Пример #1
    def setPin(self, pin, param=None):
        set the PIN. The optional parameter "param" can hold the information,
        if the PIN is encrypted or hashed.

        :param pin: the pin value
        :param param: the additional request parameters, which could contain
                      the 'encryptpin' value, that triggers, that the token
                      secret are stored in an encrypted form
        :return: - nothing -
        if param is None:
            param = {}

        storeHashed = True
        enc = param.get("encryptpin", None)
        if enc is not None and "true" == enc.lower():
            storeHashed = False

        if storeHashed is True:
            iv, hashed_pin = SecretObj.hash_pin(pin)
            self.token.set_hashed_pin(hashed_pin, iv)
            enc_pin = SecretObj.encrypt_pin(pin)
            iv = enc_pin.split(":")[0]
Пример #2
    def checkPin(self, pin, options=None):
        checkPin - test is the pin is matching

        :param pin:      the pin
        :param options:  additional optional parameters, which could
                         be token specific
        :return: boolean

        res = False

        hsm = context['hsm']
        if self.token.isPinEncrypted():
            # for comparison we encrypt the pin and do the comparison
            iv, encrypted_token_pin = self.token.get_encrypted_pin()
            encrypted_pin = SecretObj.encrypt_pin(pin, iv=iv, hsm=hsm)
            if encrypted_token_pin == encrypted_pin:
                res = True
            # for hashed pins we re-do the hash and compare the hashes
            iv, hashed_token_pin = self.token.get_hashed_pin()
            iv, hashed_pin = SecretObj.hash_pin(pin or '', iv, hsm=hsm)
            if hashed_pin == hashed_token_pin:
                res = True

            # special case of empty pin, where pin has never been set
            # especially in case of lost token with the pw token
            if len(hashed_token_pin) == 0 and len(pin) == 0:
                res = True

        return res
Пример #3
    def checkPin(self, pin, options=None):
        checkPin - test is the pin is matching

        :param pin:      the pin
        :param options:  additional optional parameters, which could
                         be token specific
        :return: boolean

        res = False

        hsm = context['hsm']
        if self.token.isPinEncrypted():
            # for comparison we encrypt the pin and do the comparison
            iv, encrypted_token_pin = self.token.get_encrypted_pin()
            encrypted_pin = SecretObj.encrypt_pin(pin, iv=iv, hsm=hsm)
            if encrypted_token_pin == encrypted_pin:
                res = True
            # for hashed pins we re-do the hash and compare the hashes
            iv, hashed_token_pin = self.token.get_hashed_pin()
            iv, hashed_pin = SecretObj.hash_pin(pin or '', iv, hsm=hsm)
            if hashed_pin == hashed_token_pin:
                res = True

            # special case of empty pin, where pin has never been set
            # especially in case of lost token with the pw token
            if len(hashed_token_pin) == 0 and len(pin) == 0:
                res = True

        return res
Пример #4
    def setPin(self, pin, param=None):
        set the PIN. The optional parameter "param" can hold the information,
        if the PIN is encrypted or hashed.

        :param pin: the pin value
        :param param: the additional request parameters, which could contain
                      the 'encryptpin' value, that triggers, that the token
                      secret are stored in an encrypted form
        :return: - nothing -
        if param is None:
            param = {}

        hsm = context['hsm']
        storeHashed = True
        enc = param.get("encryptpin", None)
        if enc is not None and "true" == enc.lower():
            storeHashed = False

        if storeHashed is True:
            iv, hashed_pin = SecretObj.hash_pin(pin, hsm=hsm)
            self.token.set_hashed_pin(hashed_pin, iv)
            enc_pin = SecretObj.encrypt_pin(pin, hsm=hsm)
            iv = enc_pin.split(':')[0]
            self.token.set_encrypted_pin(enc_pin, binascii.unhexlify(iv))
Пример #5
    def _rollout_1(self, params):
        do the rollout 1 step

        1. https://linotpserver/admin/init?

            =>> "serial" : SERIENNUMMER, "sharedsecret" : DATAOBJECT,
                                         "app_import" : IMPORTURL
            - genSharedSecret - vom HSM oder urandom ?
            - app_import : + linotp://
                           + ocrasuite ->> default aus dem config:
                           + sharedsecret (Länge wie ???)
                           + seriennummer
            - seriennummer: uuid ??
            - token wird angelegt ist aber nicht aktiv!!! (counter == 0)


        sharedSecret = params.get('sharedsecret', None)
        if sharedSecret == '1':
            #  preserve the rollout state
            self.addToTokenInfo('rollout', '1')

