Пример #1
def test_ion_to_name():
	# Normal
	ionnm = ions.ion_name((6,2)) 
	assert ionnm == 'CII'
	# Latex
	ionnm = ions.ion_name((6,2),flg=1) 
	assert ionnm == '{\\rm C}^{+}'
Пример #2
    def repr_vpfit(self,
                   b=10. * u.km / u.s,
                   tie_strs=('', '', ''),
                   fix_strs=('', '', '')):
        String representation for VPFIT (line fitting software) in its fort.26 format

        b : Quantity, optional
            Doppler parameter of the component. Default is 10*u.km/u.s
        tie_strs : tuple of strings, optional
            Strings to be used for tying parameters (z,b,logN),
            respectively.  These are all converted to lower case
            format, following VPFIT convention.
        fix_strs : tuple of strings, optional
            Strings to be used for fixing parameters (z,b,logN),
            respectively.  These are all converted to upper case
            format, following VPFIT convention.  These will take
            precedence over tie_strs if different than ''.

        repr_vpfit : str

        # get Doppler parameter to km/s
        b = b.to('km/s').value

        # Ion name
        name = ions.ion_name(self.Zion, nspace=1)
        name = name.replace(' ', '')

        # Deal with fix and tie parameters
        # Check format first
        for i, x_strs in enumerate([tie_strs, fix_strs]):
            if (not isinstance(x_strs, tuple)) or (not all(
                    isinstance(s, (str, basestring)) for s in x_strs)):
                if i == 0:
                    raise TypeError('`tie_strs` must be a tuple of strings.')
                elif i == 1:
                    raise TypeError('`fix_strs` must be a tuple of strings.')
            if len(x_strs) != 3:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    '`tie_strs` and `fix_strs` must have len() == 3')

        # reformat for VPFIT standard
        fix_strs = np.array([s.upper() for s in fix_strs])
        tie_strs = np.array([s.lower() for s in tie_strs])
        # preference to fix_strs over tie_strs
        strs = np.where(fix_strs != '', fix_strs, tie_strs)

        # create the line string
        s = '{:s} {:.5f}{:s} {:.5f} {:.2f}{:s} {:.2f} {:.2f}{:s} {:.2f}'.format(
            name, self.zcomp, strs[0], 0, b, strs[1], 0, self.logN, strs[2], 0)
        if len(self.comment) > 0:
            s += '! {:s}'.format(self.comment)
        s += '\n'
        return s
Пример #3
    def repr_vpfit(self, b=10.*u.km/u.s, tie_strs=('', '', ''), fix_strs=('', '', '')):
        String representation for VPFIT (line fitting software) in its fort.26 format

        b : Quantity, optional
            Doppler parameter of the component. Default is 10*u.km/u.s
        tie_strs : tuple of strings, optional
            Strings to be used for tying parameters (z,b,logN),
            respectively.  These are all converted to lower case
            format, following VPFIT convention.
        fix_strs : tuple of strings, optional
            Strings to be used for fixing parameters (z,b,logN),
            respectively.  These are all converted to upper case
            format, following VPFIT convention.  These will take
            precedence over tie_strs if different than ''.

        repr_vpfit : str

        # get Doppler parameter to km/s
        b = b.to('km/s').value

        # Ion name
        name = ions.ion_name(self.Zion, nspace=1)
        name = name.replace(' ', '')

        # Deal with fix and tie parameters
        # Check format first
        for i, x_strs in enumerate([tie_strs, fix_strs]):
            if (not isinstance(x_strs, tuple)) or (not all(isinstance(s, (str, basestring)) for s in x_strs)):
                if i == 0:
                    raise TypeError('`tie_strs` must be a tuple of strings.')
                elif i == 1:
                    raise TypeError('`fix_strs` must be a tuple of strings.')
            if len(x_strs) != 3:
                raise SyntaxError('`tie_strs` and `fix_strs` must have len() == 3')

