Пример #1
def test_noise():
    noise = libtcodpy.noise_new(1)
    libtcodpy.noise_set_type(noise, libtcodpy.NOISE_SIMPLEX)
    libtcodpy.noise_get(noise, [0])
    libtcodpy.noise_get_fbm(noise, [0], 4)
    libtcodpy.noise_get_turbulence(noise, [0], 4)
def make_outdoor_map():
    global map

    # Fill map with "unblocked" tiles
    data = libtcod.noise_get(height_map, [10, 10])
    map = [[Tile(False, data=TILE_TYPE['GRASS_3']) for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT)]
           for x in range(MAP_WIDTH)]

    for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT):
        for x in range(MAP_WIDTH):
            data = libtcod.noise_get(height_map, [x * 0.1, y * 0.1],
            # print data
            if data > 0.2: data = TILE_TYPE['GRASS_1']
            elif data < -0.2: data = TILE_TYPE['GRASS_3']
            else: data = TILE_TYPE['GRASS_2']
            map[y][x].data = data

    buildings = []
    num_buildings = 0

    for r in range(MAX_ROOMS):
        #random width and height
        w = libtcod.random_get_int(0, ROOM_MIN_SIZE, ROOM_MAX_SIZE)
        h = libtcod.random_get_int(0, ROOM_MIN_SIZE, ROOM_MAX_SIZE)
        #random position without going out of the boundaries of the map
        x = libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, MAP_WIDTH - w - 1)
        y = libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, MAP_HEIGHT - h - 1)

        #"Rect" class makes rectangles easier to work with
        new_room = Rect(x, y, w, h)

        #run through the other buildings and see if they intersect with this one
        failed = False
        for other_room in buildings:
            if new_room.intersect(other_room):
                failed = True

        if not failed:
            #this means there are no intersections, so this room is valid

            #"paint" it to the map's tiles

            #center coordinates of new room, will be useful later
            (new_x, new_y) = new_room.center()

            if num_buildings == 0:
                #this is the first room, where the player starts at
                player.x = new_x
                player.y = new_y

            # Add some objects to the room

            #finally, append the new room to the list
            num_buildings += 1
def make_outdoor_map():
    global map
    # Fill map with "unblocked" tiles
    data = libtcod.noise_get(height_map, [10, 10])
    map = [[ Tile(False, data=TILE_TYPE['GRASS_3'])
        for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT) ]
            for x in range(MAP_WIDTH) ]

    for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT):
        for x in range(MAP_WIDTH):
            data = libtcod.noise_get(height_map, [x*0.1, y*0.1], libtcod.NOISE_PERLIN)
            # print data
            if data > 0.2:  data = TILE_TYPE['GRASS_1']
            elif data < -0.2: data = TILE_TYPE['GRASS_3']
            else: data = TILE_TYPE['GRASS_2']
            map[y][x].data = data

    buildings = []
    num_buildings = 0

    for r in range(MAX_ROOMS):
        #random width and height
        w = libtcod.random_get_int(0, ROOM_MIN_SIZE, ROOM_MAX_SIZE)
        h = libtcod.random_get_int(0, ROOM_MIN_SIZE, ROOM_MAX_SIZE)
        #random position without going out of the boundaries of the map
        x = libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, MAP_WIDTH - w - 1)
        y = libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, MAP_HEIGHT - h - 1)

        #"Rect" class makes rectangles easier to work with
        new_room = Rect(x, y, w, h)
        #run through the other buildings and see if they intersect with this one
        failed = False
        for other_room in buildings:
            if new_room.intersect(other_room):
                failed = True

        if not failed:
            #this means there are no intersections, so this room is valid
            #"paint" it to the map's tiles
            #center coordinates of new room, will be useful later
            (new_x, new_y) = new_room.center()
            if num_buildings == 0:
                #this is the first room, where the player starts at
                player.x = new_x
                player.y = new_y

            # Add some objects to the room
            #finally, append the new room to the list
            num_buildings += 1
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, x, y, world_width, world_height, world_noise,

        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.la = ((Decimal(self.y) * 180) / Decimal(world_height)) - 90
        self.lo = ((Decimal(self.x) * 360) / Decimal(world_width)) - 180
        self.char = '#'
        self.color = WHITE
        self.neighbors = {}

        # Sampling 3d noise to get the shape of the landmasses
        x, y, z = spherical_to_cartesian(self.la, self.lo, self.LANDMASS_SIZE)
        self.elevation = libtcod.noise_get_fbm(
            world_noise, [float(x), float(y), float(z)], self.DETAIL)

