Пример #1
def concaveHull(dataset, k):
    assert k >= 3, 'k has to be greater or equal to 3.'
    points = dataset
    # todo: remove duplicate points from dataset
    # todo: check if dataset consists of only 3 or less points
    # todo: make sure that enough points for a given k can be found

    firstpoint = GetFirstPoint(points)
    # init hull as list to easily append stuff
    hull = []
    # add first point to hull
    # and remove it from dataset
    points = removePoint(points, firstpoint)
    currentPoint = firstpoint
    # set prevPoint to a Point righ of currentpoint (angle=0)
    prevPoint = (currentPoint[0] + 10, currentPoint[1])
    step = 2

    while ((not np.array_equal(firstpoint, currentPoint) or (step == 2))
           and points.size > 0):
        if (step == 5):  # we're far enough to close too early
            points = np.append(points, [firstpoint], axis=0)
        kNearestPoints = GetNearestNeighbors(points, currentPoint, k)
        cPoints = SortByAngle(kNearestPoints, currentPoint, prevPoint)
        # avoid intersections: select first candidate that does not intersect any
        # polygon edge
        its = True
        i = 0
        while ((its == True) and (i < cPoints.shape[0])):
            i = i + 1
            if (np.array_equal(cPoints[i - 1], firstpoint)):
                lastPoint = 1
                lastPoint = 0
            j = 2
            its = False
            while ((its == False) and (j < np.shape(hull)[0] - lastPoint)):
                its = li.doLinesIntersect(hull[step - 1 - 1], cPoints[i - 1],
                                          hull[step - 1 - j - 1],
                                          hull[step - j - 1])
                j = j + 1
        if (its == True):
            print "all candidates intersect -- restarting with k = ", k + 1
            return concaveHull(dataset, k + 1)
        prevPoint = currentPoint
        currentPoint = cPoints[i - 1]
        # add current point to hull
        points = removePoint(points, currentPoint)
        step = step + 1
    # check if all points are inside the hull
    p = Path(hull)
    pContained = p.contains_points(dataset, radius=0.0000000001)
    if (not pContained.all()):
        print "not all points of dataset contained in hull -- restarting with k = ", k + 1
        return concaveHull(dataset, k + 1)

    print "finished with k = ", k
    return hull
Пример #2
def concaveHull(dataset, k, if_optimal=False):
    #return list of hull [[x,y],[x2,y2]...]
    assert k >= 3, 'k has to be greater or equal to 3.'
    points = dataset
    # todo: remove duplicate points from dataset
    # todo: check if dataset consists of only 3 or less points
    # todo: make sure that enough points for a given k can be found

    firstpoint = GetFirstPoint(points)
    # init hull as list to easily append stuff
    hull = []
    # add first point to hull
    # and remove it from dataset
    points = removePoint(points, firstpoint)
    currentPoint = firstpoint
    # set prevPoint to a Point right of currentpoint (angle=0)
    prevPoint = (currentPoint[0] + 10, currentPoint[1])
    step = 2

    while ((not np.array_equal(firstpoint, currentPoint) or (step == 2))
           and points.size > 0):
        if (step == 5):  # we're far enough to close too early
            points = np.append(points, [firstpoint], axis=0)
        kNearestPoints = GetNearestNeighbors(points, currentPoint, k)
        cPoints = SortByAngle(kNearestPoints, currentPoint, prevPoint)
        # avoid intersections: select first candidate that does not intersect any
        # polygon edge
        its = True
        i = 0
        while ((its == True) and (i < cPoints.shape[0])):
            i = i + 1
            if (np.array_equal(
                    cPoints[i - 1],
                    firstpoint)):  # if next concave pt is the first pt
                lastPoint = 1
                lastPoint = 0
            j = 2
            its = False
            while ((its == False) and (j < np.shape(hull)[0] - lastPoint)
                   ):  #number of hull pts - lastpoint >2, j
                its = li.doLinesIntersect(hull[step - 1 - 1], cPoints[i - 1],
                                          hull[step - 1 - j - 1],
                                          hull[step - j - 1])
                j = j + 1
        if (its == True):
            # if k > 100:
            #     print("k exceed max value 100, concavehull fail, return hull k=100")
            #     return hull
            if if_optimal:
                # Todo a bug here # [-4.21707002 37.48664473] [-4.61409177 37.06382358] [-4.61262907 37.06245959] [-4.20343005 37.50127181] intersects
                print("all candidates intersect -- restarting with k = ",
                      k + 1)
                # return hull
                return concaveHull(dataset, k + 1, True)
        prevPoint = currentPoint
        currentPoint = cPoints[i - 1]
        # add current point to hull
        points = removePoint(points, currentPoint)
        step = step + 1
    # check if all points are inside the hull
    p = Path(hull)
    pContained = p.contains_points(dataset, radius=0.0000000001)
    if if_optimal:
        if (not pContained.all()):
            # if k>100:
            #     print("k exceed max value 100, concavehull fail, return hull k=100")
            #     return hull
                "not all points of dataset contained in hull -- restarting with k = ",
                k + 1)
            return concaveHull(dataset, k + 1, True)
    print("finished with k = ", k)
    return hull
import sys
import polygonarea
import lineintersect
from lineintersect import Line

input = open(sys.argv[1], "r")

points = []

# assumes input ends with newline
for line in input:

print polygonarea.calculateArea(points)
print lineintersect.doLinesIntersect(Line(points[0], points[1]),
                                     Line(points[2], points[3]))