        # reformat for VPFIT standard
        fix_strs = np.array([s.upper() for s in fix_strs])
        tie_strs = np.array([s.lower() for s in tie_strs])
        # preference to fix_strs over tie_strs
        strs = np.where(fix_strs != '', fix_strs, tie_strs)

        # create the line string
        s = '{:s} {:.5f}{:s} {:.5f} {:.2f}{:s} {:.2f} {:.2f}{:s} {:.2f}'.format(name, self.zcomp, strs[0], 0, b,
                                                                                strs[1], 0, self.logN, strs[2], 0)
        if len(self.comment) > 0:
            s += '! {:s}'.format(self.comment)
        s += '\n'
        return s
Пример #4
def mk_json_ions(dlas, prefix, outfil):
    """ Generate a JSON table of the Ion database
    dlas : DLASurvey
    prefix : str
    outfil : str
      Output JSON file
    # Sort
    ra = dlas.coord.ra.degree[0]
    srt = np.argsort(np.array(ra))

    all_ions = {}
    # Loop on DLA
    for jj, isrt in enumerate(srt):
        idla = dlas._abs_sys[isrt]
        # Astropy Table
        ion_tab = idla._ionN
        # Convert key to standard names
        new_dict = {}
        for row in ion_tab:
            Zion = (row['Z'], row['ion'])
            # Skip HI
            if Zion == (1, 1):
            # Get name
            new_key = ltai.ion_name(Zion)
            # Fine structure?
            if row['Ej'] > 0.:
                new_key = new_key + '*'
            new_dict[new_key] = dict(zip(row.dtype.names, row))
        # Write to all_ions
        name = survey_name(prefix, idla)
        all_ions[name] = new_dict

    # Write
    print('Writing {:s}'.format(outfil))
    with io.open(outfil, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                           separators=(',', ': '))))

    # Return
    return all_ions
Пример #5
def table_from_complist(complist):
    Returns a astropy.Table from an input list of AbsComponents. It only
    fills in mandatory and special attributes (see notes below).
    Information stored in dictionary AbsComp.attrib is ignored.

    complist : list of AbsComponents
        The initial list of AbsComponents to create the QTable from.

    table : Table
        Table from the information contained in each component.

    Mandatory columns: 'RA', 'DEC', 'ion_name', 'z_comp', 'vmin', 'vmax'
    Special columns: 'name', 'comment', 'logN', 'sig_logN', 'flag_logN'
    See also complist_from_table()
    tab = Table()

    # mandatory columns
    tab['RA'] = [comp.coord.ra.to('deg').value for comp in complist] * u.deg
    tab['DEC'] = [comp.coord.dec.to('deg').value for comp in complist] * u.deg
    ion_names = []  # ion_names
    for comp in complist:
        if comp.Zion == (-1, -1):
            ion_names += ["Molecule"]
            ion_names += [ion_name(comp.Zion)]
    tab['ion_name'] = ion_names
    tab['z_comp'] = [comp.zcomp for comp in complist]
    tab['vmin'] = [comp.vlim[0].value for comp in complist] * comp.vlim.unit
    tab['vmax'] = [comp.vlim[1].value for comp in complist] * comp.vlim.unit

    # Special columns
    tab['logN'] = [comp.logN for comp in complist]
    tab['sig_logN'] = [comp.sig_logN for comp in complist]
    tab['flag_logN'] = [comp.flag_N for comp in complist]
    tab['comment'] = [comp.comment for comp in complist]
    tab['name'] = [comp.name for comp in complist]

    return tab
Пример #6
def mk_json_ions(dlas, prefix, outfil):
    """ Generate a JSON table of the Ion database
    dlas : DLASurvey
    prefix : str
    outfil : str
      Output JSON file
    # Sort
    ra = dlas.coord.ra.degree[0]
    srt = np.argsort(np.array(ra))

    all_ions = {}
    # Loop on DLA
    for jj, isrt in enumerate(srt):
        idla = dlas._abs_sys[isrt]
        # Astropy Table
        ion_tab = idla._ionN
        # Convert key to standard names
        new_dict = {}
        for row in ion_tab:
            Zion = (row['Z'], row['ion'])
            # Skip HI
            if Zion == (1,1):
            # Get name
            new_key = ltai.ion_name(Zion)
            # Fine structure?
            if row['Ej'] > 0.:
                new_key = new_key+'*'
            new_dict[new_key] = dict(zip(row.dtype.names, row))
        # Write to all_ions
        name = survey_name(prefix, idla)
        all_ions[name] = new_dict

