def widgets(self, p): QLabel('<p>%s</p><p><i>(%s)</i></p>' % ( _("Please select the voices for the choir. " "Use the letters S, A, T, or B. A hyphen denotes a new staff."), _("Tip: For a double choir you can use two choir parts.")), p) h = QHBox(p) l = QLabel(_("Voicing:"), h) self.voicing = QComboBox(True, h) l.setBuddy(self.voicing) for i in ( 'SA-TB', 'S-A-T-B', 'SA', 'S-A', 'SS-A', 'TB', 'T-B', 'TT-B', 'SS-A-T-B', 'SS-A-TT-B', 'S-S-A-T-T-B', 'S-S-A-A-T-T-B-B' ): self.voicing.insertItem(i) b = QVButtonGroup(_("Lyrics"), p) self.lyrAllSame = QRadioButton(_("All voices same lyrics"), b) self.lyrAllSame.setChecked(True) QToolTip.add(self.lyrAllSame, _( "One set of the same lyrics is placed between all staves.")) self.lyrEachSame = QRadioButton(_("Every voice same lyrics"), b) QToolTip.add(self.lyrEachSame, _( "Every voice gets its own lyrics, using the same text as the " "other voices.")) self.lyrEachDiff = QRadioButton(_("Every voice different lyrics"), b) QToolTip.add(self.lyrEachDiff, _( "Every voice gets a different set of lyrics.")) self.stanzaWidget(b) self.ambitusWidget(p)
def __init__(self, parent, callback): QPushButton.__init__(self, _("Tap"), parent) self.tapTime = 0.0 def tap(): self.tapTime, t = time(), self.tapTime callback(int(60.0 / (self.tapTime - t))) QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("pressed()"), tap) QToolTip.add(self, _("Click this button a few times to set the tempo."))
def widgets(self, p): super(Organ, self).widgets(p) h = QHBox(p) l = QLabel(_("Pedal:"), h) self.pedalVoices = QSpinBox(0, 4, 1, h) l.setBuddy(self.pedalVoices) self.pedalVoices.setValue(1) QToolTip.add(self.pedalVoices, _( "Set to 0 to disable the pedal altogether."))
def widgetsTuning(self, p): """ Implement widgets related to tuning """ h = QHBox(p) l = QLabel(_("Tuning:"), h) self.tuningSel = QComboBox(False, h) l.setBuddy(self.tuningSel) self.tuningSel.insertItem(_("Default")) for t in self.tunings: self.tuningSel.insertItem(t[0])
def __init__(self, parent): QFrame.__init__(self, parent) parent.addTab(self, _("Hyphenation")) QVBoxLayout(self).setAutoAdd(True) QLabel('<p>%s</p>' % htmlescape (_( "Paths to search for hyphenation dictionaries of, " "Scribus, KOffice, etc, one per line. " "If you leave out the starting slash, the prefixes from the " "KDEDIRS environment variable are prepended.")), self) self.pathList = QTextEdit(self)
def run(self, preview=False): self.preview = preview args = ["--pdf", "-o", self.f.basename] if preview: mode = _("preview mode") else: mode = _("publish mode") args.append("-dno-point-and-click") args.append( self._run(args, mode)
def widgets(self, p): QLabel('<p><i>%s</i></p>' % _( "The Lead Sheet provides a staff with chord names above " "and lyrics below it. A second staff is optional."), p) self.accomp = QCheckBox(_("Add accompaniment staff"), p) QToolTip.add(self.accomp, _( "Adds an accompaniment staff and also puts an accompaniment " "voice in the upper staff.")) Chords.widgets(self, p) _VocalBase.widgets(self, p)
def __init__(self, parent): QFrame.__init__(self, parent) parent.addTab(self, _("Commands")) layout = QGridLayout(self) self.commands = [] for name, default, title, lineedit, tooltip in ( ('lilypond', 'lilypond', "LilyPond:", ExecLineEdit, _("Name or full path of the LilyPond program.")), ('convert-ly', 'convert-ly', "Convert-ly:", ExecLineEdit, _("Name or full path of the convert-ly program.")), ('lpr', 'lpr', _("Printcommand:"), ExecArgsLineEdit, _("Command to print a PDF file, for example lpr or " "kprinter. You may add some arguments, e.g. " "lpr -P myprinter.")), ('rumor', 'rumor', "Rumor:", ExecLineEdit, _("Name or full path of the Rumor program.")), ('aconnect', 'aconnect', "Aconnect:", ExecLineEdit, _("Name or full path of the aconnect program (part of ALSA, " "for MIDI input and playback using Rumor).")), ('timidity', 'timidity -iA -B2,8 -Os -EFreverb=0', "Timidity:", ExecArgsLineEdit, _("Full command to start Timidity (or any other program) " "as an ALSA MIDI client.")), ('pdftk', 'pdftk', "Pdftk:", ExecLineEdit, _("Name or full path of the pdftk program (see %s).") % ""), ): label = QLabel(title, self) widget = lineedit(self) QToolTip.add(label, tooltip) QToolTip.add(widget, tooltip) layout.addWidget(label, len(self.commands), 0) layout.addWidget(widget, len(self.commands), 1) self.commands.append((name, widget, default))
def _run(self, args, mode=None): if config("preferences")["delete intermediate files"] == "1": args.insert(0, "-ddelete-intermediate-files") args = [a.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding() or "utf-8") for a in args] self.setArguments(args) a = dict(, mode=mode) if mode: self.log.msg(_("LilyPond [$filename] starting ($mode)...").args(a)) else: self.log.msg(_("LilyPond [$filename] starting...").args(a)) self.start() or"Could not start LilyPond."))
