class Detector(): def __init__(self): self.bridge = CvBridge() self.sub_image = rospy.Subscriber("/head_mount_kinect/rgb/image_rect_color", Image, self.cb, queue_size=1) = rospy.Publisher("blob_loc", String, queue_size=1) self.uc = Uber() rospy.loginfo("Detector initialized.") def cb(self, data): #Detect green box! params = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params() params.filterByArea = True params.filterByCircularity = False params.filterByConvexity = False params.minArea = 150 params.maxArea = 10e20 lower_blue = np.array([40,100,100]) upper_blue = np.array([80,255,255]) image_cv = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data) blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(image_cv,(41,41),0) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(blur, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) im = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_blue, upper_blue) im = cv2.bitwise_not(im) detect = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector(params) keypoints = detect.detect(im) im_with_keypoints = cv2.drawKeypoints(im, keypoints, np.array([]), (0,0,255), cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS) #Head tracks green box, keeping it at coordinates [300, 300] self.uc.command_head([clamp_head((300 - keypoints[0].pt[0]) / 100), clamp_head(-(300 - keypoints[0].pt[1]) / 100)], time=1, blocking=False) - keypoints[0].pt[0]) / 100) + " " + str((300 - keypoints[0].pt[1]) / 100)) def clamp_head(n): return max(-1.5, min(n, 1.5)) #So the head doesn't swing too far
def __init__(self): self.bridge = CvBridge() self.sub_image = rospy.Subscriber("/head_mount_kinect/rgb/image_rect_color", Image, self.cb, queue_size=1) = rospy.Publisher("blob_loc", String, queue_size=1) self.uc = Uber() rospy.loginfo("Detector initialized.")
class LeftGrip: def __init__(self): self.uc = Uber() self.uc.open_gripper("l") self.position = INITIAL_POS self.gripping = False self.left_gripper_sac = LeftGripper() self.sub = rospy.Subscriber("pressure/l_gripper_motor", PS, self.callback, queue_size=1) rospy.loginfo("Initialized grip detector.") def callback(self, data): left = np.array(data.l_finger_tip) right = np.array(data.r_finger_tip) l_mean = np.mean(left) r_mean = np.mean(right) # Calibration of default pressures # rospy.loginfo(l_mean) # rospy.loginfo(r_mean) # check if there is pressure on a finger tip if l_mean > L_STANDARD or r_mean > R_STANDARD: self.gripping = True # close grippers slowly if enough pressure if self.gripping: self.position = self.position - POS_CHANGE if self.position < 0: response = raw_input("Ready to release?") self.position = INITIAL_POS self.uc.command_gripper("l", self.position, -1, blocking=True, timeout=2) self.gripping = False self.left_gripper_sac.grip(self.position, 15) rospy.sleep(0.01)
def __init__(self): self.uc = Uber() self.uc.open_gripper("l") self.position = INITIAL_POS self.gripping = False self.left_gripper_sac = LeftGripper() self.sub = rospy.Subscriber("pressure/l_gripper_motor", PS, self.callback, queue_size=1) rospy.loginfo("Initialized grip detector.")
def __init__(self): self.bridge = CvBridge() self.sub_image = rospy.Subscriber("/head_mount_kinect/rgb/image_rect_color", Image, self.cb, queue_size=1) self.head_sac = Head() self.uc = Uber() rospy.loginfo("Detector initialized.")
