Пример #1
def process(user):
    tracks = list()
    for track in user.tracks:
        if track.features is not None:
            features = uutils.decode_features(track.features.encode('utf-8'))
            tracks.append([5*x for x in features])
    for dim in range(2, 16) + [20, 25, 30, 40]:
        for k in range(1, 21):
            pts = np.array([x[:dim] for x in tracks])
            clf = mixture.GMM(n_components=k, covariance_type='full')
            print ("dim = %d, k = %d, cov = full, bic = %f, aic = %f, n = %d"
                    % (dim, k, clf.bic(pts), clf.aic(pts), len(tracks)))
Пример #2
def process(user):
    tracks = list()
    for track in user.tracks:
        if track.features is not None:
            features = uutils.decode_features(track.features.encode('utf-8'))
            tracks.append([5 * x for x in features])
    for dim in range(2, 16) + [20, 25, 30, 40]:
        for k in range(1, 21):
            pts = np.array([x[:dim] for x in tracks])
            clf = mixture.GMM(n_components=k, covariance_type='full')
            print("dim = %d, k = %d, cov = full, bic = %f, aic = %f, n = %d" %
                  (dim, k, clf.bic(pts), clf.aic(pts), len(tracks)))
Пример #3
def get_points(dbname, username, start_dim=0, nb_dim=2):
    pts = list()
    labels = dict()
    # Initialize the user / track DB.
    store = Store(create_database('sqlite:%s' % dbname))
    user = store.find(User, User.name == username).one()
    if user is None:
        raise LookupError('username not found in database')
    for track in user.tracks:
        if track.features is not None:
            features = uutils.decode_features(track.features.encode('utf-8'))
            point = tuple(features[start_dim:start_dim+nb_dim])
            labels[point] = u"%s - %s" % (track.artist, track.title)
    return pts, labels
Пример #4
def get_points(dbname, username, start_dim=0, nb_dim=2):
    pts = list()
    labels = dict()
    # Initialize the user / track DB.
    store = Store(create_database('sqlite:%s' % dbname))
    user = store.find(User, User.name == username).one()
    if user is None:
        raise LookupError('username not found in database')
    for track in user.tracks:
        if track.features is not None:
            features = uutils.decode_features(track.features.encode('utf-8'))
            point = tuple(features[start_dim:start_dim + nb_dim])
            labels[point] = u"%s - %s" % (track.artist, track.title)
    return pts, labels
Пример #5
def get_points(uid, store, start_dim=0, nb_dim=2):
    pts = list()
    labels = dict()
    user = store.get(User, uid)
    if user is None:
        raise LookupError('uid %d not found in database' % uid)
    entries = store.find(LibEntry, (LibEntry.user == user)
            & (LibEntry.is_local == True) & (LibEntry.is_valid == True))
    for entry in entries:
        track = entry.track
        if track.features is not None:
            features = uutils.decode_features(track.features)
            point = tuple(features[start_dim:start_dim+nb_dim])
            labels[point] = u"%s - %s" % (track.artist, track.title)
    return pts, labels
Пример #6
def get_points(uid, store, start_dim=0, nb_dim=2):
    pts = list()
    labels = dict()
    user = store.get(User, uid)
    if user is None:
        raise LookupError('uid %d not found in database' % uid)
    entries = store.find(LibEntry, (LibEntry.user == user)
                         & (LibEntry.is_local == True) &
                         (LibEntry.is_valid == True))
    for entry in entries:
        track = entry.track
        if track.features is not None:
            features = uutils.decode_features(track.features)
            point = tuple(features[start_dim:start_dim + nb_dim])
            labels[point] = u"%s - %s" % (track.artist, track.title)
    return pts, labels
Пример #7
def pl_generator(user_id, seeds, options = None):
    """ Generates a playlist based on the given seeds.
    The playlist is generated by fetching the tracks with the nearest tags to 
    the seeds.
    The seeds are stored in a JSONObject of tuples in the form
    {<type>:<seeds>[, ...]}
    Supported types:
        * Tags
    The options are stored in a JSONObject of tuples in the form
    {<option>:<value>[, ...]}
    Supported options:
        * Filter
            Available values:
            - rating>=3 [default]
            - rating>=4
            - rating>=5
        * Size (to be extended)
            Available value:
            - probabilistic [default]
        * Sort
            Available values:
            - natural [default]
            - ratings
            - proximity
        * Unrated
            Available values:
            - True [default]
            - False
        * Title
          The given value is the title to be set to the playlist
    # Set some default values
    default_filter = 'rating>=3'    # [rating>=3|rating>=4|rating>=5]
    default_size = 'probabilistic'  # [probabilistic|ratings|proximity]
    default_sort = 'natural'        # [natural]
    default_unrated = True          # [True|False]
    default_title = '__unnamed__><((()>' # Reduce probability user chooses the same name 
    # Check the input
    if seeds is None or not seeds:
        #TODO Handle error
        print 'solo_views.pl_generator: seeds is None'
        raise Exception
    # Initiate some values
    probpl = list() # probabilistic playlist aka playlist with probabilities associated to each tracks
    playlist = list() # pure playlist (only data relative to playlist)
#     store = utils.get_store()
    tagsmatrix = list()
    refvect = list()
    seeds = json.loads(seeds)
    for entry in seeds.items():
        type = entry[0]
        seedslist = entry[1]
        #seedslist.append(entry[1]) # avoids missinterpreting one-element lists
        if seedslist is not None:
            for seed in seedslist:
                if type == 'tags':
                    vect, weight = utils.tag_features(seed)
                # Selection by tracks is not available for now
#                 if type == 'tracks':
#                     # TODO: update find condition: UNVALID!
#                     track = store.find(LibEntry, (LibEntry.user_id == user_id) & LibEntry.is_valid & LibEntry.is_local & (LibEntry.local_id == seed)) # Can't work: seed is not the local_id !
