Пример #1
 def Params(cls):
     """Returns the layer params."""
     p = hyperparams.Params()
     p.Define('cls', cls, 'Cls that this param object is associated with.')
     p.Define('inference_driver_name', cls._INFERENCE_DRIVER_NAME,
              'Name of the inference driver used to construct this layer.')
     p.Define('name', '', 'Name of this layer object.')
     p.Define('dtype', tf.float32, 'Datatype to use.')
     # None value will make FProp use dtype instead of fprop_dtype.
     # TODO(lepikhin): all @function.Defun should use p.fprop_dtype if it is set.
     p.Define('fprop_dtype', None, 'Activations datatype to use.')
         'random_seed', None,
         'Random seed for deterministic unittests. This '
         'is inherited by child layers if they do not set a random_seed.')
     p.Define('vn', DefaultVN(), 'How variational noise should be applied.')
     p.Define('params_init', py_utils.DefaultParamInit(),
              'How params should be initialized.')
     # is_eval is used to generate graph for eval purpose, typically
     # the eval graph is forward pass of training graph without
     # regularization, e.g. dropout.
     p.Define('is_eval', None, 'True if in eval mode.')
     # In addition to is_eval, also makes additional alterations for graphs
     # being used for inference.
     p.Define('is_inference', None, 'True if in inference mode.')
     # In addition to is_eval/is_inference, indicate that the inference graph is
     # for a single step.
         'allow_implicit_capture', None,
         'When using Defuns, code often asserts that the Defun does not '
         'capture undeclared inputs. This eliminates a source of bugs '
         'at the expense of making some kinds of models or utilities '
         'hard/impossible to use. Setting this to True/False (versus None) '
         'causes the setting to apply to this layer and its children.')
     return p
Пример #2
 def Params(cls: Type[BaseLayerT]) -> BaseLayerParamsT:
     """Returns the layer params."""
     p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
     p.Define('inference_driver_name', cls._INFERENCE_DRIVER_NAME,
              'Name of the inference driver used to construct this layer.')
     p.Define('name', '', 'Name of this layer object.')
     p.Define('dtype', tf.float32, 'Datatype to use.')
     # None value will make FProp use dtype instead of fprop_dtype.
     # TODO(lepikhin): all @tf.Defun should use p.fprop_dtype if it is set.
     p.Define('fprop_dtype', None, 'Activations datatype to use.')
         'random_seed', None,
         'Random seed for deterministic unittests. This '
         'is inherited by child layers if they do not set a random_seed.')
     p.Define('vn', py_utils.DefaultVN(),
              'How variational noise should be applied.')
         'params_init', py_utils.DefaultParamInit(),
         'How model weights should be initialized. Not to be confused with '
     p.Define('add_name_to_theta', False,
              'Wrap theta with tf.identity(var_name).')
     # Makes additional alterations for graphs being used for inference.
     p.Define('is_inference', None, 'True if in inference mode.')
     # In addition to is_inference, indicate that the inference graph is
     # for a single step.
         'allow_implicit_capture', None,
         'When using Defuns, code often asserts that the Defun does not '
         'capture undeclared inputs. This eliminates a source of bugs '
         'at the expense of making some kinds of models or utilities '
         'hard/impossible to use. Setting this to True/False (versus None) '
         'causes the setting to apply to this layer and its children.')
         'skip_lp_regularization', None,
         'If True, all variables in this layer will skip Lp regularization. '
         'If None/False, only variables explicitly in the '
         'SKIP_LP_REGULARIZATION collection will skip Lp regularization. '
         'Also propagated to child layers with default settings (None).')
     # SPMD partition related params.
         'device_mesh', None,
         'A numpy.ndarray specifying the topology of a device mesh to place the'
         ' computations onto. If device_mesh is None, it is assumed to be a'
         ' single device. Here are some examples:'
         ' np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) which is a 1d mesh with 8 devices,'
         ' np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]) which is 2d matrix of 8'
         ' devices.')
         'weight_split_dims_mapping', None,
         'Relevant only if device_mesh above is not None. If not None, it '
         'specifies how weight of this layer or those of the sublayers should '
         'be sharded over device mesh. ')
         'activation_split_dims_mapping', None,
         'Relevant only if device_mesh above is not None. If not None, it '
         'specifies how activation of this layer or those of the sublayers '
         'should be sharded over device mesh. ')
     return p
Пример #3
 def Params(cls):
     """Returns the layer params."""
     p = hyperparams.InstantiableParams(cls)
     p.Define('inference_driver_name', cls._INFERENCE_DRIVER_NAME,
              'Name of the inference driver used to construct this layer.')
     p.Define('name', '', 'Name of this layer object.')
     p.Define('dtype', tf.float32, 'Datatype to use.')
     # None value will make FProp use dtype instead of fprop_dtype.
     # TODO(lepikhin): all @tf.Defun should use p.fprop_dtype if it is set.
     p.Define('fprop_dtype', None, 'Activations datatype to use.')
         'random_seed', None,
         'Random seed for deterministic unittests. This '
         'is inherited by child layers if they do not set a random_seed.')
     p.Define('vn', py_utils.DefaultVN(),
              'How variational noise should be applied.')
         'params_init', py_utils.DefaultParamInit(),
         'How model weights should be initialized. Not to be confused with '
     # Makes additional alterations for graphs being used for inference.
     p.Define('is_inference', None, 'True if in inference mode.')
     # In addition to is_inference, indicate that the inference graph is
     # for a single step.
         'allow_implicit_capture', None,
         'When using Defuns, code often asserts that the Defun does not '
         'capture undeclared inputs. This eliminates a source of bugs '
         'at the expense of making some kinds of models or utilities '
         'hard/impossible to use. Setting this to True/False (versus None) '
         'causes the setting to apply to this layer and its children.')
         'skip_lp_regularization', None,
         'If True, all variables in this layer will skip Lp regularization. '
         'If None/False, only variables explicitly in the '
         'SKIP_LP_REGULARIZATION collection will skip Lp regularization. '
         'Also propagated to child layers with default settings (None).')
     return p
Пример #4
 def testIsDefaultParamInit(self):
   p = py_utils.DefaultParamInit()