Пример #1
 def Proc(record):
     """Parses a serialized tf.Example record."""
     outputs = [
         ('source_id', tf.VarLenFeature(tf.int64)),
         ('source_padding', tf.VarLenFeature(tf.float32)),
         ('target_id', tf.VarLenFeature(tf.int64)),
         ('target_padding', tf.VarLenFeature(tf.float32)),
         ('target_label', tf.VarLenFeature(tf.int64)),
         ('target_weight', tf.VarLenFeature(tf.float32)),
     features = tf.parse_single_example(record, dict(outputs))
     for k, v in six.iteritems(features):
         features[k] = v.values
     bucket_key = tf.cast(
         tf.maximum(tf.reduce_sum(1.0 - features['source_padding']),
                    tf.reduce_sum(1.0 - features['target_padding'])),
     return [features[k] for k, _ in outputs], bucket_key
Пример #2
 def QuantizeWeight(self, w):
   p = self.params
   w_min = tf.reduce_min(w)
   w_max = tf.reduce_max(w)
   # NOTE: We force a small, non-zero range because otherwise, zero weights
   # can cause downstream inference engines to blow up.
   w_min = tf.minimum(w_min, -p.quantize_weight_epsilon)
   w_max = tf.maximum(w_max, p.quantize_weight_epsilon)
   quant_w = self._MaybeFakeQuant(w, w_min, w_max, num_bits=p.bits)
   if self.do_eval:
     return quant_w
     # If quantizing during training, skip quantization if it produces
     # NANs. Sometimes early in the training process, things are unstable
     # and ranges can produce numerical instability that makes it
     # impossible to perform a fake_quant.
     quant_w_has_nans = tf.math.is_nan(quant_w)
     return tf.where(quant_w_has_nans, w, quant_w)
Пример #3
def SequenceTrimLastToken(x, x_paddings):
    """Trims the last token off of sequence `x`, and set trimmed elements to 0.

    x: A sequence of tokens of shape [batch_size, x_len_max].
    x_paddings: The paddings of `x`.

    A tuple.
      - The new sequence, Tensor of shape [batch_size, x_len_max].
      - The new paddings, Tensor of shape [batch_size, x_len_max].
    x_len = tf.reduce_sum(1 - x_paddings, 1)
    x_len_max = py_utils.GetShape(x)[1]
    x_trimmed_len = tf.maximum(x_len - 1, 0)
    x_trimmed_paddings = tf.sequence_mask(x_trimmed_len, x_len_max,
    x_trimmed = x * tf.cast(x_trimmed_paddings, x.dtype)
    return x_trimmed, 1 - x_trimmed_paddings
Пример #4
def TopKAccuracy(k, logits, labels, weights):
  """Compute top-k accuracy.

    k: An int scalar. Top-k.
    logits: A [N, C] float tensor.
    labels: A [N] int vector.
    weights: A [N] float vector.

    A float scalar. The accuracy at precision k.
  logits = py_utils.HasRank(logits, 2)
  n, _ = tf.unstack(tf.shape(logits), 2)
  labels = py_utils.HasShape(labels, [n])
  weights = py_utils.HasShape(weights, [n])
  correct = tf.nn.in_top_k(targets=labels, predictions=logits, k=k)
  return tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(correct, weights.dtype) * weights) / tf.maximum(
      1e-8, tf.reduce_sum(weights))
Пример #5
  def _FPropChunk(self, pcm_audio_chunk, pcm_audio_paddings):
    p = self.params
    pcm_audio_chunk = tf.cast(pcm_audio_chunk, tf.float32)
    if p.use_divide_stream:
      pcm_audio_chunk = pcm_audio_chunk / 32768.0

    # shape: [batch, time, _frame_size]
    framed_signal = tf.signal.frame(pcm_audio_chunk, self._frame_size,
                                    self._frame_step, p.pad_end)

    # Pre-emphasis.
    if p.preemph != 0.0:
      preemphasized = self._ApplyPreemphasis(framed_signal)
      preemphasized = framed_signal[..., :-1]

    # Noise.
    if p.noise_scale > 0.0:
      noise_signal = tf.random.normal(
      noise_signal = 0.0

    # Apply window fn.
    windowed_signal = preemphasized + noise_signal
    if self._window_fn is not None:
      window = self._window_fn(self._frame_size - 1, framed_signal.dtype)
      windowed_signal *= window

    mel_spectrogram = self._MelSpectrogram(windowed_signal)

    mel_spectrogram_log = tf.math.log(
        tf.maximum(float(p.output_floor), mel_spectrogram))

    # Mean and stddev.
    mel_spectrogram_norm = (
        (mel_spectrogram_log - tf.convert_to_tensor(p.per_bin_mean)) /
    return mel_spectrogram_norm, self._GetMelPadding(pcm_audio_paddings)
Пример #6
    def _PaddedMeanFn(inp):
      """Apply padded mean using reduce_sum and dividing by # real points."""
      # Replace all padded features with 0 by masking the padded features out.
      mask = 1 - inp.padding
      features = inp.features * mask[..., tf.newaxis]
      features = tf.reduce_sum(features, axis=-2)
      num_real_points = tf.reduce_sum(mask, axis=-1, keep_dims=True)
      # Prevent the divisor of our padded mean from ever being 0, so that
      # the gradient flowing back through this op doesn't give us NaNs.
      num_real_points = tf.maximum(num_real_points, 1)
      features = features / num_real_points

      # Replace features of all padded points by zeros. If a batch of points are
      # all padded, then num_real_points will be zero. We set the features to be
      # zero, so that we don't get any downstream issue with NaNs.
      # Note that inf * 0 = NaN.
      all_padded = tf.equal(num_real_points, 0.)
      all_padded = tf.broadcast_to(all_padded, py_utils.GetShape(features))
      features = tf.where(all_padded, tf.zeros_like(features), features)
      return py_utils.CheckNumerics(features)
Пример #7
    def _GetSequenceLength(self, example):
        """Returns sequence length for the example NestedMap from the dataset.

    This function is used by the TFDatasetBatchBySequenceLength DataSource to
    obtain the key used for bucketing. Bucketing separates examples into
    groups before batching, such that each batch contains only examples within a
    certain length.

      example: A NestedMap containing an input example. Tensors in the example
        do not have a leading batch dimension.

      An integer sequence length for the example.
        return tf.cast(
                tf.maximum(tf.reduce_sum(1.0 - example.src.paddings),
                           tf.reduce_sum(1.0 - example.tgt.paddings))),
Пример #8
    def _MaybePadSourceInputs(self, src_inputs, src_paddings):
        p = self.params
        if not p.append_eos_frame:
            return src_inputs, src_paddings

        per_src_len = tf.reduce_sum(1 - src_paddings, 1)
        per_src_len += 1
        max_src_len = tf.reduce_max(per_src_len)
        input_shape = tf.shape(src_inputs)
        input_len = tf.maximum(input_shape[1], tf.cast(max_src_len, tf.int32))
        pad_steps = input_len - input_shape[1]
        src_inputs = tf.concat([
            tf.zeros(inplace_ops.inplace_update(input_shape, 1, pad_steps),
        ], 1)
        src_paddings = 1 - tf.sequence_mask(
            tf.reshape(per_src_len, [input_shape[0]]), tf.reshape(
                input_len, []), src_paddings.dtype)
        return src_inputs, src_paddings
Пример #9
    def _setup_sparsity(self):
        begin_step = self._spec.sparsity_function_begin_step
        end_step = self._spec.sparsity_function_end_step
        initial_sparsity = self._spec.initial_sparsity
        target_sparsity = self._spec.target_sparsity
        exponent = self._spec.sparsity_function_exponent

        with tf.name_scope(self._spec.name):
            p = tf.minimum(
                    tf.div(tf.cast(self._global_step - begin_step, tf.float32),
                           end_step - begin_step)))
            sparsity = tf.add(tf.multiply(initial_sparsity - target_sparsity,
                                          tf.pow(1 - p, exponent)),

        return sparsity
Пример #10
def AddMultiCurveSubplot(fig,
    """Adds a multi curve subplot to Matplotlib figure.

