def resizeNumberingCol(self, colWidthText, prevColWidth): """ Resize the width of the column that contains example numbering. Size is an integer percentage of the page width. @param string colWidthText @param int prevColWidth throws exceptions.ChoiceProblem It would be nice if there were such a thing as table styles. Then this function would presumably not be needed. """ logger.debug(util.funcName('begin')) if colWidthText == "": raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem( "Please enter a value for column width.") try: newVal = int(colWidthText) except: raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Column width is not a number.") if newVal == prevColWidth: logger.debug("No need to change.") return if newVal > 50: # more than 50% is unreasonable raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem( "Value %d for column width is too high.", newVal) elif newVal <= 0: raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem( "Value for column width must be more than zero.") PERCENT_TO_SEP = 100 # Separator width 10,000 is 100%. # The user enters a number like 5 meaning 5%. # So 5 * 100 would be 500 which is 5% of 10,000 MARGIN_OF_ERROR = 2 prevVal = prevColWidth * PERCENT_TO_SEP newVal = newVal * PERCENT_TO_SEP tables = self.unoObjs.document.getTextTables() logger.debug( "looping through %d tables. prevVal = %d", tables.getCount(), prevVal) for table in iteruno.byIndex(tables): separators = table.getPropertyValue("TableColumnSeparators") if separators is None: logger.debug( "No separators set for table %s", table.getName()) continue sep0Pos = separators[0].Position logger.debug( "table %s separator is %d", table.getName(), sep0Pos) if (sep0Pos > prevVal - MARGIN_OF_ERROR and sep0Pos < prevVal + MARGIN_OF_ERROR): separators[0].Position = newVal table.TableColumnSeparators = separators logger.debug("changed to %d", newVal)"NumberingColWidth", str(newVal // PERCENT_TO_SEP)) logger.debug(util.funcName('end'))
def setAndVerifyConfig(self, newConfig): """Sets self.config from newConfig, which should be type ConversionSettings. Throws exceptions.ChoiceProblem if the choices are not acceptable. """ logger.debug(util.funcName('begin')) if not self.styleFonts: raise exceptions.LogicError("Expected styleFonts to be set.") if not newConfig.whichScope: raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please specify a scope.") if (newConfig.whichScope == 'ParaStyle' and not raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem( "Please select a scope paragraph style.") if (newConfig.whichScope == 'CharStyle' and not raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem( "Please select a scope character style.") if (newConfig.whichScope == 'Font' and not newConfig.searchConfig.fontName): raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please select a scope font.") if (newConfig.whichScope == 'SFMs' and not newConfig.searchConfig.SFMs): raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please specify SFMs.") if not newConfig.whichTarget: raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please specify a target.") if (newConfig.whichTarget == 'ParaStyle' and not newConfig.targetStyle): raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please select a target style.") if (newConfig.whichTarget == 'CharStyle' and not newConfig.targetStyle): raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please select a target style.") if (newConfig.whichTarget == 'FontOnly' and not newConfig.targetFont.fontName): raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please select a target font.") self.config = newConfig try: if newConfig.whichTarget == 'ParaStyle': self.styleFonts.setParaStyleWithFont(newConfig.targetFont, newConfig.targetStyle) elif newConfig.whichTarget == 'CharStyle': self.styleFonts.setCharStyleWithFont(newConfig.targetFont, newConfig.targetStyle) except RuntimeException as exc: logger.exception(exc) raise exceptions.StyleError("Could not create style '%s'.", newConfig.targetStyle) logger.debug(util.funcName('end'))
def setAndVerifyConverter(self, newConv): """Parameter should be of type SEC_wrapper.ConverterSettings. Call this method before calling one of the doConversion() methods. """ ## Get the converter if not yet done if newConv.convName == "": raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please select a converter.") if newConv.convName == "<No converter>": return if self.secCall.config != newConv: try: self.secCall.setConverter(newConv) logger.debug("Did set converter.") except exceptions.FileAccessError as exc: self.msgbox.displayExc(exc) self.secCall.config.convName = "" raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem( "Please select the converter again.")
