Пример #1
def readTiff(fileName):
    Read a tiff file into a numpy array
    Usage: img = readTiff(fileName)
    tiff = TIFFfile(fileName)
    samples, sample_names = tiff.get_samples()

    outList = []
    for sample in samples:

    out = np.concatenate(outList, axis=-1)


    return out
Пример #2
def read(fileName):
    Script to import tif file from imageJ,
    usage: zstack =  tiff.read(inFileName)
    PTW 2015/01/29
    tiff = TIFFfile(fileName)
    samples, sample_names = tiff.get_samples()
    outList = []
    for sample in samples:
    out = np.concatenate(outList,axis=-1)
    out = np.rollaxis(out,0,3)
    out = np.flipud(out)
    return out
Пример #3
def read(fileName):
    Script to import tif file from imageJ,
    usage: zstack =  tiff.read(inFileName)
    PTW 2015/01/29
    tiff = TIFFfile(fileName)
    samples, sample_names = tiff.get_samples()

    outList = []
    for sample in samples:
        outList.append(np.copy(sample)[..., np.newaxis])

    out = np.concatenate(outList, axis=-1)
    out = np.rollaxis(out, 0, 3)
    out = np.flipud(out)


    return out
Пример #4
def read_tif(filename,channel=0):
    """Read a tif image

    - `filename` (str) - name of the file to read

    # TIF reader
    tif = libtiff.TIFF.open(filename)
    if tif.GetField('ImageDescription'):
        tif = TIFFfile(filename)
        arr = tif.get_tiff_array()
        _data = arr[:].T
        info_str = tif.get_info()
        i = 1
        while not tif.LastDirectory():
        _data = np.zeros((i,)+tif.read_image().shape,dtype=tif.read_image().dtype)
        for ii,i in enumerate(tif.iter_images()):
            _data[ii] = i
        _data = _data.transpose(2, 1, 0)
        info_str = tif.info()

    nx, ny, nz = _data.shape

    # -- prepare metadata dictionnary --
    info_dict = dict( filter( lambda x: len(x)==2,
                              (inf.split(':') for inf in info_str.split("\n"))
                              ) )
    for k,v in info_dict.iteritems():
        info_dict[k] = v.strip()

    # -- getting the voxelsizes from the tiff image: sometimes
    # there is a BoundingBox attribute, sometimes there are
    # XResolution, YResolution, ZResolution or spacing.
    # the object returned by get_tiff_array has a "get_voxel_sizes()"
    # method but it fails, so here we go. --
    if "BoundingBox" in info_dict:
        bbox = info_dict["BoundingBox"]
        xm, xM, ym, yM, zm, zM = map(float,bbox.split())
        _vx = (xM-xm)/nx
        _vy = (yM-ym)/ny
        _vz = (zM-zm)/nz
        # -- When we have [XYZ]Resolution fields, it describes the
        # number of voxels per real unit. In SpatialImage we want the
        # voxelsizes, which is the number of real units per voxels.
        # So we must invert the result. --
        if "XResolution" in info_dict:
            # --resolution is stored in a [(values, precision)] list-of-one-tuple, or
            # sometimes as a single number --
            xres_str = eval(info_dict["XResolution"])
            if isinstance(xres_str, list) and isinstance(xres_str[0], tuple):
                xres_str = xres_str[0]
                _vx = float(xres_str[0])/xres_str[1]
            elif isinstance(xres_str, (int, float)):
                _vx = float(xres_str)
                _vx = 1.
            _vx = 1./_vx if _vx != 0 else 1.
            _vx = 1.0 # dumb fallback, maybe we will find something smarter later on
        if "YResolution" in info_dict:
            # --resolution is stored in a [(values, precision)] list-of-one-tuple, or
            # sometimes as a single number --
            yres_str = eval(info_dict["YResolution"])
            if isinstance(yres_str, list) and isinstance(yres_str[0], tuple):
                yres_str = yres_str[0]
                _vy = float(yres_str[0])/yres_str[1]
            elif isinstance(yres_str, (int, float)):
                _vy = float(yres_str)
                _vy = 1.
            _vy = 1./_vy if _vy != 0 else 1.
            _vy = 1.0 # dumb fallback, maybe we will find something smarter later on

        if "ZResolution" in info_dict:
            # --resolution is stored in a [(values, precision)] list-of-one-tuple, or
            # sometimes as a single number --
            zres_str = eval(info_dict["ZResolution"])
            if isinstance(zres_str, list) and isinstance(zres_str[0], tuple):
                zres_str = zres_str[0]
                _vz = float(zres_str[0])/zres_str[1]
            elif isinstance(zres_str, (int, float)):
                _vz = float(zres_str)
                _vz = 1.
            _vz = 1./_vz if _vz != 0 else 1.
            if "spacing" in info_dict:
                _vz = eval(info_dict["spacing"])
                _vz = 1.0 # dumb fallback, maybe we will find something smarter later on

    # -- dtypes are not really stored in a compatible way (">u2" instead of uint16)
    # but we can convert those --
    dt = np.dtype(_data.dtype.name)
    # -- Return a SpatialImage please! --
    im = SpatialImage(_data, dtype=dt)
    im.resolution = _vx,_vy,_vz

    return im
Пример #5
def loadData(outputFilename, frames=None, ycrop=None, xcrop=None, transpose=False, datatype=np.float64):
    Reads data from a tiff, hdf5, or npy file and returns a numpy array.

    outputFilename : string
        The absolute or relative location of the particular hdf5 or
        tiff file to be read in. Filename must end in one of the following
        extensions ['tif', 'tiff', 'hdf5', 'h5', 'npy', 'lsm']. **If the file is
        hdf5, loadData assumes the data is in a dataset called \"/raw\"**.
    frames : array_like
        A tuple, list, or array containing the beginning and ending indices
        for the frames to be extracted. i.e. frames=[23,77] will return a
        numpy array containing the frames 23-76 within the file, 'filename'.
    xcrop : array_like
        A tuple, list, or array containing the beginning and ending indices
        for the columns to be extracted. This allows you to specify a subset
        or roi of the data to be returned. i.e. xcrop=[0,100] will return a
        numpy array containing first 100 columns of each frame within the file
    ycrop : array_like
        A tuple, list, or array containing the beginning and ending indices
        for the rows to be extracted. This allows you to specify a subset
        or roi of the data to be returned. i.e. ycrop=[0,100] will return a
        numpy array containing first 100 rows of each frame within the file
    transpose : boolean
        This specifies whether or not to transpose the last two dimensions
        of each frame. This might happen when reading and writing data between
        matlab and python, for example.
    dataset : numpy.dtype
        Specify the datatype of the returned numpy array. If dataset is of
        lower precision than the original data then truncation will take place.

    filename_data : array
        The data read from within the file specified in filename

    - If the file type is hdf5, loadData assumes the data to be read in is stored in
    a dataset called \"/raw\".
    - After the data has been read in, a .npy file is created and saved with a filename
    that specifies the parameters of the modified data. If in the future you wish to
    read in the same data, the .npy file will be read instead, saving time.


    >>> fname = "data/testHDF5.hdf5"
    >>> yroi = [175,250]
    >>> xroi = [100,150]
    >>> hdfData = loadData(fname, frames=[0,32], ycrop=yroi, xcrop=xroi)
    >>> hdfData.shape
    (32, 75, 50)

    >>> hdfData.dtype

    >>> hdfData = loadData(fname, ycrop=yroi, xcrop=xroi, datatype=np.int16)
    >>> hdfData.shape
    (544, 75, 50)

    >>> hdfData.dtype


    print "-- Loading Data..."