  Plots one line for each entry in tensors and assigns a plot label legend.

    fig: The Matplotlib figure.
    tensors: List of tensors of shape [batch, length]
    paddings: Paddings for 'tensors' with shape [batch, length] with 0. in valid
      positions and 1. in invalid. Or list of padding tensors of same length as
    labels: A list of tensor names (strings) of the same length as 'tensors'.
    xlabels: A string tensor of shape [batch] with an xlabel per batch.
    **kwargs: With optional, title, xlabel, ylabel, fontsize.
    data = []
    row_labels = []
    if isinstance(paddings, tf.Tensor):
        paddings = [paddings] * len(tensors)
    batch_size = py_utils.GetShape(paddings[0])[0]
    max_lengths = tf.zeros([batch_size], tf.int32)
    for t, l, p in zip(tensors, labels, paddings):
        max_lengths = tf.maximum(max_lengths, py_utils.LengthsFromPaddings(p))
        if t is not None:
            data.append(py_utils.ApplyPadding(p, t))
    shape = py_utils.GetShape(data[0], 2)
    data = tf.reshape(tf.concat(data, -1), [shape[0], len(data), shape[1]])

    args = [data, max_lengths]
    if xlabels is not None:
Пример #11
def ComputeMomentsWithPadding(inputs,
    """Computes mean and variance over the valid data points in inputs."""
    mask = 1.0 - padding
    inputs = py_utils.with_dependencies([
        py_utils.assert_equal(tf.rank(inputs), tf.rank(mask)),
        py_utils.assert_greater_equal(mask, tf.zeros_like(mask)),
    ], inputs)
    sum_v = tf.reduce_sum(inputs * tf.cast(mask, inputs.dtype),
    count_v = tf.reduce_sum(mask, reduce_over_dims, keepdims=keepdims)
    # Input shape is guaranteed to be a multiple of mask shape because the
    # inputs * mask op above was successfully broadcasted.
    input_size_on_reduced_dims = tf.reduce_prod(
        tf.gather(tf.shape(inputs), reduce_over_dims))
    mask_size_on_reduced_dims = tf.reduce_prod(
        tf.gather(tf.shape(mask), reduce_over_dims))
    mask_multiplier = tf.math.truediv(input_size_on_reduced_dims,
    count_v *= tf.cast(mask_multiplier, count_v.dtype)
    if py_utils.use_tpu() and enable_cross_replica_sum_on_tpu:
        sum_v = tf.tpu.cross_replica_sum(sum_v)
        count_v = tf.tpu.cross_replica_sum(count_v)

    count_v = tf.maximum(count_v, 1.0)
    mean = sum_v / count_v
    sum_vv = tf.reduce_sum((inputs - mean) * (inputs - mean) * mask,

    if py_utils.use_tpu() and enable_cross_replica_sum_on_tpu:
        sum_vv = tf.tpu.cross_replica_sum(sum_vv)

    variance = py_utils.with_dependencies([
        py_utils.assert_greater_equal(sum_vv, tf.zeros_like(sum_vv)),
    ], sum_vv / count_v)
    return mean, variance
Пример #12
def SphericalCoordinatesTransform(points_xyz):
    """Converts points from xyz coordinates to spherical coordinates.

  for definitions of the transformations.

    points_xyz: A floating point tensor with shape [..., 3], where the inner 3
      dimensions correspond to xyz coordinates.

    A floating point tensor with the same shape [..., 3], where the inner
    dimensions correspond to (dist, theta, phi), where phi corresponds to
    azimuth/yaw (rotation around z), and theta corresponds to pitch/inclination
    (rotation around y).
    dist = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(points_xyz), axis=-1))
    theta = tf.acos(points_xyz[..., 2] / tf.maximum(dist, 1e-7))
    # Note: tf.atan2 takes in (y, x).
    phi = tf.atan2(points_xyz[..., 1], points_xyz[..., 0])
    return tf.stack([dist, theta, phi], axis=-1)
Пример #13
    def GetState(self, theta):
        """Gets the state from theta."""
        p = self.params
        if p.is_inference:
            # State is not used for inference. Just return dummy.
            return tf.zeros([1], tf.float32)
            # Calculations/vars need to be float but these can be ints in the params.
            clip_end_step = tf.cast(p.clip_end_step, tf.float32)
            clip_start_step = tf.cast(p.clip_start_step, tf.float32)
            quant_start_step = tf.cast(p.quant_start_step, tf.float32)
            global_step = tf.cast(theta.global_step, tf.float32)

            # Will be negative if before clipping starts.
            clip_ratio = (tf.minimum(clip_end_step - clip_start_step,
                                     global_step - clip_start_step) /
                          tf.maximum(1.0, clip_end_step - clip_start_step))
            # Currently fq is either on (1.0) or off (-1.0). Progressive quantization
            # may later occupy 0..1.0.
            fq_ratio = tf.where(global_step < quant_start_step, -1.0, 1.0)

            return tf.stack([clip_ratio, fq_ratio])
Пример #14
  def _RecordTensor(self, t_name):
    p = self.params
    if self.do_eval:
      return []

    accumulator_name = self._GetAccumulatorNameForTensor(t_name)
    accumulator = self.accumulators[accumulator_name]
    min_var = self._GetQStateVar(t_name, 'min')
    max_var = self._GetQStateVar(t_name, 'max')

    # Unpack state tensor.
    current_value = accumulator.GetValue()
    count = current_value[0]
    min_value = current_value[1]
    max_value = current_value[2]

    def Ema(variable, value):
      return (1.0 - p.ema_decay) * (variable - value)

    # Note that small floating point issues can cause ranges that naturally
    # begin or end at zero to move slightly past, causing hard failures
    # downstream (checks that all ranges straddle zero). We therefore repeat
    # the straddling constraint here.
    return [
                min_var - tf.where(count > 0., Ema(min_var, min_value), 0.))),
                max_var - tf.where(count > 0., Ema(max_var, max_value), 0.))),
Пример #15
    def __init__(self,
        """Construct a DistributedShampoo optimizer.

      learning_rate: A `Tensor` or a floating point value.  The learning rate.
      momentum: A `Tensor` or a floating point value. Momentum is not applied to
        sparse updates.
      initial_accumulator_value: A floating point value.
      start_preconditioning_steps: A int32 value which indicates when to start
      statistics_computation_frequency: A int32 step value which indicates how
        often to compute statistics for preconditioning.
      matrix_epsilon: An epsilon regularizer to make the matrices positive
      synchronous_preconditioning: Whether to run preconditioning synchronously.
      second_moment_averaging: 1.0 means sum of gradients squares, while less
        than 1.0 switches to RMSProp style exponential moving averages of the
        second moments.
      fallback_to_diagonal_dim: Fallback to diagonal version of AFMA if the any
        of the dimension is larger than fallback_to_diagonal_dim.
      max_any_dim: If maximum value for any dimension is greater than this value
        we skip preconditioning and fall back to the diagonal.
      block_size: Dimension of the partitioned tensors.
      block_partition_threshold_size: Partitions diemnsions beyond this size.
      global_step: Global step for training.
      exponent_multiplier: A multiplier 'e` for the exponent for the inverse
        calculation. e * -1/(2*rank). Only applies when calculating inverses
        through svd.
      name: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying
        super().__init__(False, name)
        self._learning_rate = learning_rate
        self._momentum = momentum
        self._initial_accumulator_value = initial_accumulator_value
        self._start_preconditioning_steps = start_preconditioning_steps
        self._matrix_epsilon = matrix_epsilon
        self._synchronous_preconditioning = synchronous_preconditioning
        self._second_moment_averaging = second_moment_averaging
        self._fallback_to_diagonal_dim = fallback_to_diagonal_dim
        self._max_any_dim = max_any_dim
        self._block_size = block_size
        # NOTE: On XLA - int64 is not handled properly.
        if global_step is not None:
            self._global_step = tf.cast(tf.identity(global_step), tf.int32)
            self._global_step = tf.cast(
                tf.identity(tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()), tf.int32)
        self._run_nondiagonal_update = tf.greater_equal(
            self._global_step, self._start_preconditioning_steps)
        start_steps_f = tf.cast(self._start_preconditioning_steps, tf.float32)
        global_step_f = tf.cast(self._global_step, tf.float32)
        self._run_nondiagonal_update_warmup = tf.minimum(
            tf.maximum((global_step_f - start_steps_f) / start_steps_f, 0.0))
        # Computes statistics every K steps.
        self._statistics_computation_frequency = statistics_computation_frequency
        self._run_statistics_computation = tf.equal(
                             self._statistics_computation_frequency), 0)
        # All vars that are preconditioned.
        self._all_vars_for_preconditioning = []
        self._exponent_multiplier = exponent_multiplier
        self._partition_info = PartitionConfig(block_partition_threshold_size,
        self._partitioner_metadata = {}
Пример #16
  def FProp(self, theta, x, paddings=None, update=False):
    """Computes distances of the given input 'x' to all centroids.

