Пример #1
    def testYamlInlineChanges(self):
        mockYaml = """1:
  author: a1
  comment: c1
  tag: t1
  sql: sql
  rollback: rollback
  author: a2
  comment: c2
  sql: sql 2
  rollback: rollback 2

        db = Database()

        with patch('liquipy.db.open',
            changes = db.inputYamlToChangeSets('yamlPath')

        changeKeys = changes.keys()
        self.assertNotIn(0, changeKeys)
        self.assertIn(1, changeKeys)
        self.assertIn(2, changeKeys)
        self.assertNotIn(3, changeKeys)
        # Just test the structure of one. Other tests around how change sets are
        # created from YAML input are in xmlwriter_test.py.
        changeOne = changes[1]
        self.assertIn('author', changeOne)
        self.assertIn('comment', changeOne)
        self.assertIn('tag', changeOne)
        self.assertIn('sql', changeOne)
        self.assertIn('rollback', changeOne)
Пример #2
  def testYamlInlineChanges(self):
    mockYaml = """1: 
  author: a1
  comment: c1
  tag: t1
  sql: sql
  rollback: rollback
  author: a2
  comment: c2
  sql: sql 2
  rollback: rollback 2

    db = Database()

    with patch('liquipy.db.open', mock_open(read_data=mockYaml), create=True):
      changes = db.inputYamlToChangeSets('yamlPath')

    changeKeys = changes.keys()
    self.assertNotIn(0, changeKeys)
    self.assertIn(1, changeKeys)
    self.assertIn(2, changeKeys)
    self.assertNotIn(3, changeKeys)
    # Just test the structure of one. Other tests around how change sets are 
    # created from YAML input are in xmlwriter_test.py.
    changeOne = changes[1]
    self.assertIn('author', changeOne)
    self.assertIn('comment', changeOne)
    self.assertIn('tag', changeOne)
    self.assertIn('sql', changeOne)
    self.assertIn('rollback', changeOne)
Пример #3
  def testYamlRelativeLocalFileInclude(self):
    mockMasterYaml = """include:
  directory: migrations
    mockIncludedYaml = """1: 
  author: a1
  comment: c1
  sql: sql
  rollback: rollback

    masterChangeSetFilePath = 'master_changeset.yml'

    db = Database()

    def side_effect(filePath, mode):
      mockFile = Mock()
      if filePath == masterChangeSetFilePath:
        mockFile.read = Mock(return_value=mockMasterYaml)
        self.assertEqual('migrations/include1.yml', filePath)
        mockFile.read = Mock(return_value=mockIncludedYaml)
      return mockFile

    mockOpen = mock_open()
    mockOpen.side_effect = side_effect
    mockListdir = Mock(return_value=['include1.yml', 'other.thing'])

    with patch('liquipy.db.open', mockOpen, create=True):
      with patch('liquipy.db.listdir', mockListdir, create=True):
        changes = db.inputYamlToChangeSets(masterChangeSetFilePath)


    changeKeys = changes.keys()
    self.assertNotIn('include', changeKeys)
    self.assertNotIn(0, changeKeys)
    self.assertIn(1, changeKeys)
    self.assertNotIn(2, changeKeys)
    # Just test the structure of one. Other tests around how change sets are 
    # created from YAML input are in xmlwriter_test.py.
    changeOne = changes[1]
    self.assertIn('author', changeOne)
    self.assertIn('comment', changeOne)
    self.assertIn('sql', changeOne)
    self.assertIn('rollback', changeOne)
Пример #4
    def testYamlAbsoluteFileInclude(self):
        mockMasterYaml = """include:
  directory: migrations
        mockIncludedYaml = """1:
  author: a1
  comment: c1
  sql: sql
  rollback: rollback

        masterChangeSetFilePath = '/foo/bar/baz/master_changeset.yml'

        db = Database()

