Пример #1
    def test_access_my_int(self):
        """Test access 'my_int' using Python SBProcess.GetByteOrder() and other APIs."""
        exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out")

        target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe)
        self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET)

        breakpoint = target.BreakpointCreateByLocation("main.cpp", self.line)
        self.assertTrue(breakpoint, VALID_BREAKPOINT)

        # Launch the process, and do not stop at the entry point.
        process = target.LaunchSimple(None, None, self.get_process_working_directory())

        thread = get_stopped_thread(process, lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint)
        self.assertTrue(thread.IsValid(), "There should be a thread stopped due to breakpoint")
        frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0)

        # Get the SBValue for the global variable 'my_int'.
        val = frame.FindValue("my_int", lldb.eValueTypeVariableGlobal)

        # If the variable does not have a load address, there's no sense continuing.
        if not val.GetLocation().startswith("0x"):

        # OK, let's get the hex location of the variable.
        location = int(val.GetLocation(), 16)

        # Note that the canonical from of the bytearray is little endian.
        from lldbutil import int_to_bytearray, bytearray_to_int

        byteSize = val.GetByteSize()
        bytes = int_to_bytearray(256, byteSize)

        byteOrder = process.GetByteOrder()
        if byteOrder == lldb.eByteOrderBig:
        elif byteOrder == lldb.eByteOrderLittle:
            # Neither big endian nor little endian?  Return for now.
            # Add more logic here if we want to handle other types.

        # The program logic makes the 'my_int' variable to have int type and value of 0.
        # But we want to use the WriteMemory() API to assign 256 to the variable.

        # Now use WriteMemory() API to write 256 into the global variable.
        new_value = str(bytes)
        error = lldb.SBError()
        result = process.WriteMemory(location, new_value, error)
        if not error.Success() or result != byteSize:
            self.fail("SBProcess.WriteMemory() failed")

        # Make sure that the val we got originally updates itself to notice the change:
            "SBProcess.ReadMemory() successfully writes (int)256 to the memory location for 'my_int'",

        # And for grins, get the SBValue for the global variable 'my_int' again, to make sure that also tracks the new value:
        val = frame.FindValue("my_int", lldb.eValueTypeVariableGlobal)
            "SBProcess.ReadMemory() successfully writes (int)256 to the memory location for 'my_int'",

        # Now read the memory content.  The bytearray should have (byte)1 as the second element.
        content = process.ReadMemory(location, byteSize, error)
        if not error.Success():
            self.fail("SBProcess.ReadMemory() failed")

        # Use "ascii" as the encoding because each element of 'content' is in the range [0..255].
        new_bytes = bytearray(content, "ascii")

        # The bytearray_to_int utility function expects a little endian bytearray.
        if byteOrder == lldb.eByteOrderBig:

        new_value = bytearray_to_int(new_bytes, byteSize)
        if new_value != 256:
            self.fail("Memory content read from 'my_int' does not match (int)256")

        # Dump the memory content....
        if self.TraceOn():
            for i in new_bytes:
                print("byte:", i)
Пример #2
    def access_my_int(self):
        """Test access 'my_int' using Python SBProcess.GetByteOrder() and other APIs."""
        exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out")
        self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)

        target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe)
        self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET)

        breakpoint = target.BreakpointCreateByLocation("main.cpp", self.line)
        self.assertTrue(breakpoint, VALID_BREAKPOINT)

        # Launch the process, and do not stop at the entry point.
        process = target.LaunchSimple(None, None, os.getcwd())

        thread = get_stopped_thread(process, lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint)
        self.assertTrue(thread != None, "There should be a thread stopped due to breakpoint")
        frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0)

        # Get the SBValue for the global variable 'my_int'.
        val = frame.FindValue("my_int", lldb.eValueTypeVariableGlobal)

        # If the variable does not have a load address, there's no sense continuing.
        if not val.GetLocation().startswith("0x"):

        # OK, let's get the hex location of the variable.
        location = int(val.GetLocation(), 16)

        # Note that the canonical from of the bytearray is little endian.
        from lldbutil import int_to_bytearray, bytearray_to_int

        byteSize = val.GetByteSize()
        bytes = int_to_bytearray(256, byteSize)

        byteOrder = process.GetByteOrder()
        if byteOrder == lldb.eByteOrderBig:
        elif byteOrder == lldb.eByteOrderLittle:
            # Neither big endian nor little endian?  Return for now.
            # Add more logic here if we want to handle other types.

        # The program logic makes the 'my_int' variable to have int type and value of 0.
        # But we want to use the WriteMemory() API to assign 256 to the variable.

        # Now use WriteMemory() API to write 256 into the global variable.
        new_value = str(bytes)
        error = lldb.SBError()
        result = process.WriteMemory(location, new_value, error)
        if not error.Success() or result != byteSize:
            self.fail("SBProcess.WriteMemory() failed")

        # Make sure that the val we got originally updates itself to notice the change:
                    "SBProcess.ReadMemory() successfully writes (int)256 to the memory location for 'my_int'",
            startstr = '256')

        # And for grins, get the SBValue for the global variable 'my_int' again, to make sure that also tracks the new value:
        val = frame.FindValue("my_int", lldb.eValueTypeVariableGlobal)
                    "SBProcess.ReadMemory() successfully writes (int)256 to the memory location for 'my_int'",
            startstr = '256')

        # Now read the memory content.  The bytearray should have (byte)1 as the second element.
        content = process.ReadMemory(location, byteSize, error)
        if not error.Success():
            self.fail("SBProcess.ReadMemory() failed")

        # Use "ascii" as the encoding because each element of 'content' is in the range [0..255].
        new_bytes = bytearray(content, "ascii")

        # The bytearray_to_int utility function expects a little endian bytearray.
        if byteOrder == lldb.eByteOrderBig:

        new_value = bytearray_to_int(new_bytes, byteSize)
        if new_value != 256:
            self.fail("Memory content read from 'my_int' does not match (int)256")

        # Dump the memory content....
        if self.TraceOn():
            for i in new_bytes:
                print "byte:", i