    This implementation applies layer normalization on 'x' internally first,
    and the returned 'dists' is computed using the normalized 'x'.

      theta: A `.NestedMap` of weights' values of this layer.
      x: A tensor of shape [B, L, N, H].
      paddings: If not None, a tensor of shape [B, L].
      update: bool, whether to update centroids using x.

      dists: "distances" of the given input 'x' to all centroids.
             Shape [B, L, N, K].
      k_means_loss: the average squared Euclidean distances to the closest
                    centroid, a scalar.
    p = self.params
    if paddings is None:
      paddings = tf.zeros_like(x[:, :, 0, 0])
    # Shape [B, L, 1, 1]
    paddings_4d = paddings[:, :, None, None]

    if p.apply_layer_norm:
      x = KMeansClusteringForAtten.LayerNorm(x, p.epsilon)

    # 'x' is normalized (but theta.means is not), we use negative dot product to
    # approximate the Euclidean distance here.
    dists = -tf.einsum('BLNH, NKH -> BLNK', x, theta.means)

    # For padded positions we update the distances to very large numbers.
    very_large_dists = tf.ones_like(dists) * tf.constant(
        0.1, dtype=dists.dtype) * dists.dtype.max
    paddings_tiled = tf.tile(paddings_4d, [1, 1, p.num_heads, p.num_clusters])
    dists = tf.where(paddings_tiled > 0.0, very_large_dists, dists)

    # Shape [B, L, N, K], the same as 'dists' above.
    nearest_one_hot = tf.one_hot(
        tf.math.argmin(dists, axis=-1),
    # Same shape as the input 'x'.
    nearest_centroid = tf.einsum('BLNK, NKH -> BLNH', nearest_one_hot,
    diff = tf.math.squared_difference(x, tf.stop_gradient(nearest_centroid))
    diff = py_utils.ApplyPadding(paddings_4d, diff)
    diff = tf.math.reduce_mean(diff, axis=2)

    # The commitment loss which when back proped against encourages the 'x'
    # values to commit to their chosen centroids.
    k_means_loss = tf.math.reduce_sum(diff) / tf.math.reduce_sum(1.0 - paddings)
    summary_utils.scalar('k_means/squared_distance_loss', k_means_loss)

    # TODO(zhouwk): investigate normalizing theta.means after each update.
    means_norm = tf.norm(theta.means)

    if not update:
      return dists, k_means_loss

    # To update the centroids (self.vars.means), we apply gradient descent on
    # the mini-batch of input 'x', which yields the following:
    #   new_centroid = centroid + (1 - decay) * (x_mean - centroid)
    # where x_mean is the average over all the input vectors closest to this
    # centroid.
    # Note that this approach is equivalent with backprop via
    #    loss = tf.math.reduce_mean(
    #        tf.math.squared_difference(tf.stop_gradient(x), nearest_centroid)))
    # , except that here the learning rate is independently set via 'decay'.

    # Ensure that the padded positions are not used to update the centroids.
    nearest_one_hot = py_utils.ApplyPadding(paddings_4d, nearest_one_hot)

    # Sum away batch and sequence length dimensions to get per cluster count.
    # Shape: [N, K]
    per_cluster_count = tf.reduce_sum(nearest_one_hot, axis=[0, 1])
    summary_utils.histogram('k_means/per_cluster_vec_count', per_cluster_count)

    # Sum of the input 'x' per each closest centroid.
    sum_x = tf.einsum('BLNK, BLNH -> NKH', nearest_one_hot, x)

    if py_utils.use_tpu():
      per_cluster_count = tf.tpu.cross_replica_sum(per_cluster_count)
      sum_x = tf.tpu.cross_replica_sum(sum_x)

    # If per_cluster_count for a cluster is 0, then 'nearest_one_hot' in that
    # cluster's position will always be 0, hence 'sum_x' in that dimension will
    # be 0.
    new_means = sum_x / tf.maximum(
        tf.constant(1.0, dtype=per_cluster_count.dtype),
        tf.expand_dims(per_cluster_count, axis=-1))

    # We use exponential moving average. TODO(zhouwk): investigate smooth this
    # over an exponentially moving averaged per cluster count.
    # Note that we intentionally do not normalize the means after this update
    # as empirically this works better.
    update_means_diff = tf.cast((1.0 - p.decay) * (new_means - theta.means),
    return py_utils.with_dependencies(
        [tf.assign_add(self.vars.means, update_means_diff)],
        dists), k_means_loss
Пример #17
    def _StreamMoments(self, inputs, paddings, cached_sum, cached_count,
        """Computes mean and variance over the valid data points in inputs.

      inputs: [B, T, F, N, G] or [B, T, N, G]
      paddings: [B, T, 1, 1, 1] or [B, T, 1, 1]
      cached_sum: [B, 1, 1, N, 1] or [B, 1, N, 1]
      cached_count: same shape as cached_sum.
      cached_var: same shape as cached_sum.

      mean: [B, T, 1, N, 1] or [B, T, N, 1]
      variance: same shape as mean.
      new_cached_sum: same shape as cached_sum.
      new_cached_count: same shape as cached_count.
        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'inputs: %r', inputs)
        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'paddings: %r', paddings)
        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'cached_sum: %r', cached_sum)
        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'cached_count: %r', cached_count)

        inputs = py_utils.ApplyPadding(paddings, inputs, use_select=False)

        input_rank = py_utils.GetRank(inputs)
        assert input_rank is not None, (f'inputs rank must be staic for '
        reduce_over_dims = list(range(input_rank))
        # Skip B, T, and N. Reduce {F,G} or just G.
        reduce_over_dims = reduce_over_dims[2:-2] + reduce_over_dims[-1:]
        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'reduce_over_dims: %s', reduce_over_dims)

        # [B, T, 1, N, 1] or [B, T, N, 1]
        sum_v = tf.reduce_sum(inputs, reduce_over_dims, keepdims=True)
        sum_v = tf.math.cumsum(sum_v, axis=1)
        sum_v += cached_sum

        # [B, T, 1, 1, 1] or [B, T, 1, 1]
        mask = tf.cast(1.0 - paddings, inputs.dtype)
        count_v = tf.reduce_sum(mask, reduce_over_dims, keepdims=True)
        count_v = tf.math.cumsum(count_v, axis=1)
        input_shape = py_utils.GetShape(inputs)
        if input_rank == 4:
            # F * G
            multiplier = input_shape[-1] * input_shape[-3]
            # G
            multiplier = input_shape[-1]
        count_v *= multiplier
        count_v += cached_count

        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'sum_v: %r', sum_v)
        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'count_v: %r', count_v)

        mean = sum_v / tf.maximum(count_v, 1.0)

        sum_vv = tf.reduce_sum(py_utils.ApplyPadding(
            tf.math.squared_difference(inputs, mean),
        sum_vv = tf.math.cumsum(sum_vv, axis=1)
        sum_vv += cached_var

        cached_sum = sum_v[:, -1:]
        cached_count = count_v[:, -1:]
        cached_var = sum_vv[:, -1:]

        variance = py_utils.with_dependencies([
            py_utils.assert_greater_equal(sum_vv, tf.cast(0, sum_vv.dtype)),
        ], sum_vv / tf.maximum(count_v, 1.0))
        return mean, variance, cached_sum, cached_count, cached_var
Пример #18
 def Pos(x):
     return tf.maximum(tf.constant(1e-8, x.dtype), x)
Пример #19
 def PadToTargetSeqLen(tensor, constant):
   length = tf.shape(tensor)[1]
   pad = tf.maximum(0, p.beam_search.target_seq_len - length)
   return tf.pad(tensor, [[0, 0], [0, pad]], constant_values=constant)
Пример #20
    def _StreamMoments(self, inputs, paddings, cached_sum, cached_count,
        """Computes mean and variance over the valid data points in inputs.

      inputs: [B, T, F, N, G] or [B, T, N, G]
      paddings: [B, T, 1, 1, 1] or [B, T, 1, 1]
      cached_sum: [B, 1, 1, N, 1] or [B, 1, N, 1]
      cached_count: same shape as cached_sum.
      cached_var: same shape as cached_sum.

      mean: [B, T, 1, N, 1] or [B, T, N, 1]
      variance: same shape as mean.
      new_cached_sum: same shape as cached_sum.
      new_cached_count: same shape as cached_count.
        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'inputs: %r', inputs)
        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'paddings: %r', paddings)
        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'cached_sum: %r', cached_sum)
        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'cached_count: %r', cached_count)

        mask = tf.cast(1.0 - paddings, inputs.dtype)
        inputs *= tf.cast(mask, inputs.dtype)

        input_rank = py_utils.GetRank(inputs)
        assert input_rank is not None, (f'inputs rank must be staic for '
        reduce_over_dims = list(range(input_rank))
        # Skip B, T, and N. Reduce {F,G} or just G.
        reduce_over_dims = reduce_over_dims[2:-2] + reduce_over_dims[-1:]
        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'reduce_over_dims: %s', reduce_over_dims)

        # [B, T, 1, N, 1] or [B, T, N, 1]
        sum_v = tf.reduce_sum(inputs, reduce_over_dims, keepdims=True)
        sum_v = tf.math.cumsum(sum_v, axis=1)
        sum_v += cached_sum

