def _BuildDummyPipelineCnn(num_splits=4, num_micro_batches=8, micro_batch_size=None): """Construct a dummy layer that consist of 16 3x3 conv layers. In addition, each conv layer increments a count every time step. Args: num_splits: number of cells for pipeline cnn num_micro_batches: number of time steps. micro_batch_size: Size of a micro batch. Returns: A PipeliningLayer layer. """ assert num_splits in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16] num_layers = 16 layers = [] for i in range(num_layers): layers.append(_SimpyLayer.Params().Set(name='layer_{}'.format(i))) if num_splits == 1: p = FeatureExtractionLayer.Params().Set(name='seq', sub=layers) else: cell_tpl = [] layers_per_split = num_layers // num_splits num_act_outputs = 0 num_act_inputs = 0 act_fetch_layers = None for split in range(num_splits): sub = layers[split * layers_per_split:(split + 1) * layers_per_split] if split == 0: sub.append(FetchLayer.Params().Set(name='fetch')) num_act_outputs = 1 act_fetch_layers = ['fetch'] else: num_act_inputs = 1 act_fetch_layers = [] split_layer = FeatureExtractionLayer.Params().Set( name='split_{}'.format(split), sub=sub, act_fetch_layers=act_fetch_layers, num_act_inputs=num_act_inputs, num_act_outputs=num_act_outputs) cell_tpl.append(split_layer) p = PipeliningLayer.Params().Set(name='pipeline', num_micro_batches=num_micro_batches, micro_batch_size=micro_batch_size, cell_tpl=cell_tpl, before_tpl=[]) layer = p.Instantiate() return layer
def _verify_timestep_counts(self, num_splits, auto_partition=False, micro_batch_size=None): num_micro_batches = 8 batch_size = 16 with self.session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess: tf.random.set_seed(1245) inputs = tf.random.uniform([batch_size, 8, 8, 1], seed=12345) if auto_partition: layers = [ _SimpyLayer.Params().Set(name='layer_{}'.format(i)) for i in range(16) ] net = PipeliningLayer.Params().Set( name='pipeline', num_micro_batches=num_micro_batches, cell_tpl=_Partition(layers, num_splits, tshape.Shape([batch_size, 8, 8, 1]))).Instantiate() else: net = _BuildDummyPipelineCnn( num_splits=num_splits, micro_batch_size=micro_batch_size, num_micro_batches=num_micro_batches) endpoints = net.FPropDefaultTheta(inputs) if isinstance(endpoints, (list, tuple)): logits, aux_logits = endpoints else: logits = endpoints aux_logits = None loss = tf.reduce_mean(logits) grads = tf.gradients(loss, tf.trainable_variables()) grad_norm = tf.sqrt(py_utils.SumSquared(grads)) ts = net.GetAccumulatorValues().Flatten() grad_norm_val, ts_vals =[grad_norm, ts]) test_utils.CompareToGoldenSingleFloat(self, 0.268087, grad_norm_val) # Accumulator values should be equal to number of time steps in pipeline. for ts_val in list(ts_vals): expected_ts = num_micro_batches if num_splits > 1 else 1 self.assertEqual(ts_val, expected_ts) if aux_logits is not None: aux_logit_tensor = self.assertEqual(aux_logit_tensor.shape, (batch_size, 8, 8, 1))
def testDeterministicDropoutInsideFunctionalWhile(self): with self.session() as sess: cells = FeatureExtractionLayer.Params().Set( name='cell', sub=[ DeterministicDropoutLayer.Params().Set(name='dropout', keep_prob=0.7) ]) p = PipeliningLayer.Params().Set(name='pipe', cell_tpl=[cells]) x = tf.ones([2, 3], dtype=tf.float32) model = p.cls(p) y = model.FPropDefaultTheta(x) py_utils.GetOrCreateGlobalStep() tf.global_variables_initializer().run() y_val = self.assertAllClose([ [1.0 / 0.7, 1.0 / 0.7, 1.0 / 0.7], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / 0.7], ], y_val) self.assertAllClose(5.7142859, np.sum(y_val))
def testDummyPipelineCnnNestedMapInput(self): batch_size = 16 num_layers = 4 cells = [] with self.session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess: for i in range(num_layers): cells.append(_SimpyLayerWithNestedMapInput.Params().Set( name='layer_{}'.format(i))) p = PipeliningLayer.Params().Set(name='pipeline', num_micro_batches=8, micro_batch_size=2, nested_map_fprop=True, cell_tpl=cells, before_tpl=[]) layer = p.Instantiate() tf.random.set_seed(1245) inputs = tf.random.uniform([batch_size, 8, 8, 1], seed=12345) outputs = layer.FPropDefaultTheta( py_utils.NestedMap(vec=inputs, paddings=None)) self.assertEqual(outputs.vec.shape, (batch_size, 8, 8, 1))
def testDropoutInRecurrent(self, splits=1, num_micro_batches=1): assert splits in [1, 2, 4] with self.session() as sess: tf.set_random_seed(12345) num_layers = 4 py_utils.GetOrCreateGlobalStep() # Build a model with 4 dropout layers. layers = [] for l in range(num_layers): layers.append(DeterministicDropoutLayer.Params().Set( name='dropout_{}'.format(l), keep_prob=0.7)) # Divide the model into splits partitions. cell_tpl = [] layers_per_split = num_layers // splits for i in range(splits): sub = layers[i * layers_per_split:(i + 1) * layers_per_split] cell_tpl.append(FeatureExtractionLayer.Params().Set( name='cell_{}'.format(i), sub=sub)) # Parallelize partitions using pipeline. p = PipeliningLayer.Params().Set( name='pipeline', num_micro_batches=num_micro_batches, cell_tpl=cell_tpl) # Fake input x = tf.ones([2, 3]) # Construct weights. w = tf.get_variable( 'w', shape=[2, 3], initializer=tf.constant_initializer([[1] * 3] * 2)) mdl = p.cls(p) y = mdl.FPropDefaultTheta(x * w) # Construct loss function such that gradients = final activation. loss = tf.reduce_sum(y) grads = py_utils.ComputeGradients(loss, py_utils.NestedMap(w=w)) tf.global_variables_initializer().run() y_val = grads_val =['w'][1] self.assertAllClose(y_val, grads_val)