        # Sampling 3d noise to find out where to spawn resource nodes
        x, y, z = spherical_to_cartesian(self.la, self.lo,
        if self.elevation > 0:
            self.resource_density = libtcod.noise_get(
                [float(x), float(y), float(z)])
            self.resource_density = 0

        for elev_range, elev_info in self.ELEVATIONS.items():
            max_, min_ = elev_range
            if max_ >= self.elevation > min_:
                self.color = elev_info['color']
                self.char = elev_info['char']
Пример #5
def noise_example():
	noise1d = libtcod.noise_new(1)
	for s in range(10):
		x = s / float(5)
		v = libtcod.noise_get(noise1d, [x])
Пример #6
    def generateWater(self):
        #noise_octaves = 4.0
        noise_zoom = 2.0
        noise_hurst = libtcod.NOISE_DEFAULT_HURST
        noise_lacunarity = libtcod.NOISE_DEFAULT_LACUNARITY

        mapped = self.mappedArea

        noise = libtcod.noise_new(2, noise_hurst, noise_lacunarity)
        for y in range(self.height):
                for x in range(self.width):
                    f = [noise_zoom * x / (self.width), noise_zoom * y / (self.height)]
                    noisefloat = libtcod.noise_get(noise, f, libtcod.NOISE_PERLIN)
                    if noisefloat >= float(0) and noisefloat <= 0.1:
                        mapped[x][y].tileType = "water"
                        mapped[x][y].blocked = False
                        mapped[x][y].block_sight = False
                        mapped[x][y].slows = True

        #Block the edges of the map so player can't crash the game
        for y in range(self.height):
            #mapped[0][y].tileType = None
            mapped[0][y].blocked = True
            mapped[self.width-1][y].blocked = True
        for x in range(self.width):
            mapped[x][0].blocked = True
            mapped[x][self.height-1].blocked = True
Пример #7
	def create(self):
		self.level=[[OverworldTile(j,i) for i in xrange(h)] for j in xrange(w)]

		backColor=libtcod.Color(0, 0, 0)
		noise2d = libtcod.noise_new(2)
		for x in xrange(w):
			for y in xrange(h):
				f = [zoom * x,zoom * y]
				val = libtcod.noise_get(noise2d,f)
				if val>th:				
					self.level[x][y].setColors(libtcod.Color(0, 200, 0),libtcod.Color(0, 0, 0))
					self.level[x][y].setColors(libtcod.Color(0, c1, 0),libtcod.Color(0, c2, 0))
		while len(self.pathable)<400: self.findPathable()
		#self.findPathable() # Now a final scan for the full area
		# Place town
		town.setColors(libtcod.Color(0, 100, 150),libtcod.Color(40, 40, 0))
		# Place dungeons
		for i in xrange(cfg.DUNGEONS):
			while not validLocation:
				for entity in self.tile_entity:
					if entity.position()==pos:
			dungeon.setColors(libtcod.Color(200, 0, 0),libtcod.Color(40, 0, 0))
Пример #8
def printmap(somemap):
    global torchconst
    torchconst += 0.2
    flicker = libtcod.noise_get(noise1d,[torchconst]) * 0.1
    for x,y in somemap.keys:
        if somemap.explored[(x,y)] and somemap.getVisible(x,y):
            tile = tiletochar(somemap.getTile(x,y),somemap.getBrightness(x,y) - flicker,True,somemap.getColor(x,y))
Пример #9
def noise_2d(width, height):
    noise = libtcod.noise_new(2)
    noise_map = {}
    for x in range(width):
        for y in range(height):
            value = libtcod.noise_get(noise, [x * 0.06, y * 0.06])
            noise_map[(x, y)] = value * 100

    return noise_map
Пример #10
 def generate(self, border_size = 1, air_buffer = 10):
     noise_2d = libtcod.noise_new(2)
     self.tiles = [[ Dirt(libtcod.noise_get(noise_2d,[x,y])*3) for y in range(self.height) ] for x in range(self.width) ]
     for x in range(self.width):
         for y in range(self.height):
             if x < border_size or y < border_size or  x > ((self.width - 1) - border_size) or y > ((self.height - 1) - border_size):
                 self.tiles[x][y] = Wall()
             elif y < border_size + air_buffer:
                 self.tiles[x][y] = Air()
Пример #11
def get_noise_value(x, y, scale=16, type='FBM'):
    nx, ny = float(x) / scale, float(y) / scale

