Пример #1
from libs.platform import getAddonPath

addon = xbmcaddon.Addon("service.vpn.manager")
addon_name = addon.getAddonInfo("name")

# Get the first argument which will indicate the connection that's being dealt with
connection_order = sys.argv[1]

debugTrace("Entered connect.py with parameter " + connection_order)

# If a new connection is being validated, check everything needed is entered
vpn_provider = addon.getSetting("vpn_provider")
vpn_username = addon.getSetting("vpn_username")
vpn_password = addon.getSetting("vpn_password")
if xbmcvfs.exists(getUserDataPath(getVPNLocation(vpn_provider) + "/DEFAULT.txt")):
    vpn_username = "******"
    vpn_password = "******"
if not usesPassAuth(vpn_provider) or (not vpn_username == "" and not vpn_provider == ""):
    connectVPN(str(connection_order), "")
    xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(addon_name, "Please enter a user name and password.  " + vpn_provider + " requires them for authentication.")

# Finally return to the settings screen if that's where we came from
if connection_order > 0:

debugTrace("Exit connect.py")
Пример #2
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon("service.vpn.manager")
addon_name = addon.getAddonInfo("name")

# Get the first argument which will indicate the connection that's being dealt with
connection_order = sys.argv[1]

debugTrace("Entered connect.py with parameter " + connection_order)

# If a new connection is being validated, check everything needed is entered
vpn_provider = addon.getSetting("vpn_provider")
vpn_username = addon.getSetting("vpn_username")
vpn_password = addon.getSetting("vpn_password")

if xbmcvfs.exists(
        getUserDataPath(getVPNLocation(vpn_provider) + "/DEFAULT.txt")):
    vpn_username = "******"
    vpn_password = "******"

if not usesPassAuth(getVPNLocation(vpn_provider)) or (
        not vpn_username == "" and not vpn_provider == ""):
    connectVPN(str(connection_order), "")
        addon_name, "Please enter a user name and password.  " + vpn_provider +
        " requires them for authentication.")

# Finally return to the settings screen if that's where we came from
if connection_order > 0:
Пример #3
# Get the first argument which will indicate the connection that's being dealt with
connection_order = sys.argv[1]

debugTrace("Entered connect.py with parameter " + connection_order)

if not getID() == "":

    addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(getID())
    addon_name = getName()

    # If a new connection is being validated, check everything needed is entered
    vpn_provider = addon.getSetting("vpn_provider")
    vpn_username = addon.getSetting("vpn_username")
    vpn_password = addon.getSetting("vpn_password")
    if xbmcvfs.exists(getUserDataPath(getVPNLocation(vpn_provider) + "/DEFAULT.txt")):
        vpn_username = "******"
        vpn_password = "******"
    if not usesPassAuth(getVPNLocation(vpn_provider)) or (not vpn_username == "" and not vpn_provider == ""):
        connectVPN(str(connection_order), "")
        if vpn_provider == "":
            xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(addon_name, "Please select a VPN provider and enter a user name and password.")
            xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(addon_name, "Please enter a user name and password.  " + vpn_provider + " requires them for authentication.")

    # Finally return to the settings screen if that's where we came from
    if connection_order > 0:
        command = "Addon.OpenSettings(" + getID() + ")"