def getAddonPathWrapper(name):
    # Return the fully qualified add-on path and file name
    if getPlatform() == platforms.WINDOWS:
        return getAddonPath(True, name).replace("\\", "\\\\")
        return getAddonPath(True, name)
Пример #2
def getSeparatorOutput():
    if getPlatform() == platforms.WINDOWS:
        # Need to double escape Windows as we output this as another slash gets striped as it gets read back in again
        return "\\\\"
        return "/"
Пример #3
# Get the arguments passed in
base_url = sys.argv[0]
addon_handle = int(sys.argv[1])
args = sys.argv[2].split("?", )
action = ""
params = ""
# If an argument has been passed in, the first character will be a ?, so the first list element is empty
inc = 0
for token in args:
    if inc == 1: action = token
    if inc > 1: params = params + token
    inc = inc + 1

# Don't seem to need to do this on *nix platforms as the filename will be different
if getPlatform() == platforms.WINDOWS: params = params.replace("/", "\\")

debugTrace("Parsed arguments to action=" + action + " params=" + params)

def topLevel():
    # Build the top level menu with URL callbacks to this plugin
    debugTrace("Displaying the top level menu")
    url = base_url + "?settings"
    li = xbmcgui.ListItem("Settings")
    li.setArt({"icon": getIconPath() + "settings.png"})
    xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=addon_handle, url=url, listitem=li)
    url = base_url + "?display"
    li = xbmcgui.ListItem("Display VPN status")
    li.setArt({"icon": getIconPath() + "display.png"})
    xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=addon_handle, url=url, listitem=li)