def filter_urlquery(url, keys=[], keys_status=False): """Removes unwanted urlquerys :param url: an URL :param keys: list of query names :param keys_status: False = removes querys that are in keys True = allow only querys that are in keys :return: URL with filtered query """ parts = urlparse(url) query_dict = dict(parse_qsl(parts.query)) new_query_dict = {} for key in keys: try: if keys_status is True: new_query_dict[key] = query_dict[key] else: del query_dict[key] except KeyError: continue new_parts = list(parts) if keys_status is True: new_parts[4] = unquote(urlencode(new_query_dict)) else: new_parts[4] = unquote(urlencode(query_dict)) url = urlunparse(new_parts) return url
def update_scheme(current, target): """ Take the scheme from the current URL and applies it to the target URL if the target URL startswith // or is missing a scheme :param current: current URL :param target: target URL :return: target URL with the current URLs scheme """ target_p = urlparse(target) if not target_p.scheme and target_p.netloc: return "{0}:{1}".format(urlparse(current).scheme, urlunparse(target_p)) elif not target_p.scheme and not target_p.netloc: return "{0}://{1}".format( urlparse(current).scheme, urlunparse(target_p)) else: return target
def auth_url(self, url): parsed = urlparse(url) path, _ = parsed.path.rsplit("/", 1) token_res = http.get(self.token_url, params=dict(acl=path + "/*")) authparams = http.json(token_res, schema=self.token_schema) existing = dict(parse_qsl(parsed.query)) existing.update(dict(parse_qsl(authparams))) return urlunparse(parsed._replace(query=urlencode(existing)))
def get_stream_url(self, event_id): url_m = self.url_re.match(self.url) site = or api_url = self.api_url.format(id=event_id, site=site.upper()) self.logger.debug("Calling API: {0}", api_url) stream_url = http.get(api_url).text.strip("\"'") parsed = urlparse(stream_url) query = dict(parse_qsl(parsed.query)) return urlunparse(parsed._replace(query="")), query
def filter_urlquery(url, keys=[], keys_status=False, new_dict={}): """manipulate parameters from an url Examples: All Examples uses this url. url = "" 1. allows only specified parameter and remove all other filter_urlquery(url, ["FOO"], True) 2. same as 1. and add's a custom parameter filter_urlquery(url, ["FOO"], True, {'2FOO2': '2BAR2'}) 3. remove only specified parameter filter_urlquery(url, ["FOO"], False) 4. remove all parameter filter_urlquery(url, keys_status=True) 5. add new parameter filter_urlquery(url, new_dict={'QFOO': 'QBAR', 'AFOO': 'ABAR'}) :param url: an URL :param keys: list of query names :param keys_status: False = removes querys that are in keys True = allow only querys that are in keys :param new_dict: dict of new custom urlquerys :return: URL with filtered query """ parts = urlparse(url) query_dict = dict(parse_qsl(parts.query)) new_query_dict = {} for key in keys: try: if keys_status is True: new_query_dict[key] = query_dict[key] else: del query_dict[key] except KeyError: continue new_parts = list(parts) if keys_status is True: query_dict = new_query_dict query_dict.update(new_dict) new_parts[4] = unquote(urlencode(query_dict)) url = urlunparse(new_parts) return url