class Main: def __init__(self): self.msgcmd = MessageFunction(self) self.action = OperationFunction(self) self.ops = Operation(self) = LINE() self.mid = self.sett = = """mid >>>個人アカウントのid gid >>>グループのid leave >>>グループから抜ける curl >>>グループうらる拒否 ourl >>>グループうらる許可 ginfo >>>グループ情報 gcreator >>>グループ作成者 setpoint >>>既読ポイント設置 delpoint >>>既読ポイント破棄 checkread >>>既読確認 help >>>helpを表示 url >>>追加URLを発行 mid @ >>>メンションした人のmid確認""" self.poll = OEPoll( self.timesleep = {} self.checkread = {} def running(self): while True: try: ops = self.poll.singleTrace(count=50) if ops: for op in ops: self.poll.setRevision(op.revision) self.ops.getOperation(op) except Exception as e: print(e) def check_time(self, to): if to in self.timesleep: if time.time() - self.timesleep[to] < 3: return False else: self.timesleep[to] = time.time() return True
def __init__(self, token: str = None, email: str = None, passwd: str = None, ): self.message_handlers: Union[list] = [] self.list_bots: Union[list] = [] if token and not passwd: self.line = LINE(token) if email and passwd: self.line = LINE(email, passwd) if not (token or email and passwd): self.line = LINE() self.poll = OEPoll(self.line)
def __init__( self, token: str = None, email: str = None, passwd: str = None, ): self.list_bots: list = [] if token and not passwd: self.line = LINE(token) if email and passwd: self.line = LINE(email, passwd) if not (token or email and passwd): self.line = LINE() self.prefix = [".", "/", ">", ""] self.img_url = "" self.poll = OEPoll(self.line) self.db = DataBase() self.db.add_bot(self.line.getProfile().mid, instance=str(self.line))
class MainBots(object): def __init__(self, token: str = None, email: str = None, passwd: str = None, ): self.message_handlers: Union[list] = [] self.list_bots: Union[list] = [] if token and not passwd: self.line = LINE(token) if email and passwd: self.line = LINE(email, passwd) if not (token or email and passwd): self.line = LINE() self.poll = OEPoll(self.line) def run(self, handler: Union[dict, set]) -> dict: self.poll.addOpInterruptWithDict(handler) while True: self.poll.trace()
def __init__(self): self.msgcmd = MessageFunction(self) self.action = OperationFunction(self) self.ops = Operation(self) = LINE() self.mid = self.sett = = """mid >>>個人アカウントのid gid >>>グループのid leave >>>グループから抜ける curl >>>グループうらる拒否 ourl >>>グループうらる許可 ginfo >>>グループ情報 gcreator >>>グループ作成者 setpoint >>>既読ポイント設置 delpoint >>>既読ポイント破棄 checkread >>>既読確認 help >>>helpを表示 url >>>追加URLを発行 mid @ >>>メンションした人のmid確認""" self.poll = OEPoll( self.timesleep = {} self.checkread = {}
from linepy import LINE, OEPoll, Filters import time line = LINE("YOUR TOKEN") """ now you can disable notice after login pass Flase for display_notice inside LINE e.g LINE(display_notice=False) pass without any argument for login use QrCode -> LINE() """ route = OEPoll(line) """ args route: wrokers: <int> some workers for do action if threaded is True threaded: <bool> pass True if you want this Threaded, False otherwise """ @route.handler(25, Filters.command("speed", prefix=".")) def speed(ops): #Fetch speed rs = time.time() line.sendMessage(, "...") line.sendMessage(, f"Fetch; {time.time()-rs}") route.start()
def jnt(op): if op.type == 25: if op.message.text == 'hi': client.sendMessage(, 'Hi too !! How are you ?') if op.message.text == "sp": st = time.time() client.getProfile() client.sendMessage(, "%s" % (time.time() - st)) client = LINE() oepoll = OEPoll(client) print(client.authToken) while True: try: ops = oepoll.singleTrace(count=50) if ops: for op in ops: try: jnt(op) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() oepoll.setRevision(op.revision) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() exit()
class MainBots(object): def __init__( self, token: str = None, email: str = None, passwd: str = None, ): self.list_bots: list = [] if token and not passwd: self.line = LINE(token) if email and passwd: self.line = LINE(email, passwd) if not (token or email and passwd): self.line = LINE() self.prefix = [".", "/", ">", ""] self.img_url = "" self.poll = OEPoll(self.line) self.db = DataBase() self.db.add_bot(self.line.getProfile().mid, instance=str(self.line)) def runs(self): def run(self, handler: dict or set = {}) -> dict: self.poll.addOpInterruptWithDict(handler) while True: self.poll.trace() def log(self, logger): def decorator(func): def wraper(*arg, **kwg): try: func(*arg, **kwg) except Exception as e: print(logger.format_exc()) return wraper return decorator def reply(self, client, message, text): """ Use this method to Reply message to user @client: class<linepy.LINE.client> @message: class <akad.ttypes.Message> @text: pass a string of text you want to send exampe: client.reply(client=client, message=message, text='hallo') """ g = return client.sendReplyMessage(g,, text) def at_getMid(self, message: Message): """ Use this method to get Mid from user using @Mention @message: class<akad.ttypes.Message> example: init.at_getMid(message) :Return: string or list of mid from target """ key = eval(message.contentMetadata["MENTION"]) key["MENTIONEES"][0]["M"] if len(key["MENTIONEES"]) <= 1: return key["MENTIONEES"][0]["M"] else: lists = [] for i in key["MENTIONEES"]: lists.append(i["M"]) return lists def add_users(self, client: LINE, group_id: str, mid: str or list, into: str, **kwg) -> bool: """ use this method to insert some user to DataBase @client: class<linepy.LINE.client> @group_id: undefined mid of group as string @mid: undefined mid of user pass string or list @into: pass a specified role for user e.g: blacklist,whitelist whatever you want @kwg: pass another argument as dict :Return: True if success false otherwise """ data = self.db if isinstance(mid, list): u = client.getContacts(mid) for i in u: data.add_users(mid=i.mid, into=into, name=i.displayName, at_group=group_id, globals=True) else: p = client.getContact(mid) data.add_users(mid=p.mid, into=into, name=p.displayName, at_group=group_id, globals=True) return True @Filters.is_admin() def add_group(self, client: LINE, mid: str or list, **kwg) -> bool: """ Use this method to add Group to database @client: class<linepy.LINE.Client> @mid: undefined string of Group mid, pass a string or list @kwg: other argument for include to your db e.g: pass a dict :Return: True if success false otherwise """ data = self.db if isinstance(mid, list): g = client.getGroups(mid) for i in g: data.add_group(i.mid,, picture=self.img_url + i.pictureStatus, create=g.createdTime, creator=dict(, name=i.creator.displayName)) else: g = client.getGroup(mid) data.add_group(mid,, picture=self.img_url + g.pictureStatus, create=g.createdTime, creator=dict(id=g.creator.mid, name=g.creator.displayName)) return True @Filters.is_admin() def add_admin(self, client: LINE, mid: str or list, **kwg) -> bool: """ Use this method to add Admin to database @client: class<linepy.LINE.Client> @mid: unidefined string of user mid, pass a string or list @kwg: other argument for include to your db e.g: user.displayName pass a dict :Return: True if success false otherwise """ data = self.db if isinstance(mid, list): c = client.getContacts(mid) for i in c: id = i.mid name = i.displayName data.add_admin(id, name=name) else: c = client.getContact(mid) data.add_admin(mid, name=c.displayName) return True
msg = op.message text = msg.text to = sender = msg._from if text is None: return if text.lower() == 'me': maxgie.sendContact(to, myMid) except Exception as error: log(error) #===≠============================================================ app = "DESKTOPMAC\t5.11.1\tBOT-LOGIN\t12" try: maxgie = MaxGie(settings['authToken'], appName=app) except: maxgie = MaxGie(appName=app) print ('##----- LOGIN CLIENT (Success) -----##') oepoll = OEPoll(maxgie) myMid = maxgie.profile.mid #===≠============================================================ while True: ops = oepoll.singleTrace(count=100) if ops != None: for op in ops: try: execute(op) except Exception as e: log(str(e)) oepoll.setRevision(op.revision)
"""Made by arsybai""" from linepy import LINE, OEPoll, Filters import sys, requests, json, os ars = LINE("EHgjs44uMOn2yrF9Tka0.IVHnuwLwofRntI40OTeoma.jv92Tt5Typy9VleiyGLkLztZixF8Oa1dVm4oYR7kYJ4=") route = OEPoll(ars) print("logged") # DATABASE db = { 'set':{ 'kick':[], 'invite':[], 'update':[] }, 'user':[] } @route.handler(26, Filters.text & #use Filters.both for use in privatechat too def linke_Starto(op): msg = op.message to = if msg.toType == 2 else msg._from text = msg.text.lower() if text == 'hi':ars.reply(msg,'hello') if text == 'me':ars.reply(msg,str(msg._from)) if text == ".exit":ars.sendMessage(to,'Shuting Down...');sys.exit("bye") if text == '.reboot':ars.sendMessage(to,'Done Qmack');python = sys.executable;os.execl(python, python, *sys.argv) if text == '.set':db['set']['kick'].append(to) if to not in db['set']['kick'] else print('yep');db['set']['invite'].append(to) if to not in db['set']['invite'] else print('yep');db['set']['update'].append(to) if to not in db['set']['update'] else print('yep');ars.reply(msg,'OK') if text == '.unset':db['set']['kick'].remove(to) if to in db['set']['kick'] else print('yep');db['set']['invite'].remove(to) if to in db['set']['invite'] else print('yep');db['set']['update'].remove(to) if to in db['set']['update'] else print('yep');ars.reply(msg,'OK')
# coding: utf-8 from linepy import LINE, OEPoll import random import requests import shutil import codecs import json import random import os yukino_1 = LINE() yukino_2 = LINE() yukino_3 = LINE() tracer = OEPoll(yukino_1) bots = [yukino_1, yukino_2, yukino_3] kickers = [yukino_2, yukino_3] yukino_1Mid = yukino_1.getProfile().mid kickerMids = [yukino_2.getProfile().mid, yukino_3.getProfile().mid] botMids = [yukino_1.getProfile().mid, yukino_2.getProfile().mid, yukino_3.getProfile().mid] yukino_2Mid = yukino_2.getProfile().mid yukino_3Mid = yukino_3.getProfile().mid protect = { 'kickGroup': {}, 'normalProtect': {}, 'groupName': {}, 'groupPicture': {}, 'groupUrl': {}, 'blackUsers': {}, 'whiteUsers': {} } admins = ["",""] readData ='blackUsers.json', 'r', 'utf-8')
clientSettings["startTime"] = time.time() if "mimic" not in clientSettings: clientSettings["mimic"] = {} if "spamGroupProtect" not in clientSettings: clientSettings["spamGroupProtect"] = {} clientStartTime = clientSettings["startTime"] try: client = CLIENT(clientSettings["authToken"], appName=clientSettings["appName"], showQr=True) except: client = CLIENT(appName=clientSettings["appName"], showQr=True) clientMid = client.profile.mid clientPoll = OEPoll(client) clientErrorOrNewPatch = [] listHelpMessage = { "รายละเอียดบัญชี": "ftitle", "ชื่อผู้ใช้งาน: {dp}": "dtail", "เวลาทำงาน: {rt}": "dtail", "ไอดี: {mid}": "dtail", "คำสั่งทั่วไป": "title", "โปรไฟล์": "profile (@)", "ข้อมูลติดต่อ": "contact (@)", "ดู Mid ผู้ใช้": "mid (@)", "ทดสอบความเร็วในการทำงาน": "optest", "ทดสอบความเร็วในการรับข้อมูล": "speed", "ดูเวลาทำงาน": "runtime", "ดูบัญชีที่อ่านข้อความ": "reader",
# Auth load_dotenv() try: if (id_ := os.getenv("EMAIL_ID")) and (pwd := os.getenv("PASSWORD")): client = LINE(id_, pwd) elif token := os.getenv("TOKEN"): client = LINE(idOrAuthToken=token) else: client = LINE(showQr=True) except Exception as e: print("Failed to authenticate") print(e) exit(1) ops = OEPoll(client) whitelist = [client.profile.mid, client, ] while True: try: Operation = ops.singleTrace(count=50) if Operation is not None: for op in Operation: ops.setRevision(op.revision) # self.OpInterrupt[op.type], args=(op,) thread1 = threading.Thread(target=LINE_OP_TYPE, args=(op,)) thread1.start() thread1.join() except Exception as error: print(error)
def botCore(op): if op.type == 26: msg = op.message receiver = if msg.toType == 2: if msg.contentType == 0: if msg.text == "速度测量仪表": start = time.time() with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as excuter: stop = time.time() bot.sendMessage(receiver,"result: " + str(stop - start)) def botOEupdater(oePoll): for i in loop: try: ops = oePoll.singleTrace(count=50) if ops is not None: for op in ops: botCore(op) oePoll.setRevision(op.revision) loop.append(i + 1) except Exception as oeUpdaterError: bot.log(oeUpdaterError) if __name__ == "__main__": loop = [0] bot = LINE("","") print(bot.authToken) botOE = OEPoll(bot) botOEupdater(botOE)