def get_dance_configs(): uc = Uber() done = False while not done: raw_input('When robot is in desired config press ENTER') r_config = uc.get_joint_positions('r') print 'The current right arm config is: ', r_config l_config = uc.get_joint_positions('l') print 'The current left arm config is: ', l_config head_config = uc.get_head_pose() print 'The current head config is: ', head_config answer = raw_input('Enter y if done, else hit ENTER') if answer == 'y': done = True
uc.down_torso(False) uc.open_gripper('l', False) uc.open_gripper('r', False) nod() uc.close_gripper('l', False) uc.close_gripper('r', False) nod() uc.open_gripper('l', False) uc.open_gripper('r', False) nod() uc.close_gripper('l', False) uc.close_gripper('r', False) nod() uc.open_gripper('l', False) uc.open_gripper('r') uc.close_gripper('l', False) uc.close_gripper('r', False) nod() uc.open_gripper('l', False) uc.open_gripper('r') uc.close_gripper('l', False) uc.close_gripper('r', False) nod() rospy.init_node("ubertest") rospy.loginfo("Dance") uc = Uber() reset() dance()
elif == "green": speak("yeah baby") for _ in range(2): self.left_arm.move([1.5, -1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0], time=1, blocking=False) self.right_arm.move([-1.5, -1,-3, 1, 0, 0, 0], time=1, blocking=False) time.sleep(1) self.left_arm.move([1.5, 0.3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0], time=1, blocking=False) self.right_arm.move([-1.5, 0.3,-3, 0, 0, 0, 0], time=1, blocking=False) time.sleep(1) else: speak("show me something") self.cnt+=1 if self.cnt == 10: self.subscriber.unregister() if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("corlor_detector") rospy.loginfo('Node initialized. Yeah, Baby!') uc = Uber() uc.command_head([0, 1], time=1, blocking=False) time.sleep(1) uc.close_gripper('l') uc.close_gripper('r') # whether blocking is true really does not matter here uc.command_joint_pose('l', [1.5, 0.3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0], time=1, blocking=True) uc.command_joint_pose('r', [-1.5, 0.3,-3, 0, 0, 0, 0], time=1, blocking=True) detector = Detector() controller = MotionController() rospy.spin()
#!/usr/bin/env python #Author: Ivan Jutamulia from lis_pr2_pkg.uber_controller import Uber import rospy import time rospy.init_node("Dance_test") rospy.loginfo("Ivan's dance") uc = Uber() # finding position parameters training = False if training: while True: input = raw_input('Press enter') if input != 'quit': print 'Left: %s, Right: %s' % (uc.get_joint_positions('l'), uc.get_joint_positions('r')) print('Head:', uc.get_head_pose()) else: break def move_arms_to_front(): left_initial = [ -0.060724865504715675, -0.04400677423433334, 1.571935610022725, 0.008423494421986533, 7.85542236019144, -1.5718169372528075, 47.124129109964365 ] right_initial = [ -0.09320742998704235, 0.001241879925519199, -1.5748812676586466,
#!/usr/bin/env python #Author: Ariel Anders from lis_pr2_pkg.uber_controller import Uber import rospy import os run_dance = lambda x: os.system("rosrun lis_pr2_pkg" % x) announce = lambda x: os.system(\ 'rosrun sound_play "running the %s dance"' % x.replace("_"," ")) rospy.init_node("alldances") uc = Uber() uc.lift_torso() if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("alldances") uc = Uber() uc.look_forward() uc.lift_torso() dances = [ "michael", "zi", "loc", "caelan_clement", "caris_alex", "rohan_ferran" ] for dance in dances: # reset arms uc.move_arm_to_side("l", blocking=False) uc.move_arm_to_side("r", blocking=True) #start dances announce(dance) run_dance(dance)
#!/usr/bin/env python #Author: Nishad Gothoskar from lis_pr2_pkg.uber_controller import Uber import rospy import time rospy.init_node("test_dance") rospy.loginfo("Nishad Routine") uc = Uber() training = False if training: while True: raw_input('Set Position and hit key') print 'Left: %s, Right: %s' % (uc.get_joint_positions('l'), uc.get_joint_positions('r')) print(uc.get_head_pose()) # initialize positions uc.close_gripper('l') uc.close_gripper('r') uc.open_gripper('l') uc.open_gripper('r') uc.move_arm_to_side('l') uc.move_arm_to_side('r') uc.look_forward() left_hand_positions = [[ 0.09422760233549077, 0.2728012127918493, 0.1659444924115625, -0.011844405171707262, 1.2417649091338576, -0.09903999188153156, 28.048339235018787 ],
