def header(): MAYOR_VERSION = 1 MINOR_VERSION = 1 REVISION = 1 VERSION = { "MAYOR_VERSION": MAYOR_VERSION, "MINOR_VERSION": MINOR_VERSION, "REVISION": REVISION } PROGRAM_BANNER = open(FileUtils.buildPath('banner.txt')).read().format(**VERSION) message = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + PROGRAM_BANNER + Style.RESET_ALL write(message)
def header(): MAYOR_VERSION = 1 MINOR_VERSION = 5 REVISION = 0 VERSION = { "MAYOR_VERSION": MAYOR_VERSION, "MINOR_VERSION": MINOR_VERSION, "REVISION": REVISION } PROGRAM_BANNER = open(FileUtils.buildPath("banner.txt")).read().format(**VERSION) message = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.MAGENTA + PROGRAM_BANNER + Style.RESET_ALL write(message)
def header(): MAYOR_VERSION = 1 MINOR_VERSION = 0 REVISION = 0 VERSION = { "MAYOR_VERSION": MAYOR_VERSION, "MINOR_VERSION": MINOR_VERSION, "REVISION": REVISION } PROGRAM_BANNER = open(FileUtils.buildPath("banner.txt")).read().format(**VERSION) message = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.CYAN + PROGRAM_BANNER + Style.RESET_ALL write(message) __version__ = '1.0'
def crowl(dirs, url, args): # args strings domain = args.url wlist = args.wordlist delay = args.delay random_agent = args.randomAgent auth_type = args.authType.lower() if args.authType is not None else "" auth_cred = "".join( args.authCred).rsplit(':') if args.authCred is not None else "" proxy = "".join(args.proxy) if args.proxy is not None else None # init count valid url count = 0 # get domain extracted = tldextract.extract(url) domain = "{}.{}".format(extracted.domain, extracted.suffix) if not os.path.exists("reports"): os.makedirs("reports") logfile = open("reports/" + domain + "_logs.txt", "w+") # init user agent if random_agent == True: ua = UserAgent() # init default user agent headers = {'User-Agent': 'CrawlBox'} # init default proxy proxies = {"http": proxy, "https": proxy} for dir in dirs: dir = dir.replace("\n", "") dir = "%s" % (dir) res = "" save = 0 f_url = url + "/" + dir # add cookie header if random_agent == True: headers = {'User-Agent': ua.random} # make request with different type of authentication if auth_type == "basic": try: ress = requests.get(f_url, headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(auth_cred[0], auth_cred[1]), allow_redirects=False, proxies=proxies, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.ProxyError: exit(write("Check your proxy please! ")) elif auth_type == "digest": try: ress = requests.get(f_url, headers=headers, auth=HTTPDigestAuth( auth_cred[0], auth_cred[1]), allow_redirects=False, proxies=proxies, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.ProxyError: exit(write("Check your proxy please! ")) elif auth_type == "ntlm": try: ress = requests.get(f_url, headers=headers, auth=HttpNtlmAuth(auth_cred[0], auth_cred[1]), allow_redirects=False, proxies=proxies, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.ProxyError: exit(write("Check your proxy please! ")) else: try: ress = requests.get(f_url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False, proxies=proxies, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.ProxyError: exit(write("Check your proxy please! ")) response = ress.status_code # size try: if (ress.headers['content-length'] is not None): size = int(ress.headers['content-length']) else: size = 0 except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): size = len(ress.content) finally: f_size = FileUtils.sizeHuman(size) # check reponse if (response == 200 or response == 302 or response == 304): res = "[+] %s - %s : HTTP %s Found" % (f_url, f_size, response) res = Fore.GREEN + res + Style.RESET_ALL save = 1 count += 1 elif (response == 401): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Unauthorized" % (f_url, f_size, response) res = message = Fore.YELLOW + res + Style.RESET_ALL elif (response == 403): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Needs authorization" % ( f_url, f_size, response) res = Fore.BLUE + res + Style.RESET_ALL elif (response == 404): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Not Found" % (f_url, f_size, response) elif (response == 405): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Method Not Allowed" % ( f_url, f_size, response) elif (response == 406): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Not Acceptable" % (f_url, f_size, response) else: res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Unknown response" % (f_url, f_size, response) # print result if response != "": write(res) # save founded url log if save == 1: found = url + dir logfile.writelines(found + "\n") if delay > 0: time.sleep(float(delay)) print "Sleeping for %s seconds" % str(delay) write("\n\n[+]Found : %s directory" % (count)) logfile.close()
