Пример #1
def get_pin_history_for_user(user_id: int, count: int,
                             offset: int) -> List[PinnedRecording]:
    """ Get a list of pinned recordings for the user in descending order of their created date

            user_id: the row ID of the user in the DB
            count: number of pinned recordings to be returned
            offset: number of pinned recordings to skip from the beginning

            A list of PinnedRecording objects sorted by newest to oldest creation date.

    with db.engine.connect() as connection:
        result = connection.execute(
            SELECT {columns}
              FROM pinned_recording as pin
             WHERE user_id = :user_id
             ORDER BY created DESC
             LIMIT :count
            OFFSET :offset
            """.format(columns=','.join(PINNED_REC_GET_COLUMNS))), {
                'user_id': user_id,
                'count': count,
                'offset': offset
        return [PinnedRecording(**dict(row)) for row in result.fetchall()]
def get_pins_for_feed(user_ids: List[int], min_ts: int, max_ts: int,
                      count: int) -> List[PinnedRecording]:
    """ Gets a list of PinnedRecordings for specified users in descending order of their created date.

        user_ids: a list of user row IDs
        min_ts: History before this timestamp will not be returned
        max_ts: History after this timestamp will not be returned
        count: Maximum amount of objects to be returned

        A list of PinnedRecording objects.

    with db.engine.connect() as connection:
        result = connection.execute(
            SELECT {columns}
              FROM pinned_recording as pin
             WHERE pin.user_id IN :user_ids
               AND pin.created > :min_ts
               AND pin.created < :max_ts
          ORDER BY pin.created DESC
             LIMIT :count
        """.format(columns=','.join(PINNED_REC_GET_COLUMNS))), {
                "user_ids": tuple(user_ids),
                "min_ts": datetime.utcfromtimestamp(min_ts),
                "max_ts": datetime.utcfromtimestamp(max_ts),
                "count": count,
        return [PinnedRecording(**dict(row)) for row in result.fetchall()]
def _pinned_recording_to_api(pinnedRecording: PinnedRecording) -> dict:
    pin = pinnedRecording.dict()
    pin["created"] = int(pin["created"].timestamp())
    pin["pinned_until"] = int(pin["pinned_until"].timestamp())
    del pin["user_id"]
    if pin["user_name"] is None:
        del pin["user_name"]
    return pin
Пример #4
def get_current_pin_for_user(user_id: int) -> PinnedRecording:
    """ Get the currently active pinned recording for the user if they have one.

            user_id: the row ID of the user in the DB

            A PinnedRecording object.

    with db.engine.connect() as connection:
        result = connection.execute(
            SELECT {columns}
              FROM pinned_recording as pin
             WHERE (user_id = :user_id
               AND pinned_until >= NOW())
            {'user_id': user_id})
        row = result.fetchone()
        return PinnedRecording(**dict(row)) if row else None
Пример #5
def get_pins_for_user_following(user_id: int, count: int,
                                offset: int) -> List[PinnedRecording]:
    """ Get a list of active pinned recordings for all the users that a user follows sorted
        in descending order of their created date.

            user_id: the row ID of the main user in the DB
            count: number of pinned recordings to be returned
            offset: number of pinned recordings to skip from the beginning

            A list of PinnedRecording objects sorted by newest to oldest creation date.
        '"user".musicbrainz_id as user_name'

    with db.engine.connect() as connection:
        result = connection.execute(
            SELECT {columns}
              FROM user_relationship
              JOIN "user"
                ON user_1 = "user".id
              JOIN pinned_recording as pin
                ON user_1 = pin.user_id
             WHERE user_0 = :user_id
               AND relationship_type = 'follow'
               AND pinned_until >= NOW()
             ORDER BY created DESC
             LIMIT :count
            OFFSET :offset
            """.format(columns=','.join(COLUMNS_WITH_USERNAME))), {
                'user_id': user_id,
                'count': count,
                'offset': offset
        return [PinnedRecording(**dict(row)) for row in result.fetchall()]
def pin(pinned_recording: WritablePinnedRecording):
    """ Inserts a pinned recording record into the database for the user.
        If the user already has an active pinned recording, it will be unpinned before the new one is pinned.

            pinned_recording: An object of class WritablePinnedRecording

            a PinnedRecording based on the input argument with the addition of a user_id field
    args = {
        'user_id': pinned_recording.user_id,
        'recording_msid': pinned_recording.recording_msid,
        'recording_mbid': pinned_recording.recording_mbid,
        'blurb_content': pinned_recording.blurb_content,
        'pinned_until': pinned_recording.pinned_until,
        'created': pinned_recording.created

    with db.engine.connect() as connection:
            UPDATE pinned_recording
               SET pinned_until = NOW()
             WHERE (user_id = :user_id AND pinned_until >= NOW())
        """), {"user_id": pinned_recording.user_id})

        result = connection.execute(
            INSERT INTO pinned_recording (user_id, recording_msid, recording_mbid, blurb_content, pinned_until, created)
                 VALUES (:user_id, :recording_msid, :recording_mbid, :blurb_content, :pinned_until, :created)
              RETURNING (id)
            """), args)

        row_id = result.fetchone()["id"]
        pinned_recording.row_id = row_id
        return PinnedRecording.parse_obj(pinned_recording.dict())