#!/usr/bin/env python #Author: Nishad Gothoskar from lis_pr2_pkg.uber_controller import Uber import rospy import time rospy.init_node("test_dance") rospy.loginfo("Nishad Routine") uc = Uber() training = False if training: while True: raw_input('Set Position and hit key') print 'Left: %s, Right: %s'%(uc.get_joint_positions('l'), uc.get_joint_positions('r')) print (uc.get_head_pose()) # initialize positions uc.close_gripper('l') uc.close_gripper('r') uc.open_gripper('l') uc.open_gripper('r') uc.move_arm_to_side('l') uc.move_arm_to_side('r') uc.look_forward() left_hand_positions = [[0.09422760233549077, 0.2728012127918493, 0.1659444924115625, -0.011844405171707262, 1.2417649091338576, -0.09903999188153156, 28.048339235018787], [0.08601984721714917, -0.5364338216253639, 0.1454190746362174, -0.1877408195026936, 1.2383519310037745, -0.09873542944083502, 28.04803467257809]] right_hand_positions = [[-0.368789026081663, -0.4699518417662933, 0.05592731652309624, -0.43877323304173077, -7.511689438923872, -0.09765892758541128, 15.317959108114861], [-0.17926449880359352, 0.348757824038619, 0.054965187564877116, -0.03254661689955185, -7.511400203489119, 0.007328096614910851, 15.309561886535638]] head_motion = [(0, .4),(-.8, 0),(0, -.4),(.8, 0)]
def listener(): rospy.init_node('pr2_ctrl_listener', anonymous=True) global uc uc = Uber() rospy.Subscriber("pybullet_cmds", uc_msg, callback) rospy.spin()
#Detect green box! params = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params() params.filterByArea = True params.filterByCircularity = False params.filterByConvexity = False params.minArea = 150 params.maxArea = 10e20 lower_blue = np.array([40,100,100]) upper_blue = np.array([80,255,255]) image_cv = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data) blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(image_cv,(41,41),0) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(blur, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) im = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_blue, upper_blue) im = cv2.bitwise_not(im) detect = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector(params) keypoints = detect.detect(im) im_with_keypoints = cv2.drawKeypoints(im, keypoints, np.array([]), (0,0,255), cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS) #Head tracks green box, keeping it at coordinates [300, 300] self.uc.command_head([clamp_head((300 - keypoints[0].pt[0]) / 100), clamp_head(-(300 - keypoints[0].pt[1]) / 100)], time=1, blocking=False) - keypoints[0].pt[0]) / 100) + " " + str((300 - keypoints[0].pt[1]) / 100)) def clamp_head(n): return max(-1.5, min(n, 1.5)) #So the head doesn't swing too far uc = Uber() uc.command_joint_pose('l', [0]*7, time=2, blocking=True) uc.command_joint_pose('r', [0]*7, time=2, blocking=True) uc.look_down_center() det = Detector() rospy.spin()
#!/usr/bin/env python #Author: Zi Wang from lis_pr2_pkg.uber_controller import Uber import rospy import numpy as np import csv is_record = 0 rospy.init_node("test_dance") rospy.loginfo("Start dancing") uc = Uber() # initialize positions uc.close_gripper('l') uc.close_gripper('r') uc.move_arm_to_side("l") uc.move_arm_to_side("r") uc.look_forward() posefile = 'zi_poses.csv' # record positions joint_poses = [] cnt = 0 while (is_record and cnt < 10) and not rospy.is_shutdown(): joints = [] joints += uc.get_joint_positions('l') joints += uc.get_joint_positions('r') #print uc.return_cartesian_pose('l') #print uc.return_cartesian_pose('r') joints += uc.get_head_pose()