        # [B, T, 1, 1, 1] or [B, T, 1, 1]
        count_v = tf.reduce_sum(mask, reduce_over_dims, keepdims=True)
        count_v = tf.math.cumsum(count_v, axis=1)
        input_shape = py_utils.GetShape(inputs)
        if input_rank == 4:
            # F * G
            multiplier = input_shape[-1] * input_shape[-3]
            # G
            multiplier = input_shape[-1]
        count_v *= multiplier
        count_v += cached_count
        count_v = tf.maximum(count_v, 1.0)

        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'sum_v: %r', sum_v)
        tf.logging.vlog(1, 'count_v: %r', count_v)

        mean = sum_v / count_v
        if py_utils.FLAGS.tflite_compatible:
            # TfLite doesn't support broadcasting with 5D tensors.
            inputs_shape = py_utils.GetShape(inputs)
            if len(inputs_shape) == 4:
                tiled_mean = tf.tile(mean, [1, 1, 1, inputs_shape[3]])
                tiled_mean = tf.tile(
                    mean, [1, 1, inputs_shape[2], 1, inputs_shape[4]])
            sum_vv = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.square(inputs - tiled_mean) * mask,
            sum_vv = tf.reduce_sum((inputs - mean)**2 * mask,
        sum_vv = tf.math.cumsum(sum_vv, axis=1)
        sum_vv += cached_var

        cached_sum = sum_v[:, -1:]
        cached_count = count_v[:, -1:]
        cached_var = sum_vv[:, -1:]

        variance = py_utils.with_dependencies([
            py_utils.assert_greater_equal(sum_vv, tf.cast(0, sum_vv.dtype)),
        ], sum_vv / count_v)
        return mean, variance, cached_sum, cached_count, cached_var
Пример #21
    def ComputeLoss(self, theta, predictions, input_batch):
        """Computes loss and other metrics for the given predictions.

      theta: A `.NestedMap` object containing variable values of this task.
      predictions: The output of `ComputePredictions`, contains: logits - [b,
        nx, ny, nz, na, 7 + num_classes]. na is the number of anchor
        boxes per cell. [..., :7] are (dx, dy, dz, dw, dl, dh, dt).
      input_batch: The input batch from which we accesses the groundtruth.

      Two dicts defined as BaseTask.ComputeLoss.
        p = self.params
        predicted_residuals = py_utils.HasShape(
            predictions.residuals, [-1, -1, -1, -1, p.num_anchors, 7])
        predicted_class_logits = py_utils.HasShape(
            [-1, -1, -1, -1, p.num_anchors, p.num_classes])
        bs, nx, ny, nz, na, _ = py_utils.GetShape(predicted_class_logits, 6)

        # Compute class and regression weights.
        class_weights = input_batch.assigned_cls_mask
        class_weights = py_utils.HasShape(class_weights, [bs, nx, ny, nz, na])
        reg_weights = input_batch.assigned_reg_mask
        reg_weights = py_utils.HasShape(reg_weights, [bs, nx, ny, nz, na])
        reg_weights = tf.expand_dims(reg_weights, -1)

        if p.loss_norm_type == LossNormType.NORM_BY_NUM_POSITIVES:
            # Compute number of positive anchors per example.
            foreground_mask = py_utils.HasShape(input_batch.assigned_reg_mask,
                                                [bs, nx, ny, nz, na])
            # Sum to get the number of foreground anchors for each example.
            loss_normalization = tf.reduce_sum(foreground_mask,
                                               axis=[1, 2, 3, 4])
            loss_normalization = tf.maximum(loss_normalization,
            # Reshape for broadcasting.
            loss_normalization = tf.reshape(loss_normalization,
                                            [bs, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])

            class_weights /= loss_normalization
            reg_weights /= loss_normalization

        # Classification loss.
        assigned_gt_labels = py_utils.HasShape(input_batch.assigned_gt_labels,
                                               [bs, nx, ny, nz, na])
        class_loss = py_utils.SigmoidCrossEntropyFocalLoss(
            labels=tf.one_hot(assigned_gt_labels, p.num_classes),
        class_loss *= class_weights[..., tf.newaxis]
        class_loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum(class_loss)

        # Regression loss.
        anchor_localization_residuals = py_utils.HasShape(
            input_batch.anchor_localization_residuals, [bs, nx, ny, nz, na, 7])

        # Location and dimensions loss.
        reg_loc_and_dims_loss = self._utils.ScaledHuberLoss(
            predictions=py_utils.HasShape(predicted_residuals[..., :6],
                                          [bs, nx, ny, nz, na, 6]),
            labels=anchor_localization_residuals[..., :6],
            delta=1 / (3.**2))

        # Rotation loss with SmoothL1(sin(delta)).
        rot_delta = (predicted_residuals[..., 6:] -
                     input_batch.anchor_localization_residuals[..., 6:])

        if p.use_atan2_heading_loss:
            atan2_of_delta = tf.atan2(tf.sin(rot_delta), tf.cos(rot_delta))
            reg_rot_loss = self._utils.ScaledHuberLoss(
                delta=1 / (3.**2))
            # Rotation loss with SmoothL1(sin(delta)).
            reg_rot_loss = self._utils.ScaledHuberLoss(
                delta=1 / (3.**2))

        # Direction loss
        if p.direction_classifier_weight > 0.0:
            # The target rotations are in the assigned_gt_bbox tensor,
            # which already has assigned a gt bounding box to every anchor.
            rot_target = input_batch.assigned_gt_bbox[..., 6]
            # If rotation is > 0, the class is 1, else it is 0.
            rot_dir = tf.cast(rot_target > 0., tf.int32)

            # Compute one-hot labels as a target.
            rot_dir_onehot = tf.one_hot(rot_dir, 2)

            # Manually handle loss reduction.
            dir_loss = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(
                weights=tf.squeeze(reg_weights, axis=-1),
            # Reduce across all dimensions (we'll divide by the batch size below).
            dir_loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum(dir_loss)
            dir_loss_sum = 0.0

        # Compute loss contribution from location and dimension separately.
        reg_loc_loss = reg_loc_and_dims_loss[..., :3] * reg_weights
        reg_loc_loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum(reg_loc_loss)

        reg_dim_loss = reg_loc_and_dims_loss[..., 3:6] * reg_weights
        reg_dim_loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum(reg_dim_loss)

        # Compute rotation loss contribution.
        reg_rot_loss *= reg_weights
        reg_rot_loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum(reg_rot_loss)

        # Num. predictions.
        # TODO(zhifengc): Consider other normalization factors. E.g., # of bboxes.
        preds = tf.cast(bs, class_loss_sum.dtype)

        # Normalize all of the components by batch size.
        reg_loc_loss = reg_loc_loss_sum / preds
        reg_dim_loss = reg_dim_loss_sum / preds
        reg_rot_loss = reg_rot_loss_sum / preds
        class_loss = class_loss_sum / preds
        dir_loss = dir_loss_sum / preds

        # Compute total localization regression loss.
        reg_loss = (p.location_loss_weight * reg_loc_loss +
                    p.dimension_loss_weight * reg_dim_loss +
                    p.rotation_loss_weight * reg_rot_loss)

        # Apply weights to normalized class losses.
        loss = (class_loss * p.classification_loss_weight +
                reg_loss * p.localization_loss_weight +
                dir_loss * p.direction_classifier_weight)

        metrics_dict = {
            'loss': (loss, preds),
            'loss/class': (class_loss, preds),
            'loss/reg': (reg_loss, preds),
            'loss/reg/rot': (reg_rot_loss, preds),
            'loss/reg/loc': (reg_loc_loss, preds),
            'loss/reg/dim': (reg_dim_loss, preds),
            'loss/dir': (dir_loss, preds),

        # Calculate dimension errors
        min_angle_rad = -np.pi if p.use_atan2_heading_loss else 0
        gt_bboxes = self._utils_3d.ResidualsToBBoxes(
        predicted_bboxes = self._utils_3d.ResidualsToBBoxes(
        dimension_errors_dict = self._BBoxDimensionErrors(
            gt_bboxes, predicted_bboxes, reg_weights)

        per_example_dict = {
            'residuals': predicted_residuals,
            'classification_logits': predicted_class_logits,

        return metrics_dict, per_example_dict
Пример #22
    def FProp(self, theta, input_batch):
        # pyformat: disable
        """Compute features for the pillars and convert them back to a dense grid.

      theta: A `.NestedMap` object containing variable values of this task.
      input_batch: A `.NestedMap` object containing input tensors. Following
        keys are required:

        - grid_num_points: Integer tensor with shape [batch size, nx, ny, nz],
          where nx, ny, nz corresponds to the grid sizes (i.e., number of voxels
          in each axis dimension).
        - pillar_points: Float tensor with shape [batch size, num_pillars,
          num_points_per_pillar, 3 + num_laser_features]
        - pillar_centers: Float tensor with shape [batch size, num_pillars,
          num_points_per_pillar, 3]
        - pillar_locations: Float tensor with shape [batch size, num_pillars, 3]

      The dense features with shape [b, nx, ny, nz * fdims].
        # pyformat: enable
        p = self.params
        bs, nx, ny, nz = py_utils.GetShape(input_batch.grid_num_points, 4)
        # Process points to concatenate a set of fixed features (e.g.,
        # add means, centers, normalize points to means).
        num_features = 3 + p.num_laser_features
        pillar_points = py_utils.HasShape(input_batch.pillar_points,
                                          [bs, -1, -1, num_features])
        _, npillars, npoints, _ = py_utils.GetShape(pillar_points, 4)
        pillar_xyz = pillar_points[..., :3]

        # Compute number of points per pillar and prepare for broadcasting.
        pillar_num_points = tf.gather_nd(input_batch.grid_num_points,
        pillar_num_points = pillar_num_points[..., tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis]

        # Compute mean by computing sum and dividing by number of points. Clip the
        # denominator by 1.0 to gracefully handle empty pillars.
        pillar_sum = tf.reduce_sum(pillar_xyz, axis=2, keep_dims=True)
        pillar_means = pillar_sum / tf.maximum(
            tf.cast(pillar_num_points, tf.float32), 1.0)

        pillar_feats = pillar_points[..., 3:]
        pillar_centers = py_utils.HasShape(input_batch.pillar_centers,
                                           [bs, -1, 1, 3])
        pillar_concat = tf.concat(axis=3,
                                      pillar_xyz - pillar_means, pillar_feats,
                                              [1, 1, npoints, 1]),
                                              [1, 1, npoints, 1])
        # Featurize pillars.
        pillar_features = self.featurizer.FProp(theta.featurizer,

        # Convert back to the dense grid.
        pillar_locations = py_utils.HasShape(input_batch.pillar_locations,
                                             [bs, npillars, 3])
        dense_features = SparseToDense(grid_shape=(nx, ny, nz),
        return dense_features
Пример #23
    def _GetWarpMatrix(self,
        """Returns warp matrices starting from random positions.

    In this function when max_warp_frames != None:
      1) Sample random warp displacements from the interval
         [-max_warp_frames, max_warp_frames) to yield shift tensor
         with shape (batch_size,).
      2) Truncate lengths to a maximum magnitude of (choose_range * max_ratio),
         so that each shift is fully contained within the
         corresponding sequence.
      3) Random sample origin points of shape (batch_size, multiplicity)
         with in [shift, choose_range - shift).
      4) Return a batch of 1-D linear maps that fix the boundary points and
         shift the origin point by the shift.

    When max_warp_frames == None:
      1) Sample random warp displacements with magnitudes less than
         (choose_range * max_ratio) to yield shift tensor with
         shape (batch_size,).
      2) Proceed through steps 3), 4).

      batch_size: Batch size. Integer number.
      choose_range: Range within which the warp reference points must lie.
        Tensor of shape (batch_size,).
      matrix_size: Dimension of vector space warp matrix is applied to. Integer
      global_seed: an integer seed tensor for stateless random ops.
      max_warp_frames: Upper-bound on the warp distance. Integer or None.
      dtype: Data type.
      max_ratio: Maximum ratio between the shift distance and choose_range.
        Float number.

      warp_matrix: An array of fixed size warp matrices with shape
      (batch_size, matrix_size, matrix_size).
        p = self.params
        # Non-empty random seed values are only used for testing or when using
        # stateless random ops. seed_3, seed_4, and seed_5 are set separately to
        # avoid correlation of warp magnitude and origin position.
        if p.use_input_dependent_random_seed:
            seed_3 = global_seed + 3
            seed_4 = global_seed + 4
            seed_5 = global_seed + 5
        elif p.random_seed:
            seed_3 = p.random_seed - 1
            seed_4 = p.random_seed - 1
            seed_5 = 2 * p.random_seed + 1
            seed_3 = p.random_seed
            seed_4 = p.random_seed
            seed_5 = p.random_seed

        choose_range_dtype = tf.cast(choose_range, dtype=dtype)
        length_upper_bound = tf.cast(max_ratio * choose_range_dtype,
        # Set shift length.

        random_uniform = _random_uniform_op(p.use_input_dependent_random_seed)

        if max_warp_frames and max_warp_frames > 0:
            shift = random_uniform(shape=(batch_size, ),
                                   minval=-1 * max_warp_frames,
                                   maxval=max_warp_frames + 1,
            random_ratio = random_uniform(shape=(batch_size, ),
            shift = tf.cast(
                random_ratio * tf.cast(length_upper_bound, dtype=dtype),
        # Make sure the sampled length was smaller than max_ratio * length_bound.
        # Note that sampling in this way is biased.
        # (Shorter sequence may over-masked.)
        final_shift = tf.maximum(-length_upper_bound,
                                 tf.minimum(shift, length_upper_bound))
        # Choose origin anchor point.
        mid_range = tf.cast(choose_range, dtype=tf.int32)
        mid_range = tf.maximum(choose_range - 2, 0)
        random_origin = random_uniform(shape=(batch_size, ),
        origin_with_in_valid_range = random_origin * tf.cast(mid_range,
        origin = tf.cast(origin_with_in_valid_range, tf.int32) + 1
        # Set destination point of the origin anchor point under the warp map.
        destination = origin + final_shift
        # Cast origin and destination.
        origin = tf.cast(origin, dtype=dtype)
        destination = tf.cast(destination, dtype=dtype)

        return self._ConstructWarpMatrix(batch_size=batch_size,
Пример #24
 def FProp(self, theta, current_step):
   p = self.params
   step_num = tf.cast(current_step, tf.float32)
   learning_rate = tf.math.rsqrt(tf.maximum(step_num, p.warmup_steps))
   learning_rate *= p.multiplier
   return learning_rate
Пример #25
    def _internal_apply_dense(self, grad, var, magnitude_optimizer_apply_fn,
                              direction_optimizer_apply_fn):  # pylint: disable=g-doc-args
        """Main optimization logic of AdaGraft, which calls the child optimizers.

      grad: Tensor containing gradients.
      var: Tensor containing parameter values.
      magnitude_optimizer_apply_fn: Apply magnitude optimizer.
      direction_optimizer_apply_fn: Apply direction optimizer.

      The final update op, which increments var by the grafted step.

    - Copy weights into scratch space 'scratch_copy'.
    - Run magnitude_optimizer in-place.
    - Use scratch copy to figure out how far we moved ('magnitude_step').
    - Copy weights back.
    - Run direction_optimizer in-place.
    - Move weights along the line segment with scratch_copy.

        if self.use_global_norm:

        # Slot with current parameter values
        scratch_slot = self.get_slot(var, "scratch_copy")
        old_var = tf.assign(scratch_slot, var)

        with tf.control_dependencies([old_var]):
            m_updated_var = magnitude_optimizer_apply_fn(grad, var)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

        # Run magnitude optimizer and compute the norm of the update.
        with tf.control_dependencies([m_updated_var]):
            m_step = var - old_var
            m_step_norm = tf.norm(m_step)
            if self.diagnostic or self.use_global_norm:
                m_step_norm = tf.assign(self.get_slot(var, "m_step_norm"),

        # Run direction optimizer and compute its norm, and the direction.
        with tf.control_dependencies([m_step_norm]):
            flushed_var = tf.assign(var, old_var)
        with tf.control_dependencies([flushed_var]):
            d_updated_var = direction_optimizer_apply_fn(grad, var)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

        # Run an update of the direction optimizer with magnitude optimizer norm.
        with tf.control_dependencies([d_updated_var]):
            d_step = var - old_var
            d_step_norm = tf.norm(d_step)
            if self.diagnostic or self.use_global_norm:
                d_step_norm = tf.assign(self.get_slot(var, "d_step_norm"),
            if self.use_global_norm:
                flushed_var = tf.assign(var, old_var)
                with tf.control_dependencies([d_step_norm, flushed_var]):
                    return tf.assign(scratch_slot, d_step)
            step = tf.where(tf.greater(d_step_norm, 0),
                            (m_step_norm / tf.maximum(d_step_norm, 1e-30)) *
                            d_step, tf.zeros_like(d_step))
            return tf.assign(var, old_var + self._learning_rate_tensor * step)
Пример #26
    def ComputeLoss(self, theta, predictions, input_batch):
        """Compute loss for the sparse detector model v1.

      theta: A `.NestedMap` object containing variable values of this task.
      predictions: A `.NestedMap` object containing residuals and
      input_batch: A `.NestedMap` expected to contain cell_center_xyz,
        cell_points_xyz, cell_feature, anchor_bboxes,
        anchor_localization_residuals, assigned_gt_labels, and
        assigned_cls_mask. See class doc string for details.