    # Write
    print('Writing {:s}'.format(outfil))
    with io.open(outfil, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        f.write(unicode(json.dumps(all_ions, sort_keys=True, indent=4,
            separators=(',', ': '))))

    # Return
    return all_ions
Пример #7
def test_ion_to_name():
    # Normal
    ionnm = ions.ion_name((6, 2))
    assert ionnm == 'CII'
    # Latex
    ionnm = ions.ion_name((6, 2), flg=1)
    assert ionnm == '{\\rm C}^{+}'
    # as dict
    ion = dict(ion=2, Z=6)
    ionnm = ions.ion_name(ion)
    assert ionnm == 'CII'
    # latex not ready yet
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ionnm = ions.ion_name((6, 0), flg=1)
    for ii in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
        ionnm = ions.ion_name((6, ii), flg=1)
    # bad flag
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ionnm = ions.ion_name((6, 2), flg=99)
Пример #8
def test_ion_to_name():
    # Normal
    ionnm = ions.ion_name((6,2))
    assert ionnm == 'CII'
    # Latex
    ionnm = ions.ion_name((6,2), flg=1)
    assert ionnm == '{\\rm C}^{+}'
    # as dict
    ion = dict(ion=2, Z=6)
    ionnm = ions.ion_name(ion)
    assert ionnm == 'CII'
    # latex not ready yet
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ionnm = ions.ion_name((6,0), flg=1)
    for ii in [1,2,3,4]:
        ionnm = ions.ion_name((6,ii), flg=1)
    # bad flag
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ionnm = ions.ion_name((6,2), flg=99)
Пример #9
    def repr_alis(self, T_kin=1e4*u.K, bturb=0.*u.km/u.s,
                  tie_strs=('', '', '', ''), fix_strs=('', '', '', '')):
        String representation for ALIS (line fitting software)

        T_kin : Quantity, optional
            Kinetic temperature. Default 1e4*u.K
        bturb : Quantity, optional
            Turbulent Doppler parameter. Default 0.*u.km/u.s
        tie_strs : tuple of strings, optional
            Strings to be used for tying parameters
            (logN,z,bturb,T_kin), respectively.  These are all
            converted to lower case format, following ALIS convention.
        fix_strs : tuple of strings, optional
            Strings to be used for fixing parameters
            (logN,z,bturb,T_kin), respectively.  These are all
            converted to upper case format, following ALIS convention.
            These will take precedence over tie_strs if different from

        repr_alis : str


        # Convert to the units ALIS wants
        T_kin = T_kin.to('K').value
        bturb = bturb.to('km/s').value

        # A patch for nucleons; todo: come up with a better way to do this using ELEMENTS?
        if self.Zion[0] == 1:
            nucleons = 1
        elif self.Zion[0] > 1:
            nucleons = 2 * self.Zion[0]

        # name
        name = ions.ion_name(self.Zion, nspace=1)
        name = '{}'.format(nucleons)+name.replace(' ', '_')

        # Deal with fix and tie parameters
        # Check format first
        for i, x_strs in enumerate([tie_strs, fix_strs]):
            if (not isinstance(x_strs, tuple)) or (not all(isinstance(s, (str, basestring)) for s in x_strs)):
                if i == 0:
                    raise TypeError('`tie_strs` must be a tuple of strings.')
                elif i == 1:
                    raise TypeError('`fix_strs` must be a tuple of strings.')
            if len(x_strs) != 4:
                raise SyntaxError('`tie_strs` and `fix_strs` must have len()== 4')