    if type == 'DEFAULT':
        pre_value = libtcod.noise_get(noise_field, (nx, ny) , libtcod.NOISE_PERLIN)
    elif type == 'FBM':
        pre_value = libtcod.noise_get_fbm(noise_field, (nx, ny), 8, libtcod.NOISE_DEFAULT)
    elif type == 'TURB':
        pre_value = libtcod.noise_get_turbulence(noise_field, (nx, ny), 1, libtcod.NOISE_PERLIN)
    return pre_value
Пример #12
def get_noise_value(x, y, scale=16, type='FBM'):
    nx, ny = float(x) / scale, float(y) / scale

    if type == 'DEFAULT':
        pre_value = libtcod.noise_get(noise_field, (nx, ny),
    elif type == 'FBM':
        pre_value = libtcod.noise_get_fbm(noise_field, (nx, ny), 8,
    elif type == 'TURB':
        pre_value = libtcod.noise_get_turbulence(noise_field, (nx, ny), 1,
    return pre_value
Пример #13
def noisemap_color(based_on, x, y):
    # # Smoother, more like gradients you'd see in Brogue
    # f = [x*.2, y*.2]
    # noise_value = libtcod.noise_get(color_noise, f, 32)
    # color_multiplier = noise_value*.22+.9

    # # Blotchier, looks better with subtler colors
    x = x * 1.0
    y = y * 1.0
    f = [x, y]
    noise_value = libtcod.noise_get(color_noise, f, 8)
    color_multiplier = noise_value * .1 + .92
    final_color = based_on * color_multiplier
    return final_color
Пример #14
def noisemap_color(based_on, x, y):
    # # Smoother, more like gradients you'd see in Brogue
    # f = [x*.2, y*.2]
    # noise_value = libtcod.noise_get(color_noise, f, 32)
    # color_multiplier = noise_value*.22+.9

    # # Blotchier, looks better with subtler colors
    x = x * 1.0
    y = y * 1.0
    f = [x, y]
    noise_value = libtcod.noise_get(color_noise, f, 8)
    color_multiplier = noise_value * .1 + .92
    final_color = based_on * color_multiplier
    return final_color
Пример #15
    def generateDepth(self):
        #noise_octaves = 4.0
        noise_zoom = 2.0
        noise_hurst = libtcod.NOISE_DEFAULT_HURST
        noise_lacunarity = libtcod.NOISE_DEFAULT_LACUNARITY

        mapped = self.mappedArea
        water_color = libtcod.sky

        if self.mapType == "desert":
            water_level = 0.04
            water_level = 0.07

        noise = libtcod.noise_new(2, noise_hurst, noise_lacunarity)
        for y in range(self.height):
                for x in range(self.width):
                    f = [noise_zoom * x / (self.width), noise_zoom * y / (self.height)]
                    noisefloat = abs(libtcod.noise_get(noise, f, libtcod.NOISE_PERLIN))
                    if noisefloat >= float(0) and noisefloat <= water_level:
                        tile = mapped[x][y]
                        tile.tileType = "water"
                        tile.blocked = False
                        tile.block_sight = False
                        tile.slows = True
                        #Depth = Color darkness
                        depth = int(10 - (noisefloat * 100))
                        tile.color = water_color - libtcod.Color(5 * depth, 5 * depth, 5 * depth)
                        tile.height = 0 - depth
                        tile = mapped[x][y]
                        height = int(noisefloat / 0.03)
                        if height > 12:
                            height = 12
                        tile.height = height

        #Block the edges of the map so player can't crash the game
        for y in range(self.height):
            #mapped[0][y].tileType = None
            mapped[0][y].blocked = True
            mapped[self.width-1][y].blocked = True
        for x in range(self.width):
            mapped[x][0].blocked = True
            mapped[x][self.height-1].blocked = True
Пример #16
def get_cylindrical_projection(stars, width=360, height=180):
    Return a tcod console instance of width and height that renders an equirectangular projection of the given list of stars.
    console = tcod.console_new(width, height)

    for star in stars:
        azimuthal = int((star.azimuthal * width) / (2 * math.pi))
        polar = int((star.polar / math.pi) * height)