#!/usr/bin/env python #Author: Skye Thompson from lis_pr2_pkg.uber_controller import Uber import rospy import time import numpy as np rospy.init_node("test_dance") rospy.loginfo("Skye Routine") uc = Uber() # initial uc.close_gripper('l') uc.close_gripper('r') uc.command_joint_pose('l', [0] * 7, time=2, blocking=True) uc.command_joint_pose('r', [0] * 7, time=2, blocking=True) uc.look_forward() for i in range(2): #Head right, Left arm up, Right arm down uc.command_head([-1, 0], time=1, blocking=False) l = [1, 0, 0, -1.5, 0, 0, 0] uc.command_joint_pose('l', l, time=2, blocking=True) r = [-1, 0, -np.pi, -1.5, 0, 0, 0] uc.command_joint_pose('r', r, time=2, blocking=True) time.sleep(2) #Flatten and bend left arm l = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] uc.command_joint_pose('l', l, time=2, blocking=True)
raw_input("get cartesian pose-- left") print uc.return_cartesian_pose('l', 'base_link') raw_input("get cartesian pose--right") print uc.return_cartesian_pose('r', 'base_link') def test_custom_joint(): rospy.loginfo("sending joints to 0!") uc.command_joint_pose('l', [0]*7, time=2, blocking=False) uc.command_joint_pose('r', [0]*7, time=2, blocking=True) """ rospy.init_node("ubertest") rospy.loginfo("how to use uber controller") uc = Uber() #while True: # raw_input('Continue?') # print '(%s, %s),'%(uc.get_joint_positions('l'), uc.get_joint_positions('r')) #while True: # raw_input('') # print str(uc.get_head_pose()) + ',' # print #quit() pairs = [ ([ 1.5050495098993175, 1.164516297235906, 3.2029045490308374,
if len(faces): rospy.loginfo("Face detected.") #cv2.imshow('image',image_cv) #cv2.waitKey(0) #cv2.destroyAllWindows()"Detected %d faces." % len(faces)) #cv2.imshow('image', image_cv) #cv2.waitKey(0) #cv2.destroyAllWindows() #cv2.imwrite('/home/demo/tmp.png',image_cv) rospy.init_node("test_reactive") rospy.loginfo('start testing reactive controller') uc = Uber() uc.lift_torso() uc.move_arm_to_side('r') uc.move_arm_to_side('l') uc.open_gripper('r') uc.command_head([-np.pi / 3, np.pi / 8], 3, True) #uc.look_forward() det = Detector() speak = lambda x: os.system("rosrun sound_play '%s'" % x) class Sub: def __init__(self): self.sub = rospy.Subscriber("ifdetect", String, self.cb) self.detected = False
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' ---------------------------------------------- -- move the robot -- Jingxi Xu ---------------------------------------------- ''' from lis_pr2_pkg.uber_controller import Uber import rospy import numpy as np import time import csv rospy.init_node("ubertest") rospy.loginfo("motion") uc = Uber() # initial uc.look_forward() uc.move_arm_to_side("l") uc.move_arm_to_side("r")
def __init__(self): self.uc = Uber() self.uc.open_gripper("l")
class LeftGrip: def __init__(self): self.uc = Uber() self.uc.open_gripper("l")
speak("I do not like red") elif == "green": speak("yeah baby") for _ in range(2): uc.command_joint_pose('l', [1.5, -1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0], time=1, blocking=True) uc.command_joint_pose('r', [-1.5, -1,-3, 1, 0, 0, 0], time=1, blocking=True) time.sleep(1) uc.command_joint_pose('l', [1.5, 0.3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0], time=1, blocking=True) uc.command_joint_pose('r', [-1.5, 0.3,-3, 0, 0, 0, 0], time=1, blocking=True) time.sleep(1) else: speak("show me something") self.cnt+=1 if self.cnt == 10: self.subscriber.unregister() if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("corlor_detector") rospy.loginfo('Node initialized. Yeah, Baby!') uc = Uber() uc.command_head([0, 1], time=1, blocking=False) time.sleep(1) uc.close_gripper('l') uc.close_gripper('r') uc.command_joint_pose('l', [1.5, 0.3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0], time=1, blocking=True) uc.command_joint_pose('r', [-1.5, 0.3,-3, 0, 0, 0, 0], time=1, blocking=True) detector = Detector() controller = MotionController() rospy.spin()
for (ex,ey,ew,eh) in eyes: cv2.rectangle(roi_color,(ex,ey),(ex+ew,ey+eh),(0,255,0),2) if len(faces): rospy.loginfo("Face detected.") #cv2.imshow('image',image_cv) #cv2.waitKey(0) #cv2.destroyAllWindows()"Detected %d faces." % len(faces)) #cv2.imshow('image', image_cv) #cv2.waitKey(0) #cv2.destroyAllWindows() #cv2.imwrite('/home/demo/tmp.png',image_cv) rospy.init_node("test_reactive") rospy.loginfo('start testing reactive controller') uc = Uber() uc.lift_torso() uc.move_arm_to_side('r') uc.move_arm_to_side('l') uc.open_gripper('r') uc.command_head([-np.pi/3,np.pi/8],3,True) #uc.look_forward() det = Detector() speak = lambda x: os.system("rosrun sound_play '%s'" % x) class Sub: def __init__(self): self.sub = rospy.Subscriber("ifdetect", String, self.cb) self.detected = False
