
            ifid = item[2]
            version = item[3]
            if unicode(ifid) == assert_unicode(self.UUID):
                if version == self.uuidversion:
                    #found the endpoint!
                    cL = item[1]
                    self.log("Found endpoint in stored ifids list %s" % cL)
                    self.connectionList = cL

        if self.connectionList == []:
            self.log("Did not find: %s version: %s in: %s" %
                     (self.UUID, self.uuidversion, ifidslist))
                "Didn't find endpoint. Perhaps you need to portscan with ifids option on"

        return self.connectionList
Пример #7
 def isUUID(self, UUID):
     UUID = assert_unicode(UUID)
     return UUID == unicode(uuid.UUID(bytes_le=self.handle_dict['uuid']))