        # Color Work
        rgb = temperature_to_rgb(random.uniform(4000, 20000))
        brightness = 1.0 - star.radial * 0.75

        color = tcod.Color(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2])
        (h, s, v) = tcod.color_get_hsv(color)
        tcod.color_set_hsv(color, h, s, brightness)

        tcod.console_put_char_ex(console, azimuthal, polar, star.sprite, color,

    # Background Texture
    noise3d = tcod.noise_new(3)
    for map_x in range(width):
        for map_y in range(height):
            azimuthal = (map_x / (width * 1.0)) * 2.0 * math.pi
            polar = (map_y / (height * 1.0)) * math.pi
            x = math.sin(polar) * math.cos(azimuthal)
            y = math.sin(polar) * math.sin(azimuthal)
            z = math.cos(polar)
            blue = int(
                tcod.noise_get_turbulence(noise3d, [x, y, z], 32.0) * 16.0 +
            green = int(tcod.noise_get(noise3d, [x, y, z]) * 8.0 + 8.0)
            red = int(tcod.noise_get_fbm(noise3d, [x, y, z], 32.0) * 4.0 + 4.0)
            background = tcod.Color(red, green, blue)

            if map_y == height / 2 or map_x == 0 or map_x == width / 2:
                background = tcod.darkest_yellow

            tcod.console_set_char_background(console, map_x, map_y, background)

    return console
Пример #17
    def generateWater(self):
        #noise_octaves = 4.0
        noise_zoom = 2.0
        noise_hurst = libtcod.NOISE_DEFAULT_HURST
        noise_lacunarity = libtcod.NOISE_DEFAULT_LACUNARITY

        mapped = self.mappedArea
        water_color = libtcod.sky
        water_color1 = water_color - libtcod.Color(6, 6, 6)
        water_color2 = water_color1 - libtcod.Color(6, 6, 6)
        water_color3 = water_color2 - libtcod.Color(8, 8, 8)

        noise = libtcod.noise_new(2, noise_hurst, noise_lacunarity)
        for y in range(self.height):
                for x in range(self.width):
                    f = [noise_zoom * x / (self.width), noise_zoom * y / (self.height)]
                    noisefloat = abs(libtcod.noise_get(noise, f, libtcod.NOISE_PERLIN))
                    if noisefloat >= float(0) and noisefloat <= 0.08:
                        tile = mapped[x][y]
                        tile.tileType = "water"
                        tile.blocked = False
                        tile.block_sight = False
                        tile.slows = True
                        #Depth = Color darkness
                        depth = 10 - (noisefloat * 100)
                        if depth <= 5:
                            tile.color = water_color
                        elif 5 < depth <= 7:
                            tile.color = water_color1
                        elif 7 < depth < 9:
                            tile.color = water_color2
                            tile.color = water_color3

        #Block the edges of the map so player can't crash the game
        for y in range(self.height):
            #mapped[0][y].tileType = None
            mapped[0][y].blocked = True
            mapped[self.width-1][y].blocked = True
        for x in range(self.width):
            mapped[x][0].blocked = True
            mapped[x][self.height-1].blocked = True
Пример #18
def map_init_noise(width, height):
    map_gen = []
    noise = libtcodpy.noise_new(2)
    libtcodpy.noise_set_type(noise, libtcodpy.NOISE_SIMPLEX)
    for x in range(0, width):
        aux = []
        for y in range(0, height):
            if libtcodpy.noise_get(noise, [(x + 1) / 3, y / 3]) > 0.6:
                    Tile(False, True, False, 0,
                         GAME.tiles.image_at((0, 0, 32, 32)),
                         GAME.tiles.image_at((0, 32, 32, 32))))  # WALL
                    Tile(True, False, True, 0,
                         GAME.tiles.image_at((32, 0, 32, 32)),
                         GAME.tiles.image_at((32, 32, 32, 32))))  #F LOOR
    map_gen = map_set_borders(map_gen, width - 1, height - 1)  # BORDERS
    return map_gen
Пример #19
    def create(self):
        w = self.width = cfg.OW_WIDTH
        h = self.height = cfg.OW_HEIGHT
        th = cfg.OW_TREE_THRES

        self.level = [[OverworldTile(j, i) for i in xrange(h)]
                      for j in xrange(w)]
        self.console = libtcod.console_new(w, h)

        backColor = libtcod.Color(0, 0, 0)

        noise2d = libtcod.noise_new(2)

        for x in xrange(w):
            for y in xrange(h):
                zoom = 0.09
                f = [zoom * x, zoom * y]
                val = libtcod.noise_get(noise2d, f)
                c1 = int((((val * -1) + 1) / 2) * 30)
                c2 = 10 + int(((val + 1) / 2) * 20)

                if val > th:
                    self.level[x][y].setColors(libtcod.Color(0, 200, 0),
                                               libtcod.Color(0, 0, 0))
                    self.level[x][y].setColors(libtcod.Color(0, c1, 0),
                                               libtcod.Color(0, c2, 0))

        while len(self.pathable) < 400:
        #self.findPathable() # Now a final scan for the full area