#!/usr/bin/env python #Author: Ivan Jutamulia from lis_pr2_pkg.uber_controller import Uber import rospy import time rospy.init_node("Dance_test") rospy.loginfo("Ivan's dance") uc = Uber() # finding position parameters training = False if training: while True: input = raw_input('Press enter') if input != 'quit': print 'Left: %s, Right: %s'%(uc.get_joint_positions('l'), uc.get_joint_positions('r')) print ('Head:', uc.get_head_pose()) else: break def move_arms_to_front(): left_initial = [-0.060724865504715675, -0.04400677423433334, 1.571935610022725, 0.008423494421986533, 7.85542236019144, -1.5718169372528075, 47.124129109964365] right_initial = [-0.09320742998704235, 0.001241879925519199, -1.5748812676586466, -0.0006970603951756971, -1.5713720799708144, -1.570870962157672, 59.69000916464502] uc.command_joint_pose('l', left_initial, time=2, blocking=True) uc.command_joint_pose('r', right_initial, time=2, blocking=True) # initial positions def initialize(): uc.close_gripper('l') uc.close_gripper('r')
and pose configurations, various motions, etc. -- Jingxi Xu ---------------------------------------------- ''' from lis_pr2_pkg.uber_controller import Uber import rospy import numpy as np import time import csv rospy.init_node("ubertest") rospy.loginfo("Jingxi's dance demo") uc = Uber() # initial uc.close_gripper('l') uc.close_gripper('r') uc.command_joint_pose('l', [0]*7, time=2, blocking=True) uc.command_joint_pose('r', [0]*7, time=2, blocking=True) uc.look_forward() # dance 1 for i in range(2): l = [ 0.95, 0.0, np.pi/2., -2, -np.pi*1.5, 0, np.pi] r = [ -0.95, 0.0, -np.pi/2., 0, np.pi*1.5, 0, np.pi] uc.command_head([-1, 0], time=1, blocking=False) uc.command_joint_pose('l', l, time=1, blocking=True) uc.command_joint_pose('r', r, time=1, blocking=True)
#!/usr/bin/env python #Author: Ariel Anders from lis_pr2_pkg.uber_controller import Uber import rospy import os run_dance = lambda x: os.system("rosrun lis_pr2_pkg" % x) announce = lambda x: os.system(\ 'rosrun sound_play "running the %s dance"' % x.replace("_"," ")) rospy.init_node("alldances") uc = Uber() uc.lift_torso() if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("alldances") uc = Uber() uc.look_forward() uc.lift_torso() dances = ["michael","zi", "loc","caelan_clement", "caris_alex", "rohan_ferran"] for dance in dances: # reset arms uc.move_arm_to_side("l", blocking=False) uc.move_arm_to_side("r", blocking = True) #start dances
ARM_JOINT_NAMES = { 'left': ['l_shoulder_pan_joint', 'l_shoulder_lift_joint', 'l_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'l_elbow_flex_joint', 'l_forearm_roll_joint', 'l_wrist_flex_joint', 'l_wrist_roll_joint'], 'right': ['r_shoulder_pan_joint', 'r_shoulder_lift_joint', 'r_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'r_elbow_flex_joint', 'r_forearm_roll_joint', 'r_wrist_flex_joint', 'r_wrist_roll_joint'], } TORSO_JOINT_NAME = 'torso_lift_joint' #Setup node pub = rospy.Publisher('pybullet_cmds', uc_msg, queue_size=0) rospy.init_node("pybullet_test") rospy.loginfo("testing pybullet configurations") #Setup controller uc = Uber() uc.command_joint_pose('l', [0]*7, time=2, blocking=True) #Setup sim physicsClient = connect(use_gui=True) #or p.DIRECT for non-graphical version p.setAdditionalSearchPath(pybullet_data.getDataPath()) pr2_start_orientation = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([0,0,0]) pr2_start_pose = [-.80*k,0,0] pr2 = p.loadURDF("/home/demo/nishad/pddlstream/examples/pybullet/utils/models/pr2_description/pr2.urdf", pr2_start_pose, pr2_start_orientation, useFixedBase=True, globalScaling = 1 ) #The goal here is to get the arm positions of the actual robot using the uber controller #and simulate them in pybullet print str(uc.get_head_pose()) + ','