def widgets(self, p): QLabel('<p>%s <i>(%s)</i></p>' % ( _("Adjust how many separate voices you want on each staff."), _("This is primarily useful when you write polyphonic music " "like a fuge.")), p) h = QHBox(p) l = QLabel(_("Right hand:"), h) self.rightVoices = QSpinBox(1, 4, 1, h) l.setBuddy(self.rightVoices) h = QHBox(p) l = QLabel(_("Left hand:"), h) self.leftVoices = QSpinBox(1, 4, 1, h) l.setBuddy(self.leftVoices)
def __init__(self, parent): QFrame.__init__(self, parent) parent.addTab(self, _("Actions")) QVBoxLayout(self).setAutoAdd(True) QLabel('<p>%s</p>' % htmlescape (_( "Check the actions you want to display (if applicable) after " "LilyPond has successfully compiled your document.")), self) self.actions = [] from lilykde.actions import actions for name, default, title, tooltip in actions: widget = QCheckBox(title, self) QToolTip.add(widget, tooltip) self.actions.append((name, widget, default))
def __init__(self, files, log, numFailed=0): if files: self.numFailed = numFailed self.f = File(files[0]) self.files = files[1:] LyJob.__init__(self, self.f, log) self._run(['--pdf',]) else: if numFailed:"One document failed.", "$count documents failed.", numFailed).args(count = numFailed)) else: log.ok(_("All documents successfully converted.")) log.setCaption('%s (%s)' % (PROGRAMNAME, _("Finished")))
def assignDrums(self, name, node): s = DrumMode(self.doc) Identifier(s, 'global') Newline(s) Comment(s, ' '+_("Drums follow here.")) Newline(s) self.assignGeneric(name, node, s)
def __init__(self, parent): self.p = parent.addPage(_("Titles and Headers")) l = QHBoxLayout(self.p) # The html view with the score layout example t = KTextBrowser(self.p, None, True) t.setLinkUnderline(False) t.setText(html) t.setMinimumWidth(t.contentsWidth() + 10) t.setMinimumHeight(t.contentsHeight() + 5) l.addWidget(t) QObject.connect(t, SIGNAL("urlClick(const QString &)"), self.focus) l.addSpacing(6) g = QGridLayout(len(headers), 2, 0) g.setColSpacing(1, 200) l.addLayout(g) for c, h in enumerate(headers): name, title = h l = QLabel(title + ":", self.p) e = KLineEdit(self.p, name) l.setBuddy(e) g.addWidget(l, c, 0) g.addWidget(e, c, 1) # set completion items parent.complete(e)
def widgets(self, p): h = QHBox(p) l = QLabel(_("Staff type:"), h) self.staffType = QComboBox(False, h) l.setBuddy(self.staffType) for i in ( _("Normal staff"), _("Tablature"), _("Both"), ): self.staffType.insertItem(i) if self.tunings: QObject.connect(self.staffType, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), self.slotTabEnable) self.widgetsTuning(p) self.slotTabEnable(0)
def _finish(self): self.stdout.close() self.stderr.close() success = False a = dict(, signal=self.exitSignal(), retcode=self.exitStatus()) if self.signalled():"LilyPond [$filename] was terminated by signal $signal.").args(a)) elif self.normalExit(): if self.exitStatus() != 0:"LilyPond [$filename] exited with return code $retcode.").args(a)) else: self.log.ok(_("LilyPond [$filename] finished.").args(a)) success = True else:"LilyPond [$filename] exited abnormally.").args(a)) self.completed(success)
def finish(): shutil.copy(temp, pdf) os.remove(temp) log.ok(_( "Embedded file %s in PDF.", "Embedded files %s in PDF.", len(files) ) % '[%s]' % ', '.join(files))
def assignLyrics(self, name, node, verse = 0): l = LyricMode(self.doc) if verse: name = name + nums(verse) Text(l, '\\set stanza = "%d."\n' % verse) Comment(l, ' ' + _("Lyrics follow here.")) Newline(l) self.assignGeneric(name, node, l)
