Пример #1
def cSpaceSet(d, cmode='istac', clevel=3):
    #FIXME: assumes particular structure for D. Should be a transform.
    uc1 = ucse(d['s1'], 10000, LENGTH)
    uc2 = ucse(d['s2'], 10000, LENGTH)
    rc1 = ece(d['s1'], d['evts1'], LENGTH, LEAD)
    rc2 = ece(d['s2'], d['evts2'], LENGTH, LEAD)
    istacs = {}
    istacs['uc'] = comp(uc2, uc1, clevel)
    istacs['rc'] = comp(rc2, rc1, clevel)
    istacs['c1'] = comp(rc1, uc1, clevel)
    istacs['c2'] = comp(rc2, uc2, clevel)
    istacs['j'] = comp(eqrc((rc1, rc2)), np.column_stack([uc1, uc2]), clevel)
    return istacs
Пример #2
def comp2s(stim1, evts1, stim2, evts2, length=LENGTH, lead=LEAD, compress='no', clevel=0, testprop=TESTPROP,
           bootstrap=BOOTSTRAP, report=None):
    Like compare, but considers the case where there are two stimuli in
    addition to two response sets
    rc1 = ece(stim1, evts1, length, lead)
    rc2 = ece(stim2, evts2, length, lead)
    if compress in DRMODES:
        uc = np.column_stack([ucse(stim1, 10000, length),
                              ucse(stim2, 10000, length)])
        ce = eqrc((rc1, rc2))
        cspace = DRMODES[compress](ce, uc, clevel)
        if report:
            report('Using %i components' % cspace.shape[0])
        rc1 = np.dot(cspace, rc1)
        rc2 = np.dot(cspace, rc2)
    return lltest(rc1, rc2, testprop, bootstrap)
Пример #3
def stacnbackFig(m1, stac=.8):
    stim = gwn.getstim('bl')
    uc = ucse(stim)
    rc = evalSystem(m1, True, cid=0)
    iss = istac.istacspace(rc, uc, stac)['vecs']
    _prow(rc, None, 0)
    rc1 = np.dot(iss.transpose(), rc)
    _prow(rc1, None, 1)
    rc2 = np.dot(iss, rc1)
    _prow(rc2, None, 2)
    f = plt.figure(3)
    f.subplots_adjust(left=.04, right=.99, bottom=.05, top=.99, wspace=.05, hspace=.05)
Пример #4
def runSystems(stimuli=STIMS_BAND_OL, systems=(M200_FO,), stimlength=800, length=60, lead=40,
               label="A", date="", comments="", edet=(1.0, .01)):
    stimuli is a list of "band" parameter tuples. Systems is a list of
    (off, mean, cov) test system parameter tuples. "l" is a stimulus length.
    Constructs each stimulus in the stimulus list, and passes it to each
    if not date:
        date = time.strftime("%m%d%y")
    s = gd.Doc()
    s['label'] = 'iSTACe' + date + label
    s['comments'] = comments
    s['samplerate'] = 1000.0
    s['stimlength'] = stimlength
    s['enslength'] = length
    s['enslead'] = lead
    s['eventgenerator'] = 'peakdet'
    for i, b in enumerate(stimuli):
        sn = "s%i" % i
        s[sn + '._'] = gwn.getstim('bl', stimlength, b)
        s[sn + '.band'] = b
        un = "u%i" % i
        s[un + '._'] = ucse(s[sn + '._'], 10000, length)
    for i, p in enumerate(systems):
        mn = "m%i" % i
        off, mu, sig = p
        d = {'mu': mu, 'off': off, 'sigma': sig, 'cid': i, 'ejit': edet[0], 'ethresh': edet[1]}
        s.set(mn, d)
        for j in range(len(stimuli)):
            en = "e%i_%i" % (i, j)
            sn = "s%i" % j
            d['outpath'] = en
            d['stimpath'] = "->" + sn
            s = s.fuse(acell(s, d)[0])
            s[en + '.stim'] = {'_link': sn}
            s[en + '.sys'] = {'_link': mn}
            rn = "r%i_%i" % (i, j)
            s[rn + '._'] = ece(s[sn + '._'], s[en + '._'], length, lead)
            s[rn + '.stim'] = {'_link': sn}
            s[rn + '.sys'] = {'_link': mn}
    return s
Пример #5
def bigFig(m1, m2, compress='istac', clevel=.85):
    stim = gwn.getstim('bl')
    uc = ucse(stim)
    rcse = evalSystem(m1, True, cid=0)
    rcse2 = evalSystem(m2, True, cid=1)
    rc = eqrc((rcse, rcse2))
    iss = DRMODES[compress](rc, uc, clevel)
    report('Using %i components' % iss.shape[0])
    ll = lltest(rcse, rcse2)
    _prow(rcse, rcse2, 0, 3, True, ll)
    rc1 = np.dot(iss, rcse)
    rc2 = np.dot(iss, rcse2)
    ll = lltest(rc1, rc2)
    _prow(rc1, rc2, 1, 3, True, ll)
    rcb1 = np.dot(iss.transpose(), rc1)
    rcb2 = np.dot(iss.transpose(), rc2)
    #ll = lltest(rcb1, rcb2)
    _prow(rcb1, rcb2, 2, 3, True, ll)
    f = plt.figure(3)
    f.subplots_adjust(left=.04, right=.99, bottom=.05, top=.99, wspace=.05, hspace=.05)