            # preserve the current key as sharedSecret
            secObj = self._get_secret_object()
            key = secObj.getKey()
            encSharedSecret = SecretObj.encrypt_pin(key)
            self.addToTokenInfo('sharedSecret', encSharedSecret)

            info = {}
            uInfo = {}

            info['sharedsecret'] = key
            uInfo['sh'] = key

            info['ocrasuite'] = self.getOcraSuiteSuite()
            uInfo['os'] = self.getOcraSuiteSuite()

            info['serial'] = self.getSerial()
            uInfo['se'] = self.getSerial()

            info['app_import'] = 'lseqr://init?%s' % (
            del info['ocrasuite']
            self.info = info

            self.token.LinOtpIsactive = False

Пример #6
    def _transform_action(action):
        transform the action, especialy the secret parameter of the url
        servers = []
        name, _sep, values = action.partition("=")
        for value in values.split(" "):
            # decompose the server url to identify, if there is a secret inside
            parsed_server = urllib.parse.urlparse(value)

            # the urlparse has a bug,, where in elder versions, the
            # path is not split from the query
            if not parsed_server.query:
                path, _sep, query = parsed_server.path.partition("?")
                path = parsed_server.path
                query = parsed_server.query

            # in gereal url parsing allows mutiple entries per key
            # but we support here only one
            params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query)
            for key, entry in list(params.items()):
                params[key] = entry[0]

            # finally we found the query parameters
            if "secret" in params:
                secret = params["secret"]
                params["encsecret"] = SecretObj.encrypt_pin(secret)
                del params["secret"]

            # build the server url with the encrypted param:
            # as the named tuple is not updateable, we have to convert this
            # into an list to make the update and then back to a tuple to
            # create an url from this
            parsed_list = list(parsed_server[:])
            parsed_list[ForwardServerPolicy.Path_index] = path.strip()
                        Query_index] = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
            server_url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(tuple(parsed_list))


        ret = "=".join([name, " ".join(servers)])
        return ret
Пример #7
    def set_token_data(self, token_data):

        serial = token_data["Serial"]
        tokens = Session.query(model_token).\
            filter(model_token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber == serial).all()
        token = tokens[0]

        if 'TokenPin' in token_data:

            enc_pin = token_data['TokenPin']

            token_pin = self.crypter.decrypt(enc_pin,
                                             just_mac=serial +
            # prove, we can write
            enc_pin = SecretObj.encrypt_pin(token_pin)
            iv = enc_pin.split(':')[0]
            token.set_encrypted_pin(enc_pin, binascii.unhexlify(iv))

        if 'TokenUserPin' in token_data:
            token_enc_user_pin = token_data['TokenUserPin']

            user_pin = self.crypter.decrypt(token_enc_user_pin,
                                            just_mac=serial +

            # prove, we can write
            iv, enc_user_pin = SecretObj.encrypt(user_pin, hsm=self.hsm)
            token.setUserPin(enc_user_pin, iv)

        # we put the current crypted seed in the mac to check if
        # something changed in meantime
        encKey = token.LinOtpKeyEnc
        enc_seed = token_data['TokenSeed']
        token_seed = self.crypter.decrypt(enc_seed, just_mac=serial + encKey)

        # the encryption of the token seed is not part of the model anymore
        iv, enc_token_seed = SecretObj.encrypt(token_seed)

Пример #8
    def set_token_data(self, token_data):

        serial = token_data["Serial"]
        tokens = Session.query(model_token).\
            filter(model_token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber == serial).all()
        token = tokens[0]

        if 'TokenPin' in token_data:

            enc_pin = token_data['TokenPin']

            token_pin = self.crypter.decrypt(
                                    just_mac=serial + token.LinOtpPinHash)
            # prove, we can write
            enc_pin = SecretObj.encrypt_pin(token_pin)
            iv = enc_pin.split(':')[0]
            token.set_encrypted_pin(enc_pin, binascii.unhexlify(iv))

        if 'TokenUserPin' in token_data:
            token_enc_user_pin = token_data['TokenUserPin']

            user_pin = self.crypter.decrypt(
                                just_mac=serial + token.LinOtpTokenPinUser)

            # prove, we can write
            iv, enc_user_pin = SecretObj.encrypt(user_pin, hsm=self.hsm)
            token.setUserPin(enc_user_pin, iv)

        # we put the current crypted seed in the mac to check if
        # something changed in meantime
        encKey = token.LinOtpKeyEnc
        enc_seed = token_data['TokenSeed']
        token_seed = self.crypter.decrypt(enc_seed,
                                          just_mac=serial + encKey)

        # the encryption of the token seed is not part of the model anymore
        iv, enc_token_seed = SecretObj.encrypt(token_seed)

        token.set_encrypted_seed(enc_token_seed, iv,