def widgets(self): layout = QGridLayout(self, 18, 5, 2, 0) row = 0 cols = 5 self.shorthands = QCheckBox(_("Allow shorthands"), self) self.shorthands.setChecked(True) layout.addMultiCellWidget(self.shorthands, row, row, 0, cols - 1) QToolTip.add(self.shorthands, _( "Use short notation for some articulations like staccato.")) row += 1 h = QHBox(self) layout.addMultiCellWidget(h, row, row, 0, cols - 1) l = QLabel(_("Direction:"), h) self.direction = QComboBox(h) for s in (_("Up"), _("Neutral"), _("Down")): self.direction.insertItem(s) self.direction.setCurrentItem(1) l.setBuddy(self.direction) QToolTip.add(h, _("The direction to use for the articulations.")) row += 1 for title, group in articulation_groups: layout.addMultiCellWidget( QLabel('<u>%s</u>:' % title, self), row, row, 0, cols - 1) row += 1 col = 0 for sign, title in group: b = QToolButton(self) b.setAutoRaise(True) b.setIconSet(QIconSet( QPixmap.fromMimeSource('articulation_%s.png' % sign))) QToolTip.add(b, '%s (\\%s)' % (title, sign)) QObject.connect(b, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda sign = sign: self.writeSign(sign)) layout.addWidget(b, row, col) col += 1 if col >= cols: col = 0 row += 1 if col != 0: row += 1 # help text l = QLabel("<p><i>%s</i></p><p><i>%s</i></p>" % ( _("Click an articulation sign to add it to your document."), _("If you select some music first, the articulation will " "be added to all notes in the selection.")), self) l.setMaximumWidth(160) layout.addMultiCellWidget(l, row, row + 4, 0, cols - 1)
def selFunc(): text = selectedText() if text: repl = func(text) if repl is not None: replaceSelectionWith(repl) else: sorry(_("Please select some text first."))
def __init__(self, parent): self.p = parent.addPage(_("Parts")) # We have three main panes: # all part types (in a treeview), # selected parts (in a list view) # part settings of the selected part. p = QSplitter(self.p) QHBoxLayout(self.p).addWidget(p) # all parts w = QVBox(p) QLabel('<b>%s</b>' % _("Available parts:"), w) self.all = QListView(w) b = KPushButton(KStdGuiItem.add(), w) QToolTip.add(b, _("Add selected part to your score.")) QObject.connect(self.all, SIGNAL( "doubleClicked(QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int)"), self.add) QObject.connect(self.all, SIGNAL("clicked(QListViewItem *)"), lambda item: item and item.setOpen(not item.isOpen())) QObject.connect(b, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.add) self.all.setSorting(-1) self.all.setResizeMode(QListView.AllColumns) self.all.setSelectionMode(QListView.Extended) self.all.setRootIsDecorated(True) self.all.addColumn("") self.all.header().hide() from import categories # reversed because QListView by default inserts new items at the top. for name, partTypes in reversed(categories): cat = QListViewItem(self.all, name) cat.setSelectable(False) #cat.setOpen(True) for partType in reversed(partTypes): part = QListViewItem(cat, part.partType = partType # score w = QVBox(p) QLabel('<b>%s</b>' % _("Score:"), w) self.score = QListBox(w) self.score.setSelectionMode(QListBox.Extended) QObject.connect(self.score, SIGNAL("highlighted(QListBoxItem*)"), w = QHBox(w) b = KPushButton(KStdGuiItem.remove(), w) QToolTip.add(b, _("Remove selected part from your score.")) QObject.connect(b, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.remove) up = QToolButton(Qt.UpArrow, w) down = QToolButton(Qt.DownArrow, w) QToolTip.add(up, _("Move selected part up.")) QToolTip.add(down, _("Move selected part down.")) QObject.connect(up, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.moveUp) QObject.connect(down, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.moveDown) # part config self.part = QWidgetStack(p)