      Two dicts:

      - A dict containing str keys and (metric, weight) pairs as values, where
        one of the keys is expected to be 'loss'.
      - A dict containing arbitrary tensors describing something about each
        training example, where the first dimension of each tensor is the batch
        p = self.params

        batch_size, num_centers = py_utils.GetShape(
            input_batch.cell_center_xyz, 2)

        # Assert shapes of inputs.
        anchor_bboxes = py_utils.HasShape(
            [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center, 7])
        anchor_localization_residuals = py_utils.HasShape(
            [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center, 7])
        predicted_residuals = py_utils.HasShape(
            [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center, 7])

        assigned_gt_labels = py_utils.HasShape(
            [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center])
        predicted_classification_logits = py_utils.HasShape(
            predictions.classification_logits, [
                batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center,

        # assigned_cls_mask is for weighting the classification loss.
        # Ignored targets will have their mask = 0; this happens when their IOU is
        # not high enough to be a foreground object and not low enough to be
        # background.
        class_weights = py_utils.HasShape(
            [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center])
        class_weights = tf.reshape(
            [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center, 1])

        # Broadcast per class loss weights. For each anchor, there are num_classes
        # prediction heads, we weight the outputs of these heads by the per class
        # loss weights.
        per_class_loss_weight = tf.constant([[[p.per_class_loss_weight]]],
        per_class_loss_weight = py_utils.HasShape(per_class_loss_weight,
                                                  [1, 1, 1, p.num_classes])
        class_weights *= per_class_loss_weight
        class_weights = py_utils.HasShape(class_weights, [
            batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center,

        # We use assigned_reg_mask for masking the regression loss.
        # Only foreground objects will have assigned_reg_mask = 1.
        reg_weights = py_utils.HasShape(
            [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center])
        reg_weights = tf.reshape(
            [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center, 1])

        if p.loss_norm_type == LossNormType.NORM_BY_NUM_POS_PER_CENTER:
            # Compute number of positive anchors per example.
            foreground_mask = py_utils.HasShape(
                [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center])

            # Sum to get the number of foreground anchors for each example.
            loss_normalization = tf.reduce_sum(foreground_mask, axis=2)
            loss_normalization = tf.maximum(loss_normalization,

            # Reshape for broadcasting.
            loss_normalization = tf.reshape(loss_normalization,
                                            [batch_size, num_centers, 1, 1])

            # Normalize so that the loss is independent of # centers.
            loss_normalization *= num_centers
            class_weights /= loss_normalization
            reg_weights /= loss_normalization

        classification_loss = py_utils.SigmoidCrossEntropyFocalLoss(
            labels=tf.one_hot(assigned_gt_labels, p.num_classes),

        # Apply mask.
        classification_loss *= class_weights

        # TODO(jngiam): Consider normalizing by num_foreground_anchors for each
        # example instead. This would match the 1/N_positive normalization in
        # point pillars.

        # Reduce sum over centers, boxes and classes.
        classification_loss = tf.reduce_sum(classification_loss,
                                            axis=[1, 2, 3])

        # Reduce mean over batch.
        classification_loss = tf.reduce_mean(classification_loss)

        # Localization regression loss with Huber loss (SmoothL1).
        regression_loc_and_dims_loss = self._utils_3d.ScaledHuberLoss(
            labels=anchor_localization_residuals[..., :6],
            predictions=predicted_residuals[..., :6],

        # Rotation loss is computed on a transform on rotation_delta. For a
        # direction aware loss, we simply wrap the angles to -pi to pi; for a loss
        # that is symmetric to direction (i.e., rotating by pi), we use a sin
        # transform.
        rotation_delta_transform = tf.sin
        if p.direction_aware_rot_loss:
            rotation_delta_transform = functools.partial(geometry.WrapAngleRad,
        rotation_delta = (predicted_residuals[..., 6:] -
                          anchor_localization_residuals[..., 6:])
        regression_rotation_loss = self._utils_3d.ScaledHuberLoss(

        reg_loc_loss = regression_loc_and_dims_loss[..., :3]
        reg_dim_loss = regression_loc_and_dims_loss[..., 3:6]

        gt_bboxes = self._utils_3d.ResidualsToBBoxes(
        predicted_bboxes = self._utils_3d.ResidualsToBBoxes(

        # Apply mask to individual losses.
        # And then reduce sum over centers, boxes, residuals, and batch
        # and divide by the batch_size.
        regression_rotation_loss *= reg_weights
        reg_rot_loss = tf.reduce_sum(regression_rotation_loss) / batch_size

        reg_loc_loss *= reg_weights
        reg_loc_loss = tf.reduce_sum(reg_loc_loss) / batch_size

        reg_dim_loss *= reg_weights
        reg_dim_loss = tf.reduce_sum(reg_dim_loss) / batch_size

        # Do not create corner loss graph if weight is 0.0
        # TODO(bcyang): Remove condition after fixing corner loss NaN issue
        if p.corner_loss_weight != 0.0:
            reg_corner_loss = self._utils_3d.CornerLoss(
                gt_bboxes=gt_bboxes, predicted_bboxes=predicted_bboxes)
            reg_corner_loss = tf.expand_dims(reg_corner_loss, axis=-1)

            reg_corner_loss *= reg_weights
            reg_corner_loss = tf.reduce_sum(reg_corner_loss) / batch_size
            reg_corner_loss = 0.0

        # Sum components of regression loss.
        regression_loss = (p.location_loss_weight * reg_loc_loss +
                           p.dimension_loss_weight * reg_dim_loss +
                           p.rotation_loss_weight * reg_rot_loss +
                           p.corner_loss_weight * reg_corner_loss)

        # Compute total loss.
        total_loss = (p.loss_weight_localization * regression_loss +
                      p.loss_weight_classification * classification_loss)

        metrics_dict = py_utils.NestedMap({
            'loss': (total_loss, batch_size),
            'loss/regression': (regression_loss, batch_size),
            'loss/regression/loc': (reg_loc_loss, batch_size),
            'loss/regression/dim': (reg_dim_loss, batch_size),
            'loss/regression/rot': (reg_rot_loss, batch_size),
            'loss/regression/corner': (reg_corner_loss, batch_size),
            'loss/classification': (classification_loss, batch_size),

        # Calculate dimension errors
        dimension_errors_dict = self._BBoxDimensionErrors(
            gt_bboxes, predicted_bboxes, reg_weights)

        per_example_dict = py_utils.NestedMap({
            'residuals': predicted_residuals,
            'classification_logits': predicted_classification_logits,
            'predicted_bboxes': predicted_bboxes,
            'gt_bboxes': gt_bboxes,
            'reg_weights': reg_weights,

        return metrics_dict, per_example_dict
Пример #27
    def _GetMask(self,
        """Returns fixed size multi-masks starting from random positions.

    A multi-mask is a mask obtained by applying multiple masks.

    This function when max_length is given:
      1) Sample random mask lengths less than max_length with shape
         (batch_size, multiplicity).
      2) Truncate lengths to a max of (choose_range * max_ratio),
         so that each mask is fully contained within the corresponding sequence.
      3) Random sample start points of shape (batch_size, multiplicity)
         with in (choose_range - lengths).
      4) For each batch, multiple masks (whose number is given by the
         multiplicity) are constructed.
      5) Return a mask of shape (batch_size, mask_size) where masks are
         obtained by composing the masks constructed in step 4).
         If masks_per_frame > 0, the number is given by
         min(masks_per_frame * choose_range, multiplicity).
         If not, all the masks are composed. The masked regions are set to zero.