        # reformat for ALIS standard
        fix_strs = np.array([s.upper() for s in fix_strs])
        tie_strs = np.array([s.lower() for s in tie_strs])
        # preference to fix_strs over tie_strs
        strs = np.where(fix_strs != '', fix_strs, tie_strs)

        s = 'voigt   ion={:s} {:.2f}{:s} redshift={:.5f}{:s} {:.1f}{:s} {:.1E}{:s}'.format(name, self.logN, strs[0],
                                                                                           self.zcomp, strs[1], bturb,
                                                                                           strs[2], T_kin, strs[3])

        if len(self.comment) > 0:
            s += '# {:s}'.format(self.comment)
        s += '\n'
        return s
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, radec, Zion, zcomp, vlim, Ej=0./u.cm, A=None,
                 Ntup=None, comment='', name=None, stars=None):
        """  Initiator

        radec : tuple or SkyCoord
            (RA,DEC) in deg or astropy.coordinate
        Zion : tuple 
            Atomic number, ion -- (int,int)
            e.g. (8,1) for OI
        zcomp : float
            Absorption component redshift
        vlim : Quantity array
            Velocity limits of the component w/r to `z`
            e.g.  [-300,300]*u.km/u.s
        A : int, optional
            Atomic mass -- used to distinguish isotopes
        Ntup : tuple
            flag_N : Flag describing N measurement
            logN : log10 N column density
            sig_logN : Error in log10 N
        Ej : Quantity, optional
            Energy of lower level (1/cm)
        stars : str, optional
            asterisks to add to name, e.g. '**' for CI**
            Required if name=None and Ej>0.
        comment : str, optional
            A comment, default is ``

        # Required
        if isinstance(radec, (tuple)):
            self.coord = SkyCoord(ra=radec[0], dec=radec[1])
        elif isinstance(radec, SkyCoord):
            self.coord = radec
        self.Zion = Zion
        self.zcomp = zcomp
        self.vlim = vlim

        # Optional
        self.A = A
        self.Ej = Ej
        self.comment = comment
        if Ntup is not None:
            self.flag_N = Ntup[0]
            self.logN = Ntup[1]
            self.sig_logN = Ntup[2]
            _, _ = ltaa.linear_clm(self)  # Set linear quantities
            self.flag_N = 0
            self.logN = 0.
            self.sig_logN = 0.

        # Name
        if name is None:
            iname = ions.ion_name(self.Zion, nspace=0)
            if self.Ej.value > 0:  # Need to put *'s in name
                    iname += stars
                    raise IOError("Need to provide 'stars' parameter.")
            self.name = '{:s}_z{:0.5f}'.format(iname, self.zcomp)
            self.name = name
        # Other
        self._abslines = []
Пример #11
    def add_abslines_from_linelist(self, llist='ISM', wvlim=None, min_Wr=None, **kwargs):
        It adds associated AbsLines satisfying some conditions (see parameters below).

        llist : str
            Name of the linetools.lists.linelist.LineList
            object where to look for the transition names.
            Default is 'ISM', which means the function looks
            within `list = LineList('ISM')`.
        wvlims : Quantity array, optional
            Observed wavelength limits for AbsLines to be added.
            e.g. [1200, 2000]*u.AA.
        min_Wr : Quantity, optional
            Minimum rest-frame equivalent with for AbsLines to be added.
            This is calculated in the very low optical depth regime tau0<<1,
            where Wr is independent of Doppler parameter or gamma (see eq. 9.15 of
            Draine 2011). Still, a column density attribute for the AbsComponent
            is needed.

        Adds AbsLine objects to the AbsComponent._abslines list.

