Пример #1
def minimize_stochastic(target_fn, gradient_fn, x, y, theta_0, alpha_0=0.01):

    data = zip(x, y)
    theta = theta_0  # initial guess
    alpha = alpha_0  # initial step size
    min_theta, min_value = None, float("inf")  # the minimum so far
    iterations_with_no_improvement = 0

    # if we ever go 100 iterations with no improvement, stop
    while iterations_with_no_improvement < 100:
        value = sum(target_fn(x_i, y_i, theta) for x_i, y_i in data)

        if value < min_value:
            # if we've found a new minimum, remember it
            # and go back to the original step size
            min_theta, min_value = theta, value
            iterations_with_no_improvement = 0
            alpha = alpha_0
            # otherwise we're not improving, so try shrinking the step size
            iterations_with_no_improvement += 1
            alpha *= 0.9

        # and take a gradient step for each of the data points
        for x_i, y_i in in_random_order(data):
            gradient_i = gradient_fn(x_i, y_i, theta)
            theta = vector_substract(theta, scalar_multiply(alpha, gradient_i))

    return min_theta
Пример #2
def gradient_step(v: Vector, gradient: Vector, step_size: float) -> Vector:
    Moves `step_size` along the gradient of f w.r.t. xs, returning a input
    assert len(v) == len(gradient)
    update = scalar_multiply(step_size, gradient)
    return add(v, update)
def minimize_stochastic(target_fn, gradient_fn, x, y, theta_0, alpha_0=0.01):

    data = zip(x, y)
    theta = theta_0                             # initial guess
    alpha = alpha_0                             # initial step size
    min_theta, min_value = None, float("inf")   # the minimum so far
    iterations_with_no_improvement = 0

    # if we ever go 100 iterations with no improvement, stop
    while iterations_with_no_improvement < 100:
        value = sum( target_fn(x_i, y_i, theta) for x_i, y_i in data )

        if value < min_value:
            # if we've found a new minimum, remember it
            # and go back to the original step size
            min_theta, min_value = theta, value
            iterations_with_no_improvement = 0
            alpha = alpha_0
            # otherwise we're not improving, so try shrinking the step size
            iterations_with_no_improvement += 1
            alpha *= 0.9

        # and take a gradient step for each of the data points
        for x_i, y_i in in_random_order(data):
            gradient_i = gradient_fn(x_i, y_i, theta)
            theta = vector_substract(theta, scalar_multiply(alpha, gradient_i))

    return min_theta
 def test_minimize_batch(self):
     optimized = gradient_descent.minimize_batch(
         lambda v: v[0] ** 2 + v[1] ** 2 + v[2] ** 2,
         lambda v: scalar_multiply(2, v),  # 2*[x y z] = [2x 2y 2z]
         [3, 2, 1],
     for index, value in enumerate(optimized):
         self.assertAlmostEquals(0, value, places=2,
                                 msg='Value {0} not optimized to 0 for dimension of index: {1}'.format(value, index))
 def test_maximize_batch(self):
     # cette parabole est maximisée pour [-1 -1]
     optimized = gradient_descent.maximize_batch(
         lambda v: - ((v[0]+1) ** 2 + (v[1]+1) ** 2),  # f(x,y)= - ((x+1)**2 + (y+1)**2)
         lambda v: scalar_multiply(-2, vector_add(v, [1, 1])),  # f'(x,y) = [-2(x+1) -2(y+1)]
         [3, 2],
     for index, value in enumerate(optimized):
         self.assertAlmostEquals(-1, value, places=2,
                                 msg='Value {0} not optimized to -1 for dimension of index: {1}'.format(value, index))
def find_eigenvector(A, tolerance=0.00001):
    guess = [random.random() for _ in A]

    while True:
        result = matrix_operate(A, guess)
        length = magnitude(result)
        next_guess = scalar_multiply(1/length, result)  # rescale to a magnitude of 1

        if distance(guess, next_guess) < tolerance:
            return next_guess, length  # eigenvector, eigenvalue
        guess = next_guess
 def test_minimize_batch(self):
     optimized = gradient_descent.minimize_batch(
         lambda v: v[0]**2 + v[1]**2 + v[2]**2,
         lambda v: scalar_multiply(2, v),  # 2*[x y z] = [2x 2y 2z]
         [3, 2, 1],
     for index, value in enumerate(optimized):
             msg='Value {0} not optimized to 0 for dimension of index: {1}'.
             format(value, index))
 def test_maximize_batch(self):
     # cette parabole est maximisée pour [-1 -1]
     optimized = gradient_descent.maximize_batch(
         lambda v: -((v[0] + 1)**2 +
                     (v[1] + 1)**2),  # f(x,y)= - ((x+1)**2 + (y+1)**2)
         lambda v: scalar_multiply(-2, vector_add(v, [1, 1])
                                   ),  # f'(x,y) = [-2(x+1) -2(y+1)]
         [3, 2],
     for index, value in enumerate(optimized):
             msg='Value {0} not optimized to -1 for dimension of index: {1}'
             .format(value, index))
def project(vector, direction_vector):
    projection_length = dot(vector, direction_vector)
    return scalar_multiply(projection_length, direction_vector)
Пример #10
def project2(v: Vector, w: Vector) -> Vector:
    """return the projection of v onto the direction w"""
    projection_length = dot(v, w)
    return scalar_multiply(projection_length, w)
Пример #11
 def test_scalar_multiply(self):
     self.assertEqual([-3, 9, 0], linalg.scalar_multiply(3, [-1, 3, 0]))
     self.assertEqual([], linalg.scalar_multiply(3, []))
def project(vector, direction_vector):
    projection_length = dot(vector, direction_vector)
    return scalar_multiply(projection_length, direction_vector)
Пример #13
def _grad_step(beta: Vector, grad: Vector, lr: float = 10**-3) -> Vector:
    # repeating this to check my knowledge of the gradient update
    update: Vector = scalar_multiply(-1 * lr, grad)
    return vector_sum([beta, update])
Пример #14
 def test_scalar_multiply(self):
     self.assertEqual([-3, 9, 0], linalg.scalar_multiply(3, [-1, 3, 0]))
     self.assertEqual([], linalg.scalar_multiply(3, []))