        def sideEffect(filePath, _mode):
            mockFile = Mock()
            if filePath == masterChangeSetFilePath:
                mockFile.read = Mock(return_value=mockMasterYaml)
                mockFile.read = Mock(return_value=mockIncludedYaml)
            return mockFile

        mockOpen = mock_open()
        mockOpen.side_effect = sideEffect
        mockListdir = Mock(return_value=['include1.yml', 'other.thing'])

        with patch('liquipy.db.open', mockOpen, create=True):
            with patch('liquipy.db.os.listdir', mockListdir, create=True):
                changes = db.inputYamlToChangeSets(masterChangeSetFilePath)


        changeKeys = changes.keys()
        self.assertNotIn(0, changeKeys)
        self.assertIn(1, changeKeys)
        self.assertNotIn(2, changeKeys)
        # Just test the structure of one. Other tests around how change sets are
        # created from YAML input are in xmlwriter_test.py.
        changeOne = changes[1]
        self.assertIn('author', changeOne)
        self.assertIn('comment', changeOne)
        self.assertIn('sql', changeOne)
        self.assertIn('rollback', changeOne)
Пример #5
    def testYamlAbsoluteFileInclude(self):
        mockMasterYaml = """include:
  directory: migrations
        mockIncludedYaml = """1:
  author: a1
  comment: c1
  sql: sql
  rollback: rollback

        masterChangeSetFilePath = "/foo/bar/baz/master_changeset.yml"

        db = Database()

        def sideEffect(filePath, _mode):
            mockFile = Mock()
            if filePath == masterChangeSetFilePath:
                mockFile.read = Mock(return_value=mockMasterYaml)
                self.assertEqual("/foo/bar/baz/migrations/include1.yml", filePath)
                mockFile.read = Mock(return_value=mockIncludedYaml)
            return mockFile

        mockOpen = mock_open()
        mockOpen.side_effect = sideEffect
        mockListdir = Mock(return_value=["include1.yml", "other.thing"])

        with patch("liquipy.db.open", mockOpen, create=True):
            with patch("liquipy.db.os.listdir", mockListdir, create=True):
                changes = db.inputYamlToChangeSets(masterChangeSetFilePath)


        changeKeys = changes.keys()
        self.assertNotIn(0, changeKeys)
        self.assertIn(1, changeKeys)
        self.assertNotIn(2, changeKeys)
        # Just test the structure of one. Other tests around how change sets are
        # created from YAML input are in xmlwriter_test.py.
        changeOne = changes[1]
        self.assertIn("author", changeOne)
        self.assertIn("comment", changeOne)
        self.assertIn("sql", changeOne)
        self.assertIn("rollback", changeOne)
Пример #6
  def testIncludeWithMissingDirectoryRaisesException(self):
    mockMasterYaml = """include:
  directory: migrations

    masterChangeSetFilePath = '/foo/bar/baz/master_changeset.yml'

    db = Database()

    def side_effect(filePath, mode):
      mockFile = Mock()
      mockFile.read = Mock(return_value=mockMasterYaml)
      return mockFile

    mockOpen = mock_open()
    mockOpen.side_effect = side_effect

    with patch('liquipy.db.open', mockOpen, create=True):
      with self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, 'Included directory "/foo/bar/baz/migrations" does not exist'):
        changes = db.inputYamlToChangeSets(masterChangeSetFilePath)
Пример #7
    def testIncludeWithMissingDirectoryRaisesException(self):
        mockMasterYaml = """include:
  directory: migrations

        masterChangeSetFilePath = '/foo/bar/baz/master_changeset.yml'

        db = Database()

        def sideEffect(_filePath, _mode):
            mockFile = Mock()
            mockFile.read = Mock(return_value=mockMasterYaml)
            return mockFile

        mockOpen = mock_open()
        mockOpen.side_effect = sideEffect

        with patch('liquipy.db.open', mockOpen, create=True):
            with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
                    "Included directory '/foo/bar/baz/migrations' does not exist"