        **kwargs are passed to AbsLine.add_absline() method.

        # get the transitions from LineList
        llist = LineList(llist)
        name = ions.ion_name(self.Zion, nspace=0)
        transitions = llist.all_transitions(name)
        # unify output to be always QTable
        if isinstance(transitions, dict):
            transitions = llist.from_dict_to_qtable(transitions)

        # check wvlims
        if wvlim is not None:
            cond = (transitions['wrest']*(1+self.zcomp) >= wvlim[0]) & \
                   (transitions['wrest']*(1+self.zcomp) <= wvlim[1])
            transitions = transitions[cond]

        # check outputs
        if len(transitions) == 0:
            warnings.warn("No transitions satisfying the criteria found. Doing nothing.")

        # loop over the transitions when more than one found
        for transition in transitions:
            iline = AbsLine(transition['name'], z=self.zcomp)
            iline.attrib['coord'] = self.coord
            iline.attrib['logN'] = self.logN
            iline.attrib['sig_logN'] = self.sig_logN
            iline.attrib['flag_N'] = self.flag_N
            iline.attrib['N'] = 10**iline.attrib['logN'] / (u.cm * u.cm)
            iline.attrib['sig_N'] = 10**iline.attrib['sig_logN'] / (u.cm * u.cm)

            for key in self.attrib.keys():
                iline.attrib[key] = self.attrib[key]

            if min_Wr is not None:
                # check logN is defined
                logN = self.logN
                if logN == 0:
                    warnings.warn("AbsComponent does not have logN defined. Appending AbsLines "
                                 "regardless of min_Wr.")
                    N = 10**logN / (u.cm*u.cm)
                    Wr_iline = iline.get_Wr_from_N(N=N)  # valid for the tau0<<1 regime.
                    if Wr_iline < min_Wr:  # do not append
            # add the absline
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, radec, Zion, zcomp, vlim, Ej=0./u.cm, A=None,
                 Ntup=None, comment='', name=None, stars=None):
        """  Initiator

        radec : tuple or SkyCoord
            (RA,DEC) in deg or astropy.coordinate.SkyCoord
        Zion : tuple
            Atomic number, ion -- (int,int)
            e.g. (8,1) for OI
            Note: (-1, -1) is special and is meant for moleculer (e.g. H2)
                  This notation will most likely change in the future.
        zcomp : float
            Absorption component redshift
        vlim : Quantity array
            Velocity limits of the component w/r to `z`
            e.g.  [-300,300]*u.km/u.s
        A : int, optional
            Atomic mass -- used to distinguish isotopes
        Ntup : tuple
            flag_N : Flag describing N measurement  (0: no info; 1: detection; 2: saturated; 3: non-detection)
            logN : log10 N column density
            sig_logN : Error in log10 N
              # TODO FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION WILL ALLOW FOR 2-element ndarray for sig_logN
        Ej : Quantity, optional
            Energy of lower level (1/cm)
        stars : str, optional
            asterisks to add to name, e.g. '**' for CI**
            Required if name=None and Ej>0.
        comment : str, optional
            A comment, default is ``

        # Required
        self.coord = ltu.radec_to_coord(radec)
        self.Zion = Zion
        self.zcomp = zcomp
        self.vlim = vlim

        # Optional
        self.A = A
        self.Ej = Ej
        self.comment = comment
        if Ntup is not None:
            self.flag_N = Ntup[0]
            self.logN = Ntup[1]
            self.sig_logN = Ntup[2]
            _, _ = ltaa.linear_clm(self)  # Set linear quantities
            self.flag_N = 0
            self.logN = 0.
            self.sig_logN = 0.