    This function when max_length is not given:
      1) Sample random mask lengths less than (choose_range * max_ratio)
         with shape (batch_size, multiplicity).
      2) Proceed to steps 3), 4) and 5) of the above.

      batch_size: Batch size. Integer number.
      choose_range: Range within which the masked entries must lie. Tensor of
        shape (batch_size,).
      mask_size: Size of the mask. Integer number.
      global_seed: an integer seed tensor for stateless random ops.
      max_length: Maximum number of allowed consecutive masked entries. Integer
        number or None.
      masks_per_frame: Number of masks per frame. Float number. If > 0, the
        multiplicity of the mask is set to be masks_per_frame * choose_range.
      multiplicity: Maximum number of total masks. Integer number.
      dtype: Data type.
      max_ratio: Maximum portion of the entire range allowed to be masked. Float

      mask: a fixed size multi-mask starting from a random position with shape
      (batch_size, mask_size).
        p = self.params
        # Non-empty random seed values are only used for testing or when using
        # stateless random ops. seed_1 and seed_2 are set separately to avoid
        # correlation of mask size and mask position.
        if p.use_input_dependent_random_seed:
            seed_1 = global_seed + 1
            seed_2 = global_seed + 2
        elif p.random_seed:
            seed_1 = p.random_seed + 1
            seed_2 = 2 * p.random_seed
            seed_1 = p.random_seed
            seed_2 = p.random_seed
        # Sample lengths for multiple masks.
        if max_length and max_length > 0:
            max_length = tf.broadcast_to(tf.cast(max_length, dtype),
                                         (batch_size, ))
            max_length = tf.cast(choose_range, dtype=dtype) * max_ratio
        random_uniform = _random_uniform_op(p.use_input_dependent_random_seed)
        masked_portion = random_uniform(shape=(batch_size, multiplicity),
        masked_frame_size = self.EinsumBBmBm(max_length, masked_portion)
        masked_frame_size = tf.cast(masked_frame_size, dtype=tf.int32)
        # Make sure the sampled length was smaller than max_ratio * length_bound.
        # Note that sampling in this way was biased
        # (shorter sequence may over-masked.)
        choose_range = tf.expand_dims(choose_range, -1)
        choose_range = tf.tile(choose_range, [1, multiplicity])
        length_bound = tf.cast(choose_range, dtype=dtype)
        length_bound = tf.cast(max_ratio * length_bound, dtype=tf.int32)
        length = tf.minimum(masked_frame_size, tf.maximum(length_bound, 1))

        # Choose starting point.
        random_start = random_uniform(shape=(batch_size, multiplicity),
        start_with_in_valid_range = random_start * tf.cast(
            (choose_range - length + 1), dtype=dtype)
        start = tf.cast(start_with_in_valid_range, tf.int32)
        end = start + length - 1

        # Shift starting and end point by small value.
        delta = tf.constant(0.1)
        start = tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(start, dtype) - delta, -1)
        start = tf.tile(start, [1, 1, mask_size])
        end = tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(end, dtype) + delta, -1)
        end = tf.tile(end, [1, 1, mask_size])

        # Construct pre-mask of shape (batch_size, multiplicity, mask_size).
        diagonal = tf.expand_dims(
            tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(tf.range(mask_size), dtype=dtype), 0), 0)
        diagonal = tf.tile(diagonal, [batch_size, multiplicity, 1])
        pre_mask = tf.cast(tf.math.logical_and(diagonal < end,
                                               diagonal > start),

        # Sum masks with appropriate multiplicity.
        if masks_per_frame > 0:
            multiplicity_weights = tf.tile(
                tf.expand_dims(tf.range(multiplicity, dtype=dtype), 0),
                [batch_size, 1])
            multiplicity_tensor = masks_per_frame * tf.cast(choose_range,
            multiplicity_weights = tf.cast(
                multiplicity_weights < multiplicity_tensor, dtype=dtype)
            pre_mask = self.EinsumBmtBmBt(pre_mask, multiplicity_weights)
            pre_mask = tf.reduce_sum(pre_mask, 1)
        mask = tf.cast(1.0 - tf.cast(pre_mask > 0, dtype=dtype), dtype=dtype)

        if p.fprop_dtype is not None and p.fprop_dtype != p.dtype:
            mask = tf.cast(mask, p.fprop_dtype)

        return mask
Пример #28
    def _resource_apply_dense(self, grad, var):
        if grad is None:
            tf.logging.warning('Gradient is None for variable %s' % var.name)
            return []

        grad_dtype = var.dtype  # TODO(lepikhin): add to params
        grad = tf.cast(grad, grad_dtype)
        factored_dims = self._factored_dims(var.shape.as_list())
        if factored_dims:
            vr = self.get_slot(var, 'vr')
            vc = self.get_slot(var, 'vc')
            v = self.get_slot(var, 'v')
        if self._beta1:
            m = self.get_slot(var, 'm')

        cond = tf.constant(True)

        def _Upd(c, x):
            if not self._cond_is_finite:
                return c
            c = tf.math.logical_and(c, tf.reduce_all(tf.math.is_finite(x)))
            c = tf.math.logical_and(
                c, tf.reduce_all(tf.math.logical_not(tf.math.is_inf(x))))
            return c

        def _Wrap(fn, x, y):
            if not self._cond_is_finite:
                return fn(x, y)
            return tf.cond(cond, lambda: fn(x, y), lambda: x)

        with tf.variable_scope(var.name[:-2] + '/Adafactor'):
            grad_squared = tf.math.square(grad) + tf.cast(
                self._epsilon1, grad_dtype)
            cond = _Upd(cond, grad_squared)
            decay_rate = tf.cast(self._decay_rate, var.dtype)
            old_val = tf.identity(
                var)  # TODO(lepikhin): introduce gradient dtype
            lr = GetLrValue(self._learning_rate)
            if self._multiply_by_parameter_scale:
                update_scale = self._parameter_scale(old_val) * tf.cast(
                    lr, grad_dtype)
                update_scale = lr
            mixing_rate = tf.cast(1.0 - decay_rate, grad_dtype)
            update_scale = tf.cast(update_scale, grad_dtype)
            updates = []
            if factored_dims:
                d0, d1 = factored_dims
                vr_axis, vc_axis = d0, d1
                grad_squared_row_mean = tf.reduce_mean(grad_squared,
                grad_squared_col_mean = tf.reduce_mean(grad_squared,
                # new_vr = (decay_rate * vr + mixing_rate * grad_squared_row_mean)
                new_vr = vr * decay_rate + grad_squared_row_mean * mixing_rate
                # new_vc = (decay_rate * vc + mixing_rate * grad_squared_col_mean)
                new_vc = vc * decay_rate + grad_squared_col_mean * mixing_rate
                cond = _Upd(cond, new_vr)
                cond = _Upd(cond, new_vc)
                vr_update = _Wrap(tf.assign, vr, new_vr)
                vc_update = _Wrap(tf.assign, vc, new_vc)
                updates.extend([vr_update, vc_update])
                long_term_mean = tf.reduce_mean(new_vr, -1, keepdims=True)
                r_factor = tf.math.rsqrt(new_vr / long_term_mean)
                c_factor = tf.math.rsqrt(new_vc)
                x = grad * tf.expand_dims(r_factor, vr_axis) * tf.expand_dims(
                    c_factor, vc_axis)
                new_v = v * decay_rate + grad_squared * mixing_rate
                cond = _Upd(cond, new_v)
                v_update = _Wrap(tf.assign, v, new_v)
                x = grad * tf.math.rsqrt(new_v)
            if self._clipping_threshold is not None:
                clipping_denom = tf.maximum(
                    tf.constant(1.0, grad_dtype),
                    py_utils.ReduceRms(x) /
                    tf.constant(self._clipping_threshold, grad_dtype))
                x /= clipping_denom
            subtrahend = x * update_scale
            if self._beta1:
                new_m = (m * tf.constant(self._beta1, dtype=grad_dtype) +
                         subtrahend *
                         tf.constant(1.0 - self._beta1, dtype=grad_dtype))
                subtrahend = new_m
                cond = _Upd(cond, new_m)
                updates.append(_Wrap(tf.assign, m, new_m))
            # It is critical to use assign_sub instead of tf.assign(var - subtrahend)
            #  for the case of bfloat16 activations, so as to avoid repeatedly
            #  rounding the slice value, which results in poor quality.
            cond = _Upd(cond, subtrahend)
            var_update = _Wrap(tf.assign_sub, var, subtrahend)
            return tf.group(*updates)
Пример #29
    def _ConstructWarpMatrix(self, batch_size, matrix_size, origin,
                             destination, choose_range, dtype):
        """Returns warp matrices according to origin, destination and choose_range.

    This function constructs a batch of warp matrices which maps the batch
    of origin points to the batch of destination points with fixed boundary
    coordinates at 0 and choose_range.

    The warping function, defined by the origin anchor point `origin`,
    the destination of the origin anchor point `destination` and the
    length of the domain in the warping axis `choose_range` is a piecewise
    linear map that fixes the points 0 and `choose_range` and maps
    `origin` to `destination`.

    For the warping matrix to be non-singular, destination must lie in the
    range 1<= destination <= choose_range - 1, so a destination
    out of this range is adjusted to be in this range before the warping
    matrix is constructed.

    The warping map can be explicitly written by first defining the slopes:
      1) slope_0 = origin / destination.
      2) slope_1 = (choose_range - origin) / (choose_range - destination).
      3) slope_2 = 1.0.

    Then the origin point orig_i of the mapped coordinate i is given by:
      1) i < destination: orig_i = slope_0 * i.
      2) destination <= i < choose_range:
         orig_i = slope_1 * i - (slope_1 - slope_0) * destination.
      3) i >= choose_range: orig_i = i.