def crowl(dirs, url, args): # args strings domain = args.url wlist = args.wordlist delay = args.delay random_agent = args.randomAgent auth_type = args.authType.lower() if args.authType is not None else "" auth_cred = "".join(args.authCred).rsplit(':') if args.authCred is not None else "" proxy = "".join(args.proxy) if args.proxy is not None else None # init count valid url count = 0 # get domain extracted = tldextract.extract(url) domain = "{}.{}".format(extracted.domain, extracted.suffix) if not os.path.exists("reports"): os.makedirs("reports") logfile = open("reports/" + domain + "_logs.txt", "w+") # init user agent if random_agent == True: ua = UserAgent() # init default user agent headers = { 'User-Agent': 'CyberCrowl' } # init default proxy proxies = {"http": proxy,"https": proxy} for dir in dirs: dir = dir.replace("\n", "") dir = "%s" % (dir) res = "" save = 0 if url.endswith('/'): f_url = url + dir else: f_url = url + "/" + dir # add cookie header if random_agent == True: headers = { 'User-Agent': ua.random } # make request with different type of authentication if auth_type == "basic": try: ress = requests.get(f_url, headers=headers ,auth=HTTPBasicAuth(auth_cred[0], auth_cred[1]),allow_redirects=False, proxies=proxies, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: exit(write("Error Connecting!")) except requests.exceptions.ProxyError: exit(write("Check your proxy please! ")) elif auth_type == "digest": try: ress = requests.get(f_url, headers=headers ,auth=HTTPDigestAuth(auth_cred[0], auth_cred[1]),allow_redirects=False, proxies=proxies, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: exit(write("Error Connecting!")) except requests.exceptions.ProxyError: exit(write("Check your proxy please! ")) elif auth_type == "ntlm": try: ress = requests.get(f_url, headers=headers ,auth=HttpNtlmAuth(auth_cred[0], auth_cred[1]),allow_redirects=False, proxies=proxies, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: exit(write("Error Connecting!")) except requests.exceptions.ProxyError: exit(write("Check your proxy please! ")) else: try: ress = requests.get(f_url, headers=headers ,allow_redirects=False,verify=False) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: exit(write("Error Connecting!")) except requests.exceptions.ProxyError: exit(write("Check your proxy please! ")) response = ress.status_code # size try: if (ress.headers['content-length'] is not None): size = int(ress.headers['content-length']) else: size = 0 except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): size = len(ress.content) finally: f_size = FileUtils.sizeHuman(size) # check reponse if (response == 200 or response == 302 or response == 304): res = "[+] %s - %s : HTTP %s Found" % (f_url, f_size, response) res = Fore.GREEN + res + Style.RESET_ALL save = 1 count += 1 elif (response == 401): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Unauthorized" % (f_url, f_size, response) res = message = Fore.YELLOW + res + Style.RESET_ALL elif (response == 403): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Needs authorization" % (f_url, f_size, response) res = Fore.BLUE + res + Style.RESET_ALL elif (response == 404): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Not Found" % (f_url, f_size, response) elif (response == 405): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Method Not Allowed" % (f_url, f_size, response) elif (response == 406): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Not Acceptable" % (f_url, f_size, response) else : res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Unknown response" % (f_url, f_size, response) # print result if response != "": write(res) # save founded url log if save == 1: found = url + dir logfile.writelines(found + "\n") if delay > 0: time.sleep(float(delay)) print "Sleeping for %s seconds" % str(delay) write("\n\n[+]Found : %s directory" % (count)) logfile.close()
def crowl(dirs, url, delay): count = 0 # get domain extracted = tldextract.extract(url) domain = "{}.{}".format(extracted.domain, extracted.suffix) if domain.startswith('localhost') or domain.startswith(''): domain = domain.replace(".", "") logfile = open(domain + "_logs.txt", "w") for d in dirs: d = d.replace("\n", "") d = "%s" % (d) res = "" save = 0 # split url url_s = url path = '/' if url.find('/') != -1: url_s = url.rsplit('/', 1)[0] path += url.rsplit('/', 1)[1] conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url_s) conn.request("GET", path + d) ress = conn.getresponse() response = ress.status # size try: if (ress.getheader('content-length') is not None): size = int(ress.getheader('content-length')) else: size = 0 except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): size = len(ress.body) finally: f_size = FileUtils.sizeHuman(size) # check reponse if (response == 200 or response == 302 or response == 304): res = "[+] %s - %s : HTTP %s Found" % (url_s + path + d, f_size, response) res = Fore.GREEN + res + Style.RESET_ALL save = 1 count += 1 if (response == 401): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Unauthorized" % (url_s + path + d, f_size, response) res = message = Fore.YELLOW + res + Style.RESET_ALL if (response == 403): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Needs authorization" % ( url_s + path + d, f_size, response) res = Fore.BLUE + res + Style.RESET_ALL if (response == 404): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Not Found" % (url_s + path + d, f_size, response) # print result if response != "": write(res) # save founded url log if save == 1: found = url + '/' + d logfile.writelines(found + "\n") if delay > 0: time.sleep(float(delay)) print "Sleeping for %s seconds" % str(delay) write("\n\n[+]Found : %s directory" % (count)) logfile.close()