        # Place town

        town_pos = random.choice(self.pathable)
        town = OverworldTileEntity(town_pos[0], town_pos[1])
        town.setColors(libtcod.Color(0, 100, 150), libtcod.Color(40, 40, 0))
        self.town = town

        # Place dungeons

        for i in xrange(cfg.DUNGEONS):

            validLocation = False
            pos = None
            while not validLocation:
                validLocation = True
                pos = random.choice(self.pathable)
                for entity in self.tile_entity:
                    if entity.position() == pos:
                        validLocation = False

            dungeon = OverworldTileEntity(pos[0], pos[1])
            dungeon.setColors(libtcod.Color(200, 0, 0),
                              libtcod.Color(40, 0, 0))

Пример #20
def area_cell_create(width, height, p_blocked, p_unblocked, nudge, steps, border=True, exits=0, connect=True, seed=lt.random_get_instance()):
    :param width:
    :param height:
    :param p_blocked: - At least what percent of a valid area must be unblocked spaces.
    :param p_unblocked: - At least what percent of a valid area must be blocked spaces.
    :param nudge: - Higher number means more blocked space.
    :param steps: - How many steps to run the automata.
    :param border: - Requires a solid border?
    :param exits: - If there's a solid border, how many exits should there be?
    print "---"
    area = [[True for row in xrange(width)] for col in xrange(height)]
    # Create noise
    print "Generating noise..."
    area_noise = lt.noise_new(2, random=seed)
    for col in xrange(height):
        for row in xrange(width):
            if border:
                if row < 3 or row > width - 3:
                    area[col][row] = 1
                elif col < 3 or col > height - 3:
                    area[col][row] = 1
                    coords = (col, row)
                    n = lt.noise_get(area_noise, coords)
                    area[col][row] = int(round(abs(n) + nudge, 0))
                coords = (col, row)
                n = lt.noise_get(area_noise, coords)
                area[col][row] = int(round(abs(n) + nudge, 0))

    # Add in exits.
    print "Adding exits..."
    if exits > 0:
        exitcoords = []
        for direction in xrange(exits):
            row_size = random.randint(4, 10)
            col_size = random.randint(4, 10)
            if direction == 0:
                row_loc = random.randint(width/2 - width/4, width/2 + width/4)
                col_loc = height - col_size
                for col in xrange(col_size):
                    for row in xrange(row_size):
                        area[col_loc+col][row_loc+row] = 0
                for row in xrange(row_size):
                    coords = (height - 2, row_loc + row)
                    area[coords[0] + 1][coords[1]] = -1


    # Begin cellular automata
    print "Running automata..."
    for i in xrange(steps):
        next_step = area
        for col in xrange(height):
            for row in xrange(width):
                neighbors = count_neighbors(col, row, area)

                # Check births and survivals.
                # Current rules are: B5678 / S45678. May want to add the ability to affect that too.
                if area[col][row] == 1 and neighbors < 4:
                    next_step[col][row] = 0
                elif area[col][row] == 0 and neighbors > 4:
                    next_step[col][row] = 1
        area = next_step

    # Mark as ground only those ground tiles which can be reached from an arbitrary point near the center OR an exit.
    print "Counting reach..."
    while True:
        if exits == 0:
            row = random.randint(width/2 - 10, width/2 + 10)
            col = random.randint(height/2 - 10, height/2 + 10)
        elif exits > 0:
             col, row = exitcoords.pop()
        if area[col][row] == 0:
            reachable(col, row, area, 1)
    # Replace 0's (unreachable sections) with 1 (blocked). and 2's (reachable sections)
    # with 0 (unblocked), while counting how many there are.
    unblocked_n = 0.
    blocked_n = 0.
    for col in xrange(height):
        for row in xrange(width):
            if area[col][row] == 1 or (area[col][row] == 0 and connect):
                area[col][row] = 1
                blocked_n += 1
            elif area[col][row] > 1 or (area[col][row] == 0 and not connect):
                if col == 0 or col == height - 1 or row == 0 or row == width - 1:
                    area[col][row] = -1
                unblocked_n += 1

    # Ensure the map fits our parameters.
    print "Testing parameters..."
    if unblocked_n <= width * height * p_unblocked:
        print "Not enough unblocked: ", unblocked_n, "<", width * height * p_unblocked
        if blocked_n <= width * height * p_blocked:
            print "Not enough blocked.", blocked_n, "<", width * height * p_blocked
        return False
    print "Area generated."
    return area
Пример #21
def render_all():

    global fov_map, color_dark_wall, color_light_wall
    global color_dark_ground, color_light_ground
    global fov_recompute, fov_torchx

    if fov_recompute:
        #recompute FOV if needed (the player moved or something)
        fov_recompute = False
        libtcod.map_compute_fov(fov_map, player.x, player.y, TORCH_RADIUS,
                                FOV_LIGHT_WALLS, FOV_ALGO)