    Denoting n_i = ceil(orig_i), the warp matrix element warp[i][j] is given by:
      1) j = n_i: 1 - n_i + orig_i.
      2) j = n_i - 1: n_i - orig_i.
      3) Otherwise: 0.

    Applying the warp matrix to an array of pixels, i.e.,
    warped_pixel[i] = sum_j warp[i][j] * pixel[j], one would get
    warped_pixel[i] = (n_i-orig_i) pixel[n_i-1] + (1-n_i+orig_i) pixel[n_i].

      batch_size: Batch size. Integer number.
      matrix_size: Dimension of the vector space the warp matrix is applied to.
        Integer number.
      origin: Origin anchor point for warping. Tensor of shape (batch_size,) and
        data type dtype.
      destination: Destination of the origin anchor point upon warping. Tensor
        of shape (batch_size,) and data type dtype.
      choose_range: Range within which the warp reference points must lie.
        Tensor of shape (batch_size,) data type dtype.
      dtype: Data type of origin, destination, choose_range and the output warp

      warp_matrix: An array of fixed size warp matrices with shape
      (batch_size, matrix_size, matrix_size).
        p = self.params

        # Entries of destination must be in the range
        # 1 <= destination <= choose_range - 1
        # for warp matrix to have non-singular values.
        destination = tf.minimum(tf.maximum(destination, 1.0),
                                 choose_range - 1.0)

        # Construct piece-wise linear function fixing boundary points
        # specified by zero, choose_range and matrix size and maps
        # the origin anchor point to the destination.
        destination_bc = tf.broadcast_to(destination,
                                         (matrix_size, batch_size))
        destination_bc = tf.transpose(destination_bc)
        choose_range_bc = tf.broadcast_to(choose_range,
                                          (matrix_size, batch_size))
        choose_range_bc = tf.transpose(choose_range_bc)

        # Slopes of piece-wise linear function.
        slope_0 = origin / destination
        slope_1 = (choose_range - origin) / (choose_range - destination)
        slope_2 = 1.0

        # x is a batch of origin matrices.
        # The origin matrix is the matrix such that
        # origin[i][j] = Origin coordinate of coordinate i for the warp map.
        # Denoting the destination of the origin anchor point in the
        # warp map as "dest," the origin coordinate of point i is given by:
        # 1) i < dest: slope_0 * i.
        # 2) dest <= i < choose_range: slope_1 * i - (slope_1 - slope_0) * dest.
        # 3) i >= choose_range: i.
        x = tf.broadcast_to(tf.cast(tf.range(matrix_size), dtype=dtype),
                            (batch_size, matrix_size))
        x = (self.EinsumBBmBm(slope_0, x) + self.EinsumBBmBm(
            slope_1 - slope_0, tf.nn.relu(x - destination_bc)) +
             self.EinsumBBmBm(slope_2 - slope_1,
                              tf.nn.relu(x - choose_range_bc)))
        x = tf.broadcast_to(x, (matrix_size, batch_size, matrix_size))
        x = tf.transpose(x, perm=[1, 2, 0])

        # y is a batch of coordinate matrices.
        # A coordinate matrix is a matrix such that
        # coordinate[i][j] = j.
        y = tf.broadcast_to(tf.cast(tf.range(matrix_size), dtype=dtype),
                            (batch_size, matrix_size, matrix_size))
        # Warp matrix is obtained by applying hat function element-wise to (x-y).
        # Denoting the origin point of i under the warp map as orig_i,
        # and n_i = ceil(orig_i), the warp matrix element warp[i][j] is given by:
        # 1) j = n_i: 1 - n_i + orig_i.
        # 2) j = n_i - 1: n_i - orig_i.
        # 3) Otherwise: 0.
        # Applying the warp matrix to pixels, i.e.,
        # warped_pixel[i] = sum_j warp[i][j] * original_pixel[j], one would get
        # warped_pixel[i] = (n_i - orig_i) * original_pixel[n_i-1]
        #                   + (1 - n_i + orig_i) * original_pixel[n_i].
        warp_matrix = x - y
        warp_matrix = _hat(warp_matrix)
        if p.fprop_dtype is not None and p.fprop_dtype != dtype:
            warp_matrix = tf.cast(warp_matrix, p.fprop_dtype)

        return warp_matrix
Пример #30
    def try_apply_dense(self, grad, var):
        assert grad is not None

        cond = tf.constant(True)
        is_finite_checks = []
        stats = {}

        grad_dtype = var.dtype  # TODO(lepikhin): add to params
        grad = tf.cast(grad, grad_dtype)
        factored_dims = self._factored_dims(var.shape.as_list())
        if factored_dims:
            vr = self.get_slot(var, 'vr')
            vc = self.get_slot(var, 'vc')
            v = self.get_slot(var, 'v')
        if self._beta1:
            m = self.get_slot(var, 'm')

        def _Upd(c, k, x):
            stats[k] = x
            return c

        with tf.variable_scope(var.name[:-2] + '/Adafactor'):
            grad_squared = tf.math.square(grad) + tf.cast(
                self._epsilon1, grad_dtype)
            cond = _Upd(cond, 'grad_squared', grad_squared)  # 0 (factored)
            decay_rate = tf.cast(self._decay_rate, var.dtype)
            old_val = tf.identity(
                var)  # TODO(lepikhin): introduce gradient dtype
            assert self._multiply_by_parameter_scale
            lr = GetLrValue(self._learning_rate)
            if self._multiply_by_parameter_scale:
                parameter_scale = self._parameter_scale(old_val)
                cond = _Upd(cond, 'parameter_scale',
                            parameter_scale)  # 1 (factored)
                update_scale = self._parameter_scale(old_val) * tf.cast(
                    lr, grad_dtype)

                update_scale = lr
            mixing_rate = tf.cast(1.0 - decay_rate, grad_dtype)
            update_scale = tf.cast(update_scale, grad_dtype)
            if factored_dims:
                d0, d1 = factored_dims
                vr_axis, vc_axis = d0, d1
                grad_squared_row_mean = tf.reduce_mean(grad_squared,
                grad_squared_col_mean = tf.reduce_mean(grad_squared,
                # new_vr = (decay_rate * vr + mixing_rate * grad_squared_row_mean)
                new_vr = vr * decay_rate + grad_squared_row_mean * mixing_rate
                # new_vc = (decay_rate * vc + mixing_rate * grad_squared_col_mean)
                new_vc = vc * decay_rate + grad_squared_col_mean * mixing_rate
                cond = _Upd(cond, 'new_vr', new_vr)  # 2 (factored)
                cond = _Upd(cond, 'new_vc', new_vc)  # 3 (factored)
                # vr_update = _Wrap(tf.assign, vr, new_vr)
                # vc_update = _Wrap(tf.assign, vc, new_vc)
                # updates.extend([vr_update, vc_update])
                long_term_mean = tf.reduce_mean(new_vr, -1, keepdims=True)
                r_factor = tf.math.rsqrt(new_vr / long_term_mean)
                c_factor = tf.math.rsqrt(new_vc)
                mult = tf.expand_dims(r_factor, vr_axis) * tf.expand_dims(
                    c_factor, vc_axis)
                cond = _Upd(cond, 'mult', mult)  # 4 (factored)
                x = grad * mult
                new_v = v * decay_rate + grad_squared * mixing_rate
                cond = _Upd(cond, 'new_v', new_v)
                # v_update = _Wrap(tf.assign, v, new_v)
                # updates.append(v_update)
                x = grad * tf.math.rsqrt(new_v)

            assert self._clipping_threshold is not None

            if self._clipping_threshold is not None:
                clipping_denom = tf.maximum(
                    tf.constant(1.0, grad_dtype),
                    py_utils.ReduceRms(x) /
                    tf.constant(self._clipping_threshold, grad_dtype))
                x /= clipping_denom
            cond = _Upd(cond, 'x', x)
            subtrahend = x * update_scale
            if self._beta1:
                new_m = (m * tf.constant(self._beta1, dtype=grad_dtype) +
                         subtrahend *
                         tf.constant(1.0 - self._beta1, dtype=grad_dtype))
                subtrahend = new_m
                cond = _Upd(cond, 'new_m', new_m)
                # updates.append(_Wrap(tf.assign, m, new_m))

            # It is critical to use assign_sub instead of tf.assign(var - subtrahend)
            #  for the case of bfloat16 activations, so as to avoid repeatedly
            #  rounding the slice value, which results in poor quality.
            cond = _Upd(cond, 'subtrahend', subtrahend)  # 5 (factored)

            # var_update = _Wrap(tf.assign_sub, var, subtrahend)
            # updates.append(var_update)

            return is_finite_checks, stats