def main():
    Application to manage the most used packages using apt-get.
    view = View(config.system.actions)
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()

    if('index' in form and form['index'].value != -1 ) :
      packages = getTableRecord( form['index'].value )
      if packages != None :
        composeJS( json.dumps(packages) )
      else :
        composeJS( json.dumps( STOP ) )
    else :
      if ( getAptBusy( ) ):
        view.setContent('Package Management',\
        '<script src="/css/reloadBasedOnStatus.js"></script>\
        The package manager is busy right now. . . \
        This page will automatically reload once the service is available')
        output(view, form)
      else :
        htmlcode = "\n<div id='packages-table'><table id='packages-table-id'>"
        htmlcode += "\n</table></div>"
        view.setContent('Package Management',\
        '<script src="/css/lazyLoading.js"></script>' + htmlcode )
        output(view, form)  
Пример #2
 def _generateMissingDependenciesView(self):
     if ( getAptBusy( ) ):
         html = "<div>It seems that the dependencies of this package are not installed but the OS package manager is busy now. Try again in a moment...</div>"
         html = "<div>The dependencies of this module are missing. Do you want to install them?</div><br/><button onclick=\"getDependenciesFor('" +\
                 self.extensionID + "')\">Resolve dependencies</button>"
     return html
Пример #3
def main():
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()

    if ('index' in form and form['index'].value != -1):
        packages = getTableRecord(form['index'].value)
        if packages != None:
    elif ('op' in form and form['op'].value == 'status'):
        composeJS(json.dumps({'status': not getAptBusy()}))
def main():
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()

    if('index' in form and form['index'].value != -1 ) :
      packages = getTableRecord( form['index'].value )
      if packages != None :
        composeJS( json.dumps( packages ) )
      else :
        composeJS( json.dumps( STOP ) )
    elif ('op' in form and form['op'].value == 'status'):          
        composeJS(json.dumps({'status':not getAptBusy()}))
def main():
    Application to manage the most used packages using apt-get.
    Still in progress.

    form = cgi.FieldStorage()

    if('index' in form and form['index'].value != -1 ) :
      packages = getTableRecord( form['index'].value )
      if packages != None :
        composeJS( json.dumps( packages ) )
      else :
        composeJS( json.dumps( STOP ) )
    else :
      if ( 'action' in form and form['action'].value == 'getPackageList' ) :
        #ajax call response
        composeJS( json.dumps( getPackageList( ) ) )
      elif ( getAptBusy( ) ):
        view.setContent('Package Management',\
        '<script src="/css/reloadBasedOnStatus.js"></script>\
        The package manager is busy right now. . . \
        This page will automatically reload once the service is available')
        output(view, form)
      else :
        #lazyloading will populate the table
        htmlcode = '<script src="/css/lazyLoading.js"></script>\
        \n<script src="/css/autocomplete.js"></script>'
        #enable search feature
        htmlcode += '\n<div class="form-group" style="margin-bottom: 0px;overflow: hidden;">\
        \n<input id="autocomplete" name="filter" \
        onkeyup="filter( \'autocomplete\',\'packages-table-id\',1 )" type="text" \
        class="form-control" style="float:left;width:20%;" placeholder="Search. . .">\
        <div style="padding-top: 10px;">\
            <button id="extensive_search" style="float: right;" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="extensive_search();">\
            Search package</button>\
        htmlcode += "\n<div id='packages-table'><table id='packages-table-id'>"
        htmlcode += "\n</table></div>"
        view.setContent('Package Management', htmlcode )
        output(view, form)  
def main():
    Application to manage the most used packages using apt-get.
    Still in progress.

    form = cgi.FieldStorage()

    if ('index' in form and form['index'].value != -1):
        packages = getTableRecord(form['index'].value)
        if packages != None:
        if ('action' in form and form['action'].value == 'getPackageList'):
            #ajax call response
        elif (getAptBusy()):
            view.setContent('Package Management',\
            '<script src="/css/reloadBasedOnStatus.js"></script>\
        The package manager is busy right now. . . \
        This page will automatically reload once the service is available'                                                                              )
            output(view, form)
            #lazyloading will populate the table
            htmlcode = '<script src="/css/lazyLoading.js"></script>\
        \n<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/jquery-ui.css">\
        \n<script src="/css/jquery-ui.js"></script>\
        \n<script src="/css/autocomplete.js"></script>'

            #enable search feature
            htmlcode += '\n<div class="form-group" style="margin-bottom: 0px;overflow: hidden;">\
        \n<input id="autocomplete" name="filter" \
        onkeyup="filter( \'autocomplete\',\'packages-table-id\',1 )" type="text" \
        class="form-control" style="float:left;width:20%;" placeholder="Search. . .">\

            htmlcode += "\n<div id='packages-table'><table id='packages-table-id'>"
            htmlcode += "\n</table></div>"
            view.setContent('Package Management', htmlcode)
            output(view, form)
def main():
    Application to manage all the most used packages using apt-get.
    view = View(config.system.actions)
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()
    if (getAptBusy( )):
      view.setContent('Package Management',\
      '<script src="/css/reloadBasedOnStatus.js"></script>\
      The package manager is busy right now. . . \
      This page will automatically reload once the service is available')
      output(view, form)
    htmlcode = ''

    ins = open( PACKAGES_LIST_PATH, "r" )
    packages = []
    for line in ins:
      line = line.rstrip() # strip the new line
      packages.append( line )

    allPackages = [[]]
    for pName in packages :
        checkedText = createOnOffSwitch( pName )
        descriptionText = getDpkgInfo( pName, "Description" )
        versionText = getDpkgInfo( pName, "Version" )
        allPackages.append( [ pName, checkedText, descriptionText, versionText ] )
    htmlcode += "\n<div id='packages-table'>"
    htmlcode += HTML.table( allPackages, header_row=['Package Name', 'Status', 'Description', 'Version'] )
    htmlcode += "\n</div>"

    view.setContent('Package Management', htmlcode )
    output(view, form)