    #torch flickers (using noise generator)
    fov_torchx += 0.2
    tdx = [fov_torchx + 20.0]
    dx = libtcod.noise_get(fov_noise, tdx) * 1.5
    tdx[0] += 30.0
    dy = libtcod.noise_get(fov_noise, tdx) * 1.5
    di = 0.2 * libtcod.noise_get(fov_noise, [fov_torchx])

    # Iterate through rendering queue
    for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT):
        for x in range(MAP_WIDTH):
            visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, x, y)
            wall = map[x, y].block_sight  # check if tile is a wall
            if not visible:
                # if it's not visible right now, the player can only
                # see it if it's explored
                if map[x, y].explored:
                    # It's out of the player's FOV
                    if wall:
                            con, x, y, color_dark_wall, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                            con, x, y, color_dark_ground, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                # It's visible
                if wall:
                    base = color_dark_wall
                    light = color_light_wall
                    base = color_dark_ground
                    light = color_light_ground

                #Let the torch actually flicker
                r = float(x - player.x + dx) * (x - player.x + dx) + \
                         (y - player.y + dy) * (y - player.y + dy)
                if r < SQUARED_TORCH_RADIUS:
                    l = (SQUARED_TORCH_RADIUS - r) / SQUARED_TORCH_RADIUS + di
                    if l < 0.0:
                        l = 0.0
                    elif l > 1.0:
                        l = 1.0
                    # alter base colors to simulate flickering torch
                    base = libtcod.color_lerp(base, light, l)
                # actually draw the visible tile
                libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, base,
                #since it's visible, it's explored
                map[x, y].explored = True

    # Draw all objects in the list
    for object in objects:
        if object != player:

    # Blit the contents of con to the root console
    libtcod.console_blit(con, 0, 0, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0)

    # Prepare to render the GUI panel
    libtcod.console_set_default_background(panel, libtcod.black)

    # Print the game messages
    y = 1
    for (line, color) in game_msgs:
        libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, color)
        libtcod.console_set_alignment(panel, libtcod.LEFT)
        libtcod.console_print(panel, MSG_X, y, line)
        y += 1

    # Show the player's stats
    render_bar(1, 1, BAR_WIDTH, 'HP', player.fighter.hp, player.fighter.max_hp,
               libtcod.light_red, libtcod.darker_red)

    libtcod.console_set_alignment(panel, libtcod.LEFT)
    libtcod.console_print(panel, 1, 3,
                          'Dungeon level {}'.format(str(dungeon_level)))

    # Display names of objects under the mouse
    libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, libtcod.light_grey)
    libtcod.console_print(panel, 1, 0, get_names_under_mouse())

    # Blit the contents of "panel" to the root console
    libtcod.console_blit(panel, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, PANEL_HEIGHT, 0, 0,
Пример #22
import libtcodpy as libtcod


noise2d = libtcod.noise_new(1)
m = libtcod.heightmap_new(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)

for y in range(SCREEN_HEIGHT):
	for x in range(SCREEN_WIDTH):
		n = libtcod.noise_get(noise2d, [2.0 * x / SCREEN_WIDTH - 1.0, 2.0 * y / SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1.0])
		n = (n + 1.0) / 2.0
		libtcod.heightmap_set_value(m, x, y, n)
for y in range(SCREEN_HEIGHT):
	for x in range(SCREEN_WIDTH):
		v = libtcod.heightmap_get_value(m, x, y)
Пример #23
Файл: lot.py Проект: Athemis/lot
def render_all():

    global fov_map, color_dark_wall, color_light_wall
    global color_dark_ground, color_light_ground
    global fov_recompute, fov_torchx

    if fov_recompute:
        #recompute FOV if needed (the player moved or something)
        fov_recompute = False
        libtcod.map_compute_fov(fov_map, player.x, player.y, TORCH_RADIUS,
                                FOV_LIGHT_WALLS, FOV_ALGO)

    #torch flickers (using noise generator)
    fov_torchx += 0.2
    tdx = [fov_torchx + 20.0]
    dx = libtcod.noise_get(fov_noise, tdx) * 1.5
    tdx[0] += 30.0
    dy = libtcod.noise_get(fov_noise, tdx) * 1.5
    di = 0.2 * libtcod.noise_get(fov_noise, [fov_torchx])