    print "outputFilename = ", outputFilename
    filename = outputFilename.rstrip('/')
    print "filename = ", filename
    basePath, fName = os.path.split(filename)
    name, ext = os.path.splitext(fName)

    if basePath and not os.path.exists(basePath):
        raise IOError, "Directory does not exist: %s" % (basePath)
    elif not os.path.exists(filename):
        raise IOError, "File does not exist: %s" % (fName)

    npFilenameBase = os.path.join(basePath, name)
    if not frames is None:
        f0 = frames[0]; f1 = frames[1]
        npFilenameBase += "_frames" + str(f0) + "-" + str(f1-1)
    if not ycrop is None:
        y0 = ycrop[0]; y1 = ycrop[1]
        npFilenameBase += "_ycrop" + str(y0) + "-" + str(y1-1)
    if not xcrop is None:
        x0 = xcrop[0]; x1 = xcrop[1]
        npFilenameBase += "_xcrop" + str(x0) + "-" + str(x1-1)
    if transpose:
        npFilenameBase += "_T"
    npFilenameBase += "_" + str(np.dtype(datatype))

    # File name for the numpy file
    np_filename = npFilenameBase + '.npy'

    # Check if a numpy file already exists for this data
    if os.path.exists(np_filename):
        print "\t- Numpy file already exists. Loading %s..." % (np_filename)
        # If so, load it and be done
            volumeData = np.load(np_filename)
        except IOError:
            raise IOError, "Error reading filename: \"%s\"" % filename
        return volumeData

    elif ext.lower() in ['.npy']:  # If it is a numpy file
            volumeData = np.load(filename)
        except IOError:
            raise IOError, "Error reading filename: \"%s\"" % filename

    # Otherwise check if the data is in hdf5 format
    elif ext.lower() in ['.h5', '.hdf5']:
        from h5py import File
        print "\t- Reading from hdf5 file %s..." % (filename)

            h5File = File(filename, 'r')
        except IOError:
            raise IOError, "Error reading filename: \"%s\"" % (filename)

        volumeData = np.array(h5File["/raw"])

    # Then check to see if it is an lsm file
    elif ext.lower() in ['.lsm']:
        print "\n\nIN LSM SECTION\n\n"
        from libtiff import TIFFfile
            tiff = TIFFfile(filename)
        except IOError:
            raise IOError, "Error opening lsm file: \"%s\"" % (filename)
        samples, sample_names = tiff.get_samples()

        outList = []
        for sample in samples:

        out = np.concatenate(outList,axis=-1)
        out = np.rollaxis(out,0,3)

        data = np.swapaxes(out[:,:,:,0],0,2)
        volumeData = np.swapaxes(data,1,2)


    # Then finally it must a tif file (hopefully)...
    elif ext.lower() in ['.tif', '.tiff']:
        print "\t- Reading from tiff file %s..." % (filename)

        from libtiff import TIFF
            tiff = TIFF.open(filename, 'r')
        except IOError:
            raise IOError, "Error opening tiff file: \"%s\"" % (filename)

        for count,image in enumerate(tiff.iter_images()):
            image_shape = image.shape

        volumeData = np.ndarray((count+1, image_shape[0], image_shape[1]), order='c', dtype=np.float64) # DO NOT HARDCODE

        for count,image in enumerate(tiff.iter_images()):
            volumeData[count,:,:] = image

        assert False, "The filename must have one of the following extensions [\"h5\", \"hdf5\", \"tif\", \"tiff\", \"npy\"]"

    if transpose:
        # For some reason the hdf5 data is transposed when written from matlab...
        volumeData = np.swapaxes(volumeData,1,2)
    dims = volumeData.shape
    if frames is None:
        f0 = 0; f1 = dims[0]
    if ycrop is None:
        y0 = 0; y1 = dims[1]
    if xcrop is None:
        x0 = 0; x1 = dims[2]

    print "made it to here!"
    finalData = np.array(volumeData[f0:f1,y0:y1,x0:x1], dtype=datatype)

    print "\t- Saving to numpy data file %s" % (np_filename)
    # Save it so we don't have to parse the tiff/hdf5 file every time
    np.save(npFilenameBase, finalData)

    return finalData
Пример #6
def read_tif(filename,channel=0):
    """Read a tif image