        # Name
        if (name is None) and (self.Zion != (-1, -1)):
            iname = ions.ion_name(self.Zion, nspace=0)
            if self.Ej.value > 0:  # Need to put *'s in name
                    iname += stars
                    raise IOError("Need to provide 'stars' parameter.")
            self.name = '{:s}_z{:0.5f}'.format(iname, self.zcomp)
        elif (name is None) and (self.Zion == (-1, -1)):
            self.name = 'mol_z{:0.5f}'.format(self.zcomp)
            self.name = name

        # Potential for attributes
        self.attrib = dict()

        # Other
        self._abslines = []
Пример #13
    def repr_alis(self,
                  T_kin=1e4 * u.K,
                  bturb=0. * u.km / u.s,
                  tie_strs=('', '', '', ''),
                  fix_strs=('', '', '', '')):
        String representation for ALIS (line fitting software)

        T_kin : Quantity, optional
            Kinetic temperature. Default 1e4*u.K
        bturb : Quantity, optional
            Turbulent Doppler parameter. Default 0.*u.km/u.s
        tie_strs : tuple of strings, optional
            Strings to be used for tying parameters
            (logN,z,bturb,T_kin), respectively.  These are all
            converted to lower case format, following ALIS convention.
        fix_strs : tuple of strings, optional
            Strings to be used for fixing parameters
            (logN,z,bturb,T_kin), respectively.  These are all
            converted to upper case format, following ALIS convention.
            These will take precedence over tie_strs if different from

        repr_alis : str


        # Convert to the units ALIS wants
        T_kin = T_kin.to('K').value
        bturb = bturb.to('km/s').value

        # A patch for nucleons; todo: come up with a better way to do this using ELEMENTS?
        if self.Zion[0] == 1:
            nucleons = 1
        elif self.Zion[0] > 1:
            nucleons = 2 * self.Zion[0]

        # name
        name = ions.ion_name(self.Zion, nspace=1)
        name = '{}'.format(nucleons) + name.replace(' ', '_')

        # Deal with fix and tie parameters
        # Check format first
        for i, x_strs in enumerate([tie_strs, fix_strs]):
            if (not isinstance(x_strs, tuple)) or (not all(
                    isinstance(s, (str, basestring)) for s in x_strs)):
                if i == 0:
                    raise TypeError('`tie_strs` must be a tuple of strings.')
                elif i == 1:
                    raise TypeError('`fix_strs` must be a tuple of strings.')
            if len(x_strs) != 4:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    '`tie_strs` and `fix_strs` must have len()== 4')

        # reformat for ALIS standard
        fix_strs = np.array([s.upper() for s in fix_strs])
        tie_strs = np.array([s.lower() for s in tie_strs])
        # preference to fix_strs over tie_strs
        strs = np.where(fix_strs != '', fix_strs, tie_strs)

        s = 'voigt   ion={:s} {:.2f}{:s} redshift={:.5f}{:s} {:.1f}{:s} {:.1E}{:s}'.format(
            name, self.logN, strs[0], self.zcomp, strs[1], bturb, strs[2],
            T_kin, strs[3])

        if len(self.comment) > 0:
            s += '# {:s}'.format(self.comment)
        s += '\n'
        return s
Пример #14
    def add_abslines_from_linelist(self,
        It adds associated AbsLines satisfying some conditions (see parameters below).

        llist : str, optional
            Name of the linetools.lists.linelist.LineList
            object where to look for the transition names.
            Default is 'ISM', which means the function looks
            within `list = LineList('ISM')`.
        init_name : str, optional
            Name of the initial transition used to define the AbsComponent
        wvlims : Quantity array, optional
            Observed wavelength limits for AbsLines to be added.
            e.g. [1200, 2000]*u.AA.
        min_Wr : Quantity, optional
            Minimum rest-frame equivalent with for AbsLines to be added.
            This is calculated in the very low optical depth regime tau0<<1,
            where Wr is independent of Doppler parameter or gamma (see eq. 9.15 of
            Draine 2011). Still, a column density attribute for the AbsComponent
            is needed.

        Adds AbsLine objects to the AbsComponent._abslines list.