def init(): global version lilypond = config("commands").get("lilypond", "lilypond") try: match ="(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?", Popen((lilypond, "-v"), stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].splitlines()[0]) except OSError, e: match = None error(_("Could not start LilyPond: %s") % e)
def setName(self, name): """ Change the name of our part type, both in the Score listbox, and in the title of the QVGroupBox with the preferences. """ = name self.l.setText(name) self.l.listBox().updateItem(self.l) # seems necessary self.w.setTitle(_("Configure %s") % name)
def __init__(self, parent): KDialogBase.__init__(self, KDialogBase.Tabbed, "LilyKDE " + _("Score Setup Wizard"), KDialogBase.Ok | KDialogBase.Cancel | KDialogBase.Default, KDialogBase.Ok, parent, "", False) self.completableWidgets = [] self.titles = Titles(self) = Parts(self) self.settings = Settings(self) self.loadCompletions()
def askLanguage(): """ Ask the user which language to use. Returns None if the user cancels the dialog. """ conf = config("hyphenation") lang = conf["lastused"] or "" langs = list(sorted(hyphdicts.keys())) index = lang in langs and langs.index(lang) or 0 lang, ok = KInputDialog.getItem( _("Language selection"), _("Please select a language:"), py2qstringlist(langs), index, False, editor.topLevelWidget() ) if ok: lang = unicode(lang) conf["lastused"] = lang return lang
def saveSettings(self): """ Saves the settings to lilykderc """ conf = config("rumor") conf["tempo"] = self.tempo.tempo() conf["quantize"] = self.quantize.currentText() conf["step"] = int(self.step.isChecked()) conf["mono"] = int(self.mono.isChecked()) conf["meter"] = autofy(self.meter.currentText()) conf["keysig"] = autofy(self.keysig.currentText()) conf["timidity"] = int(self.timidity.isRunning()) self.status.message(_("Settings have been saved."), 2000)
def insertVersion(): """ insert LilyPond version in the current document """ global version match, pos, length ="\\version", (0, 0)) if match: sorry(_("Your document has already a LilyPond version statement.")) editor.setPos(pos) else: versionLine = '\\version "%d.%d.%d"' % version editor.insertLine(0, versionLine) editor.setPos(0, len(versionLine))
def widgets(self, p): h = QHBox(p) l = QLabel(_("Voices:"), h) self.drumVoices = QSpinBox(1, 4, 1, h) l.setBuddy(self.drumVoices) QToolTip.add(h, _("How many drum voices to put in this staff.")) h = QHBox(p) l = QLabel(_("Style:"), h) self.drumStyle = QComboBox(False, h) l.setBuddy(self.drumStyle) for i in ( _("Drums (5 lines, default)"), _("Timbales-style (2 lines)"), _("Congas-style (2 lines)"), _("Bongos-style (2 lines)"), _("Percussion-style (1 line)"), ): self.drumStyle.insertItem(i) self.drumStems = QCheckBox(_("Remove stems"), p) QToolTip.add(self.drumStems, _("Remove the stems from the drum notes."))
def build(self): p = FiguredBass(self.doc) s = FigureMode(self.doc) Identifier(s, 'global') Newline(s) Comment(s, ' ' + _("Figures follow here.")) Newline(s) self.assignGeneric('figBass', p, s) self.addPart(p) if self.useExtenderLines.isChecked(): p.getWith()['useBassFigureExtenders'] = Scheme(self.doc, '#t')
def __init__(self, parent): self.spinbox = QSpinBox(self.minBPM, self.maxBPM, 1, parent) self.slider = QSlider( self.minBPM, self.maxBPM, 4, 100, Qt.Horizontal, parent) self.tapButton = TapButton(parent, self.tap) # setup signals QObject.connect(self.slider, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.spinbox.setValue) QObject.connect(self.spinbox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.slider.setValue) self.slider.setMinimumWidth(200) QToolTip.add(self.spinbox, _( "The tempo in beats per minute."))