def predict():
   f = glob.glob('*.d')#.d Es el diccionario que toma un clima y le asigna un número Se genera en
#cuanto procesas los datos

   if 'states.d' not in f:
       raise "No data has been processed, cannot express any prediction."

   with open('states.d', 'rb') as fp:
        states = cPickle.load(fp)

   with open('test_set.csv', 'rb') as fp:
        lines = fp.readlines()

   lines = lines[1:]  #retorna lista
   data = [line[0:line.find('\n')].split(',') for line in lines]
   dates = map(lambda x: x[0], data)
   data = [f[1:] for f in data]
   inputs = np.zeros((len(data[0]), len(data)))

   for i,input in enumerate(data): #retorna lista
       l = map(lambda x: float(x), input[0:-1])
       inp = np.array([l])
       inputs[:, i] = inp

   values = linear.predict(inputs) #guarda los datos de prediccion en el formato esperado
   with open('output.csv', 'wb') as fp:
        fp.write('"fecha", "conteo_ordenes"\n')
        for i in range(0, len(dates)):
            line = '"'+dates[i]+'"'+','+str(int(np.round(values[i][0])))+'\n'
Пример #2
def perceptron_update(bow, label, weights, labels):
    update = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float))
    prediction, _ = predict(bow, weights, labels)
    if prediction == label:  # no changes need to be made to the weights
        return update

    # for mean squared error, `w(t+1) = w(t) + learn_rate * (y - y_pred) * x`
    # Here, we are computing `(y - y_pred) * x` as `y * x - y_pred * x`
    for word in bow:
        update[label][word] += bow[word]
        update[prediction][word] -= bow[word]
    return update
Пример #3
            while True:
                test_data, test_events, stopevents = bufhelp.gatherdata(

                #                if isinstance(stopevents, list):
                #                    if any(["" in x.type for x in stopevents]):
                #                        break
                #                else:
                #                    if "stimulus.sequence" in stopevents.type:
                #                        break

                test_data = preproc.detrend(test_data)
                test_data, badch = preproc.badchannelremoval(test_data)
                test_data = preproc.spatialfilter(test_data)
                test_data = preproc.spectralfilter(test_data, (1, 10, 15, 25),
                test_data, test_events, badtrials = preproc.badtrailremoval(
                    test_data, test_events)

                predictions = linear.predict(test_data, classifier)
                prediction = str(int(predictions[0]))
                bufhelp.sendEvent("classifier.prediction", prediction)

        elif e.value == "exit":
            run = False

        print("Waiting for startPhase.cmd event.")
Пример #4
import preproc
import linear
import pickle

dname  ='training_data'
cname  ='clsfr'

trlen_ms = 3000

#load the trained classifier
if os.path.exists(cname+'.pk'):
    f     =pickle.load(open(cname+'.pk','rb'))
    classifier = f['classifier']

# connect to the buffer, if no-header wait until valid connection

while True:
    # wait for data after a trigger event
    data, events, stopevents, state = bufhelp.gatherdata([""],trlen_ms,[("","end")], milliseconds=True)

    # apply classifier, default is a linear-least-squares-classifier        
    predictions = linear.predict(data)
    # send the prediction events
    for pred in predictions:
Пример #5
import pickle

dname = 'training_data'
cname = 'clsfr'

trlen_ms = 3000

#load the trained classifier
if os.path.exists(cname + '.pk'):
    f = pickle.load(open(cname + '.pk', 'rb'))
    classifier = f['classifier']

# connect to the buffer, if no-header wait until valid connection
ftc, hdr = bufhelp.connect()

while True:
    # wait for data after a trigger event
    data, events, stopevents, state = bufhelp.gatherdata(
        trlen_ms, [("", "end")],


    # apply classifier, default is a linear-least-squares-classifier
    predictions = linear.predict(data)

    # send the prediction events
    for pred in predictions:
        bufhelp.sendEvent("classifier.prediction", pred)
Пример #6
# Example prediction:
#     Service was bad. (negative)

# First, we clean up the sentence and get a bag of words representation.
instance = bag_of_words(sanitize('Service was bad.'))

# Then, we set up our prediction weights.
# The weights below assume that 'service' and 'was' are not very relevant
# to a positive classification, but the word 'bad' is very non-positive
positive_weights = {'service': 0.2, 'was': 0.0, 'bad': -1}
# The weights below assume that 'service' and 'was' are pretty neutral
neutral_weights = {'service': 0.5, 'was': 0.5, 'bad': 0.1}
# The weights below assume that 'bad' is very negative.
negative_weights = {'service': 0.1, 'was': 0.3, 'bad': 0.9}

# Put all the weights together so we can index into them by their labels
all_weights = {
    'positive': positive_weights,
    'neutral': neutral_weights,
    'negative': negative_weights

# Get a list of labels from all of the unique keys (indexes) in the weights
labels = list(set(all_weights.keys()))

# Predict the label of the instance using the weights above and the list of
# possible labels
prediction = predict(instance, all_weights, labels)
print('Predicted label:', prediction[0])
print('Score:', prediction[1])