        **kwargs are passed to AbsLine.add_absline() method.

        # get the transitions from LineList
        llist = LineList(llist)
        if init_name is None:  # we have to guess it
            if (self.Zion) == (-1, -1):  # molecules
                # init_name must be in self.attrib (this is a patch)
                init_name = self.attrib['init_name']
            else:  # atoms
                init_name = ions.ion_name(self.Zion, nspace=0)
        transitions = llist.all_transitions(init_name)

        # unify output to be always QTable
        if isinstance(transitions, dict):
            transitions = llist.from_dict_to_qtable(transitions)

        # check wvlims
        if wvlim is not None:
            cond = (transitions['wrest']*(1+self.zcomp) >= wvlim[0]) & \
                   (transitions['wrest']*(1+self.zcomp) <= wvlim[1])
            transitions = transitions[cond]

        # check outputs
        if len(transitions) == 0:
                "No transitions satisfying the criteria found. Doing nothing.")

        # loop over the transitions when more than one found
        for transition in transitions:
            iline = AbsLine(transition['name'], z=self.zcomp, linelist=llist)
            iline.attrib['coord'] = self.coord
            iline.attrib['logN'] = self.logN
            iline.attrib['sig_logN'] = self.sig_logN
            iline.attrib['flag_N'] = self.flag_N
            iline.attrib['N'] = 10**iline.attrib['logN'] / (u.cm * u.cm)
            iline.attrib['sig_N'] = 10**iline.attrib['sig_logN'] / (u.cm *

            for key in self.attrib.keys():
                iline.attrib[key] = self.attrib[key]

            if min_Wr is not None:
                # check logN is defined
                logN = self.logN
                if logN == 0:
                        "AbsComponent does not have logN defined. Appending AbsLines "
                        "regardless of min_Wr.")
                    N = 10**logN / (u.cm * u.cm)
                    Wr_iline = iline.get_Wr_from_N(
                        N=N)  # valid for the tau0<<1 regime.
                    if Wr_iline < min_Wr:  # do not append
            # add the absline
Пример #15
    def __init__(self,
                 Ej=0. / u.cm,
        """  Initiator

        radec : tuple or SkyCoord
            (RA,DEC) in deg or astropy.coordinate.SkyCoord
        Zion : tuple
            Atomic number, ion -- (int,int)
            e.g. (8,1) for OI
            Note: (-1, -1) is special and is meant for moleculer (e.g. H2)
                  This notation will most likely change in the future.
        zcomp : float
            Absorption component redshift
        vlim : Quantity array
            Velocity limits of the component w/r to `z`
            e.g.  [-300,300]*u.km/u.s
        A : int, optional
            Atomic mass -- used to distinguish isotopes
        Ntup : tuple
            flag_N : Flag describing N measurement  (0: no info; 1: detection; 2: saturated; 3: non-detection)
            logN : log10 N column density
            sig_logN : Error in log10 N
        Ej : Quantity, optional
            Energy of lower level (1/cm)
        stars : str, optional
            asterisks to add to name, e.g. '**' for CI**
            Required if name=None and Ej>0.
        comment : str, optional
            A comment, default is ``

        # Required
        self.coord = ltu.radec_to_coord(radec)
        self.Zion = Zion
        self.zcomp = zcomp
        self.vlim = vlim

        # Optional
        self.A = A
        self.Ej = Ej
        self.comment = comment
        if Ntup is not None:
            self.flag_N = Ntup[0]
            self.logN = Ntup[1]
            self.sig_logN = Ntup[2]
            _, _ = ltaa.linear_clm(self)  # Set linear quantities
            self.flag_N = 0
            self.logN = 0.
            self.sig_logN = 0.

        # Name
        if (name is None) and (self.Zion != (-1, -1)):
            iname = ions.ion_name(self.Zion, nspace=0)
            if self.Ej.value > 0:  # Need to put *'s in name
                    iname += stars
                    raise IOError("Need to provide 'stars' parameter.")
            self.name = '{:s}_z{:0.5f}'.format(iname, self.zcomp)
        elif (name is None) and (self.Zion == (-1, -1)):
            self.name = 'mol_z{:0.5f}'.format(self.zcomp)
            self.name = name

        # Potential for attributes
        self.attrib = dict()

        # Other
        self._abslines = []