#                     if (track is not None):
#                         vect, weight = utils.track_features(track.track.features)
#                         print 'solo_views.pl_generator: added features for track %s to refvect' %(track.track.title)
#                     else:
#                         #TODO Handle error
#                         vect = list()
                    #TODO handle error: undefined seed type
                    print 'solo_views.pl_generator: unknown type of tag: %s' % type
                    vect = list()
    for i in xrange(len(tagsmatrix[0])):
        vsum = 0
        for tagvect in tagsmatrix: # ugly, find something better, like sympy
            vsum += tagvect[i]
        # Normalization
        refvect = normalize(refvect)
    if refvect is None or not refvect:
        #TODO Handle error
        print 'solo_views.pl_generator: refvect is None'
        raise Exception
    # Get options from input
    if options is not None and options:
        options = json.loads(options)
            filter = options.value('filter')
            filter = None
            size = option.value('size')
            size = None
            sort = option.value('sort')
            sort = None
            unrated = option.value('unrated')
            unrated = None
            title = option.value('title')
            title = None
        filter = None
        size = None
        sort = None
        unrated = None
        title = None
    # Set default values
    if filter is None:
        filter = default_filter
    if size is None:
        size = default_size
    if sort is None:
        sort = default_sort
    if unrated is None:
        unrated = default_unrated
    if title is None:
        title = default_title

    # Fetch LibEntries
    if unrated:
        entries = g.store.find(LibEntry, (LibEntry.user_id == user_id) & LibEntry.is_valid & LibEntry.is_local)
        # TODO find if possibility to filter on existing result set entries.
        entries = g.store.find(LibEntry, (LibEntry.user_id == user_id) & LibEntry.is_valid & LibEntry.is_local & (LibEntry.rating != None) & (LibEntry.rating > 0))
    if entries.any() is not None and entries.any():
        for entry in entries:
            added = False
            proximity=0 # 0=far away, 1=identical
            if entry.track.features is not None:
                tagvect = utils.decode_features(entry.track.features)
                # Not sure if tagvect is normalized, so in doubt normalize it.
                tagvect = normalize(tagvect)
                # Compute cosine similarity (dot product), and "normalize" it in [0,1]
                proximity = sum( [ fabs(sum([refvect[i] * tagvect[i] for i in range(len(tagvect))])), 1 ] ) / 2
                # TODO optimization: filter ASAP, to avoid useless computations
                # Ideal: filter at find() time
                # Filters
                if filter is not None:
                    if entry.rating == None:
                        if unrated:
                            added = True
                        if unrated and (entry.rating <= 0):
                            added = True
                        if not added:
                            if filter == 'rating>=3':
                                if entry.rating >= 3 :
                                    added = True
                            elif filter == 'rating>=4':
                                if entry.rating >= 4 :
                                    added = True
                            elif filter == 'rating>=5':
                                if entry.rating >= 5 :
                                    added = True
                # No filtering
                    added = True
                if added:
                    prob = proximity  # Associate a probability
                    if (size != 'probabilistic') or (size == 'probabilistic' and prob >= random()) :
                        probpl.append((entry, prob))
                raise helpers.NotFound(errors.NO_TAGGED_TRACKS, "Could not generate a playlist: no tagged tracks were found.")
        if probpl is not None and probpl:
            # Randomize the order before reshaping
            probpl = pl_randomizer(probpl)
            # Here should happen the size reshaping
            # Idea: parse the size if not probabilistic to fetch the criteria
            # Criterion could be: [>|<]=XX% of probpl; [>|<]=XX (fixed length);
            # Sorting
            if sort is not None and sort:
                if sort == 'ratings':
                    probpl = sorted(probpl, key=lambda x: x[0].rating)
                elif sort == 'proximity':
                    probpl = sorted(probpl, key=lambda x: x[1])
                # Default: 'natural' sorting, does nothing (aka random)
            # Remove the probabilities
            for pair in probpl:
            # Keep only the relevant fields from the tracks
            tracks = list()
            index = 1 # First index
            for entry in playlist:
                  'artist': entry.track.artist,
                  'title': entry.track.title,
                  'local_id': entry.local_id,
                  'play_order': index # Postion of the track in the playlist, used by android
                index = index + 1
            # Store the playlist in the playlist table
            pldb = Playlist(user_id, unicode(title), len(playlist), seeds, options, unicode(refvect), tracks)
            g.store.flush() # See Storm Tutorial: https://storm.canonical.com/Tutorial#Flushing
            if title == default_title:
                g.store.find(Playlist, Playlist.id == pldb.id).set(title=u"playlist_%s" % pldb.id)
            # Add it to the user playlist library
            pledb = PllibEntry(user_id, pldb.id)
            # Make the changes persistent in the DB, see Storm Tutorial: https://storm.canonical.com/Tutorial#Committing
            # Craft JSON
            playlistdescriptor = to_dict(pledb)
            return playlistdescriptor
    raise helpers.NotFound(errors.IS_EMPTY, "Could not generate a playlist: no tracks were found in user library.")