def crowl(dirs, url, delay): count = 0 # get domain extracted = tldextract.extract(url) domain = "{}.{}".format(extracted.domain, extracted.suffix) if not os.path.exists("reports"): os.makedirs("reports") logfile = open("reports/" + domain + "_logs.txt", "w+") for d in dirs: d = d.replace("\n", "") d = "%s" % (d) res = "" save = 0 f_url = url + "/" + d ress = requests.get(f_url, allow_redirects=False) response = ress.status_code # size try: if (ress.headers['content-length'] is not None): size = int(ress.headers['content-length']) else: size = 0 except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): size = len(ress.content) finally: f_size = FileUtils.sizeHuman(size) # check reponse if (response == 200 or response == 302 or response == 304): res = "[+] %s - %s : HTTP %s Found" % (f_url, f_size, response) res = Fore.GREEN + res + Style.RESET_ALL save = 1 count += 1 elif (response == 401): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Unauthorized" % (f_url, f_size, response) res = message = Fore.YELLOW + res + Style.RESET_ALL elif (response == 403): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Needs authorization" % ( f_url, f_size, response) res = Fore.BLUE + res + Style.RESET_ALL elif (response == 404): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Not Found" % (f_url, f_size, response) elif (response == 405): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Method Not Allowed" % ( f_url, f_size, response) elif (response == 406): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Not Acceptable" % (f_url, f_size, response) else: res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Unknown response" % (f_url, f_size, response) # print result if response != "": write(res) # save founded url log if save == 1: found = url + d logfile.writelines(found + "\n") if delay > 0: time.sleep(float(delay)) print "Sleeping for %s seconds" % str(delay) write("\n\n[+]Found : %s directory" % (count)) logfile.close()
def crowl(dirs, url, delay): count = 0 # get domain extracted = tldextract.extract(url) domain = "{}.{}".format(extracted.domain, extracted.suffix) if not os.path.exists("reports"): os.makedirs("reports") logfile = open("reports/" + domain + "_logs.txt", "w+") for d in dirs: d = d.replace("\n", "") d = "%s" % (d) res = "" save = 0 f_url = url + "/" + d ress = requests.get(f_url, allow_redirects=False) response = ress.status_code # size try: if (ress.headers['content-length'] is not None): size = int(ress.headers['content-length']) else: size = 0 except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): size = len(ress.content) finally: f_size = FileUtils.sizeHuman(size) # check reponse if (response == 200 or response == 302 or response == 304): res = "[+] %s - %s : HTTP %s Found" % (f_url, f_size, response) res = Fore.GREEN + res + Style.RESET_ALL save = 1 count += 1 elif (response == 401): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Unauthorized" % (f_url, f_size, response) res = message = Fore.YELLOW + res + Style.RESET_ALL elif (response == 403): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Needs authorization" % (f_url, f_size, response) res = Fore.BLUE + res + Style.RESET_ALL elif (response == 404): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Not Found" % (f_url, f_size, response) elif (response == 405): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Method Not Allowed" % (f_url, f_size, response) elif (response == 406): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Not Acceptable" % (f_url, f_size, response) else : res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Unknown response" % (f_url, f_size, response) # print result if response != "": write(res) # save founded url log if save == 1: found = url + d logfile.writelines(found + "\n") if delay > 0: time.sleep(float(delay)) print "Sleeping for %s seconds" % str(delay) write("\n\n[+]Found : %s directory" % (count)) logfile.close()
def crowl(dirs, url): count = 0 #get domain extracted = tldextract.extract(url) domain = "{}.{}".format(extracted.domain, extracted.suffix) if domain.startswith('localhost') or domain.startswith(''): domain = domain.replace(".", "") logfile = open(domain+"_logs.txt", "w") for d in dirs: d = d.replace("\n", "") d = "%s" % (d) res = "" save = 0 # split url url_s = url path = '/' if url.find('/') != -1: url_s = url.rsplit('/', 1)[0] path += url.rsplit('/', 1)[1] conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url_s) conn.request("GET", path+d) ress = conn.getresponse() response = ress.status #size try: size = int(ress.getheader('content-length')) except (KeyError, ValueError): size = len(ress.body) finally: f_size = FileUtils.sizeHuman(size) #check reponse if (response == 200 or response == 302 or response == 304): res = "[+] %s - %s : HTTP %s Found" % (url_s+path+d,f_size,response) res = Fore.GREEN + res + Style.RESET_ALL save = 1 count +=1 if (response == 401): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Unauthorized" % (url_s+path+d,f_size,response) res = message = Fore.YELLOW + res + Style.RESET_ALL if (response == 403): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Needs authorization" % (url_s+path+d,f_size,response) res = Fore.BLUE + res + Style.RESET_ALL if (response == 404): res = "[-] %s - %s : HTTP %s : Not Found" % (url_s+path+d,f_size,response) #print result if response != "": write(res) #save founded url log if save == 1: found = url+d logfile.writelines(found + "\n") write("\n\n[+]Found : %s directory" % (count)) logfile.close()