Пример #1
from linked_binary_tree import LinkedBinaryTree

a = LinkedBinaryTree()
a._add_left(a.root(), '????')
Пример #2
class TestSimpleCases(unittest.TestCase):
    Test obvious cases to confirm basic functionality and syntax
    def setUp(self):
        self.tree = LinkedBinaryTree()
        # Create a proper balanced tree with 3 levels (8 elements)
        self.root = self.tree._add_root("Root")
        self.left = self.tree._add_left(self.root, "L2 left child")
        self.right = self.tree._add_right(self.root, "L2 right child")
        self.lev3_first_left = self.tree._add_left(self.left, "L3 left-1")
        self.tree._add_right(self.left, "L3 right-1")
        self.tree._add_left(self.right, "L3 left-2")
        self.tree._add_right(self.right, "L3 right-2")

    def test_validate(self):
        # Passing an object of type other than Position should raise TypeError
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
        # Wrong container should raise value error
        position_from_other_container = LinkedBinaryTree()._add_root(
            "spam root")
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        # If node was deprecated, meaning it was set to be its own parent per
        #   the internal convention for deprecated nodes, then should raise
        #   value error.
        p = self.lev3_first_left
        p._node._parent = p._node
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

    # ---------------------------------- public methods --------------------

    def test_root(self):
        blank_tree = LinkedBinaryTree()
        root = blank_tree.root()
        self.assertEqual(root, None)  # Should return None for an empty tree.
        root = self.tree.root()
        self.assertEqual(root.element(), "Root")

    def test_parent(self):
        # should return None when called on p = root
        parent_of_root = self.tree.parent(self.tree.root())
        self.assertEqual(parent_of_root, None)
        parent_of_left = self.tree.parent(self.left)  # Position object from
        # setUp, name self.left references
        # root's left child.
        self.assertEqual(parent_of_left, self.root)
        # Try the next level down
        parent_of_node = self.tree.parent(self.lev3_first_left)
        self.assertEqual(parent_of_node, self.left)

    def test_left(self):
        left = self.tree.left(self.root)  # parent's left should be the object
        #   stored as self.left
        self.assertEqual(left, self.left)

    def test_right(self):
        right = self.tree.right(self.root)  # root's right should be the object
        # stored as self.right
        self.assertEqual(right, self.right)

    def test_num_children(self):
                         2)  # Root has 2 children
        self.assertEqual(self.tree.num_children(self.right), 2)  # Right has 2
                         0)  # This node should be in the
        # bottom level of the setUp
        # tree and therefore have
        # no children.

    # ------------------- tests for concrete methods inherited from Tree ------

    def test_is_root(self):
        """Concrete method implemented in the Tree abstract base class and
        inherited through to LBT class."""
        # Should be true for root
        # Should be false for a node from the middle or bottom layer

    def test_is_leaf(self):
        # testing _attach will "coverage" this

    def test_is_empty(self):
        # testing _attach will "coverage this

    def test_height(self):
        Test the height method defined in the Tree abstract base class
        that LBT class has through inheritance.
        # Calling it on root should return 2, the height of the full three-level
        #   tree.
        self.assertEqual(self.tree.height(self.root), 2)
        # Height of a node in the middle layer should be 1
        self.assertEqual(self.tree.height(self.right), 1)
        # Height of a node in the bottom layer should be 0
        self.assertEqual(self.tree.height(self.lev3_first_left), 0)

    def test_depth(self):
        Test the depth method defined in the Tree abstract base class and
        inherited in the LBT class.
        # Depth of a node in the bottom later should be 2 (2 levels separating
        #   that Position from root Position).
        self.assertEqual(self.tree.depth(self.lev3_first_left), 2)
        # Depth of node in middle layer should be 1
        self.assertEqual(self.tree.depth(self.left), 1)
        # Depth of root should be zero
        self.assertEqual(self.tree.depth(self.root), 0)

    def test_attach(self):
        """Tests for the nonpublic _attach method, mainly to hit inherited public
        methods that it will call."""
        new_tree = LinkedBinaryTree()
        ntroot = new_tree._add_root("New tree root")
        new_tree._add_left(ntroot, "NT left")
        new_tree._add_right(ntroot, "NT right")
        new_tree2 = LinkedBinaryTree()
        nt2root = new_tree2._add_root("2nd new tree root")
        new_tree2._add_left(nt2root, "left")
        new_tree2._add_right(nt2root, "right")
        self.tree._attach(self.lev3_first_left, new_tree, new_tree2)
        # For now just pass if none of these calls raised an error, no
        #   unittest.assertSomething method call

    def test_positions(self):  # This covers postorder() method for purposes
        # of the "coverage" metric.
        for position in self.tree.positions(
        ):  # Test that they can be iterated
                                  LinkedBinaryTree.Position)  # and that
            # they're all Positions

##    def test_preorder(self): # placeholder
##        pass

    def test_postorder(self):
        for position in self.tree.postorder():
            self.assertIsInstance(position, LinkedBinaryTree.Position)