    - `filename` (str) - name of the file to read

    # TIF reader
    tif = libtiff.TIFF.open(filename)

    if tif.GetField('ImageDescription'):
        tif = TIFFfile(filename)
        arr = tif.get_tiff_array()
        _data = arr[:].T
        info_str = tif.get_info()
        i = 1
        while not tif.LastDirectory():
        _data = np.zeros((i,)+tif.read_image().shape,dtype=tif.read_image().dtype)
        for ii,i in enumerate(tif.iter_images()):
            _data[ii] = i
        _data = _data.transpose(2, 1, 0)
        info_str = tif.info()

    nx, ny, nz = _data.shape

    # -- prepare metadata dictionnary --
    info_dict = dict( filter( lambda x: len(x)==2,
                              (inf.split(':') for inf in info_str.split("\n"))
                              ) )
    info_dict.update(dict( filter( lambda x: len(x)==2,(inf.split('=') for inf in info_str.split("\n"))) ))
    for k,v in info_dict.iteritems():
        info_dict[k] = v.strip()

    print info_dict

    # -- getting the voxelsizes from the tiff image: sometimes
    # there is a BoundingBox attribute, sometimes there are
    # XResolution, YResolution, ZResolution or spacing.
    # the object returned by get_tiff_array has a "get_voxel_sizes()"
    # method but it fails, so here we go. --
    if "BoundingBox" in info_dict:
        bbox = info_dict["BoundingBox"]
        xm, xM, ym, yM, zm, zM = map(float,bbox.split())
        _vx = (xM-xm)/nx
        _vy = (yM-ym)/ny
        _vz = (zM-zm)/nz
        # -- When we have [XYZ]Resolution fields, it describes the
        # number of voxels per real unit. In SpatialImage we want the
        # voxelsizes, which is the number of real units per voxels.
        # So we must invert the result. --
        if "XResolution" in info_dict:
            # --resolution is stored in a [(values, precision)] list-of-one-tuple, or
            # sometimes as a single number --
            xres_str = eval(info_dict["XResolution"])
            if isinstance(xres_str, list) and isinstance(xres_str[0], tuple):
                xres_str = xres_str[0]
                _vx = float(xres_str[0])/xres_str[1]
            elif isinstance(xres_str, (int, float)):
                _vx = float(xres_str)
                _vx = 1.
            _vx = 1./_vx if _vx != 0 else 1.
            _vx = 1.0 # dumb fallback, maybe we will find something smarter later on
        if "YResolution" in info_dict:
            # --resolution is stored in a [(values, precision)] list-of-one-tuple, or
            # sometimes as a single number --
            yres_str = eval(info_dict["YResolution"])
            if isinstance(yres_str, list) and isinstance(yres_str[0], tuple):
                yres_str = yres_str[0]
                _vy = float(yres_str[0])/yres_str[1]
            elif isinstance(yres_str, (int, float)):
                _vy = float(yres_str)
                _vy = 1.
            _vy = 1./_vy if _vy != 0 else 1.
            _vy = 1.0 # dumb fallback, maybe we will find something smarter later on

        if "ZResolution" in info_dict:
            # --resolution is stored in a [(values, precision)] list-of-one-tuple, or
            # sometimes as a single number --
            zres_str = eval(info_dict["ZResolution"])
            if isinstance(zres_str, list) and isinstance(zres_str[0], tuple):
                zres_str = zres_str[0]
                _vz = float(zres_str[0])/zres_str[1]
            elif isinstance(zres_str, (int, float)):
                _vz = float(zres_str)
                _vz = 1.
            _vz = 1./_vz if _vz != 0 else 1.
            if "spacing" in info_dict:
                _vz = eval(info_dict["spacing"])
                _vz = 1.0 # dumb fallback, maybe we will find something smarter later on

    # -- dtypes are not really stored in a compatible way (">u2" instead of uint16)
    # but we can convert those --
    dt = np.dtype(_data.dtype.name)
    # -- Return a SpatialImage please! --
    im = SpatialImage(_data, dtype=dt)
    im.resolution = _vx,_vy,_vz
    im.info = info_dict

    return im