Пример #1
    def test_authorisation(self):
        """ connect to the helpdesk contoller """

        response = self.make_helpdesk_request('getsession')
        assert 'false' not in response

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)

        assert 'helpdesk_session' in cookies

        session = cookies.get('helpdesk_session')

        assert session, cookies

        params = {'session': session}
        response = self.make_helpdesk_request('users', params=params)

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        assert 'false' not in response, (cookies, session)

        response = self.make_helpdesk_request('dropsession')

        assert 'false' not in response

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        assert ' Expires' in cookies
        assert cookies.get('helpdesk_session') == ''
Пример #2
    def test_login_with_challenge_response(self):
        test authentication with challenge response
        with a single token

        the authentication is running in multiple steps:

            1. get the credentials_verified step

            2. by calling the login with the 'credentials_verified' cookie
               and no otp, we trigger a challenge

            3. reply with the previous cookie 'challenge_triggered'
               and the otp should return the final 'authenticated' cookie

        After the 3 step any operation could be made, like history


        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # run the credential verification step

        auth_user = {
            'login': '******',
            'password': '******'

        response = self.app.get(url(controller='userservice', action='login'),

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get('user_selfservice')
        TestController.set_cookie(self.app, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # verify that 'history' could not be called in this status

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie

        with self.assertRaises(webtest.app.AppError) as app_error:

            response = self.app.get(url(controller='userservice',

        self.assertTrue("403 Forbidden" in app_error.exception.message)

        TestController.set_cookie(self.app, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='userservice',

        self.assertTrue('LoginToken' in response, response)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request is to trigger the login challenge response

        TestController.set_cookie(self.app, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='userservice', action='login'),

        self.assertTrue('"Please enter your otp value: "' in response,

        # response should contain the challenge information

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get('user_selfservice')
        TestController.set_cookie(self.app, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request replies to the challenge response and
        # finishes the authorisation

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        params['otp'] = self.otps.pop()

        response = self.app.get(url(controller='userservice', action='login'),

        self.assertTrue('"value": true' in response, response)

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get('user_selfservice')
        TestController.set_cookie(self.app, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='userservice',

        self.assertTrue('"rows": [' in response, response)

Пример #3
    def test_login_with_challenge_response(self):
        test authentication with challenge response
        with a single token

        the authentication is running in multiple steps:

            1. get the credentials_verified step

            2. by calling the login with the 'credentials_verified' cookie
               and no otp, we trigger a challenge

            3a. reply with the previous cookie 'challenge_triggered'
               and an wrong otp should increment the token fail count

            3b. reply with the previous cookie 'challenge_triggered'
               and the otp should return the final 'authenticated' cookie

        After the 3 step any operation could be made, like history


        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # run the credential verification step

        auth_user = {
            'login': '******',
            'password': '******'

        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get('user_selfservice')

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # verify that 'history' could not be called in this status

        params = {}
        params['session'] = 'void'

        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',

        assert response.status_code == 401
        assert "No valid session" in response.data.decode()

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert 'LoginToken' in response, response

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request is to trigger the login challenge response

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert '"Please enter your otp value: "' in response, \

        # response should contain the challenge information

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get('user_selfservice')
        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request replies to the challenge response with a wrong otp
        # and check if the fail counter is incremented

        params = {'serial': 'LoginToken'}
        response = self.make_admin_request('show', params)
        token_data = json.loads(response.body)['result']['value']['data'][0]
        failcount = token_data["LinOtp.FailCount"]

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        otp = self.otps.pop()
        params['otp'] = otp[::-1]

        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',
        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")

        assert '"value": false' in response, response

        params = {'serial': 'LoginToken'}
        response = self.make_admin_request('show', params)
        token_data = json.loads(response.body)['result']['value']['data'][0]
        new_failcount = token_data["LinOtp.FailCount"]

        assert new_failcount > failcount

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request replies to the challenge response with an emptyotp
        # and check if the fail counter is incremented

        params = {'serial': 'LoginToken'}
        response = self.make_admin_request('show', params)
        token_data = json.loads(response.body)['result']['value']['data'][0]
        failcount = token_data["LinOtp.FailCount"]

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        otp = self.otps.pop()
        params['otp'] = ''

        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")

        assert '"value": false' in response, response

        params = {'serial': 'LoginToken'}
        response = self.make_admin_request('show', params)
        token_data = json.loads(response.body)['result']['value']['data'][0]
        new_failcount = token_data["LinOtp.FailCount"]

        assert new_failcount > failcount

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request replies to the challenge response and
        # finishes the authorisation

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        params['otp'] = self.otps.pop()

        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert '"value": true' in response, response

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get('user_selfservice')
        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert '"rows": [' in response, response

    def test_login_with_assync_challenge_response(self):
        """Test authentication with challenge response with a single token.

        the authentication is running in multiple steps:

            1. get the credentials_verified step

            2. by calling the login with the 'credentials_verified' cookie
               and no otp, we trigger a challenge

