Пример #1
def parse(fn, out = None):
    Reads XML from the file name or object 'fn' and returns
    a 'Unit' instance.  Rewrites the XML to out, if not None.
    e = etree.parse(fn).getroot()
    u = unit.Unit()
    u.lang = e.get('language')
    u.filename = e.get('filename')
    if out:
        open(out + os.path.basename(u.filename) + '.lh', 'w').write(etree.tostring(e))

    u.source = e.find('raw-source').text
    for t in e.find('referenced-types').getchildren():
        tt = types.aggregate_from_xml(t)
        assert tt.id not in u.types
        u.types[tt.id] = tt
    for f in e.find('function-bodies').getchildren():
        u.functions += [ functions.Function.from_xml(f) ]
    return u
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, type, value):
     self.type = types.aggregate_from_xml(type)
     self.value = value.text.decode('string-escape')