    # Iterate through rendering queue
    for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT):
        for x in range(MAP_WIDTH):
            visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, x, y)
            wall = map[x, y].block_sight  # check if tile is a wall
            if not visible:
                # if it's not visible right now, the player can only
                # see it if it's explored
                if map[x, y].explored:
                    # It's out of the player's FOV
                    if wall:
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y,
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y,
            # It's visible
                if wall:
                    base = color_dark_wall
                    light = color_light_wall
                    base = color_dark_ground
                    light = color_light_ground

                #Let the torch actually flicker
                r = float(x - player.x + dx) * (x - player.x + dx) + \
                         (y - player.y + dy) * (y - player.y + dy)
                if r < SQUARED_TORCH_RADIUS:
                    l = (SQUARED_TORCH_RADIUS - r) / SQUARED_TORCH_RADIUS + di
                    if l < 0.0:
                        l = 0.0
                    elif l > 1.0:
                        l = 1.0
                    # alter base colors to simulate flickering torch
                    base = libtcod.color_lerp(base, light, l)
                # actually draw the visible tile
                libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, base,
                #since it's visible, it's explored
                map[x, y].explored = True

    # Draw all objects in the list
    for object in objects:
        if object != player:

    # Blit the contents of con to the root console
    libtcod.console_blit(con, 0, 0, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0)

    # Prepare to render the GUI panel
    libtcod.console_set_default_background(panel, libtcod.black)

    # Print the game messages
    y = 1
    for (line, color) in game_msgs:
        libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, color)
        libtcod.console_set_alignment(panel, libtcod.LEFT)
        libtcod.console_print(panel, MSG_X, y, line)
        y += 1

    # Show the player's stats
    render_bar(1, 1, BAR_WIDTH, 'HP', player.fighter.hp, player.fighter.max_hp,
               libtcod.light_red, libtcod.darker_red)

    libtcod.console_set_alignment(panel, libtcod.LEFT)
    libtcod.console_print(panel, 1, 3,
                          'Dungeon level {}'.format(str(dungeon_level)))

    # Display names of objects under the mouse
    libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, libtcod.light_grey)
    libtcod.console_print(panel, 1, 0, get_names_under_mouse())

    # Blit the contents of "panel" to the root console
    libtcod.console_blit(panel, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, PANEL_HEIGHT, 0, 0,
Пример #24
def render_map():
	# recompute FOV if needed (the player moved or something)
	libtcod.console_rect(0, game.MAP_X, game.MAP_Y, game.MAP_WIDTH, game.MAP_HEIGHT, True)
	if game.fov_recompute:
		libtcod.map_compute_fov(game.fov_map, game.char.x, game.char.y, game.FOV_RADIUS, game.FOV_LIGHT_WALLS, game.FOV_ALGO)
		game.fov_recompute = False

	# 'torch' animation
	if game.fov_torch:
		game.fov_torchx += 0.2
		tdx = [game.fov_torchx + 20.0]
		dx = libtcod.noise_get(game.fov_noise, tdx, libtcod.NOISE_SIMPLEX) * 1.5
		tdx[0] += 30.0
		dy = libtcod.noise_get(game.fov_noise, tdx, libtcod.NOISE_SIMPLEX) * 1.5
		di = 0.4 * libtcod.noise_get(game.fov_noise, [game.fov_torchx], libtcod.NOISE_SIMPLEX)

	# go through all tiles, and set their background color according to the FOV
	for y in range(game.MAP_HEIGHT):
		for x in range(game.MAP_WIDTH):
			px = x + game.curx
			py = y + game.cury
			if not libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, px, py):
				if game.draw_map and game.current_map.tile_is_explored(px, py):
					if game.current_map.tile_is_animated(px, py):
						libtcod.console_put_char_ex(game.con, x, y, game.current_map.tile[px][py]['icon'], game.current_map.tile[px][py]['dark_color'], game.current_map.tile[px][py]['dark_back_color'])
						libtcod.console_put_char_ex(game.con, x, y, game.current_map.tile[px][py]['icon'], game.current_map.tile[px][py]['dark_color'], game.current_map.tile[px][py]['back_dark_color'])
				if not game.fov_torch:
					if 'animate' in game.current_map.tile[px][py] or 'duration' in game.current_map.tile[px][py]:
						(front, back, game.current_map.tile[px][py]['lerp']) = render_tiles_animations(px, py, game.current_map.tile[px][py]['color'], game.current_map.tile[px][py]['back_light_color'], game.current_map.tile[px][py]['back_dark_color'], game.current_map.tile[px][py]['lerp'])
						libtcod.console_put_char_ex(game.con, x, y, game.current_map.tile[px][py]['icon'], front, back)
					elif game.draw_map:
						libtcod.console_put_char_ex(game.con, x, y, game.current_map.tile[px][py]['icon'], game.current_map.tile[px][py]['color'], game.current_map.tile[px][py]['back_light_color'])
					base = game.current_map.tile[px][py]['back_light_color']
					r = float(px - game.char.x + dx) * (px - game.char.x + dx) + (py - game.char.y + dy) * (py - game.char.y + dy)
					if r < game.SQUARED_TORCH_RADIUS:
						l = (game.SQUARED_TORCH_RADIUS - r) / game.SQUARED_TORCH_RADIUS + di
						if l < 0.0:
							l = 0.0
						elif l > 1.0:
							l = 1.0
						base = libtcod.color_lerp(base, libtcod.gold, l)
					libtcod.console_put_char_ex(game.con, x, y, game.current_map.tile[px][py]['icon'], game.current_map.tile[px][py]['color'], base)
				if not game.current_map.tile_is_explored(px, py):
					game.current_map.tile[px][py].update({'explored': True})