            3a. reply with the previous cookie 'challenge_triggered'
                and an wrong otp should increment the token fail count

            3b. reply with the previous cookie 'challenge_triggered'
                and no otp should increment check the status

            4. validate/check with otp should validate the challenge

            5. login request cookie 'challenge_triggered' should return the
               final 'authenticated' cookie

        After the 5 step any operation could be made, like history


        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # run the credential verification step

        auth_user = {
            "login": "******",
            "password": "******",

        response = self.client.get(url(controller="userservice",
        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")

        assert '"value": false' in response, response
        assert "additional authentication parameter" in response, response

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get("user_selfservice")
        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request is to trigger the login challenge response

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params["session"] = auth_cookie
        response = self.client.get(url(controller="userservice",
        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")

        assert '"Please enter your otp value: "' in response, response

        # response should contain the challenge information

        jresp = response.json
        transactionid = jresp["detail"]["transactionId"]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get("user_selfservice")
        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request queries the challeng status

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        params = {"session": auth_cookie}
        response = self.client.get(url(controller="userservice",
        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")

        assert '"value": false' in response, response

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # make a /validate/check to verify the challenge

        params = {
            "pass": self.otps.pop(),
            "transactionid": transactionid,
        response = self.client.get(url(controller="validate",
        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")

        assert '"value": true' in response, response

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # verify that transaction is verified

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params["session"] = auth_cookie

        response = self.client.get(url(controller="userservice",
        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")

        assert '"value": true' in response, response

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get("user_selfservice")
        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        params = {}
        params["session"] = auth_cookie
        response = self.client.get(url(controller="userservice",
        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")

        assert '"rows": [' in response, response
    def test_login_with_challenge_response_simple(self):
        test authentication with challenge response
        with a single token

        the authentication is running in multiple steps:

        * calling login with a valid password will return
            * the token list and
            * the 'credentials_verified' cookie

        * calling the login with
            * the 'credentials_verified' cookie and
            * no otp
            will trigger a challenge
            - the serial is not required as the user has only one token

        * calling loggin with
            * the previous cookie 'challenge_triggered' and
            * the otp returns the final 'authenticated' cookie

        * the completness of the login is verified by quering the history


        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # run the credential verification step

        auth_user = {
            "login": "******",
            "password": "******",

        response = self.client.post(url(controller="userservice",

        jresp = response.json
        tokenlist = jresp["detail"]["tokenList"]
        assert len(tokenlist) == 1
        assert tokenlist[0]["LinOtp.TokenSerialnumber"] == "LoginToken"

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get("user_selfservice")
        assert auth_cookie

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request is to trigger the login challenge response
        # response should contain the challenge information

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params["session"] = auth_cookie
        response = self.client.post(url(controller="userservice",

        jresp = response.json
        assert jresp["detail"]
        assert jresp["detail"]["message"] == "Please enter your otp value: "

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get("user_selfservice")

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # replies to the challenge response which finishes the authorisation

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params["session"] = auth_cookie
        params["otp"] = self.otps.pop()

        response = self.client.post(url(controller="userservice",

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert '"value": true' in response, response

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get("user_selfservice")

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # verify that the authentication was successful

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params["session"] = auth_cookie
        response = self.client.post(url(controller="userservice",

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert '"rows": [' in response, response

    def test_login_with_challenge_response(self):
        test authentication with challenge response
        with a single token

        the authentication is running in multiple steps:

            1. get the credentials_verified step

            2. by calling the login with the 'credentials_verified' cookie
               and no otp, we trigger a challenge

            3a. reply with the previous cookie 'challenge_triggered'
               and an wrong otp should increment the token fail count

            3b. reply with the previous cookie 'challenge_triggered'
               and the otp should return the final 'authenticated' cookie

        After the 3 step any operation could be made, like history


        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # run the credential verification step

        auth_user = {
            "login": "******",
            "password": "******",

        response = self.client.post(url(controller="userservice",

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get("user_selfservice")

        jresp = response.json
        tokenlist = jresp["detail"]["tokenList"]
        assert len(tokenlist) == 1
        assert tokenlist[0]["LinOtp.TokenSerialnumber"] == "LoginToken"

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # verify that 'history' could not be called in this status

        params = {}
        params["session"] = "void"

        response = self.client.post(url(controller="userservice",

        assert response.status_code == 401
        assert "No valid session" in response.data.decode()

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params["session"] = auth_cookie
        response = self.client.post(url(controller="userservice",

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert "LoginToken" in response, response

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request is to trigger the login challenge response

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params["session"] = auth_cookie
        response = self.client.post(url(controller="userservice",

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert '"Please enter your otp value: "' in response, response

        # response should contain the challenge information

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get("user_selfservice")
        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request replies to the challenge response with a wrong otp
        # and check if the fail counter is incremented

        params = {"serial": "LoginToken"}
        response = self.make_admin_request("show", params)
        token_data = json.loads(response.body)["result"]["value"]["data"][0]
        failcount = token_data["LinOtp.FailCount"]

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params["session"] = auth_cookie
        otp = self.otps.pop()
        params["otp"] = otp[::-1]

        response = self.client.post(url(controller="userservice",
        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")

        assert '"value": false' in response, response

        params = {"serial": "LoginToken"}
        response = self.make_admin_request("show", params)
        token_data = json.loads(response.body)["result"]["value"]["data"][0]
        new_failcount = token_data["LinOtp.FailCount"]

        assert new_failcount > failcount

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request replies to the challenge response with an emptyotp
        # and check if the fail counter is incremented

        params = {"serial": "LoginToken"}
        response = self.make_admin_request("show", params)
        token_data = json.loads(response.body)["result"]["value"]["data"][0]
        failcount = token_data["LinOtp.FailCount"]

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params["session"] = auth_cookie
        otp = self.otps.pop()
        params["otp"] = ""

        response = self.client.post(url(controller="userservice",

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")

        assert '"value": false' in response, response

        params = {"serial": "LoginToken"}
        response = self.make_admin_request("show", params)
        token_data = json.loads(response.body)["result"]["value"]["data"][0]
        new_failcount = token_data["LinOtp.FailCount"]

        assert new_failcount > failcount

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request replies to the challenge response and
        # finishes the authorisation

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params["session"] = auth_cookie
        params["otp"] = self.otps.pop()

        response = self.client.post(url(controller="userservice",

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert '"value": true' in response, response

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get("user_selfservice")
        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, "user_selfservice", auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        params = {}
        params["session"] = auth_cookie
        response = self.client.post(url(controller="userservice",

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert '"rows": [' in response, response

Пример #7
    def test_login_with_challenge_response(self):
        test authentication with challenge response
        with a single token

        the authentication is running in multiple steps:

            1. get the credentials_verified step

            2. by calling the login with the 'credentials_verified' cookie
               and no otp, we trigger a challenge

            3. reply with the previous cookie 'challenge_triggered'
               and the otp should return the final 'authenticated' cookie

        After the 3 step any operation could be made, like history


        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # run the credential verification step

        auth_user = {
            'login': '******',
            'password': '******'}

        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',
                                        action='login'), data=auth_user)

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get('user_selfservice')

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # verify that 'history' could not be called in this status

        params = {}
        params['session'] = 'void'

        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',
                                        action='history'), data=params)

        assert response.status_code == 401
        assert "No valid session" in response.data.decode()

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',
                                        action='usertokenlist'), data=params)

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert 'LoginToken' in response, response

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request is to trigger the login challenge response

        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',
                                        action='login'), data=params)

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert '"Please enter your otp value: "' in response, \

        # response should contain the challenge information

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get('user_selfservice')
        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request replies to the challenge response and
        # finishes the authorisation

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        params['otp'] = self.otps.pop()

        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',
                                        action='login'), data=params)

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert '"value": true' in response, response

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get('user_selfservice')
        TestController.set_cookie(self.client, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        response = self.client.post(url(controller='userservice',
                                        action='history'), data=params)

        response.body = response.data.decode("utf-8")
        assert '"rows": [' in response, response

Пример #8
    def test_login_with_challenge_response(self):
        test authentication with challenge response
        with a single token

        the authentication is running in multiple steps:

            1. get the credentials_verified step

            2. by calling the login with the 'credentials_verified' cookie
               and no otp, we trigger a challenge

            3. reply with the previous cookie 'challenge_triggered'
               and the otp should return the final 'authenticated' cookie

        After the 3 step any operation could be made, like history


        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # run the credential verification step

        auth_user = {
            'login': '******',
            'password': '******'}

        response = self.app.get(url(controller='userservice',
                                    action='login'), params=auth_user)

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get('user_selfservice')
        TestController.set_cookie(self.app, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # verify that 'history' could not be called in this status

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie

        with self.assertRaises(webtest.app.AppError) as app_error:

            response = self.app.get(url(controller='userservice',
                                        action='history'), params=params)

        self.assertTrue("403 Forbidden" in app_error.exception.message)

        TestController.set_cookie(self.app, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='userservice',
                                    action='usertokenlist'), params=params)

        self.assertTrue('LoginToken' in response, response)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request is to trigger the login challenge response

        TestController.set_cookie(self.app, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='userservice',
                                    action='login'), params=params)

        self.assertTrue('"Please enter your otp value: "' in response,

        # response should contain the challenge information

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get('user_selfservice')
        TestController.set_cookie(self.app, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # next request replies to the challenge response and
        # finishes the authorisation

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        params['otp'] = self.otps.pop()

        response = self.app.get(url(controller='userservice',
                                    action='login'), params=params)

        self.assertTrue('"value": true' in response, response)

        cookies = TestController.get_cookies(response)
        auth_cookie = cookies.get('user_selfservice')
        TestController.set_cookie(self.app, 'user_selfservice', auth_cookie)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        params = {}
        params['session'] = auth_cookie
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='userservice',
                                    action='history'), params=params)

        self.assertTrue('"rows": [' in response, response)