def insertByRefnum(self, refTextRough): try: self.operations.readData() if not refTextRough.strip(): raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem( *self.operations.messageAndSuggestions( "Please enter a ref number.")) logger.debug("do the insertion.") self.operations.insertEx(refTextRough, False, False) except exceptions.MessageError as exc: self.msgbox.displayExc(exc)
def scopeLocale(self): """This is similar to searching for a character style.""" logger.debug(util.funcName('begin')) lang = self.config.lang if not lang: raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("No locale was specified.") for simpleTextSection in self.docEnum.documentSections(): if (simpleTextSection.CharLocale.Language == lang or simpleTextSection.CharLocaleComplex.Language == lang or simpleTextSection.CharLocaleAsian.Language == lang): # TextPortions include the TextRange service. self.ranger.addRange(simpleTextSection)
def verify(self): """Verify that settings are acceptable.""" logger.debug(util.funcName('begin')) if (not self.filepath or not self.filepath.lower().endswith( (".ods", ".sxc", ".xls", ".xlsx"))): raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem( "Please specify a word list file. To make a new empty " "list, go to Word List and Spelling and then save the " "spreadsheet file.") if not self.whichTask: raise exceptions.LogicError("No task was specified.") if not self.whichScope: raise exceptions.LogicError("No scope was specified.") if self.whichScope == 'Language' and not self.searchConfig.lang: raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please select a language name.") if self.whichScope == 'ParaStyle' and not raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem( "Please select a scope paragraph style.") if self.whichScope == 'CharStyle' and not raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem( "Please select a scope character style.") if self.whichScope == 'Font' and not self.searchConfig.fontName: raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please select a scope font.") if self.whichScope == 'SFMs' and not self.searchConfig.SFMs: raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please specify SFMs.") logger.debug(util.funcName('end'))
def get_selected_index(listCtrl, itemDescription="an item"): """ :param listCtrl: the UNO listbox control :param itemDescription: description of the item for error messages """ itemPos = listCtrl.getSelectedItemPos() if itemPos is None or itemPos < 0: if listCtrl.getItemCount() == 1: itemPos = 0 else: logger.debug("No item selected.") raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please select %s in the list." % itemDescription) logger.debug("Item at index %d is selected.", itemPos) return itemPos
def getFormResults(self, verify=True): """Reads form fields and gets settings. If verify is True, raises an exception if there is a problem. """ logger.debug(util.funcName('begin')) exportType = "" if self.dlgCtrls.optReplacementCCT.getState() == 1: # selected exportType = "ReplacementCCT" elif self.dlgCtrls.optSFM_CCT.getState() == 1: exportType = "SFM_CCT" sfMarkers = self.dlgCtrls.txtSFM.getText().strip() if verify and sfMarkers == "": ok = self.msgbox.displayOkCancel( "No SF markers were specified. Continue anyway?") if not ok: raise exceptions.UserInterrupt()"SFM_Markers", sfMarkers) elif self.dlgCtrls.optXSLT.getState() == 1: exportType = "XSLT" if verify and self.dlgCtrls.listXpaths.getItemCount() == 0: ok = self.msgbox.displayOkCancel( "No Xpath expressions were specified. Continue anyway?") if not ok: raise exceptions.UserInterrupt()"XSLT_MatchPartial", str(self.dlgCtrls.chkMatchPartial.getState())) self.dlgCtrls.chkMatchPartial.getState() == 1)"XpathCount", str(self.dlgCtrls.listXpaths.getItemCount())) stringList = dutil.listbox_items(self.dlgCtrls.listXpaths) for exprNum, exprVal in enumerate(stringList): varname = "XpathExpr%02d" % exprNum, exprVal)"ExportType", exportType) filepath = self.dlgCtrls.txtFilePath.getText().strip() if verify and filepath == "": raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please specify a file to export.")"Filepath", filepath) logger.debug(util.funcName('end'))
def alreadyInList(self): return exceptions.ChoiceProblem( "%s is already in the list." % self.ITEM_DESC_SPECIFIC)
def noItemSelected(self): return exceptions.ChoiceProblem( "Please select %s in the list." % self.ITEM_DESC_GENERIC)
def verify_results(self): if not self.outputTo.outdir: raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please select an output folder.") if len(self.filesList.fileItems) == 0: raise exceptions.ChoiceProblem("Please add files to scan.")