	# draw all objects in the map (if in the map viewport), except the player who his drawn last
	for obj in reversed(game.current_map.objects):
		if obj.y in range(game.cury, game.cury + game.MAP_HEIGHT) and obj.x in range(game.curx, game.curx + game.MAP_WIDTH) and game.current_map.tile_is_explored(obj.x, obj.y) and obj.name != 'player':
			if game.draw_map and obj.entity is not None:
				if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, obj.x, obj.y) and not obj.entity.is_identified():
					skill = game.player.find_skill('Mythology')
					if (game.player.skills[skill].level * 0.8) + 20 >= roll_dice(1, 100):
						game.message.new('You properly identify the ' + obj.entity.unidentified_name + ' as ' + obj.entity.get_name(True) + '.', game.turns)
			if obj.entity is not None and not obj.entity.is_identified():
				obj.draw(game.con, libtcod.white)
	libtcod.console_blit(game.con, 0, 0, game.MAP_WIDTH, game.MAP_HEIGHT, 0, game.MAP_X, game.MAP_Y)
	game.draw_map = False

	# move the player if using mouse
	if game.mouse_move:
		if mouse_auto_move() and not libtcod.path_is_empty(game.path):
			game.char.x, game.char.y = libtcod.path_walk(game.path, True)
			game.fov_recompute = True
			game.player_move = True
			game.mouse_move = False

	# check where is the mouse cursor if not in the act of moving while using the mouse
	if not game.mouse_move:
		(mx, my) = (game.mouse.cx - game.MAP_X, game.mouse.cy - 1)
		px = mx + game.curx
		py = my + game.cury
		game.path_dx = -1
		game.path_dy = -1
		if my in range(game.MAP_HEIGHT) and mx in range(game.MAP_WIDTH):
			libtcod.console_set_char_background(0, mx + game.MAP_X, my + 1, libtcod.white, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
			if game.current_map.tile_is_explored(px, py) and not game.current_map.tile_is_blocked(px, py):
				game.path_dx = px
				game.path_dy = py
				if game.mouse.lbutton_pressed:
					target = [obj for obj in game.current_map.objects if obj.y == py and obj.x == px and obj.entity]
					if target:
						mouse_auto_attack(px, py, target[0])
						game.mouse_move = mouse_auto_move()
				# draw a line between the player and the mouse cursor
				if not game.current_map.tile_is_blocked(game.path_dx, game.path_dy):
					libtcod.path_compute(game.path, game.char.x, game.char.y, game.path_dx, game.path_dy)
					for i in range(libtcod.path_size(game.path)):
						x, y = libtcod.path_get(game.path, i)
						if (y - game.cury) in range(game.MAP_HEIGHT) and (x - game.curx) in range(game.MAP_WIDTH):
							libtcod.console_set_char_background(0, game.MAP_X + x - game.curx, game.MAP_Y + y - game.cury, libtcod.desaturated_yellow, libtcod.BKGND_SET)

	libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(0, libtcod.light_yellow)
	libtcod.console_print_rect(0, game.MAP_X, game.MAP_Y, game.MAP_WIDTH - 18, game.MAP_HEIGHT, get_names_under_mouse())
	if game.debug.enable:
		libtcod.console_print_ex(0, game.MAP_X + game.MAP_WIDTH - 1, game.MAP_Y, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.RIGHT, str(game.gametime.hour) + ':' + str(game.gametime.minute).rjust(2, '0') + ' (%3d fps)' % libtcod.sys_get_fps())
	if game.hp_anim: